saje nak tambah info psl simbol2 illuminati ni. sebelum ni manja pun kurang paham tentang kegunaan simbol2 ni dlm iklan2, music video, filem2 hollywood, simbol pd mata wang, architecture
mcm yg forumer saifulperak sebut tu
Di Malaysia ada tiang obeliks kat Putrajaya.Tiang mcm kat white house dan di vatican city tu.
Rupenye simbol2 tu digunakan utk nak "memberitahu" umum bahawa mereka ni dah mempengaruhi hidup kite dlm pelbagai aspek kehidupan kite tanpa kite sedari atau tidak.
Lagi satu simbol2 ni digunakan sbg tanda mcm tatoo pd kumpulan gengster yg menguasai satu2 kawasan. Mcm tu jgk mereka. Dlm klip video ni ade huraian tentang simbol burung hantu yg byk terdpt pd bangunan2 kerajaan di washingston & jgk di kawasan luar bangunan2 tersebut (tgk dari birds eye view.)
in short, simbol2 illuminati spt segitiga digunakan dlm upacara black magic & pemujaan setan.
bleh nampak "the all seeing eye"...? 1- mid valley KL
bleh nampak logo ni? logo ni maksudnye golongan freemason ni pakar dlm architecture.x silap manja asalnye die org pembina cathederal dekat eropah.
2- Alamanda Putrajaya
Xde ape yg nak dipelikkan psl anti-christ ni sbb team illuminati ni mmg anggap mereka yg paling superior sbb mereka anggap lucifer tu la "Tuhan" mereka, so buat ape nak geng dgn agama lain kan? agama2 lain sekalipun semuanye mendorong pd kebaikan tp "agama" mereka pulak sebalik nye.
Illuminati symbols are all around us.
Although significant time is dedicated to tracking down and exposing Illuminati symbolism in the media, little or no time is spent explaining why the otherwise secretive Illuminati inserts their sacred images and brands for all to see.
Thankfully, some of the most dedicated researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and David Icke have offered their theories on why the Illuminati is obsess with symbols. Furthermore, some Illuminati whistleblowers have also put forward their versions of why and how the Illuminati uses symbols.
Note: The purpose of this article is not to determine whether or not the Illuminati is real or not. I’ve written on the modern Illuminati and the Bavarian Illuminati. I’ve also compiled a list of top illuminati symbols from Illuminati lore and illustrated many symbols used by the Illuminati of Bavaria in their rituals.
Traditionally, symbols are used to convey complex information in a simple manner. (i.e. No smoking sign, Stop sign) However, in the case of the Illuminati and other societies, it’s not always so simple…
In occult circles, symbols have double meanings allowing them to be displayed in public with only the Initiated, the Elect, is able to decode their true meaning and significance.
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.”
~ Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
I’ve compiled a list of 16 possible reasons why the media is saturated with Illuminati signatures. What is their motivation for allegedly covering the world with symbolism.
Possible reasons are listed starting with the most conspiratorial down to the not-so-conspiratorial.
A number of Illuminati researchers believe in the existence of a secret government black op codenamed Project Monarch. Dealing with sophisticated mind control, victims have described the program has a flawless version of the well-known CIA MK-Ultra Project.
They claim the Illuminati has been able to achieve high-efficiency in programming mind-controlled victim via symbols inserted in movies, books, and televisions. The Illuminati uses Disney films such as Fantasia or Alice in Wonderland to program mind-controlled slaves. (I’ve touched on this a little bit here.
15% of voters say the government or the media adds mind-controlling technology to TV broadcast signals.
Specific and pre-established symbols are inserted into the media in order to trigger hidden programs in Monarch, MK-Ultra and other mind- controlled victims.
This has been popularized in films such as The Manchurian Candidate (1962, 2004) where the Queen of Diamonds triggers a sleeper agent to turn assassin. In Telefon (1977), words from a Robert Frost poem activate human time bombs. In Zoolander (2001), the song Relax is used to brainwash and trigger yet another model to assassinate the Malaysian prime minister.
Passages from The Catcher in the Rye are rumored to have triggered Mark David Chapman to murder John Lennon.
The Illuminati uses mass communication devices such as televisions, radios, and computers in order to broadcast negative energy on a massive scale.
Symbols are inserted in the media in order to entice often unsuspecting viewers and lure them into the occult.
A few Christian Fundamentalist researchers such as John Todd and Jack Chick believe that Rock music albums contained demons that lure listeners into the occult world.
Modern fundamentalist researchers G. Craige Lewis and Professor Griff continue in this tradition seamlessly applying the same rhetoric and scare tactics to hip-hop music.
Some researchers believe the Illuminati uses symbols in order to taunt members of the public who have awaken to their game and make them appear crazy to non-believers, thus effectively marginalizing them.
