Of course! Coz 5.4 million can feed the poor and solve world poverty , right?
seriously? choi. mati2 I igt dia aliran sains dgan spm 10A. choi. choi. choi
haruslah kaya penjual produk timbang kati 'ajaib' ini semua kan, sebotol yg tahan brp hari je rega dah 90 hengget..tah modal beli timbang kati 90 sen pun x sampai.. |
Iklan chew & glow... siapa yg sesuai?
jgn lupa yerr sebelum tidur ambik tablet |
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prizadane replied at 4-2-2018 08:30 AM
itu SPM tu cerita 13 tahun lepas kot lofa.. move on please. kalau setakat baru 3 tahun punyta ceri ...
Tak faham org dok jaja dia bijak bebenor.spm result jaaa.tang blaja kt uni tu xde pun result dia gempak.dean list kah?habis ke x degree itew??ke aku yg trtinggal train.tak de convo apa pun.kecuali yg jat newyork itulah.tu pun short course jah hajah |
nariz replied at 5-2-2018 10:15 PM
So now ladysherot nak ckp dr amalina bodoh bangang ke cmna? 17A1 tu. Kalau compare spm la khuenst, ...
Ladysherot apa kesah.. bagi dia dr amalina & doctor2 yg lain yg bodoh, bangang, sila hadam chew & glow 4 tablets sehari
Tepek sekali lagi kata2 hikmah hajjah fighter nii... terserlah kaki fight minachi ni
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nariz replied at 5-2-2018 10:15 PM
So now ladysherot nak ckp dr amalina bodoh bangang ke cmna? 17A1 tu. Kalau compare spm la khuenst, ...
hahaha air asia is lucky their biz is not dealing with food or supplements! else their own bod member is potentially neither fit nor proper ! |
Thanatus replied at 5-2-2018 09:20 PM
Aku tlg tepek tweet dr. Amalina
hahahhaha...last2 tuju ayat bodoh bggang kat diri sndiri..dia dh private ig dia..kecut trz..hahahhaha...lopak pun dh klua statement dkt twitter...dia suroh saba...hahhaha... |
eyelineronfleek replied at 5-2-2018 10:34 PM
Dah berkutik dah..
" The CnG management is working hard to rectify the issue & is determined t ...
dia xkn minta maaf punya .dia mesti akn pastikn phk cng yg akn mntk maaf n dia akn buat tak tahu jer sbb dia duta jer..dia hnya mgikut arhn n info yg cng bagi .mesti mcmtu dia punya alsn. |
Marketing strategy or not, damage is done. Her fans pun kene la berhenti backup idola mereka ni. Dah terang lagi nk bersuluh yang idola da tersilap langkah disitu. Still nak backup bagai and memaki hamun org2 yng memberi nasihat and opinion.
As an extremely influential individual, she has to be careful la dengan setiap messaging dia keluarkan. Dia tak fikir the repercussions of her actions ke? Kesian those babies, kids and even adults who might suffer in the long run.
And seriously la, they need to steer clear of that SPM issue. Result SPM cemerlang tu da bertahun lamanya, rasanya da tk relevant kot? Atau mungkin da tkde modal untuk backup idola, jadi petik la cerita tu balik. |
eyelineronfleek replied at 5-2-2018 10:52 PM
Correction .. 5.3 juta pls.. Don't play play..
hahahha...pastikan btol yer jumlah followers tu...hahahha |
beldandy replied at 5-2-2018 04:06 PM
10A and pegi sunway college je?
va va va...I ingat study obersee kah or paling busuk buat program ...
Aku always pelik bila hajah sambung study bukan kt uni gah2 obersea ka.dats y aku tak kagum sgt ngan spm result dia. |
eyelineronfleek replied at 5-2-2018 02:08 PM
LOL mesti Lopak annoyed gile. Dahla masa baru sign kontrak dgn C&G, the CEO buat headline el cheap ...
Lelaki ni pun mesti bajet2 cam nk ngendeng2.tapi rupanya annoyingkan hajah.mesti dok text2 ke or buat bnd xrelated ngan keje ke or annoying acts.meluatlah hajah.ko sape dow. |
iriz88 replied at 5-2-2018 10:56 PM
5.4mil already dont play play! Hahaha
Not to forget.. the numbers keep on expanding at a constant rate everyday. The clue is 'expanding at a constant rate everyday'.
She's real cunning. Buying fame without shame. Chasing money without guilty. Being greedy without boundary.
Tak buat homework ke pasal produk ... janji duit masuk ... kaut ajelah ya ... |
Edited by zidane2011 at 6-2-2018 08:47 AM
After all the chaos itu aje kau cakap lopak? Seriously? No apologies, no nothing? Dah la tak mintak maap, yet she has the guts to shift the responsibility to GnC. Hello? That account belongs to u, u hold urself accountable for everything posted there, so be responsible for ur own actions lah. Even u need them to clear things up sekalipun why cant u just apologize for the false infos and confusion caused to ur 5.3m followers? They are ur followers, not GnC's. U might be rich and all, but it wouldnt hurt to show a little humility unless u have none. |
zidane2011 replied at 6-2-2018 12:11 AM
After all the chaos itu aje kau cakap lopak? Seriously? No apologies, no nothing? Dah la tak mintak ...
The reason is simple. If she apologises, her ego will go down, look weak and kalah. And she for one, will never lower her ego and nak menang je selalu. Look at how she responded to the issue about disrespecting Upiak on the talkshow - instead of admitting her mistake, she merely twisted her words and stated that there was a communication barrier and that she didn’t understand what her guest was saying. Even so, at least have some basic respect and eliminate the arrogance. (Don’t think her guest was too hard to understand, tbh.)
It’s kinda sad that she empowers herself with such arrogance and the “tak nak kalah” attitude. |
Ego seorang wanita bernama Lopak terlalu kuat sehingga mengatasi rasa rendah diri. Lopak , i think you should include this in your " Kenapa lelaki takut dekati saya " list.. |
zidane2011 replied at 6-2-2018 12:11 AM
After all the chaos itu aje kau cakap lopak? Seriously? No apologies, no nothing? Dah la tak mintak ...
She lacks empathy, which I think has a lot to do with her upbringing. Nasib baik tak end up jadi psycopath walaupun tendency tu dah ada sikit. Hikhikhik.... |
Yeah I have the same feeling too. But we'll see if she'll prove us wrong.
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