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Author: ipes2

THYROID: ask your questions here..

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2014 01:26 AM | Show all posts
u boleh pegi to a family doctor je pun, and ask for thyroid function tests.
bila dapat, bagitau I T4, T3, TSH dia kat I

and yes, thyroid issue bleh cause loss of hair

may I know your age? PM if u'd rather do that

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Post time 10-10-2014 09:52 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 10-10-2014 01:26 AM
u boleh pegi to a family doctor je pun, and ask for thyroid function tests.
bila dapat, bagitau I T ...

doc,dah pm..tqvm..


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 Author| Post time 11-10-2014 05:23 AM | Show all posts
IbuEra posted on 10-10-2014 09:52 PM
doc,dah pm..tqvm..

cool; we can discuss personally or also in the open forum (org lain can learn too; tapi if u r not comfotable and prefers privacy, go personal).
insyaAllah we can sort something out

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Post time 12-10-2014 03:01 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 11-10-2014 05:23 AM
cool; we can discuss personally or also in the open forum (org lain can learn too; tapi if u r not ...

tq doc..i dont mind to share..tunggu lepas buat tyroid test nanti i share kat sini hehe...tqvm doc.


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Post time 12-10-2014 11:07 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 9-10-2014 06:26 PM
u boleh pegi to a family doctor je pun, and ask for thyroid function tests.
bila dapat, bagitau I T ...

doc saya pun ada masalah rambut gugur banyak....ada kawan ckp mungkin thyroid....

apa tanda-tanda thyroid ek doc?....kalau tetiba berat badan turun, itu pun thyroid ke?

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2014 04:12 PM | Show all posts
soraya posted on 12-10-2014 11:07 PM
doc saya pun ada masalah rambut gugur banyak....ada kawan ckp mungkin thyroid....

apa tanda-tan ...

askm soraya:
bila hyperthyroid, you will have signs and symptoms of higher metabolism:
tachycardia, palpitations, sweaty palms, red palms, you would feel anxious and panicky; you hyeprvetilate, peolpe will see u as fidgety, restless and anxious or even hyperactive. you tendon reflexes are very brisk, you will lose weight, gets diarrhoea, always hungry; you will lose weight and your periods will be thin and infrequent; you can have itchy skin and lose your hair from your scalp; u commonly will have very fine tremors esp in your hands. you will feel tired. you bleh dapat goitre and if you have Grave's Disease, you will get bulging or staring eyes.

hypothyroid is the opposite:
you will appear slow, you will put on weight, you mapak cam malas or depressed; blood clotting system u will slow down, so lambat la blood you clot, so, periods you panjng and heavy; reflexes you is slow, you will be prone to constipation, hair you jadi wiry, you will lose outer third of your eyebrows

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Post time 13-10-2014 05:01 PM | Show all posts

Saya ada hypothyroid hampir 3 thn.Under medication  Euthyrox 100mg daily maintain hampir setahun. Saya mengandung kali 3 dah 9 minggu. Kali ke-2 tahun lepas tapi gugur. dah jumpa dr aritu, memandangkan bacaan TSH & T3 darah saya normal masa regular check up dkt endocrine aritu, so dr maintain. Lepastu p kat Klinik Kesihatanuntuk buat kad merah dan dr masa tu kata "saya mungkin tukar ubat awak" Appointment saya 2 minggu lagi dengan dr Klinik kesihatan tu. Saya cuma risau dr KK dan endocrine saya bercanggah pendapat..

Ada apa2 makanan yang saya perlu pantang sepanjang tempoh kehamilan?

Terima kasih Dr

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2014 06:20 PM | Show all posts
batrisyan posted on 13-10-2014 05:01 PM

Saya ada hypothyroid hampir 3 thn.Under medication  Euthyrox 100mg daily maintain hampir set ...

askm B,
sebelum kawin very important to take folic acid.
masa pregnancy esp fisrt trimester, be very careful that you dont take nedications that can cause fetal malformations; thru out your pregnancy also you should be mindful of taking meds that have fetal toxicity side-effects; always ask your doctors what they are giving you and always tell them you are pregnant.

i take it by 100mg you meant 100mcg. In any case, we would like to keep the TSH in a very narrow band to prevent problems to the developing foetus.

May I know what meds changed by the KK doctor?
Did you not ask why that Dr changed your meds. As a patient you have the right to know.

Samada pendapat doctors tu bercanggah ke tak will depend on the reasosns why the kK doctor's new findings.

