Syazzy replied at 6-4-2015 08:20 AM
dia ada bercinta dgn pengkid tak before dia kawin? aku dah mcm stress kepala bila dpt tau dia berc ...
Xde plak pengkid.
Pengkid ni kene penangan..mmg payah..
Sama sama la berdoa agar dia xhanyut lebih jauh..
Risau juga tu...bile jauh dari mata...
Nak dimarah diherdik..dh berakal n matang. Haiya.... |
tu lah kan..... hish.... cuma mampu berdoa je....
I used to have a friend who was respectful of his parents. Then he had a serious coughing problem for three years, and then he coughed up blood. He told me he could not stop arguing with his parents and getting angry all of the time to the point of using very harsh words to his parents. After going to the doctors and specialists nothing came out conclusive, until.. dia jumpa ustaz kat Darulshifa Melaka. Somebody gave him santau and he showed me the pics of powdered glass coming out from his back.
The moral of the story is Syaitan is very real, he is your true enemy. In order to remove the chances of your relative to be under the influence of sihir- hence the rapid change in behaviour, just gave her drinks spiked with yassin or ruqyah readings, she might not want to drink it, or if she did, she will show some bad reactions. If nothing happens, then you can be relatively sured that the causes could be one of the mentioned reasons by the forumers.. |
Waalaikumussalam Gotham...
the problem here is... we cant locate where she stay right now.
there were once, she was followed from behind by her brother...and suddenly vanished...hilang just like that.... tak tahu masuk simpang mana...just hilang...
when we text her..she said "tak nak diganggu" and even change her phone number.
kalau terjumpa somewhere in mall etc...she will go the other directions to avoid from meeting...
boleh buat rawatan jarak jauh..several practitioners that I know could do this..one is Darul Manzil, my sifu. Another is Ustaz Azrin (www.urutbatinrawatsihir.com), also my sifu. Ustaz Syakirin uses traditional methods in calling back reluctant persons and he also can scan. Ustaz Azrin is away climbing mountains..might be difficult to get hold of him. At the same time please do yassin 7 mubin for 40 days straight..stopping at each mubin and make the same dua. Other people that I know make tahajud every day for several months..Also when one is prostating during prayers is also the best time time to make dua..the clue is persistency. InsyaAllah the sihr will be lessen as the dua and methods increase over time..remember --persistency!!
In addition, make it a habit to make dua for the sihr to go and then recite surah baqarah 102 every day. Sihr will be weakened even if the person is far.
You can also try this website
http://www.benhalimaabderraouf.f ... n-catching-remotely
if everything comes back to normal then give hadiah to him through paypal
The crux of the matter is that you will be using many methods of attacking and defending at the same time. One method or approach is usually not enough or takes a long time to be successful. The dua takes care of both nonsihr and sihr issues, while the other methods attack the sihr, that way you are solving the problem using a two-pronged approach. Hope this helps
akula203 posted on 1-4-2015 05:41 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
As salam...
360 degree betul perubahan dia....ada ke sama mcm ke budak genius kat uk dulu tuh...? ...
ble ko ckp ni teringat aku citer baby ana milik sapa??? dpn semua org mmg dia baik... pakai tudung semua.... tp sbnrnyer dia x nak wat tu semua...
Aku rasa mmg ada benda xkena...cmne pun kite memberontak,nk berubah xkan nye nk buang family. Paling ramai yg buat blk kg berlakon-tutup litup.
Aku dh ingat2 lupa citer sepupu member aku. Sepupu member ni aku nama kan Ina. Ina ni mmg sosial lah,seksi...asal kelantan. Dia penah couple dgn pengkid. Yg aku ingat, Ina citer kt area balakong ke puchong ntah ada bomoh ke pak aji ntah... umah org tu slalu penuh dgn mat rempit lah,bohsia lah dll. Tujuan diorg nih bnyk antara yg ina citer nk IKAT pasangan guna darah tuu sebut nama penuh dgn gmbar. Tp,pakcik yg berubat tu ckp klu dh mmg xde jodoh xguna gak.
Mase tu Ina dgn pengkid dia pegi berubat pulih semangat pas accident kete terbalik.
hurm ujian Allah untuk uncle u..ada masa jejak pengkid tu dengan amy duk mana..selalunya dorg dok serumah tu.. |
Hmm. Culture shock. Ade juga kawan yang macamni. Depan parents lain, belakang parents tido rumah boyfriend. Siap si boyfriend kerumahparents ddia ajak keluar, mak ayah benarkan. Tapi tak tau belakng parent macam2 buat. : |
pehhhh.... macam tu jadik nye yerk... mungkin ade kebenarannya kata-kata forumer y lain.. dari kecik dia dikongkong dah besor die cuba nak bebas.... aku seolah olah dapat bayangkan kehidupan dia sekarang... bersabarlah t.t ... mudah mudahan dia akan kembali ke jalan yg lurus... semoga allah memahatkan , menguncikan, hati hambanya itu pada jalan kebenaran.... hidayah itu milik allah...
kalau dia kena buatan org ... ermmmm mungkin tidak kot...
Kalau dia terkena buatan orang , boleh dilihat hasilnya nanti ..
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