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Edited by manjalara_01 at 26-11-2015 06:41 PM
uu...prasan x?..we allz..terkluar topic sgt...
p/s: i x riso psl rezeki she allz...kiki kalau x keje pun xpe...rezeki mmg dh melimpah ruah.. 10 keturunan die x keje pun xpe....just cause i peminat..emo...biase la tu..
oh salah . bulan april . lambat nauu la kalau bulan 6 hik3 ..
yg chuols cite ni psl robsten ek ? i tot rob ngn twiggy .. sbb theols minat same la xley g jauh .. i tot so .. hmm .. kiki pnye kening nmpak okay la .. tebal skit jek pon .. nice whut .. nmpk sgt classy .. dont u think so ?
weolsss mmg dah offtopic sgt .....
nnt more more pix of charlize k .. iols mls nk gugel .. chuols paste la sni ... gmbo promo @ red carpet depa .. k k ? hihihi
iye chuolss .. yg i ckp ni kening fake si kiki ni lew .. iols tgk first look sheols utk film coco chanel ... cntek bg iols .. iols suke ..
nnt chuols bkk laaa benang coco chanel klu da bnyk info .. iols join nnt .. heheh
ok u..hehe...miscommunication rupenye..
x tgk ape2 movie ke hujung mggu ni?
aritu nak layan mockingjay p2 .. tp .. mls la ttibe .. hahahah .. pastu bce review kata kurg umphhh .. mmg donlot jek la nnt lalalala ... skang musim2 haloween lg kan .. asyik cite antu je kua .. iols kalo cite antu omputeh kureng skit .. sbb tau mst kurg umphh ..
so tunggu cite chris hemsworth, in the heart of the sea ..and cite the wave .. len2 thn dpn je laa .. heheh ..
amboi tunggu chris hemsworth jek....ehehhehe
the wave psl ape?...
i pulak..kadang x caye kan reviews ni...bukan ape..
cause maybe pd org len..movie tu x best...tp pd i movie tu best...
so more pd ikut hati la....
i bg cadangan...kalau ttiber mood u berubah...
cer tgk "insidious"....tgk online la...skrg mmg xde showing...
x sangka i movie hantu mat saleh dh up balik....lepas tgk conjuring...i was like wow..
insidious tu...arahan james wan jgk..so...mmg x disappointing...lame dh x tgk citer hantu hollywood yg best...
the wave , film norway .. ala cm bese pasal bencana alam . iols tertengok trailer smlm . nampak cam gempak . tp as usual la , kalau dah banjir cam nak kiamat tu .. kalau boleh survive tu mcm karut la kan . tapi iols nak layan jgk . sbb suka tgk effect air tu .. serammmm ..
insidious 1 the best for me .. yg 2nd x seram sgt ... yg 3rd pon x seram sgt ... conjuring pon seram .. hehehe ... slain cite seram iols suka film thriller bunuh2 .. chuols ad list x ? hehehe ..
Kak teh suka jessica chastain...suka start tgk film dgn barat pitt lagi....a tree of life...pas tu the help. Dari seorg unknown tetiba jadi meletop tahun 2011 dulu kan...ada 6 movie muka dia.
Emily blunt pun minat gak...first movie yg kak teh tgk film romantik seram...yg kereta tersangkut kat tgh blizzard ka hapa....lupa dah..
the help mmg best....
tp yg movie emily kereta tersangkut..tu blum kot..citer ape agaknye tu..
manjalara_01 replied at 30-11-2015 04:31 PM
the help mmg best....
tp yg movie emily kereta tersangkut..tu blum kot..citer ape agaknye tu..
Ntah...dah lupa...tahun 2008/9 i tgk.....lelaki yg tolong dia tu rupa2nya dah ninggal...ala2 ghost/city of angel lah.... |
kan ? iols klu tengok film bencana alam ni .. lebih rela tengok yg based on true event gitu .. kalau ciptaan, iols akan rse cam x logikkk .. hik3 ..
cerita freddy tu , waktu iols tengok zmn iols bebudak , iols rasa seremmm sgt . bile now tengok balik , iols rse , x seramnyaaa !!! cerita scream iols tgl yg latest 2 ke 3 thn lepas ... iols suka .. wktu tu iols tgk kt wyg ngn kwn iols .. kwn iolss menjerit cm histeria tau x . iols tukang tenangkan beliau .. miahahah .. pas tgk scream 5 tu .. trus iols cri cerita2 scream yg lme .. x bes sgt pun .. bese2 jek .. hahaah ..
ted bundy cerita ap chuols ? iols x tgk lagi yg tu .. zodiac cerita mamat jake tu khen ?? dah tgk .. x mnusuk dikalbu iols sgt .. x ckup seremmm .. hehehe ..
cerita ni dah ada dlm simpanan .. tp tak tengok lg .. best kah ?
Edited by manjalara_01 at 5-12-2015 01:00 PM
yup..me too..based on true story mmg best...
ape2 genre filem pd i..so far blum pernah disappointent..
yg i suke insidious ni...concept dua alam tu ade...mcm dlm nightmare on elm street tu...
suke idea tu..cause its really scary... ..yea lu...insidious 1 je yg paling seram..
yg ke-2 not as good..tp meremang bulu roma jgk...
ted bundy...ade di youtube..u..google je..full movie...
yes..zodiac....jack berlakon....tp pd i mmg suspence movie ni...& kualiti.....
walaupun slow...eheheh
iols actually x suka sgt cerita hantu .. tp sbb suka kan elemen seram , iols layankn jugak ... mostly i suka cerita crime thriller .. about murder la .. hehehe .. mmg diakui film insidious dan conjuring filem hantu yg seram la .. yg lain2 tu .. biasa2 je kan .. ha lg 1 yg wt iols tkujat2 bila tgk, cerita sinister .. yg ke 2 iols x tgk lg ... tak sangka cerita ni pon bes .. seram ..
nnt iols youtube cerita ted bundy tu ...
cerita zodiac iols tgk smpi ttdo .. kjp2 bagun .. tpikir .. mne pmbunuhnya tak muncul2 ? hahaha .. iols suka cerita bunuh2 yang pmbunuhnya misteri .. chuols pernah tengok cerita the collector .. huh ! serammmm and mengilukan heheheh
dulu2...i minat jgk...citer2 serial killer etc...ni semua...
tp since...rajin jgk bc suratkhabar...ahahah....well...u connect the dots je la...
i was like..hhmm...kat m'sia ni pun dh jadi mcm kat US...ade tu...tanda2...beginnings...
anyway..cut short...i terus x minat dh...tgk...cite2 mcm tu....
i prefer citer hantu dari citer serial killer....anytime...
oic .. cmtu ea chuols .. skang pon iols jrg jumpe cite2 serial killer yg betul2 iols punya taste ... mostly cerita a bit cliche .. so iols fed up n terus tgk genre len ..
chuols , ad updt baru ke psl movie ni ??? gosip2 ke ? ehehe
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