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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2012 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Ceritera Seorang Dayang

Buah kedondong buah kepayang
Dipetik oleh seorang dayang
Bulan Ramadhan sudah menjelang
Ceritera dinanti, bukan kepalang...

Dayang bersimpuh atas teratak
Mulai berkisah hikayat watak
Tentang raja dan kuli batak
Tentang negeri, menanti retak...

Negeri ini 3 lautan
Kata mereka, negeri pilihan
3 budak simpan idaman
Siapa menang, menjadi Tuan...

Mungkin sudah takdirnya Tuhan
Berakhir sudah kerajaan pilihan
3 budak duduknya diam
Rupanya 1, menyimpan dendam...

Keris dan parang jadi mainan
Darah mengalir bagai taruhan
Kambing dan lembu hanya ternganga
Apabila Naga, menjadi Raja...

Maka zahirlah segala rahsia
Rasa kesal, sia-sia
Apabila Naga menjadi Raja
Bulan dan bintang, bawah kakinya...

Hingga muncul seorang Jebat
Bukan bangsawan dan aristokrat
Membimbing hamba membawa pedang
Kepala Sang Naga, sudah hilang...

Bulan dan bintang kembali tinggi
Usaha Jebat, sudahlah pasti
Syukran, syukran, mereka berzanji
Limpah syukur kepada Ilahi...

Namun takdir sudah termetri
Dari dulu sejak azali
Musim bergulir silih berganti
Bencana menunggu, tiada terperi...

Kabus dan asap menyelimuti bumi
Siang dan malam, tiada diketahui   
Bumi bergoncang meranapkan benda
Hamba mati, tiada bertanda

Air dan ombak menjadi marah
Hingga musnah banyak benua
Matahari hilang ibu angkatnya
Polis dunia, berubah peta

Pedang dan kuda kembali bertakhta
Bagai zaman di dulu kala
Hujan merajuk 36 purnama
Hingga datang, Raja Pendusta

Hamba sahaya jadi terpikat
Pada Sang Raja, lakonan hebat
Mainkan watak Imam dinanti
Padahal dia, insan terkeji

Hamba sahaya jatuh cinta
Tatkala Sang Raja menjadi Pendita
Mengajak hamba menjadi syahid
Dari diam, menjadi abid...

Hamba sahaya paling kasihan
Buta menentang Imam pilihan
Sangkanya jihad di pihak benar
Rupanya mati, berbuat onar

Duhai hamba-hamba sekalian
Dengarlah ini dayang berpesan
Masa mendatang masa ujian
Sediakan bekalan, kukuhkan iman...

Ujian datang silih bertimpa
Yang berat-berat bakal menimpa
Bagai menempuh gurun sahara
Jangan melihat, fatamorgana...

Makan tiada minum sedikit
Hamba sahaya bakal merempit
Banyak mati sedikit bertahan
Ada yang hidup, tanpa panduan...

Benar-benar dayang berpesan
Masa mendatang masa ujian
Ia bukan satu cubaan
Tapi sungguh, satu kenyataan...

Tiada terbayang seksa menanti
Sungguh hebat dugaan ini
Hamba sahaya pentingkan diri
Ketika ujian, sudah terjadi...

Hanya iman jadi taruhan
Walau rumput jadi makanan
Jadikan zikir sebagai bekalan
Hanya Allah, tempat aduan...

Pilihlah pilih, Imam yang benar
Jangan tersilap berbuat onar
Taubat sebelum mentari merajuk
3 malam, tiada terpujuk...

Semakin pantas masa berlalu
Hamba tak sedar buat tak tahu
Sedang nyawa di hujung tanduk
Sebentar lagi, pintu tertutup...

Waktu ujian tak lama lagi
Sekelip mata ia ke mari
Jangan terleka jangan tertipu
Oleh nafsu, memujuk rayu...

Selesai ceritera dari si dayang
Berpesan-pesan kerana sayang
Entah dongeng entah kenyataan
Hanya masa, bakal menentukan...


Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Anggaplah ini adalah Ramadhan anda yang terakhir...


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Post time 23-7-2012 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Salam Ramadhan buat Sis Andria & semua!

