Kedai handphone yang anda 'suggest' untuk beli handphone
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Reply #40 nanie's post
Kedai nokia tu lah, buy 1, 20% untuk pembelian ke2..  |
Reply #41 princebrunei's post
tatau pon. nak g bli laaa |
Reply #43 princebrunei's post
saper2 yg poergi nanti.....boleh bg review skit.....betui atau dak diskaun sampai 70%...manalah tahu....dr 100 Bijik HP yg dijual....hanya sebijik je yg ada diskaun sampai 70%....biasalah....nak kasik mata terbeliak skit dgn diskaun sampai 70% tu...  |
Balas #44 medangmru\ catat
A'a, tak pun HP yang obselete. kalau saper yang nak beli atau survey tu bleh la bg review kat kitorg... |
Reply #43 princebrunei's post
nak bli 1 je pon....klo bli 2 xmo same brand. |
Reply #47 nanie's post
Ko gi lah try meilau gi danau kota setapak malam nih..  |
Reply #48 princebrunei's post
yg dekat pon xpegi...lg nak g jauh. ari tu SE distributor. thorus techno ade wat sales. opis die bwh ni je. level 17. xpegi pon.  |
cik nanie...hp ape yg awak nk beli...blh sy bg 'champion' price...sy part time jual handphone...tp website xde lg la,in future mayb...so if sesape nk beli hp just pm me k...I will give u good price...tq |
jgn bli henpon kt kdai NPC kbmall...NPC ni byk cawangan...da 2kali kne..dpt nset rosak n prasan ble da blk umah..g blk nk tkr 2 dia ckp xleh sbb slh kte xcek btol2..ade plak g2..pas2 ble baiki dr bln 12 ari 2 smpi skrg xsiap2 lg...:@ :@
[ Last edited by medangmru at 23-3-2009 10:19 ] |
aku rs kedai yang ramai org tak semestinya kedai tu jual HP ori atau Ap set ori..mungkin diorg tertarik dengan harga yang diorg papar kat Hp tu..bila kita tgk ramai org singgah kat kedai tu, kita pun terikut sekali nak tengok. Mesti ada kutu di sebalik rambut harga yang diorg letak tu " wow murahnyeee" dan manaikkan nafsu kita utk membelinya.Ni salah satu taktik diorg nak mempengaruhi org sekitar. satu lagi, korang jgn takut bila korang masuk atau tgk harga HP kat mane2 kedai yang boleh dikatakan exclusive tu mahal..malu bertanya terlepas peluang memiliki HP idaman korang.percayalah harga RM2000 (papar) boleh menjadi RM1500..MAYBE ITU LAH HP ORIGINALL SET  |
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Balas #34 donvito73\ catat
Betul aku pun boleh caya dengan mamat kedai tu |
kalau kat area JB korang bleh try pegi kat 1 kedai ni kat taman U die dkat2 ngan Jusco...name kdai tu MYPHONE...stakat ni HP yg aku belikat situ semua ok..takda masalah....:victory:
[ Last edited by medangmru at 23-3-2009 10:19 ] |
Originally posted by kusaka_masato at 16-3-2009 21:32 
kalau kat area JB korang bleh try pegi kat 1 kedai ni kat taman U die dkat2 ngan Jusco...name kdai tu MYPHONE...stakat ni HP yg aku belikat situ semua ok..takda masalah....:victory:
kat jb bkn byk hs recon ke |
Originally posted by mynt at 17-3-2009 16:56 
nwa..leh bitau x latest price for SE k810 & k850? x kesah la ori or AP..
btw ape beza AP & ori? slalu compius.
k810-RM680(AP) and RM780(ORI)
K850-RM930(AP)..sory ori no stock
beza AP and ori...hmm...kalo nak senang paham camni la:
ble u beli nokia ori,u akan dpt warranty 1 year(cth).dan dlm masa setahun ni kalo h/p u rosak u blh hantar/claim ke mane2 service center nokia di seluruh malaysia
but ble u beli AP,u akan dpt warranty 18bln(bergantung kpd supplier)and dlm masa warranty tu kalo hp u problem,u xbleh anta sbarang kedai,but u kena hantar ke tpt dimana u beli hp tu,so kedai tu yg akan arrange nnt(cth if u beli dgn saya u hantar blk kat sy)
contoh diatas adalah perbezaan yg mudah,and kalo nak perbezaan yg panjang citer sket baca kat bwh ni:
Original Set
- Nokia authorized distributors are Zitron, Avaxx and i-Mobile.
- Sony Ericsson authorized distributors are T-Choice, Grandtech, Midlands and Thorus.
- First Mobile Group (FMG) is the main distributor of Samsung phones.
- FMG is giving 18 months warranty.
- Motorola authorized distributor are Satellite Technics, Zitron and MDM.
- Siemens authorized distributors are Zitron and FMG.
- Panasonic's authorized distributor is Zitron.
- LG's authorized distributor is Zitron.
- u can service your phone at any service centres (Nokia Professional Centre, Sony Ericsson Certified Service Centres...)
- 1 year warranty for the full set including charger, battery, handsfree.
- genuine parts are used for repairing.
AP Set
- Approval Products
- mainly imported from oversea and sell it to the consumers.
- AP set warranty by companies such as Final Choice, CSL, Nefion, Telstra, GTMax...etc
- 1 year warranty for the phone and 1 month for the accessories like charger, battery, handsfree.
- u must bring your phone back to the place u bought the phone for servicing.
kalo nak lg panjang,bc bwh ni(sory malas nk translate )
If you have an AP set with Vodafone or T-Mobile logo, it means that your phone might be locked. Those Vodafone or T-Mobile are the service operators in the UK and that's where the phones come from. Not all AP sets have the logo. AP sets are Approved Products which means that these products are certified by sirim that your product is safe to use.
In other words, AP product not brought in by the authorised distributor like Midland, T-Choice for SE, Avaxx or Zitron for Nokia, FMG for Samsung and etc. The phones can even come from Singapore and may even have the M1, Singtel or Starhub logo. Remember to check the phone if it is locked especially those from Singapore and Vodafone.
AP sets has different level of QC. Big AP companies like Final Choice, GTMAX, Nefion, Telstra, O'Connors have extensive QC checks. Others like MSL, YS, PLANTRONICS or names not mentioned above, are slightly cheaper than the above. Whether they replaced their parts with other stuff, its another question.
AP set actually pay government tax but is juz that they are not taxed by the Local Authorised Dealer. AP set is normally distributed by small handphones companies and they might stop business anytime.
Futhermore if there's major damage on your AP set, the AP companies might not have enough equiptment to fix it. At the end, they still have to send it to the authorized dealer (eg. Zitron, Avaxx).
at the end of the day,dari segi kualiti,AP ngan ori sbenanye same je...cume dr segi warranty satisfaction je la ORI ada advantage sket.btw,its up to u to choose,ada duit byk beli la ori,kalo bajet sket beli la AP
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nwa, thanx 4 da info~
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