{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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harumanis replied at 3-4-2018 12:36 PM
Ye ke? Silap2 dia angkat kening sebelah pas tu tenung macam nak makan kita.............
I rasa dia senyum2, geleng2 kepala thinking ape lah makcik2 ni semua.. |
harumanis replied at 3-4-2018 12:35 PM
So far my research goes; tak ada lagi complaints or any negative comments on his attitude towards ...
Boroi!!!! Hahaha....
Yup, selagi boleh pilih, pilih lah.. but not FN... teruk jgk nana..tak abis2 anti-FN. |
betul ke? patutlah baru 2 juta je
apalaaaahh...makcik2 ni gilakan pungkok and dada aku...haha
cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 01:16 PM
betul ke? patutlah baru 2 juta je
Tak lah... kalau dm dia tanye yg bukan2, takkn dia suka kn..
tu i pelik asal his followers tak bnyk sgt.. even si fattah dah 2.9m, AJ 3.3m..but then as long the followers dah reach juta, drama producers will think of u.
cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 01:19 PM
apalaaaahh...makcik2 ni gilakan pungkok and dada aku...haha
Lol!!! Abeh zul suka show off parts yg tu(maybe tanpa sengaja).. maner makcik2 tak merenyam smpi laki2 sendiri jd mangsa.. |
i remember masa i anak dara dulu...i tak reti about man's body ni smua...minat artis or ada bf pn sbb muka hensem and intelligent. part body i tgk height lah...tak brani or tak reti nak tgk deeper than that. tgk lelaki tak pakai baju pn i dah geli. even ada bf pn i takde lelebih...takut or geli ntah. tp org lelaki normally sebaliknya. dah kawin baru tau the value of every part...hihi...so it justifies our craziness...we know and appreciate it. sbb tu kite over than single women. maybe single women yg baca post kite anggap kite crazy or immoral...
cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 01:41 PM
i remember masa i anak dara dulu...i tak reti about man's body ni smua...minat artis or ada bf pn ...
I prefer guys yg into sports dulu. Mcm my ex-bf, walau dia rendah, his legs well toned, butts dia pun cute. So u see, even time anak dara, i dah tgk butts lelaki.Wif my hubby lak, pasal i nk cari suami, jd yg other qualities yg play a part. Masa 1st night lah baru those physical qualities give excitement. And his butts pun cute2 gitu. In fact lepas more than 10 yrs kawin, we still suke cubit2 butts masing2..
And i got to agree wif u, org yg dah kawin jer yg akan ckp yg u kata "crazy/immoral".. but wat to do, kiter pompuan kan sejati. |

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Post time 3-4-2018 02:12 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 3-4-2018 12:51 PM
Boroi!!!! Hahaha....
Yup, selagi boleh pilih, pilih lah.. but not FN... teruk jgk nana..tak abi ...
Kaka pun anti FN.....hahahah |

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Post time 3-4-2018 02:12 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 3-4-2018 02:09 PM
I prefer guys yg into sports dulu. Mcm my ex-bf, walau dia rendah, his legs well toned, butts dia ...
Ni mesti kaki M&B nih...... |

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Post time 3-4-2018 02:13 PM
From the mobile phone
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cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 01:19 PM
apalaaaahh...makcik2 ni gilakan pungkok and dada aku...haha
Hanya makcik2 yg faham kenapa butt and buldge tu penting dan patut ditengok..... |

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Post time 3-4-2018 02:16 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 3-4-2018 02:09 PM
I prefer guys yg into sports dulu. Mcm my ex-bf, walau dia rendah, his legs well toned, butts dia ...
BF tak kira laaa.....asal ada rupa sikit and janji boleh banjer makan......suami kena cari yg betol2....nak jadi lifetime partner..... |
kaka...i tgk balik TC after 2 months x tgk. rindu umayr haris.
nasib baik i baca romance novel after kawin....those by judith mcnaught or karen robards...fuyyooo...makes me appreciate my man's body more.
harumanis replied at 3-4-2018 02:16 PM
BF tak kira laaa.....asal ada rupa sikit and janji boleh banjer makan......suami kena cari yg beto ...
Aah.. but gd thing i dpt my hubby yg ard 20cm taller.. dpt lah tgk laki dongak2 mcm aisy dongak tgk harris.. and laki kene tunduk2 biler nk tgk cermin kat dressing table,mcm umayr harris.. hehe |
cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 02:21 PM
kaka...i tgk balik TC after 2 months x tgk. rindu umayr haris.
I pun dah start tgk those cut scenes TC, just to see Umayr harris.... |
harumanis replied at 3-4-2018 02:13 PM
Hanya makcik2 yg faham kenapa butt and buldge tu penting dan patut ditengok.....
Penting dlm rumahtangga.. haha |
nope...bf dulu i cari yg hensem sgttt! mix mcm ZA...tu psl insaf...susah nak jagaaa...i jd mcm ZM...sbb my father tak bekenan, cuma takde soc med nak meroyan. so my asben intelligent, sexy, hensem but not sgt hahaha...tu pn kdg sweet talker sket dgn awek promoter...dah terperasan awek tu.
cheesepastry replied at 3-4-2018 02:30 PM
nope...bf dulu i cari yg hensem sgttt! mix mcm ZA...tu psl insaf...susah nak jagaaa...i jd mcm ZM. ...
Lol!! Bole sis feeling2 jd ira jap... tgk dia kat perth mcm best jer.. shuld i make perth my next holiday destination??? |
ZA jd award presenter ke? |
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