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by andria on 23-7-2012 03:27 PM \n\nTentang Solar Storm/Ribut Solar

Para saintis mendapati bahawa tanda-tanda Solar Storm max telah pun berlaku dan cycle pertama dijangka akan bermula pada awal atau lewat 2007. Solar Storm max yang sebenar pula dijangka akan berlaku pada 2010 atau 2011-13. Apakah dia Solar Storm?

Solar Storm ialah satu ribut solar yang mana ia melumpuhkan semua kuasa elektrik yang ada di muka bumi, seperti yang telah terjadi di Quebec, Canada pada tahun 1989. Sekiranya ia berlaku lagi pada tahun 2010 - 2012, maka ia adalah merupakan ribut solar terbesar pernah berlaku dan apa yang akan terjadi ialah - semua kuasa elektrik di bumi akan terhenti sama sekali. Jika itu terjadi, maka kita akan kembali kepada kehidupan 200 tahun ke belakang, di mana kita harus berjalan kaki dan melakukan semua kerja seperti orang zaman dahulu, sewaktu sebelum bermulanya era tenaga elektrik.

Tidak ada elektrik bermakna tidak ada intenet, tidak ada televisyen, radio, cd/dvd player, mesin basuh, cinema, kereta, lif, handphone, kapalterbang, - semuanya yang berasaskan elektrik tidak akan berfungsi. Bermakna, TOTAL CHAOS.

Bererti berjuta-juta manusia seluruh dunia akan kehilangan kerja. Dan apabila itu berlaku, bumi akan dilanda kesengsaraan. Pada ketika itu, manusia akan melakukan apa saja untuk hidup. Sekiranya ia benar-benar terjadi, bersediakah anda?

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 04:04 PM | Show all posts
A Seneca Indian Prophecy...

"I will speak to you now of another prophecy. In the next decade, the Star People that you call meteorites will come to this earth in answer to the Mother’s call for help. You see, we are all relations. So the Star People are beings, and they are the planets, and the other bodies in the heavens as well.

"The Sacred Mother is screaming for life and the meteorites will hear her cries and answer her call for help. They will hit the earth from the heavens with such force that many internal things will happen as well as external. The earth will move as a result of the impact. This will cause the sacred fire that is the source of all life to the Mother to move through her body. She is like a Great Bird within the egg, trying to crack out...

"The rains will change their fall and the winds will alter their course and what has existed for 300 years will no longer exist. And where there is summer, there will be fall. And where there is fall, there will be winter. And where there is winter, there will be spring.

"The animals and plants will become confused. The animals will think it is spring in the winter, and the cherries will come to blossom, and die in the frost. And in the summer, the winds will come from the North and the blanket of purity will fall and the fruit will die. And the animals that you raise will not be able to graze... These are the changes the Mother will warn us with.

"There will be great plagues that you do not understand. Many of these plagues are born from your scientists whose intentions have gone awry. Your scientists have let these monsters loose upon the land. These plagues will spread through your waters and through your blood and through your food because you have disrupted the natural chain through which your Mother cleanses herself.

"Only those who have learned to live on the land where the waters run pure... will find sanctuary. Go to where the eagles fly, to where the wolf roams, to where the bear lives. Here you will find life because they will always go to where the water is pure and the air can be breathed. Live where the trees, the lungs of this earth, purify the air. Go to where the trees give, from their breath to you, the cleansing and the purity, to where they protect you from the plagues... Snow is the great purifier. Go to where the blanket of snow heals. Learn to live in these places. You will live through the changes... There is a time coming, beyond the weather. The veil between the physical and the spiritual world is thinning; it is coming back to life..."

Tidakkah kita sekarang ini sedang memerhatikan kesemua perkara2 yg diboldkan di dalam warna merah itu? Ya, semuanya sedang berlaku sekarang ini...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Awesome 'Tsunami' Shelf Cloud Over Richmond, VA - July 15, 2012
Arcus 'Shelf' Cloud Over Richmond, VA

arcus cloud is a low, horizontal cloud formation. Roll clouds and shelf clouds are the two types of arcus clouds. A shelf cloud is usually associated with the leading edge of thunderstorm outflow; roll clouds are usually formed by outflows of cold air from sea breezes or cold fronts in the absence of thunderstorms.

