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Author: pinko

usana - No 1 in the world (serius)

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Post time 1-7-2008 08:35 AM | Show all posts
usana... ubatnya mmg bagus....

tapi mahal gaban.....

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Post time 2-7-2008 12:17 PM | Show all posts
Chairman aku dan DF aku makan ler....Chairman aku siap soh aku ambil ubat ni...maleh aku nak makan supplement2 ni....aku bukan jenis disiplin orgnyer.....tapi All the Best ler utk sumer yang makan...aku tgk boss aku sihat alhamdulillah, dier ni diabetic......tapi biler emel Usana masuk...sumer aku delete...maleh nak bacer

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Post time 3-7-2008 07:23 AM | Show all posts
aku tak reti nk komen apa2..

cuma nk petik je kata2 ni..dr web yg aku jumpa masa search this product.

"I am a nutritionist - the reason why your health improved after taking the supplements is because you were deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. You could have bought the same items far cheaper and still had the same results. Many of my clients have used/are using Usana but do equally well on store bought supplements. My issue with Usana is that ANYONE can sell it. However, there is no consultation or identification of need and very often people are spending a fortune on something that they do not need and will be of no benefit to them. Worse still, there are certain medical conditions where mis-prescribing particular supplements can lead to serious health issues. One of my clients had a serious bowel condition, made much worse by the supplements he had been recommended to take by a Usana agent (confirmed by his specialist at the hospital). I am not saying that Usana is a bad product but the focus is on selling as much as you can, rather than identifying what the individual might need, or (more importantly) what they should avoid!!"

yg penting: pls amik tau, apa shj yg kita amik, esp supplement.

[ Last edited by  bezita60 at 3-7-2008 07:25 AM ]

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Post time 3-7-2008 07:57 PM | Show all posts
aku dah turn-off dgn USANA, sbb salah sorang dr.. erm.. kire distributor la kan (tak pasti istilah ape yg USANA gune) cube nak promote kat kite soh join team dier, tp dier ni jenis pakse2. jenis yg taleh terime org ckp 'no'.

kite dah ckp kite tanak join, sbb dah join Herbalife dan Xango, takkan nak tambah USANA plak kan. tp org tu tak puas hati gak. bile kite ckp tak interested.. kene maki plak. siap ckp kite poyo la itu la inila.. pestu siap burukkan Herbalife plak. adeh.

so sorila ye.. saye bebetul turn-off la dgn USANA ni. nampak je perkataan USANA tu pon dah tak suke.. sbbkan sorang ni.

kepoyoan nye tersgtla terserlah..

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Post time 3-7-2008 08:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #37 cocorine's post & #38 pinko's post

aku setuju dgn cocorine.

seme org ade pendpt masing2. biarlah derang nak ckp ape pon pasal product awak tu. kite as penjual kene terime ape derang ckp tu. kalo awak (pinko) tak puas hati derang punye komen.. awak citer la kebaikan USANA tu. ehehhe. jgn la emo lelebey. jgn la sbb org dah gertak sket, awak lak emosi.

tak baik ckp org punye komen 'tak berilmiah'. sape la nak beli kalo penjual dah label kite 'tak berilmiah'.

nape ye aku rase awak ni lebey kurang same mcm org dr USANA yg approach aku dulu.

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Post time 4-7-2008 09:14 AM | Show all posts
aku dah makan supplement usana ni...

aku bagi supplement ni kat parents aku.. so far both of them doing well... tapi kalau aku makan jer supplement ni .. sure aku cirit punya.. hahahahhaha
tapi ... i feel so energatic compared as aku makan dose nyer cuma 1 tablet for 1 day.... aku tak der ler kedarah sampai 3 tablet perday....

member aku ni takder ler sibuk ler suruh aku join usana ni...aku cuma belik guna dia nyer discount jer... aku cuma makan tuk kebaikan diri jer... hmmm disamping tu aku pun sudah termakan dengan ini produk pasal aku baca buku : What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You: Ray D. Strand: Books as suggested by my fren about the product..

kah kah kah.. lepas aku baca buku ni.. terus aku belik....

errr now i have doubt plak bile you guys discussed pasal MLM ni...

