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Author: bini_fl

Uqasha dah tak berhijab uols & kembali join MIG

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:09 PM | Show all posts
ruhainieskayu replied at 1-9-2016 01:51 PM
ala dulu aku jumpe kt langkawi pon dok stim brg puii eloklahhh bukak tudung tuh

Kelakar u punye nick... anyway, ruhainie dan uqasha sama2 kayu

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
enchikfitz replied at 31-8-2016 11:25 PM
Well this is INTERESTING

Seyusly fatiya haha.ingt kat mletop die ckp serba slh nk promo filem die ms tu sb dah bhijab

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:11 PM | Show all posts
jijana replied at 1-9-2016 04:45 PM
x nak komen ttg tudung..tu lantak dialah..
tp x bole blah dgn lakonan kayu kayan dia ni..
tp adik  ...

Agree... dia ni cantik kalau tutup mulut... bila buka mulut je terus 70% kecantikan berkurangan.... maybe watak bisu ok kot... tk nmpak kayu sgt...

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:12 PM | Show all posts
srihannah replied at 1-9-2016 03:53 PM
doakan je yg terbaik smoga uqasha ni tbukak ati nak berhijab semula


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Post time 1-9-2016 05:17 PM | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 1-9-2016 05:10 PM
Seyusly fatiya haha.ingt kat mletop die ckp serba slh nk promo filem die ms tu sb dah bhijab  ...

Yang meletop tu i pun tgk si fatia ni... siap nabil ckp tak pe la... nak buat mcm mana itu sblm bertudung... anyway give up bertudung sebab jual tudung tak laku ke

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Minami2013 replied at 1-9-2016 05:09 PM
Kelakar u punye nick... anyway, ruhainie dan uqasha sama2 kayu

Haha  jenis kayu kayan nih kene kontroversi baru naik sket name theyolss dlm industri liburann mesia nk harap bakat nannn hadoo

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Cloudfly at 1-9-2016 05:55 PM
enchikfitz replied at 31-8-2016 11:25 PM
Well this is INTERESTING

Iols mampu gelak je mn uols kutip info tu dlm gosip sampah beautifulnara or rotikayap..   ..sabtu mlm bila tu uols..sbb sabtu br ni fatiya ke brunei flight mlm2 bute pulak tu xkn zouk dlm flight brunei royal..   
Sabtu mgu sblm tu sibuk duk klfw..sabtu sblm tu pulak fatiya da family trip k melaka..first week sabtu busy preparing tunang adik sheols..habis sabtu bln sabtu bila tu.?iols blh tulun csi with someone..gtau bulan tgk pd komen uols mcm sabtu br ni yg time fatiya kt brunei tu..    jgn smp fitnah sdh laa..

**Btw fatiya bkn geng lepak ngn nely n uqasha bkwn baik as retis..

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cupu replied at 1-9-2016 10:33 AM
kwn i ada butik tudung...dia ckp oel by nora danish..dara by fathia semua tu jakel yg pya..

Kwn uols salah faham kot..Owlbnd n dara tu mmg hak nora n fatiya..but jakel bantu dr aspek pengurusan n kain2 wajib amik ngn jakel..stok semua mmg simpan kt gudang jakel..partnership laa lbh krg..saham still nora n fatiya pgg byk..mcm izzue n ramai lg..

Sory tt ot..

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:58 PM | Show all posts
JENABREJAM89 replied at 1-9-2016 07:33 AM
Wahhh .... terus dapat job uolsss ......

Rambut bob tak cantik. Makin kembang muka tweety. Tak nak pakai tudung pun carilah potongan rambut sesuai. Takyah recycle rambut zaman pramugari dulu.

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Post time 1-9-2016 05:59 PM | Show all posts

.... kang klu tangkap gambo rambut karat org pertikaikan dia sembhyg cane lak kan , so memula pakai rambut pelsu dulu ....

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Post time 1-9-2016 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
srihannah replied at 1-9-2016 03:53 PM
doakan je yg terbaik smoga uqasha ni tbukak ati nak berhijab semula

Amin..hope sempat btaubat sblm ajal..   
Mn th uqasha jd mcm kisah pelacur yg msk syurga tu..100thn bzina akhirnya dhjg2 btaubat dgn bsgh2 n diterima Allah..moga masih ada sinar dihujung daun buat uqasha..   

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Post time 1-9-2016 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 1-9-2016 01:30 PM
yes,aku sokong.. untasya ni memang talam dua muka.. perangai hazab giler.. dulu dah buat hapiz kay ...

hapis kayu?  hampir putus tunang?  ni kes mana ni?

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Post time 1-9-2016 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cloudfly replied at 1-9-2016 05:52 PM
Kwn uols salah faham kot..Owlbnd n dara tu mmg hak nora n fatiya..but jakel bantu dr aspek pengu ...

ntahla..dia pun tgh jual tudung satin tu..jd rega dia lg murah dr retis tu..tu yg dia bgtau mmg lawa2 designnya..retis jual i xtau rega..harga dia dlm 69.90 gtu ja...