More and more clouds like these are appearing... things happen for a reason...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Giant mushroom cloud forms over Beijing (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow – Mon, Jun 18, 2012

Marvelously mushroom cloud was seen over Beijing sky at 7p.m on June 14, accompanied by lighting. (Xinhua Photo)
Edited and translated by Liang Jun, People's Daily Online

An enormous mushroom cloud formed in the sky over Beijing late last week, sparking fears that a cataclysmic, Armageddon-like event was underway.

Alas, it was not the end of the world—or worse, the beginning of a real-life movie starring Will Smith: It was just nature.

The giant cumulonimbus—which spanned several miles—was accompanied by lightning, swallowing up the capital's skyline for an hour, according to the Daily Mail.


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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by andria on 23-7-2012 05:20 PM \n\nO'ahu's south shores invaded by mysterious creature (Purple Crabs)
Reported by: Brianne Randle

Published on Jul 16, 2012 by globalviralmedia

The south shore of Oahu is being invaded by something strange from sea, that even has sand crabs running for cover.

"It's the first time I've seen this, I've never seen it before," says beach goer Bruce Kuwana.

"It's really weird, it looks like you want to eat it like a little berry," says beach goer Sonya Lake.

"There are probably millions I'd say," says beach goer Scott Paddock.

If you look closely the entire shoreline is dotted with tiny, purple creatures all curled up.

"Looks like it has about it 6 legs on each side," says Lake. "Yeah it's like an avatar crab."

"When something washes up like this you don't know what to expect, maybe Tsunami stuff," says Kuwana.

Why Are Thousands of Tiny, Larval Crabs Washing Up on a Hawaiian Beach?
* Posted on July 19, 2012 at 9:44am by Liz Klimas Liz Klimas

What is thought to be a seven-eleven crab at a juvenile stage is washing up on the shorelines of a Hawaiian Island for unknown reasons. (Photo: Susan Scott/Hawaii News Now)

Adult spotted reef crab (Photo: Wikimedia)

Thousands of berry-size crabs are washing up dead on the shorelines of Oahu. Marine biologists are saying they’ve never seen anything like it, according to Hawaii News Now.

The dead crustaceans are apparently juvenile “7-11″ — or spotted reef crabs — that measure smaller than an inch long but as adults grow to be six inches across. Hawaii News Now reports Director of the Waikiki Aquarium Andrew Rossiter saying they’re unsure of the exact cause for the massive death of the baby crabs.


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 Author| Post time 23-7-2012 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by andria on 23-7-2012 06:52 PM \n\nVolcanic Alert Bulletin TON-2012/01 - Earthquake activity, Mount Tongariro: Alert Level raised from Level 0 to Level 1; Aviation Colour Code changed to Yellow
Jul 20 2012, 1:30 pm - Tongariro Volcano

Small volcanic earthquakes have been recorded beneath Mount Tongariro. The sequence started on July 13, but soon declined, restarting on July 18 and increasing in number on July 19 and 20. These indicate unrest at Tongariro and give reason to change the Volcanic Alert Level to Level 1 and the Aviation Colour Code to Yellow.

As part of our routine monitoring of seismic activity we have recorded several volcanic earthquakes at Mount Tongariro since July 13. These earthquakes are small (magnitudes <2.5) and have only been well recorded by a few of the seismometers in our permanent network. The earthquakes cluster in a zone between Emerald Crater and the Te Māri craters at 2-7km depth.

To better understand the significance of these earthquakes we are planning to:

    * deploy portable seismic recorders around the epicentres of the earthquakes;
    * conduct sampling of selected hot springs, crater lakes and fumaroles in the area.

Our historic seismic data has shown that these small volcanic earthquakes are common at Tongariro, but usually only occur at an average rate of 2 per year. We have recorded more than 20 since July 13. Seismic activity indicating unrest was last detected at Tongariro during 2001. Our routine volcano monitoring also includes the chemistry of the lakes, springs and fumaroles on Tongariro. These were last sampled in May 2012. The samples collected in May show no anomalies.

