heheh, kekecik dah kapel yer.. aku dah besor ni tak terkapel-kapel... |
bududanbelacan This user has been deleted
Reply #642 buiscasey's post
Ahax, yang bestnya Anna yang masuk line dan ngorat dulu! Gatai!!!!! |
begitulah. Kita kan pernah melalui zaman kanak-kanak, zaman remaja. Anna penah melalui puppy love, saya tak penah. Setakat admire dari jauh aje yg berani. Ada yang sampai bleh couple keluar dating. Ada yg admire pun x penah kerana hanya menatap buku sepanjang hari. Ada yg teringin tapi x berani kerana takut kat org tua. Macam-macam alasan, kalau nak disenaraikan tak habis. Ikut nasib masing2.
Apa pun yg dilalui, ibu bapa guru dan masyarakat yg menjadi penentu kemana arah kanak-kanak itu. Jika dia bercouple, apa yg ptut ibu bapa buat, guru, masyarakat yg tahu. Biar aje ke? Nasihat ke? Beri galakkan ke? mencemuh aje ke? Saya rasa ini yg cuba disampaikan dalam Mukhsin.
Yang nasib baik, akan nampak isi yang tersirat...yg nasib tak baik cuma paham yang tersurat. Yang terlebih baik....silap2 yg tersarat pun dia sapu.... |
Originally posted by bududanbelacan at 1-4-2007 01:05 PM
A bit off topic: Ada satu cerita ni, a very controversial movie, international that is called KIDS tak silap
tertarik pula dgn ceta off topic ni .. actually KIDS tu story dia mcm mana? .. ada pelakon/pengarah yg dikenali?
sbb long time ago penah dgr ada la bbrp org budak lelaki sebut2 pasal KIDS .. so i was wandering if it is the same movie .. |
KIDS tu filem arahan Larry Clark....quite famous time aku mula2 nak minat filem
Larry Clark ni mmg trademark dia buat filem social commentary yg berkisar dgn kehidupan remaja di bandar2 besar mcm new york..or yg melibatkan remaja jalanan...especially skaters..la ni dia buat filem yg lebih kurang gak taraf kontroversi dia...Ken Park ke....ke 9 Songs...aku lupe dah...malas nak cek imdb
quite notorious gakla KIDS ni awal2 90an dulu...94 kot..ke 95...sbb ade sex-related scene yg melibatkan chloe sevigny ngan rosario dawson...
this film worked for me 10 years back...tp skrg ni x rasa ape...mcm tgk another teen exploitation movie |
bududanbelacan This user has been deleted
Reply #646 king_kong's post
"this film worked for me 10 years back...tp skrg ni x rasa ape...mcm tgk another teen exploitation movie"
Uhh, umur anda brapa 10 years back tu? And apa yang 'x rase ape' tu?
I think the idea of the movie was okay, but it wasn't necessary to visually show it. So yeah.
[ Last edited by bududanbelacan at 4-4-2007 03:39 AM ] |
10 years back..form 2...so maknanye..skrg ni..tua dah..hehehe
i never said KIDS is a bad movie...just that when i watch it now, i cant help thinking that the shock value as something...cheesy and had to ask myself 'does this shock value really necessary?'
it did worked for me back 10 years ago when i first watched it...i thought it's really a cool movie with all the skating, kids talking about sex and so on...but then that's back then laa...now it's nothing but a gimmick to made the film controversial so that it can attract audiences...at least that's how i think about it now...
maybe because it was made in early 90s so it catches that late 80s/early 90s corny vibes...so go figure lah kot... |
bududanbelacan This user has been deleted
Reply #648 king_kong's post
10 years back..form 2...so maknanye..skrg ni..tua dah..hehehe
10 years back.. i was in form 3. so saya lagi tua. ahax! |
wait...10 years back...1997...tu tahun i amik PMR...so meaning that i was in form 3..too
so sebaya la...
now i'm REALLY old..hehe kidding
btw...no new exhibition coming up?...last time i went to yours at RaNtai... |
Originally posted by king_kong at 4-4-2007 02:13 AM
KIDS tu filem arahan Larry Clark....quite famous time aku mula2 nak minat filem
Larry Clark ni mmg trademark dia buat filem social commentary yg berkisar dgn kehidupan remaja di bandar2 besar ...
oh KIDS yg ni .. dulu2 aku penah gak search kat imdb tu tp bila aku tgk banyak yg sama title aku pun tak sure yg mana 1 ..
it was 1995 when i heard bout this movie .. not so sure where they watch it .. 18sx rupanya .. no wonder famous time tu ..  |
[ Last edited by Dicota8 at 7-4-2007 12:33 PM ] |
knp 'pause' kat atas nuh? haha |
ada lagi ke citer ni di cinema di KL? kawan aku gian nak tgk sbb dia tak sempat...cian dia. |
VCD dan DVD original Mukhsin dah ada di kedai. VCD rega RM12.90 dan DVD rega RM13.90. Bonus klip video lagu Keroncong Hujan. |
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 4-4-2007 20:05
oh KIDS yg ni .. dulu2 aku penah gak search kat imdb tu tp bila aku tgk banyak yg sama title aku pun tak sure yg mana...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAMzXRiFfjk |
thanx .. tp apsal bila aku klik link tu tak jadi ek? .. yg kuar memacam kod2 la plak .. btw im using firefox .. |
dah tengok dah..
aku seih la tengok mukhisn tu..aku tak leh la tengok bebudak miskin pakai baju koyak ni!! |
Ader saper2 yg beli vcd or dvd mukhsin? Camner quality picture ngan subtitle dier? Aku igt nk beli dvd muhksin, tp takut quality dvd sama dengan quality vcd yg tak berkualiti sgt. Any suggestions are truly appreciated. |
Reply #659 sayang_mulut's post
samela..aku pn sedey tgk mukhsin...cm kesian jek tgk..dh la miskin, pastu time nk blk kg lak kene ignore ngan orked...haihhh |
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