Make sure you are not on ACE inhibitors masa pregnant ni... ramai sgt doctors kat mesia tak check apa side-effects meds yg depa prescribed and bila bad things happened eg anak cacat, atau anak low IQ atau keguguran, akan keluarlah 'itu sudah Takdir'. Qada and Qadar tidak membawa maksud sebegitu

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Post time 13-10-2014 10:52 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 13-10-2014 09:12 AM
askm soraya:
bila hyperthyroid, you will have signs and symptoms of higher metabolism:
tachycard ...

walaikmslm dr..

thanks for the explanation......drastic sgt symptom yg dr bagi tu....mungkin saya tak termasuk golongan ada sakit thyroid kot....tapi rambut gugur banyak la....kurang iron kot...

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Post time 14-10-2014 09:20 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 13-10-2014 06:20 PM
askm B,
sebelum kawin very important to take folic acid.
masa pregnancy esp fisrt trimester, be  ...

Terima kasih Dr..

My mistake i didnt take folic acid before pregnant. During my 1st trimester, the only medication i took are Euthyrox and folic acid and  1 tablet of panadol last week due to the high fever.  Saya ada masalah alergik kepada sesetangah makanan dan selalunya saya ambil cetrizine.

Dr KK belum tukar apa2 medication lagi. dia cuma kata "saya mungkin akan tukar medication awak" waktu perjumpaan kali pertama saya dulu. Tapi saya akan consult dgn kedua-dua dr nanti bila appointment saya dengan dr KK dan dr endocrine yg ke-2 next week.

Alhamdulillah, i am not an ACE inhibitor.

Tapi dr, benarkah thyroid dan pregnancy perlukan perhatian yg sangat khusus? maksud saya, adakah ia membahayakan? Jujurnya, bila saya tahu saya pregnant, ada sikit gusar di hati ini...

Last edited by batrisyan on 14-10-2014 09:24 AM


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 Author| Post time 15-10-2014 03:53 PM | Show all posts
batrisyan posted on 14-10-2014 09:20 AM
Terima kasih Dr..

My mistake i didnt take folic acid before pregnant. During my 1st trimester ...

yes in the west ni, we really keep people who are hypothyroid a very close eye on. kita buat TFT every 2 weeks and keep their TSH 0.45-2.5 je; ie very narrow. if not, rosak baby: you can read n google yourself.

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2014 03:56 PM | Show all posts
soraya posted on 13-10-2014 10:52 PM
walaikmslm dr..

thanks for the explanation......drastic sgt symptom yg dr bagi tu....mungkin sa ...

Soraya; those are the symptoms of thyroid problems; hyperthyroidism memang drastic and can be suspected by looking at the patient. hypothyroidism ni subtle sikit.

alopecia is common but distressing and often, teratment nye unsatisfactory selagi the underlying cause is treated. i wrote before to someone here about it; you can read thru that one.

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Post time 16-10-2014 07:34 PM | Show all posts
salam doktor,

saya ada hypertyroid dan lagi beberapa hari saya kena buat RAI..doktor hanya suruh saya pantang seafood dan sardin dlm tin juga ikan2 laut...yg lain2 saya makan..saya juga minum susu...sebab saya dah pening nk fikirkan apa yg boleh dimakan ni...adakah pemakanan saya tu akan effect RAI saya nanti...

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2014 03:57 AM | Show all posts
abbyhoney posted on 16-10-2014 07:34 PM
salam doktor,

saya ada hypertyroid dan lagi beberapa hari saya kena buat RAI..doktor hanya suruh  ...

waalaikumussalam and sorry for late to answer.. I was so busy
yes, there are food yg u can avoid or should, namely goitrogens.. I mentioned these before in this thread

make sure u dah stop neomercazole for at least 1 week prior
make sure u paham what it is RAI
how much mBq depa nak bagi kat u?
these are short radioactive waves je but still radioactive so do your part and avoid being on buses or trains..
avoid pregnant women or small kids
keep indoors and flush toilets twuice after u pee
do these for 7-10 days.
be careful, jgn spread radiation to others

update me on how it goes
if u become hypoT4 after don't worry

of note, do you have Graves disease? if so be mindful of your eye symptoms

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2014 03:57 AM | Show all posts
abbyhoney posted on 16-10-2014 07:34 PM
salam doktor,

saya ada hypertyroid dan lagi beberapa hari saya kena buat RAI..doktor hanya suruh  ...

overall don't worry..RAi ni quite common

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Post time 22-7-2015 08:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi doctor.. Saya ada kawan yg tengah pregnant n her blood test result shows she is having a thyroid.

12 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.005 (0.390 - 0.410)
Ft3: 5.38 (2.13-4.17)
Ft4: 2.35 (0.83-1.71)

14 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.010 (0.56 - 4.3)
Ft3: 4.10 (2.4-4.5)
Ft4: 1.8 (1-1.7)

18 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.010 (0.56 - 4.3)
Ft3: 2.67 (2.4-4.5)
Ft4: 1.14 (1-1.7)

Boleh doctor komen tentang thyroid kawan saya ni? Her doctor doesnt explained so much, so dia pun takde idea what was happening. So betul ke dia ada thyroid? Adakah membahayakan pada kandungan? Ada effect pada baby dalam kandungan tak?

