Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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saya antara student yg menyaksikan kejadian di langit tahun 1992..kami dilarang cerita kat org tapi ...
ryn78 Post at 4-7-2012 22:28
dari apa yg ryn78 nie cerita, mmg betul la fenomena nie yer cuma dimanipulasi cerita oleh pihak2 tertentu....hmmm,menarik |
Adakah sesiapa merasakan, betapa semakin lama semakin pantas hari berlalu? Berbanding tahun lepas, dan kemudian awal tahun ini, sehinggalah kita tiba ke bulan Syaaban ini, tidakkah anda sedar, betapa masa sangat cepat beredar? Seolah baru semalam anda berehat bersama keluarga di halaman rumah, Ahad lepas, dan hari ini sudah hari Khamis.. 3 hari lagi sudah hari Ahad, sekali lagi. Ke mana perginya hari2 yg berlalu? Sedarkah anda?
Sangat rugi, orang2 yg tidak merasakan betapa pantasnya masa itu berlalu... jika anda tidak merasakan perkara ini, anda tidak akan mampu menggunakan masa yg ada sekarang ini dengan lebih 'efektif' lagi... wallahua'lam... |
Adakah sesiapa merasakan, betapa semakin lama semakin pantas hari berlalu? Berbanding tahun lepas, d ...
andria Post at 5-7-2012 10:45
Yer betul.... |
saya antara student yg menyaksikan kejadian di langit tahun 1992..kami dilarang cerita kat org tapi ...
ryn78 Post at 4-7-2012 22:28
citerlaa....sy pon dengar |
Reply 603# andria
memang benar... masa berjalan begitu pantas... |
Reply 603# andria
ya sangat-sangat pantas. kadang-kadang ketika bangun pagi nak pergi kerja kita rasa sangat malas tapi bila kat tempat kerja, sedar-sedar dah nak balik kerja. kalau kita niat nak buat ibadah betol-betol, sepertinya urusan dunia ditinggalkan. kalau nak buat urusan dunia, sepertinya urusan akhirat pulak yang tercicir. maafkan saya jika kata-kata ini sebegini, tapi inilah yang saya rasa. mungkin kerana saya ini hanya orang biasa-biasa saja.
satu lagi perasaan ialah, rasa nak kawen cepat2. bukanlah kerana nafsu tapi saya dapat rasa masa begitu cepat berlari, sementelah pulak tahun hadapan pelbagai kemungkinan bakal berlaku. hati saya berbisik, mesti kawen tahun ini jugak2... huhuhu hanya sabar dan berserah sahaja yang mampu saya lakukan kerana ini semua ketentuan Allah SWt. |
Betul...hari terasa sangat cepat....saya surirumah, dok umah jer...tapi rasa sekejap jer dah tgh hari, dah ptg, dah malam...baru isnin, dah jumaat balik....takutnya mati sebelum sempat taubat diterima Allah...banyak lagi 'hutang piutang' yg perlu disetel ni..... |
Reply 607# magpie5672
tunggu sarban batik mai? |
Post Last Edit by mulberi at 5-7-2012 22:17
Sekadar berkongsi berita...
ARKIB : 02/07/2012
12 maut akibat ribut di timur AS
WASHINGTON 1 Julai - Kira-kira 12 orang maut dan lebih tiga juta rumah dan premis perniagaan dari Indiana hingga Maryland terputus bekalan elektrik, semalam selepas kawasan itu dilanda ribut petir.
Berjuta-juta orang di wilayah timur Amerika Syarikat (AS) juga terpaksa menghadapi cuaca panas melampau dengan ketiadaan bekalan elektrik.
Perintah darurat diisytiharkan di Washington, Ohio, Virginia dan West Virginia ekoran kerosakan kabel elektrik akibat ribut petir yang membawa angin kencang di wilayah tengah Atlantik.
Presiden Barack Obama, semalam mengarahkan Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Persekutuan untuk menyelaras semua usaha bantuan bencana alam di Ohio yang teruk dilanda ribut.
Selepas ribut petir, suhu meningkat sehingga 41 darjah Celsius di beberapa bandar termasuk Atlanta dan Charlotte, North Carolia.
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pengurusan Kecemasan berkata, usaha untuk memulihkan bekalan elektrik mungkin memakan masa beberapa minggu ekoran berlaku kerosakan teruk pada grid kuasa.
Enam orang di Virginia maut akibat ribut dan seorang penduduk Maryland mati ditimpa pokok dan seorang lagi terkena renjatan elektrik selepas pokok menimpa rumahnya di Montgomery County.
Di New Jersey, dua kanak-kanak berumur dua dan tujuh tahun maut selepas ditimpa pokok di sebuah taman dan dua adik beradik lelaki berumur tiga dan lima tahun di Bradley County terbunuh akibat dipercayai cuaca panas. - REUTERS
Gambar boleh tgk sini http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/05/mid-atlantic-power-outages_n_1650346.html#slide=1172713 |
Banyaknyer bancana alam kat US..... |
Friday, Jul. 6, 2012
HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY: Behemoth sunspot AR1515 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing an X-class explosion. NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of M-flares and a 25% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. X-flare alerts: text, voice.
NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, and it appears to be a big one. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a first glimpse of the spot's dark cores during the early hours of July 6th:
Solar activity is already high. The addition of this new active region could boost the chance of flares even more. Check back later today as the sunspot turns more squarely toward Earth, affording a better view of its size and potential for eruptions.
Scientists are waiting for Carrington event, expected sometime between November to February... altho there could be something more sinister than Mr Carrington... |
Post Last Edit by andria at 7-7-2012 02:03
DOOM ALERT: Thousands of fish found dead on South Dakota shores & Butts County, Georgia….S.C. and MO, too! The water is heating up faster!
July 6th, 2012
Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of a lake in Butts County.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources officials estimate around 2,300 carp, bass and catfish have died in South River in Butts County.
Sean Ledford, who owns a house in a cove of Lake Jackson, says the smell of the fish is so bad that he can’t even use his dock.
“We’re out here trying to celebrate and you just got rotten smell being blown in your face,” Ledford said.
DNR officials say low water levels and high temperatures caused the fish to suffocate.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in the 90s in this very small, shallow area, and the fish are stressed out,” said Keith Weather of the DNR. “They can’t take it and they die.”
Thousands of dead fish found in Dexter
Thousands of dead fish turned up over the past couple of days at Dexter City Lake. It’s an important image for residents like Dean Smith.
“My son fished over there when he was small,” said Smith.
He knows the importance of the community pond because he has lived in Dexter, Missouri his whole life.
“There’s people that come there everyday and fish,” said Smith.
But right now, signs say no fishing. That’s because thousands of fish are dead and officials blame our triple digit weather.
In Arizona:
AZ officials investigating fish die-off on Salt River
Biologists are investigating a fish die-off that happened on the Salt River upstream of Roosevelt Lake.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department said they began receiving reports of dead fish on Wednesday and went to the area Thursday morning to find out what happened…….number of dead fish estimated anywhere from hundreds to thousands.
http://investmentwatchblog.com |
Mystery disease in Cambodia kills 61
Thursday, July 05, 2012 » 06:15am
Health officials in Cambodia are searching for the cause of a disease that has killed more than 60 children.
The Health Ministry and the World Health Organisation said in a statement that they are investigating the severe respiratory disease which also has neurological symptoms.
They said 61 of the 62 children admitted to hospitals with the illness have died.
Most cases have come from southern Cambodia, but with no apparent links between them.
The statement quoted Health Minister Man Bung Heng as saying identification of the cause may take some time.
It said neighbouring countries have been alerted.
http://bigpondnews.com |
Exclusive: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics
22Jun12 London Olympics security 'wide open', undercover exclusive
Series: State Of The City reports
Subtitle: EXCLUSIVE: Lee Hazledean goes undercover as an olympics G4S guard
Program Type: Weekly Program
Featured Speakers/Commentators:
Contributor: Bristol Broadband Co-operative [Contact Contributor]
Broadcast Restrictions: For non-profit use only.
License: Attribution No Derivatives (by-nd)
Broadcast Advisory: No Advisories - program content screened and verified.
Summary: http://bcfm.org.uk/2012/06/22/17/friday-drivetime-76/18658
Credits: The 2012 London olympics start in 4 weeks time. Exclusive interview with investigative journalist Lee Hazledean who is training undercover as a security guard for the London olympics with private security firm G4S. Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist. He has also been involved in major stories on the IRA and how British Army infiltrated the organisation and carried out false flag operations. He has managed to get undercover as part of the security team at the 2012 Olympics with G4S. He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics unless the story is broken in a news paper or foreign news agency it’s unlikely to see the light of day. Security training and officers are so appaling that the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy. A few example’s: The security training is woefully inadequate run by a training company called Contemporary International. Lee has been assigned to work in a PSA (Pedestrian Screening Area) the main security for the stadiums. During an exercise he was asked to pose as a would-be terrorist and managed to get knives, guns and IED’s through security screening on every occasion and every exercise. The X-Ray operators have only two days of training, they aren’t trained properly and miss the most obvious prohibited items gun’s, knives, IED’s, ammunition etc. Bag and physical searchers again are missing dangerous weapons, trainees can’t use vital security equipment like the HHMD (Hand Held Metal detectors) they can’t even communicate properly with the public on a basic level. Worryingly the ‘Rapiscan’ walk through metal detectors don’t work properly and aren’t sensitive enough to pick up large knives, ammunition and other metallic threats. He was told that they would be set to go off only after 50 people have walked through to limit queuing time and to get spectators into the venue. So a Terrorist if they basically queued up would probably get through wearing a suicide vest.
