aduhhh cunnya kek tu..menggoda sungguh..ni teringin nak buat ni.. |
salam..nak tanya sikit..
tqah buat topping red velvet, guna resepi cream cheese 250gm, mascarpone cheese 250gm, non diary whipping cream 300gm dgn gula icing lupa pulak beratnya.
tapi toppingnya jadi lembik, nak pipe guna nozle pun xboleh..tak jadi bentuk. nak buat mcm mana ya? |
salam..nak tanya sikit..
tqah buat topping red velvet, guna resepi cream cheese 250gm, mascarpone ...
atiqah_bea Post at 21-6-2011 20:09 
Mmg buat topping kalau campur ngan mascarpone half and another half cream cheese lain,topping mmg lembik. Takleh nk wat deco sgt. Kalau jenis camni buat plain deco jer.  |
Mmg buat topping kalau campur ngan mascarpone half and another half cream cheese lain,topping mmg ...
serikandi_gurl Post at 22-6-2011 12:57 
oooo..kalau yang deco buat swirl sume tu guna resepi topping yg mcm mana? terima kasih byk2.. |

ni contoh RV cc yg tqah buat..deco buruk je..dah la time ni sepupu nak beli.  |
Reply 586# serikandi_gurl
ooo..mcm tu..mksdnya tak perlu guna mascarpone cheese? hehe..ok, terima kasih!  |
Reply serikandi_gurl
ooo..mcm tu..mksdnya tak perlu guna mascarpone cheese? hehe..ok, terima ka ...
atiqah_bea Post at 22-6-2011 19:31 
Tak perlu tu terpulang. Lain cream cheese Sudah pasti lain rasanya. Kalau terasa nk mascarpone boh mascarpone, kale nk rasa phil cheese boh pula Phil cheese  |
Post Last Edit by ayjay at 23-6-2011 16:32
lemon tu letak satu sudu ikut sukatan cuka tu jugak kan...
err... ai letak soda bikarbo ...
airwickss Post at 30-5-2011 05:41 
ada beza. kalau ada guna lemon juice or cuka or buttermilk dalam resepi kek, only baking soda will do the trick. kalau guna baking powder, dia tak naik. another thing, kalau guna susu ditambah cuka atau lemon juice, biarkan selama 10-15minit. guna susu full cream, whole milk. brand magnolia is the best. kalau dutch lady tu bukan susu betul.
RVC ni bukan ada apa specialnya sangat. it's just a mild chocolate kek yang diletak pewarna merah yang sangat2 banyak. tak elok kalau kanak-kanak makan especially yang memang jenis hyper-active. tak faham why people get so hyped out about this cake. it's so over-rated. 
anyway, this is the recipe i use for the topping:
250g cream cheese (dikeluarkan dari peti ais dan tunggu sehingga agak lembut)
250g mascarpone (sama macam cream cheese, keluar dari peti ais dulu)
130g icing sugar (diayak)
350ml whipping cream
- cream the mascarpone & cream cheese sehingga sebati, then masuk icing sugar. nak letak sedikit esen vanilla pun okay tapi kalau setakat nak guna vanillin atau vanilla murah lebih baik tak payah.
- bila dah sebati masukkan whipping cream (mesti WHIPPING cream iaitu jenis yang boleh diputar menjadi whip cream) sedikit demi sedikit
- bila dah masuk semua whipping cream, putar laju sedikit sehingga frosting pekat dan boleh di pipe kan. jangan over-whip.
** cream cheese frosting ni tak cair dan mascarpone tidak menjadikannya cair sebab ada whipping cream yang akan memekatkannya semula. |
my sis in law laks ckp..overrated tui kek ni
aini01 Post at 24-5-2011 11:04 
hahaha! exactly my thought too. not to mention makan pewarna merah yang berlebihan. 
actuallynya kek apa pun kalau guna buttermilk akan jadi moist. |
Reply 589# ayjay
guna non dairy whipping cream ya? |
nak tanya kalau replace butter ngan shortening boleh tak?
nazadiyah Post at 30-5-2011 11:04 
shortening ni ada beza dengan butter.
first of all, shortening has a much higher melting point than butter. kalau in making cookies, boleh tengok beza cookies guna butter lebih kembang. shortening have no taste.
butter also contains fat solids from milk as well as water.
kalau resepi calls for butter and you replace it with shortening, the final product won't be as perfect as intended sebab shortening is 100% fat while butter cuma dalam 85% fats with the rest being water and milk solids. but if you're not a stickler to perfection, then the difference probably isn't noticeable. but then, surely tak 'rasa' dan 'bau' butter kan? butter flavoring tak sama dengan the original taste and smell.
anyway, shortening is hydrogenated fat which is bad for your health. it turns to bad cholesterol as soon as u eat ;)
bottom line .... boleh saja guna shortening untuk gantikan butter if you don't really care. but why would you use tasteless grease? unless kalau orang berniaga nak jimat cost (!) atau ada specific reason to do so (allergic to dairy products). perhaps kalau nak sub pun maybe 50-50. |
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Reply ayjay
guna non dairy whipping cream ya?
kodoklawa Post at 23-6-2011 07:58 
i always use dairy whipping cream. my favorite brand is President. kalau tak ada boleh guna Emborg atau Elle & Vire. |
Reply serikandi_gurl
ooo..mcm tu..mksdnya tak perlu guna mascarpone cheese? hehe..ok, terima ka ...
atiqah_bea Post at 22-6-2011 19:31 
yup, tak perlu jika tak nak. the original frosting untuk RVC ni memang cream cheese frosting saja. yang guna mascarpone ni macam variasi baru gitu. tapi resepi yang ada guna mascarpone tak bolehlah buang saja mascarpone nya. kena guna resepi cream cheese frosting lah ye. |
kalu resipi RV JOB tu kalu letak baking powder ok x? |
kalu resipi RV JOB tu kalu letak baking powder ok x? |
semalam kali kedua try resepi kek red velvel..1st try yg guna buttermilk, pastu terjumpa resepi pakai sour cream....lain dari yg lain...
resultnyyaaa sedapnya kek ni...ada rasa masam2 skit(part ni sy x minat, sbb sy tak suka rasa masam cam cheesekek apa tu)...overall kek ni sgt sedap dari 1st kek sy buat....kalau bubuh nuts lagi sedp...nyum2...
kalau nak kelainan resepi cuba lah ye...gambar kalau rajin nanti sy tempek...klo malas x dak arrhh hehe... |
Reply 589# ayjay
resepi topping nie lbh kurang sama mcm yg saya selalu buat.. cuma whipping cream tu saya guna 300ml & gula icing 1 cawan.. mmg sedap! |
nie antara projek menggemukkan badan yg saya buat.. RV cup cake..
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