Mount Tongariro is a volcanic complex that lies to the north of Ngauruhoe. It consists of numerous craters and vents. Te Māri craters lie about two kilometres east of Ketetahi hot springs on the north side of Mount Tongariro. The Te Māri craters are the last craters to be active on Tongariro. Ash eruptions have been recorded from Tongariro from 1855 to 1897, as well as unconfirmed activity in 1926-27.

Volcano Alert Level has changed from 0 to 1
Aviation Colour Code has changed from Green to Yellow

GNS Science volcanologists are monitoring the unrest and further information will be released as necessary.

Brad Scott

Alert for those staying or have any relatives staying in Central North Island, New Zealand...



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Post time 23-7-2012 06:51 PM | Show all posts
MashaAllah...pelik-peliknya kejadian..awan yg macam bagi hint...ketam tu pulak ntah2 creature laut dalam..who knows?

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Post time 24-7-2012 12:19 PM | Show all posts
yerlaa kan....ketam byk laak tue....species apa??? erm erm

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Post time 25-7-2012 04:03 PM | Show all posts
andria posted on 21-7-2012 04:09 PM
Ceritera Seorang Dayang

Buah kedondong buah kepayang

Ya Allah sis,

entah kenapa saya memang berasa ini adalah Ramadhan terakhir saya.

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Post time 25-7-2012 06:52 PM | Show all posts
semalam ku bermimpi yg menakutkan...........

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 08:32 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by andria on 25-7-2012 08:35 PM \n\nAbout 97% of the surface layer of ice covering Greenland melted this month

About 97% of the surface layer of ice covering Greenland melted this month, the melting widest on record in 30 years of satellite observations of the island, warned NASA. The scientists' conclusion is based on images captured by three different satellites, according to which the melt was particularly rapid between days 08 and 12 July.

Among these four days, the melted area from 40% of the total surface of ice for 97%, which means that almost all of the melting layer suffered a - from the thin end near shore to the center, with more three kilometers thick.

In a statement posted on the website of NASA on Tuesday, scientists admit that the difference between the images of day 08 and day 12 was so great that thought be some mistake.

"It was so extraordinary that at first questioned the result: was it real or was due to an error of the data?" Said Son Nghiem of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA in Pasadena.

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Is Neumayer Station Blocking Out Planet X?

Gambar ini diambil pada 24 Julai 2012, 1530 hours.

10 minit kemudian, matahari terbenam dan kamera sudah mulai ditutup sebahagiannya

16.20hours - Kamera semakin ditutup sepenuhnya tapi kita masih boleh melihat adanya CAHAYA TERANG yg menyinari Neumeyer Station. (Adakah bulan akan menyinari seterang ini?)

Sehingga sewaktu post ini saya taip, kamera Station Neumeyer masih mempunyai masalah utk diakses. Anda boleh melihat pemandangan, tapi seakan ada gap yg ketara sekitar frame 95-99.

Ini adalah frame 95, di mana warna Neumeyer Station tiba2 berubah menjadi hitam putih (adakah untuk mengurangkan perbezaan cahaya yg terlalu ketara jika dibiarkan dengan warna?)  

Ini pula adalah frame 99 (tiba2 sahaja sudah malam), di mana TIADA sunset dirakamkan, TAPI ada CAHAYA TERANG yg menyinari Neumeyer Station. Jika sudah malam, mana dari manakah datangnya cahaya terang itu? Adakah dari bulan dan adalah bulan mampu memberikan cahaya seterang ini? Anda boleh melihat sendiri rakaman video Neumeyer Station di Neumeyer Station Live Movie.

Jika anda ikuti posting saya yg terdahulu berkenaan video John Moore, beliau ada memberitahu (dari sumber beliau) bahawa ada sebuah planet (NIbiru/X?) yg bakal melintasi bumi pada 17 Ogos, 2012. Jika anda tidak melihat video itu, di bawah adalah videonya.

Memang ada sesuatu yg sedang menuju ke bumi, sama ada Planet X/Nibiru atau asteroid. Dan objek ini berkemungkinan besar membawa asap dukhan yg menyebabkan asap menyelubungi seluruh bumi, sehingga cahaya matahari tidak sampai ke bumi.  Jika objek ini adalah asteroid dan ia jatuh ke lautan, maka bandar2 berhampiran laut di mana ia jatuh, akan ditenggelami bah besar dan tsunami tinggi. Wallahua'lam...



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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 09:45 PM | Show all posts
5,467 hospitalized for heatstroke in Japan

The number of people taken to hospitals by ambulance due to heatstroke in the week through Sunday more than doubled from the preceding week to 5,467, preliminary data showed Tuesday.

The figure, up from 2,622 in the week to July 15, hit the highest for a single week this summer, according to the data released by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

Deaths caused by heatstroke increased to 13 from five in the preceding week.

Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture had the most victims, with ambulances called for 388 people each. They were followed by 382 in Aichi Prefecture and 372 in Osaka Prefecture.


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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Fire reaches the village of Camacha, Madeira, children withdrawn from school

The village of Camacha in the municipality of Santa Cruz, has been hit by the fire till you're in the area, forcing the departure of employees from the health center and school children of the Holy questionable.
"We left the health center as a matter of precaution," said an official agency Lusa, who along with others, is concentrated in the Largo of Pembrokeshire.

In the same place, popular try to avoid the spread of flames to the building of the health center and the chapel of St. Joseph, where he works in the back to school.

Armed with hoses, buckets and bowls, residents, with the help of the police, trying to save private homes that are in mediation.

Popular distribute masks and water to people who are trying to prevent the spread of flames.

The fire started on the road Via Express, now threatening the central space of the village.

The residents are apprehensive about the situation and some weep while children play in the playground of Largo.

St. Silva, 48, is in a panic: "I do not know what happened to my house, do not let me go down," told the Lusa news agency, referring to the fire "came to town, but firefighters are other local. "

Translated from

More than 20 houses burnt down including a hotel in Funchal... fire and water...  striking together...

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 10:50 PM | Show all posts
NEW CALDERA EXPLODES - Large Shock Wave -- Sakurajima Volcano in Japan



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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Rat 'Monster' Washes Up On Manhattan East River Shore, Raises Spectre Of Montauk Monster (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)
Posted: 07/24/2012 6:20 pm Updated: 07/24/2012 6:41 pm

Denise Ginley took some horrifying photos of a bloated, dead animal this weekend. "Is this another incarnation of the Montauk Monster?" she asked Gothamist. "Or just the biggest rat in the city?"

Ginley was going for a stroll Sunday when she made the grisly discovery. She told HuffPost via email:

    "We were walking on the esplanade along the East River beneath the FDR. We found the dead creature lying on the strip of sand beside the East River, on the Manhattan side, directly beneath the Brooklyn Bridge. It looked like the tide probably washed the carcass up there along with some driftwood."


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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Panels call for urgent legislation to prepare for huge quake
July 20, 2012
By YOSUKE AKAI/ Staff Writer

Saying Japan’s very survival is at stake, two advisory panels urged the government to take immediate action--including finding an alternative capital--to prepare for an earthquake that could devastate the Tokyo area.

The working groups are discussing measures to deal with massive quakes that could be triggered by movement along the Nankai Trough as well as one directly under the capital.

In an unusual move, the groups called on the government to pass legislation for the quake-preparedness measures even before estimating the number of fatalities and damage from such temblors.

"There is a need for the entire society to deal with the two quakes that are expected to cause extensive damage," according to interim reports released on July 19 by the two working groups, respectively.

Adakah mereka tahu sesuatu yg akan berlaku tak lama lagi?  

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 11:28 PM | Show all posts
M 6.4 - SIMEULUE, INDONESIA - 2012-07-25 00:27 UTC

Magnitude             Mw 6.4
Region             SIMEULUE, INDONESIA
Date time             2012-07-25 00:27:42.0 UTC
Location             2.72 N ; 96.13 E
Depth             2 km
Distances             298 km W Medan (pop 1,750,971 ; local time 07:27:42.7 2012-07-25)
                     279 km W Binjai (pop 228,763 ; local time 07:27:42.7 2012-07-25)
                     158 km S Meulaboh (pop 35,062 ; local time 07:27:42.7 2012-07-25)

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