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Post time 5-7-2008 03:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #46 rosqistina's post

salam qis,kalau u mkn,elok la..teruskan makan..sebiji sehari pun takpe..untuk suplementary u..kalau yg kronik tuh,disarankan la mkn lebih..usana nih terbukti,insyaAllah berkesan.. kita nih,usaha dan mencuba je..demi diri yg ingin melihat kebahgiaan anak2(kalau ada anak@ bakal dapat anak ) kalau u ada rexki lebih,u beri ur parents u mkn pun sb u syg dorang and ingin dorang sehat..bukan yg lain tuh tak sayang..cuma belum ada rexki,u all boleh beli supplement lain juga..cuma,Usana nih dah ramai case nyer,org mkn dan allhamdullah...kalau tak 100% pun 60% ada lah perubahan kebaikan nyer..

So..berbaloi mencuba nyer kalau u all mencari supplementary yg proven...okey... Peace!~

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Post time 31-8-2008 04:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #45 adieha's post


sekarang ni tengah usha USANA, nak tau detail produk yg boleh hilang 5 kg dlm 5 hari tuuuu...marilah berkempen kat saya...yang terror dn penyabar saja dijemput...sebab saya ni susah sikit ;)

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Post time 31-8-2008 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 ctredzuan's post

ye lah tu...

lama menyepi minah ni..kalu pinko berdebat ngan dia kan best hik hik hik

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Post time 2-9-2008 10:58 AM | Show all posts
tengah fight dalam USANA ni..dapat 2k seminggu pun dah cukup makan..lepas target kecik2 (sebenarnya besar 8k sebulan tu) barulah pikir nak target 80k pulak..

nak banding gaji sekarang..

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Post time 3-9-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
apa benda ni?

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Post time 6-9-2008 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aznao0o0 at 31-8-2008 04:56 PM

sekarang ni tengah usha USANA, nak tau detail produk yg boleh hilang 5 kg dlm 5 hari tuuuu...marilah berkempen kat saya...yang terror dn penyabar saja dijemput...sebab saya ...

saya dah mula program RESET Usana. untunglah rasanya mula pada bulan ramadhan. sebab sahur dengan nutrimeal, bukak puasa dengan nutrimeal, badan tak penat langsung. harapan saya agar dapat turun 3kg dalam masa 5 hari ni. Haliza Misbun turun 5kg coz dia rajin bersenam.

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Post time 6-9-2008 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahmad78 at 6-9-2008 11:39 PM

saya dah mula program RESET Usana. untunglah rasanya mula pada bulan ramadhan. sebab sahur dengan nutrimeal, bukak puasa dengan nutrimeal, badan tak penat langsung. harapan saya agar dapat tu ...

sehari berpuasa memang tak ada rasa lapar dan perut tak langung berkeroncong dengan program RESET Usana ni. Ya Allah, semoga berjaya program kurus aku kali ini. dah banyak produk aku cuba sebelum ni, dan dah berapa RM dihabiskan duit.

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Post time 16-9-2008 09:54 PM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah..dalam masa 7 hari..berat badan saya turun sebanyak 3 kg dengan RESET program ini

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Post time 19-9-2008 08:14 PM | Show all posts
ramai geng MLM aku dah joint Usana plaks...  heran gak aku naper dorg tak fokus.. tapi dorg blum dtg closing aku lg.. maybe dorg nak try test dulu keberkesanannya kot...
tp yg aku tahu Usana nih best produk in d world.. sbb dah baper tahun berturut2 dier ajer dpt tempat pertama.. bukan aku fanatik kata dier best yer.. tapi aku tak tahu nak ukur ngan apa.. bila dpt tempat pertama ajer.. aku anggap bagusla...
so mana geng Usana nih.. meh la stori-mori kat aku nih.. nak gak aku tahu detail nih...