I found a Youtube video on this, unfortunately the video has been set to Private... |
Last time masa 911 pun derang blame terrorist....padahal...Walaahualam.. |
tah kenapa baca kt CI psl lelaki amuk kt putrajaya br2 ni,teringat cerita2 kt thread ni..wallahualam |
betul ke berita ni?
macam tak percaya. tapi dari berita harian hari ni.
TOKYO: Jepun dilanda gempa bumi berukuran 8.9 magnitud di timur laut negara itu dan menyebabkan tsunami setinggi empat meter yang menghanyutkan kereta dan meruntuhkan bangunan di sepanjang perairan dekat pusat gempa.
Terdapat laporan kecederaan akibat daripada kejadian berkenaan di Tokyo. Di beberapa tempat sepanjang peairan Jepun, rakaman televisyen menunjukkan kerosakan teruk akibat tsunami, dengan puluhan kereta, bot dan bangunan dihanyutkan air.
Sebuah kapal besar dihanyutkan tsunami yang merempuhnya ke arah tembok penahan di bandar Kesennuma, wilayah Miyagi, kata stesen ootage on public broadcaster NHK.
Pegawai sedang menilai jumlah kerosakan, kecederaan dan kematian akibat daripada gempa bumi tetapi tiada maklumat diperoleh setakat ini.
Gempa bumi itu berlaku pada jam 2.46 petang dan diikuti siri gegaran kuat termasuk 7.4 magnitud kira-kira 30 minit selepas itu. - Reuters |
yang ni lain pulak.
400,000 orang diarah pindah
Banjir di barat daya Jepun makin buruk
Tokyo: Kira-kira 400,000 orang diarah atau dinasihatkan berpindah di barat daya Jepun semalam selepas hujan lebat masuk hari ketiga berturut-turut menyebabkan 29 maut atau dikhuatiri hilang, kata pihak berkuasa dan media.
Agensi Meteorologi Jepun memberi amaran lebih banyak kejadian tanah runtuh dan banjir di pulau selatan utama Kyushu ketika hujan lebat sehingga 11 sentimeter (4.3 inci) setiap jam dicatat semalam.
Media tempatan Kyushu melaporkan perintah pemindahan dikeluarkan kepada kira-kira 260,000 penduduk di utara kepulauan itu ketika semakin banyak sungai melimpah.
Diarah pindah
Mereka diarah berpindah ke tempat perlindungan ditetapkan seperti sekolah dan kemudahan awam lain.
Hampir 140,000 penduduk lain dinasihat meninggalkan rumah mereka bagi mengelak kemungkinan bencana, menurut pegawai yang dihubungi AFP di empat wilayah terjejas di Kyushu.
Rakaman televisyen menunjukkan lumpur deras, air dipenuhi keladak dan rumah dipenuhi air dalam apa yang digambarkan pihak berkuasa sebagai “tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini” dalam musim hujan lebih awal.
Di sepanjang sungai Yamakuni di wilayah Oita, paras air dilihat sampai ke bumbung sebuah restoran tepi sungai sebelum tenggelam kemudian.
Di wilayah Fukuoka saja, 78,600 penduduk diarah meninggalkan kediaman mereka ketika air sungai melimpah di berpuluh kawasan dan 181 kejadian tanah runtuh berlaku, kata seorang pegawai.
Kira-kira 820 buah rumah rosak dan tiga jambatan dihanyutkan, kata jurucakap wilayah Fukuoka Hiroaki Aoki kepada AFP menerusi telefon.
“Dua lelaki diselamatkan daripada tanah runtuh tetapi keadaan mereka tidak diketahui.
“Seorang wanita masih terperangkap
“Saya tidak dapat mengingati kejadian banjir yang menjangkau kawasan lebih luas di wilayah kami,”katanya.
Lebih 75 sentimeter hujan turun dalam masa 72 jam di bandar Aso, yang terletak di kaki gunung berapi di wilayah Kumamoto, kata agensi kaji cuaca itu.
Angka kematian kekal 20 semalaman, dengan 19 kematian akibat tanah runtuh dan runtuhan rumah di sekitar dan berhampiran Aso. - AFP
banyaknya tragedi kat jepun melibatkan air...huhu |
betul ke berita ni?
macam tak percaya. tapi dari berita harian hari ni.
rose_liz Post at 15-7-2012 12:33
Macam tak betul berita ni. Kalau ia betul, sudah tentu menjadi berita gempar di semua media massa. Apa yg ada, ialah berita di bawah, dan ia hanyalah ANDAIAN/JANGKAAN sahaja.
Expert: Nankai Trough quake could kill 400,000
July 07, 2012
OSAKA--Up to 400,000 people could die in a long-expected earthquake along the Nankai Trough southwest of Tokyo, according to the head of a government group working on countermeasures.
“The possible quake could cause a variety of damages in extremely wide areas,” Yoshiaki Kawata, a professor of disaster prevention systems at Kansai University, said at a seminar on July 6 in Osaka held by the Kinki Bureau of Telecommunications.
The Nankai Trough stretches southwest from an area in the Pacific Ocean south of Shizuoka Prefecture.
http://ajw.asahi.com |
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