aliimran Post at 9-12-2009 15:28 
utk infor bersama.....dibahagian tengah gmbr ni kelihatan tompokan / kawasan seperti berawan.
ini merupakan sebahagian Bima sakit (milky way) yang mana sistem solar kita berada...
sistem solar kita berada pada salah satu daripada lengan milky way, dan imej terbut adalah center milky way. |
superb betul..teringin gua tengok live bende nie... |
24# adeknana
salam, haha persoalan yg dilontarkan pernah memeningkan kepala sy jugak....
sebenarnya saiz bulan adalah sama di mana2 seperti yg diterangkan oleh me ai....
ia buleh dibuat dengan cara zoom.....
contohnya, katakanlah kita nampak bulan macam biasa(saiz kecil yg biasa kita lihat) di hujung ufuk dan di hujung ufuk itu ada sebatang pokok besar tapi terlampau jauh utk kita nampak...
bila kita zoom pakai kamera, bulan akan jadi besar termasuk dgn pokok2 tu sekali....maka akan keluarlah gambar pokok dan bulan yg besar dlm pandangan kamera tu....faham tak....padahal bulan dan pokok tu kecil jer.
ataupun pikir camnie la, kaedahnya sama seperti mengambil satu gambar bulan di satu ufuk(gambar biasa) yg mana saiz bulan adalah kecil macam biasa, kemudia masukkan dalam paint....
select area kecil(segi-4) dekat2 dengan gambar bulan, ambil area segi-4 bulan tu secara copy, dan paste kat window paint yg baru pastu besarkan gambar.....maka ajdilah gambar bulan besar....camtu lah kaedah zoom tu utk lebih mudah difahami......
di mana bila kita zoom, semua akan besar....sehingga kita pikir yg gambar bulan tu besar, padahal tidak , ia hanya zoom kamera...
correct me if im wrong please....coz sy pun tak sure...to be honest... |
Mars and a Colorful Lunar Fog Bow

Explanation: Even from the top of a volcanic crater, this vista was unusual. For one reason, Mars was dazzlingly bright two weeks ago, when this picture was taken, as it was nearing its brightest time of the entire year. Mars, on the far upper left, is the brightest object in the above picture. The brightness of the red planet peaked last week near when Mars reached opposition, the time when Earth and Mars are closest together in their orbits. Arching across the lower part of the image is a rare lunar fog bow. Unlike a more commonly seen rainbow, which is created by sunlight reflected prismatically by falling rain, this fog bow was created by moonlight reflected by the small water drops that compose fog. Although most fog bows appear white, all of the colors of the rainbow were somehow visible here. The above image was taken from high atop Haleakala, a huge volcano in Hawaii, USA. |
so, speechless...bestkan kalau leh terbang2....sampai ke puncak awan.. |
Waterway to Orbit

Explanation: The 32nd shuttle mission to the International Space Station, STS-130, left planet Earth on February 8. Its early morning launch to orbit from Kennedy Space Center's pad 39A followed the long, graceful, eastward arc seen in this 2 minute time exposure. Well composed, the dramatic picture also shows the arc's watery reflection from the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge, in Ponte Vedra, Florida, about 115 miles north of the launch site. In the celestial background a waning crescent Moon and stars left their own short trails against the still dark sky. The brightest star trail near the moon was made by red supergiant Antares, alpha star of the constellation Scorpius.
Credit & Copyright: James Vernacotola |
skilled sungguh photographer ni... |
skil+photoshop sikit2..tapi tu la..skil dia dah mengatasi photoshop tu...tabik spring satuuuppp! |
2 min exposure....
jarak roket tu dah pun cecah puluhan kilometer.. |
ko mmg terbaik |
seminggu aku tunggu.. last minute launch aborted..
penat jer... tak penah dapat witness lagi...
aku cuba lain kali plak....... cantik kan  |
Post Last Edit by aurorae at 24-3-2010 01:08
sebenarnya aku pun pernah nampak bulan penuh yg sangat besar masa travel ke arah laut atlantik (dari barat --> timur) di New Jersey. Masa tu bulan kelihatan betul2 berdekatan atas laut (garisan horizon). Aku tak pernah nampak bulan sebesar itu di Malaysia. Tp malangnya masa tu takde kamera. |
cantiknya tq whos posting this want subhanallah |
34# aliimran
cam fantasi je... yang lain mmg masyaallah, subhanallah... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi