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Author: koben19


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Post time 17-3-2010 04:40 PM | Show all posts
pls sack ancelotti...boring okay

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Post time 17-3-2010 06:45 PM | Show all posts
apa sangat la liga jore2...bpl pasti milik JT dan rakan2...

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Post time 18-3-2010 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Hit-and-run Terry says sorry

John Terry has apologised after accidentally running over a Chelsea club steward following the Blues' Champions League defeat by Inter.

According to The Mirror, the Chelsea captain was trying to maneuver his way through a melee of reporters and photographers at around 11pm local time on Tuesday.

As Terry tried to move his car through the crowd, his vehicle went over a stewart's leg. Terry was not aware of the accident and drove straight home without stopping.

The injured stewart was immediately treated by paramedics and was then sent to hospital for further treatment.

However, the Chelsea captain was later informed of the accident and phoned the as yet unnamed injured man and his apologies were reportedly accepted.

The same paper also reported that during the melee, the media was homing in on Terry's wife, Toni Poole, who was in the passenger seat and both of them were leaving Stamford Bridge following the Champions League game.

A Chelsea spokesperson said: "We can confirm there was an unfortunate accident as John Terry left Stamford Bridge last night.

"When driving out of the stadium at approximately 1-2mph in a queue of traffic exiting the ground, his car was surrounded by photographers and fans.

"In the melee that ensued a member of Chelsea's security staff was knocked to the ground, making contact with the car. He suffered a badly bruised leg.

"John was aware at the time that there was a lot of contact with his car during the incident, but not that anyone was injured as a result.

"Upon hearing of the injury, John spoke to the police. He has also been in contact with the staff member to check on his welfare."

Chelsea were knocked out of the Champions League after Samuel Eto'o scored the only goal of the match for Inter Milan to go through 3-1 on aggregate.



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Post time 19-3-2010 11:01 AM | Show all posts
roman menggelabah dah.....

Abramovich 'sogok' Ancelotti RM505j

SERIUS... Ancelotti (kiri) tekun memberi arahan kepada anak-anak buahnya pada sesi latihan di London baru-baru ini.

LONDON - Pemilik Chelsea, Roman Abramovich sanggup mengeluarkan dana berjumlah

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Post time 19-3-2010 11:44 AM | Show all posts
roman menggelabah dah.....

Abramovich 'sogok' Ancelotti RM505j

SERIUS... Ancelotti (kiri) tekun memberi arahan kepada ana ...
cmf_rambutan Post at 19-3-2010 11:01

soping jgn xsoping! xyah star2 lah ..tgk cam MU tu mane der star player

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Post time 19-3-2010 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Terry buat hal lagi


LONDON: Ketua pasukan Chelsea, John Terry tidak dipersalahkan selepas melanggar pondok pengawal keselamatan, kata pegawai yang tercedera ketika pemain bola sepak itu bersedia menziarahinya.

Terry, pemain pertahanan tengah England disoal siasat polis dan diambil ujian pernafasan selepas menyebabkan timbalan pengurus keselamatan Chelsea, Steve Rowley mengalami cedera teruk pada kaki ketika Terry terbabas ketika mahu meninggalkan Stamford Bridge.

“John segera menghubungi saya selepas dia menyedari apa yang berlaku dan saya langsung tidak sakit hati,” kata Rowley dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kelab barat London itu.

“Bukan salah dia, hanya kemalangan biasa.” Pegawai keselamatan itu segera dibawa ke hospital.

Terry,29, ditemani isterinya Toni, memandu perlahan dan didapati tidak di dalam pengaruh alkohol.

Dia dijangka melawat Rowley hari ini, kata jurucakap pemain itu, Phil Hall.

Pegawai keselamatan ketika kemalangan berlaku sedang mengawal jurugambar dan peminat yang bersesak mendekati Terry selepas The Blues tersingkir daripada saingan 16 pasukan terbaik Liga Juara-Juara.

Pencabar gelaran Liga Perdana Inggeris itu tewas 0-1 kepada kelab Itali, Inter Milan, menyebabkan mereka tersingkir dengan agregat 3-1.

“Pihak kelab menghubungi John dan menyambungkannya kepada polis,” kata Hall kepada stesen tv Sky Sports.

“Mereka menguji pernafasan Terry tetapi dia tidak meneguk walau setitis air malah ujian itu tidak menunjukkan kesan positif.

“Terry menjawab semua soalan polis dan perkara ini berakhir di situ saja.

“Daripada sesi itu, dia mengetahui butiran mangsa dan segera menghubunginya.

“Dia benar-benar marah apabila kejadian itu berlaku kerana pegawai keselamatan terbabit cuba membantunya. Dia amat menyesal.” Terry kerap menjadi tajuk utama akhbar beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.

Dia di dilucut jawatan ketua pasukan England oleh jurulatih Fabio Capello selepas didapati ada hubungan sulit dengan bekas kekasih bekas pemain antarabangsa England dan rakan sepasukan Chelsea, Wayne Bridge.