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Post time 8-10-2008 03:10 PM | Show all posts
last 2 years ada org approach aku buat USANA ni.. so aku contact RnD dia.. ni jawapan dia.. tapi 2tahun lepaih punya ceritaa laa..
ada certain produk yg okay.. pandai pandai laa


Here is the information that I could find for you:

USANA makes every effort to avoid using ingredients that contain animal products or by-products. However, it has not been possible to eliminate such ingredients from our nutritionals entirely. Small amounts of gelatin are associated with the beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin D used in our tablets. This gelatin is added by the primary manufacturer of these raw ingredients, and is used to form the materials into dry, flowable beadlets. This beadlet form is necessary for the materials to be incorporated into dry tablets, and it is essential for long-term stability. The gelatin used for the Coquinone, E-prime, Palmetto Plus, and BiOmega 3 gelcaps is derived from beef and/or pork.

Currently there is not a reasonable alternative for the gelatin used in the gel-capsules. There is such thing as vegetable derived gel-caps, but the technology for these gel-caps is not sufficient yet to maintain the standard of quality and stability that are necessary for Usana products. Vegetable capsules are very brittle, crack easily, and thus, have a very poor shelf life. Vegetable capsules are also difficult to use in filling machines because of their fragility. USANA continually researches methods to improve our products. If the vegetable capsules in the future achieve better results, we may consider using them in our product line.

The Gelatin used in our products is certified to be from BSE (Bovine Spongioform Encephelopathy) free sources by the manufacturer.

As a simple breakdown for the products:

• Mega Antioxidant - small amounts of gelatin-beadlets for the beta-carotene, mixed carotenoids, and vitamin D (any quality tablets with beta-carotene, carotenoids, or vitamin D will have the gelatin beadlets. If they do not, they are simply not even worth taking as these elements are extremely unstable).

• Chelated Minerals (Multimineral) - no animal by-product

• Proflavanol - no animal by-products

• Body Rox and Usanimals - beta-carotene and vitamin D in gelatin beadlets

• Coquinone - capsule

• Garlic - no animal by-products

• BiOmega 3 - fish oil, capsule

• E-prime - capsule

• Poly C - no animal by-products

• Active Calcium - vitamin D gelatin beadlets

• Calcium chewable - gelatin beadlets, honey powder

• Procosa II - most commercially available glucosamine sulfate is derived from the outer shells of crustaceans. It is highly processed and purified leaving no remaining animal constituents

• Phytoestrin - no animal by-products

• Palmetto Plus - capsule

• Ginkgo PS - no animal by-products

• Visionex - lutein gelatin beadlets

• Soyamax - no animal by-products

• Nutrition Bars - Lemon Fibergy Bar and Berry Bar (kosher fish gelatin) & Peanut Butter Crunch [whey protein (milk)]

• Nutrimeal and Fibergy - whey protein (Strawberry and Chocolate Nutrimeals) and a small amount of sodium caseinate (a milk derivative)

• Optomega - no animal by-products

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Thank you,

Christee Camp

Distributor Services 801-954-7200

Order Express 888-950-9595

Preferred Customer 866-872-6272

Fax 800-289-8081

#3 in Business Week & #5 in Forbes 2005 & #1 in the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements!

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Post time 11-10-2008 11:10 PM | Show all posts

jangan ragu-ragu lagi..ianya Halal skrg ni


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Post time 11-10-2008 11:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahmad78 at 16-9-2008 09:54 PM
alhamdulillah..dalam masa 7 hari..berat badan saya turun sebanyak 3 kg dengan RESET program ini

utk kurus macam awak 7 hari turun 3kg tu kena beli apa dalam usana ni, berapa rm?tulis kat sini jangan pm ye. jangan iklan yg lain2, jawap soalan yg di tanye saje

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Post time 12-10-2008 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ctredzuan at 11-10-2008 11:55 PM

utk kurus macam awak 7 hari turun 3kg tu kena beli apa dalam usana ni, berapa rm?tulis kat sini jangan pm ye. jangan iklan yg lain2, jawap soalan yg di tanye saje

saya makan :

Nutrimeal : RM94.00 (set utk 7 hari)

Dan untuk tidak melesukan, set Vitamin Lengkap, yang diberi nama Essential, RM194.00 (set utk 30 hari)

Kalau nak tahu mcamana rupa nutrimeal, boleh lihat gambar di bawah ni...yang Haliza Misbun pegang.

[ Last edited by  ahmad78 at 12-10-2008 04:16 PM ]

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Post time 12-10-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts

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