Like a dog urinating on its territory or a rancher branding its cattle, the Illuminati brand its property by displaying its symbols.
The Rockefeller family is known for branding their properties with the colors red and blue. It is unknown whether or not they lift their rear leg when doing so.
Symbols of the Illuminati are used to desensitize us to violence, greed and depraved sex acts.
Conditioning includes subtle forms of predictive programming to prepare the public for planned social changes. (Ex: Numerous Zombie movies and TV shows subtly getting us ready for a planned population-culling epidemic.)
Musicians prominently displaying symbols of the Illuminati are relaying their willingness to enter the Illuminati, pledging their allegiance, or tribute to their Illuminati masters.
The Illuminati uses the mainstream media to pass on messages to its ever watchful minions while the general public remains ignorant of what they are seeing.
Those in-the-know are able to identify in Illuminati signals foreshadowing coming events. Foreknowledge of upcoming events and crisis give insider time to make plans, investments, divestments, and other preparations for upcoming event.
An especially appalling practice where Illuminati symbols or signs are deliberately taken out of their contexts in order to support a claim. This is different from a misunderstanding because it is done intentionally with the aim to deceive.
For example, after briefly demonstrating the Roc-Sign at 2:34, Jones predicts that his critics will use a still to make false claims. Sure enough, they did just that.
A symbol‘s meaning is given as something it isn’t.
The satanic horns sign is often confused with the University of Texas’ Hook ‘em Horns sign or the American Sign Language sign for “I love you.”. Predictively, some contend that both signs were chosen because they were Satanic.
Jay-Z’s Roc-A-Fella symbol, representing a “rock” or a diamond is often thought to symbolize a pyramid.
The artists, writers and producers are quite aware of the popularity of Illuminati and other occult symbolism and insert them in their products in order to draw attention and sell more widgets
The artists, writers,and/or producers are aware of Illuminati symbols and insert them in media in order to troll the public. Earlier this year, an anonymous graphic artist came forward and claimed to having done just that.
“I’d find a way to incorporate something in the graphics, usually small and out of the way — maybe a reference to the Illuminati or Freemasonry — just to f*ck with anyone who noticed it. I also liked using symbols created by John Dee, who was a 16th century alchemist and occultist, like the esoteric Monas Hieroglyphica, or just simple, but well-known things like the pentagram or the eye in the pyramid.”
~ Anonymous as told to Gabriella Garcia
(uncensored in original text)
NO. 15 ILLUMINATED MUSE[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]The artists and/or writers are inspired by Illuminati symbols and include them in their work. The numerous symbols attributed to the the Illuminati symbols are a source of inspiration.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]The cartoon series Gravity Falls contains tons of Illuminati, Masonry, and Alchemy symbols which is consistent with the show’s supernatural/ conspiratorial theme.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]Case in point, the villain is a one-eyed pyramid demon called Bill Cipher.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]
pareidolia /ˌpæraɪˈdəʊlɪə/
1. the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]Whether it be elephant shapes in cloud formations or faces on the surface of Mars, the mind occasionally sees things that are simply not there.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]Sometimes a triangle is just a triangle.
to be honest, sentimen ai psl illuminati nih 50/50 sebegitu... mcm kewujudan alien. ada ke, takde ke ai tak kesah
anyhoo ni yg ai pernah baca;
Persatuan ini dimulakan beberapa ratus thn dulu oleh rakyat Jerman Adam Weishaupt, yg berpegang kuat dgn sekularism dan pemikiran rasional... Dia nak join Freemason, tp tak mampu bayar yuran kemasukan. So dia start persatuan the Order of Illuminati... tempat terkumpulnya free thinker, anti religious yg percaya akan self knowledge, social reform etc. Ini secara tak langsung menggugat pihak konservatif dan gereja, terus diharamkan. Jadi Illumanti bergerak secara underground... hinggalah sekarang.
Illuminati seumpama ibu kpd segala teori konspirasi... memula pihak fasis tuduh Illuminati nih ciptaan Yahudi, lepas WW2 ada kaitan dgn komunis. Latest ni barulah ada agenda New World Order yg terdiri drpd kerajaan US, PBB etc. -- sekumpulan pemuja2 Satan, yg ada connection dgn anti-Christ. Selain itu ada org kata, ahli2 Illuminati dan Freemason nih 'lizard people' yg menyamar sbg pemimpin dunia
Dulu ai percaya sgt, tp dah berumur ni bagi ai illuminati sbg persatuan memang wujud tp dipergunakan oleh golongan religious utk momokkan rakyat marhaen. Celebrities kekonon ahli illuminati yg berpengaruh pon mcm enjoy jah dgn limelight dan perbincangan org ramai mengorek2 lagu dan filem dia org. There's no such thing as bad publicity kaann hahaha Anyhoo, berdasarkan theory conspiracists... KALAU iya pun retis mcm Beyonce, Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Kanye West nih illuminati, kira amateurs dan tahap slaves jah... yg powerful adalah waris2 dari 13 buah keluarga.