Ikutkan dia takde mengalami apa2 symptom pun. Thyroid pun tak membengkak.

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2015 10:06 PM | Show all posts
candycrushsaga replied at 22-7-2015 08:57 PM
Hi doctor.. Saya ada kawan yg tengah pregnant n her blood test result shows she is having a thyroid. ...

First thing first; apakah Unit yang Candy quote ni?
Pelik sikit Normal Range (NR) yang Candy bagi ni.
Usually, T4 is not quoted like that. Ni tentu unit yang berbeza

TSH, T4, T3 ni bergantung pada labs.. jadi range dia berbeza.
Juga, Units yang diberi adalah berbeza ie SI versus Metrics.

Kita di Mesia ikut UK tau, tapi each lab mungkin guna assay yg berbeza, machine yang berbeza; kita quote TSH, T4 and T3 macam ni, eg:
TSH NR is 0.3 - 5.0 U/mL
T4 NR is 9.0 - 23.0 pmol/L (or 0.7 - 1.8 ng/dL)
T3 NR is 3.0 - 7.0 pg/mL (or 3.1 - 7.7 pmol/L).

Bagi kat saya units for each. Thanks.

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Post time 23-7-2015 04:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 22-7-2015 10:06 PM
First thing first; apakah Unit yang Candy quote ni?
Pelik sikit Normal Range (NR) yang Candy bagi ...

Hehe.. Sorry doctor cause termalas nak salin unit dia... Okay saya update semula.

12 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.005 (0.390 - 0.410 micro IU/ml)
Ft3: 5.38 (2.13-4.17 pg/ml)
Ft4: 2.35 (0.83-1.71 ng/dl)

14 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.010 (0.56 - 4.3 micro IU/ml)
Ft3: 4.10 (2.4-4.5 pg/ml)
Ft4: 1.8 (1-1.7 ng/dl)

18 weeks pregnancy
Tsh: 0.010 (0.56 - 4.3 micro IU/ml)
Ft3: 2.67 (2.4-4.5 pg/ml)
Ft4: 1.14 (1-1.7 ng/dl)

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 Author| Post time 26-7-2015 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Thanks Candy,
Sorry lambat jawab sebok beraya.
Now oncall hu hu..teringin je nak beraya lagi..

So kwn awak ni ada hyperthyroidism.
Tapi dari week 12 to W18, dia Nampak ada improvement (dari blood tests la), dan ini adalah penting.
Nampak seolah olah dia diberi ubat. Ada ubat yang doctor bagi ke?
Biasa nya carbimazole tetapi if pregnant kita bagi propylthiouracil (PTU).  Carbimazole boleh buat baby cacat, jadi kita tak guna if pregnant.

Update saya ek? especially diagnosis dia ie the cause of her hyperthyroidism, ie is it Grave's Disease, is it Hashimoto's thyroiditis etc ect

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Post time 29-7-2015 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Edited by abbyhoney at 29-7-2015 04:45 PM

salam doktor,

saya update selepas RAI bulan 10 hari tu ye..

Bln 1 2015, temujanji saya dgn doktor, saya diletakkan di bawah subclinical...tak payah makan ubat. Symptom2 yg teruk masa hyper tu dah kurang. Dah tak rasa panas gila2 lagi, berpeluh teruk pun dah tak ada dan yg penting tangan dah tak menggigil lagi. Alhamdulillah.

Temujanji yg terbaru pada 27/7/2015 yg lepas. Doktor kata saya dah jadi hypo pulak dah. Patutlah saya rasa berat saya makin naik, muka pun dah tembam sebab metabolisma saya dah kurang. Boleh cepat gemuk walaupun tak banyak makan.. Rambut saya gugur teruk smpai takut nk sikat. Adus...tension saya. Tak ada ubat yg doktor bagi cuma kena senaman. Sekrg saya amalkan zink, jus delima, madu, cuka epal...

Sekrg kena fikirkan mcmana nk kawal berat badan ni sebab bila berat bertambah kita jadi malas, lutut pun sakit.
Cuma yg tak berkurang masalah takut nk jumpa doktor. Takut tengok alat tekanan darah tinggi tu..Setiap kali ambil tekanan darah mesti bacaannya tinggi. Dengan berdebar2nya tak boleh kawal. Tension gila saya. Doktor suruh saya beli alat tekanan darah tinggi dan buat sendiri kat rumah. Tengok mcmana kemudian bila next appointment bawa keputusan tu tunjuk kt doktor.

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