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Post time 1-9-2016 06:38 PM | Show all posts
cupu replied at 1-9-2016 01:57 PM
xtaula jakel tu bkn anak beranak ariani jgk ker....possibility tu ada.hehe

tokey ariani tu kawin dgn anak sulung tokey jakel ni.

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Post time 1-9-2016 06:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Minami2013 replied at 1-9-2016 05:11 PM
Agree... dia ni cantik kalau tutup mulut... bila buka mulut je terus 70% kecantikan berkurangan... ...

Pompuan ada dua molot, tu.kuat bebel

Pakcik aku bilang tengok.molot pompyan jek dah le agak luasssssss kuasamu!! Hahaha

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Post time 1-9-2016 07:19 PM | Show all posts
cupu replied at 1-9-2016 06:07 PM
ntahla..dia pun tgh jual tudung satin tu..jd rega dia lg murah dr retis tu..tu yg dia bgtau camtu. ...

Apa ig kawan u?

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Post time 1-9-2016 07:23 PM | Show all posts
Actress Uqasha Senrose: Why I took off the tudung after three years

Local celebrity Uqasha Senrose admitted peer pressure from her bareheaded girlfriends may have contributed to her removal of the tudung, a Muslim symbol of modesty in women. ― Picture taken from Instagram

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 1 ― Local celebrity Uqasha Senrose who came under fire from fans earlier this week after going bareheaded has finally shared her reasons for removing the Muslim headscarf after covering up her tresses three years ago.

Born Nik Zaris Uqasha Senrose, the 24-year-old actress told Malay daily Berita Harian that she took off her tudung as she no longer wanted to lie to herself.

“Three years is not a short time. It's different if I remove the tudung after wearing it for three months.

“During that period I was also not consistent in terms of wearing the tudung. I feel as if I was constrained and restrained,” she said in the interview published today.

The stage star of Ombak Rindu confessed that she might have been hasty when she decided to go for a new look after her engagement ended and having had her heart broken.

She recounted that the desire to wear the tudung was strong in the initial stages, but as time passed, she felt like she was becoming more of a hypocrite as she no longer really felt a “sincere’ desire to do so.

“It was as if I was afraid with what others say and think. But I don't want to live based on what others think anymore. Let this decision be between me and God,” the Kelantan-born told Berita Harian.

She also admitted peer pressure from her bareheaded girlfriends may have contributed to her removal of the tudung, a Muslim symbol of modesty in women.

Uqasha said she is fully aware that she will continue to get flak for taking off her tudung as her face is well known to Malaysians.

“But I only want to be myself. Hate or like, I am ready. After three years, only now have I plucked up the courage to remove the tudung,” she was quoted saying.

She was criticised by social media users after removing the headscarf and had previously been criticised after photos of her uncovered head while on holiday in Koh Lipe, Thailand surfaced online.

But Uqasha also said she may yet put on the tudung in future.

“Who knows in the future or after marriage, I will cover up the aurat whole-heartedly,” she was quoted saying.

Aurat refers to the parts of a Muslim woman’s body that must be covered, but the extent of which varies in interpretation according to schools of Islam.

Last June, Muslim women’s rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) said that the Muslims’ holy book al-Quran does not specifically mention hair as part of a woman’s “aurat”.

SIS told Malay Mail Online then that the interpretation of the “aurat” in Malaysia has become increasingly influenced by Arab culture since the 1980s, noting that most Malay-Muslim women did not wear the tudung during the 1950s and 1960s, including the wife of the then Kelantan mufti and the spouse of Indonesian ulama, Prof Dr Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, better known as Hamka.

“This very narrow and conservative interpretation of ‘aurat’ has also been directed mainly to women and as a result, the growing obsession with controlling women’s bodies by making wearing the hijab compulsory,” SIS had then said.

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Post time 1-9-2016 07:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

She kene ada good image consultant. Ms dia free hair dulu pun sheols mmg sendu n kurang menyerlah

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Post time 1-9-2016 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cloudfly replied at 1-9-2016 09:52 AM
Kwn uols salah faham kot..Owlbnd n dara tu mmg hak nora n fatiya..but jakel bantu dr aspek pengu ...

taklah. guna muka je.
termasukla elyanarahman
guna muka dan nama je. bisnes tu semua dijalankan oleh jakel. supply kain, jahitkan, htr stok..kalo el tu wisma tu pun jakel yg punya tau

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Post time 1-9-2016 07:55 PM | Show all posts
budget tonik rambut , budget ke saloon rambut , budget utk hair dresser ....

dulu masa 3 tahun dulu , budget tudung ,shawl ,itu pun ramai peminat jantan yg boleh hadiahkan...

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