Apa yg di tulis ni sikit je. Ni psl brainwashing using MK of Illuminati tools. Belum masuk sub2 level dlm organisation Illuminati and 13 bloodline lg.mau picah kepala.
uhuhuh..manja pun blum sampai "research" ke tahap 13 tu
tp ni manja nak kongsi skit gambar2 wang kertas yg ramai speku ade simbol2 illuminati.
cth paling ketara & paling mendpt perhatian ialah wang kertas dollar amerika. sehingga hari ni simbol seperti piramid & all seeing eye masih diperdebatekan. antara punca perdebatan kerana terang2 ia tiada kaitan dgn amerika.ade byk lagi..
at same time jom jenguk duit rm kite...sblum ni ingat nak cari sndiri last2 x jumpe. bile google baru jumpe. genious betul org yg discover simbol ni...
manja x dpt jumpe pulak yg korang bleh try...senang je. lipat tp jgn sampai habis bleh nampak all seeing eye kat bahagian transparent tu...
wang kertas 1 pound pun bile dilipat2..ttiber jadi all seeing eye..sorry sgt lappy/thread ni buat hal x dpt nak share kat sini gambarnye...
salah ni. freemason bukan sebarang org boleh sertai..
freemason yg asal sebenarya adalah pertubuhan arkitek underground yg hanya akan reveal themselve to some geniuses person..
bukan semua boleh join apatah lagi kalau ada yg mengatakan pertubuhan ni mengenakan yuran tertentu. karut je. tu palsu punya.
mereka ni bukannya base kpd agama, ttp lebih menjurus kpd minat yg sama.. iaitu seni dlm architecture dan senibina bangunan yg brilliant.
no wonder some of them are muslim including our sultans.
kalau minat baca artikel uneks dlm bod sejarah dulu, sultan ibrahim III terkenal dgn senibina istana tyersall yg ghaib dlm hutan singapore dulu..
dan ade lagi... sultan kelantan also one of the famous freemasonary, cuma aku pun still lack of idea apakah ciptaan dia yg brilliant tu.. ghaib camtu je, but.. its somewhere underneath dlm hutan tu.. i believe..
freemason could be anyone.. xkira bangsa, agama ttp miliki satu persamaan.. gila mencipta senireka yg hebat dan pastu menghaibkannya supaya menjadi teka teki kpd generasi seterusnya.thats why simbol freemason adalah alat geometri dan maths. mereka adalah jurutera yg suka membina lain dari yg lain.sesiapa yg mampu penuhi syarat ni baru diterima jemputan. sgt rare..
dan aku lebih berat utk mempercayai bahawa freemason ada kaitan dgn pertubuhan tertua didunia iaitu priory of sion.
dan ada pendapat lain yg mengatakan freemason bermula sejak dari era nabi sulaiman lagi.. expecially ttg istana ratu balqis tu.
ok stop about freemason. aku tahu mmg ramai yg x sependapat dg aku.
now, lets focus to illuminiti.. ianya ditubuhkan sbg tindakbalas kpd freemason dn ianya based on sentimen keagamaan expecially yahudi zionis dan one world order mereka.
lebih parah lg mereka berjaya alter sejarah freemason dan ramai yg menganggap both pertubuhan ni adalah sama dari segi matlamat.
sebenarnya tak. tak pasal2 simbol mata dajal tu dikaitkan sekali dgn simbol geometri freemason. jilake.
regim zionis adalah bangsa yg gagal. everyone knows it. tp mereka berjaya mengaitkan diri mereka dgn kehebatan freemason yg asalnya cuma based kpd minat terhadap arkitek dan engineering..
same happen to masjid al aqsa. illumiiti berjaya mempengaruhi masyarakat dunia dan mengalihkan pemikiran kita bahawa masjid al aqsa tu sbnrnya adalah dome of rock, padahal itu bukanya masjid sebenar.
Sbb matlamat mereka adalah nk meruntuhkn al aqsa dn mencipta mitos palsu kewujudan kuil haiqal sulaiman di tapak yg sama.
byk contoh lg.. tragedi holocaust misalnya.. mereka berjaya menimbulkan cerita bangsa israel adalah bangsa yg agung dan mulia dan menuntut tanah suci umat islam itu.
illuminiti mmg pandai mengawal minda kita dn memesongkan perkara sebenar, dn dlm masa yg sama mengaitkan asal usul mereka didlm pertubuhan genius lain yg xde kena mengena dgn mereka pun. umpama masuk bakul angkat sediri laa..