Persembahan buruk Terry terutamanya selepas Chelsea tewas kepada Everton dan Manchester City, memberi laluan kepada Manchester United mengambil alih tempat teratas liga. - AFP

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Post time 22-3-2010 01:59 AM | Show all posts
seri jok..tanda2 awal chelsea mungkos EPL

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Post time 22-3-2010 02:28 AM | Show all posts
soper harem..menchi!!

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Post time 22-3-2010 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Ancelotti: It is more difficult now

Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti admitted it had been a tough week after they were held to a 1-1 draw by Blackburn in the Premier League.

This result followed the disappointment of their Champions League exit against Inter Milan, managed by former Blues favourite Jose Mourinho.

"It has been a hard week, but every week is hard as you have to prepare for the games," the Italian said.

"It was a difficult game, with a lot of fight on the pitch.

"We tried to play football, but lost some confidence as they put us under pressure and won more second balls.

"We tried, but were unlucky."

The Chelsea coach, however, maintained all was not lost, despite his side now down in third place, four points behind leaders Manchester United, although with a match in hand against bottom club Portsmouth next week.

"Now is a difficult moment, but we do not have to lose our confidence," he said.

"We are behind now and have to catch up, but I think we can still do it.

"The pressure was already on us as we needed to win, but we did not.

"It is more difficult now, but we have to think about the game on Wednesday [at Portsmouth] and have to come back to win."


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Post time 22-3-2010 11:38 AM | Show all posts
seri hajer ke..dgn tim bakar itam pon xlepas

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Post time 24-3-2010 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Lepas ni ada away game ngan MU n Liverpool, pastu home game ngan city..erm...memang sukar nak menang tropy EPL ni..tinggal FA cup je la...

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Post time 25-3-2010 05:54 AM | Show all posts
yeahaaaaaaaa............... 5-0
abe ba-2

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Post time 25-3-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
'86 mata cukup untuk juarai EPL'


LONDON: Pengurus Chelsea, Carlo Ancelotti mensasarkan 86 mata buat pasukan untuk memenangi mahkota kejuaraan Liga Perdana Inggeris (EPL), musim ini.

“Saya suka statistik dan saya rasa, sejak beberapa tahun dulu, dengan 86 mata sudah cukup buat setiap pasukan untuk menang liga,” kata Ancelotti kelmarin. “Saya rasa kami juga memerlukan 86 mata untuk menang. “Kami kurang berpeluang menang minggu lalu kerana kami tercicir dua mata di Blackburn, tetapi kami masih ada peluang untuk menang kejuaraan ini dan kami akan melakukan apa saja yang perlu. Ini penting bagi kami,” kata pengurus warga Itali itu. “Kini saya mahu percaya yang kami boleh memenangi kejuaraan dan saya akan kekal fokus dengan tugas saya dan memberi maklumat kepada pemain memastikan kemenangan dalam perlawanan seterusnya.

“Saya sentiasa berpegang bahawa saya menghormati pemain dan saya juga mahu dihormati. Saya rasa inilah sikap yang harus wujud dan musim ini saya gembira dengan sikap pemain saya.

“Kami agak kecewa dengan beberapa perlawanan lalu. Kami tersingkir daripada Liga Juara Eropah dan kehilangan kedudukan teratas liga tetapi semua pemain bersikap baik. Kami mahu mengharungi saat sukar dan genting ini bersama-sama.”

Chelsea tersingkir daripada saingan Liga Juara pada peringkat 16 terakhir kepada Inter Milan, lantas mencetuskan spekulasi kononnya Ancelotti perlu menang satu trofi musim ini atau berdepan kemungkinan dipecat pemilik jutawan The Blues, Roman Abramovich.
Tetapi Ancelotti menegaskan: “Masa depan saya pasti bersama Chelsea. Saya boleh mengesahkannya. Saya mempunyai dua tahun lagi kontrak dan saya tidak ada masalah mengesahkannya.” – AFP

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Post time 25-3-2010 01:05 PM | Show all posts

cayala abe ba.....Chelsea dpt menang EPL kalau boleh menang kat old trafford ngan anfield.

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Post time 25-3-2010 02:49 PM | Show all posts

cayala abe ba.....Chelsea dpt menang EPL kalau boleh menang kat old traf ...
eco_internet Post at 25-3-2010 13:05

kompom..... hahaha... ntah2 setan turun num 3....

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Post time 26-3-2010 06:05 PM | Show all posts
lu main kalah budak sekolah james

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Post time 28-3-2010 01:19 AM | Show all posts
sotong kena belasah...magnificient seven...

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Post time 28-3-2010 06:23 AM | Show all posts
Chelsea 7 - 1 Aston Villa


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Post time 28-3-2010 01:14 PM | Show all posts
hebak nya tim ni menang sampai 7-1.. mcm mana lah lempard blh score sampai 4 gol ni..

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Post time 28-3-2010 04:40 PM | Show all posts
melampau tul membelasah seton bila tuuu

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