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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Strongest typhoon in more than a decade swamps Hong Kong

Pedestrians brave the strong winds in Central, the business centre in Hong Kong Monday, July 23, 2012. Tropical storm Vincente has been upgraded to a typhoon after intensifying as it moves closer to the coast of Guangdong, Southern China.
Photograph by: Kin Cheung, AP

HONG KONG — The strongest typhoon to hit Hong Kong in 13 years swirled into southern China as a tropical storm Tuesday, still potent enough for mainland authorities to order the evacuation of tens of thousands of people and warn residents of possible flooding.

Vincente departed Hong Kong midmorning, after leaving more than 100 residents injured and paralyzing business in one of the world’s leading financial centres. By early afternoon, Hong Kong airport was operating near normal, and the Hong Kong Stock exchange had resumed trading.

On the mainland, Chinese state media said that even in its weakened condition Vincente could still dump 300 millimetres (12 inches) of rain in Guangxi province, after it passes through Guangdong, adjacent to Hong Kong.

They said authorities had evacuated more than 42,000 people in the Guangdong city of Maoming, and were preparing to cope with possible “flash floods, mudslides, landslides and other disasters.”

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 Author| Post time 26-7-2012 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Wildfires carried by strong winds threaten populated areas near Crikvenica, Croatia
By Adonai
– July 24, 2012Posted in: Wildfires

The fire that broke out around 6:40 UTC, July 23, 2km south of Crikvenica, and spread towards Selce is still threatening populated areas. Strong winds of more than 100km an hour made tackling the fires very difficult as water-bombing planes could not be used.

Some 1,500 tourists from two campsites were evacuated while a number of other tourists left a nearby hotel, officials said. Strong winds with speeds of more than 300 km an hour were recorded around Zadar, south of Crikvenica.

It's getting bad...



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Post time 26-7-2012 06:24 AM | Show all posts
yang aku pasti........... seakan baru semalam memasuki 1.1.2012... sekarang sudah 26.7.2012.......... amat2 pantas masa berlalu meninggalkan kita........

dan melangkah masuk tahun 2012........ gempa bumi tak bercuti lagi sehingga kini.............. hampir setiap minggu ada saja yg me;letus

ceramah2 skarang banyak bercerita ttg zaman nabi nuh...... terbaru di halaqah....

banyak benda pelik berlaku.... spt kemunculan hewan2 air yg jarang di temui.............

yg di sebut dlm Alquran mmg pasti akn berlaku... mmg sangat2 takut... takut ... takut

takut pada dosa2 yang telah di lakukan.... adakah sudah terampun? adakah bekal sudah mencukupi...?

banjir  hati menangisi..............

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Post time 26-7-2012 06:27 AM | Show all posts
aku lihat sekeliling... aku cuba bercerita psl bencana alam... peristiwa dukhan yg pasti..... tapi semua mcm tak bminat... angguk2 pastu ubah topik...... aku dituduh pelik........... benarkah aku pelik? aku pun tak dapat menilai diri lagi..

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Post time 26-7-2012 07:55 AM | Show all posts
andria posted on 25-7-2012 09:19 PM
Is Neumayer Station Blocking Out Planet X?
Memang ada sesuatu yg sedang menuju ke bumi, sama ada Planet X/Nibiru atau asteroid.

Ya ALLAH.. semoga ALLAH melindungi kita semua

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Post time 26-7-2012 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Berdebar-debar hati setiap hari menunggu apa yang bakal berlaku pada kita semua...

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Post time 26-7-2012 02:58 PM | Show all posts
perembes posted on 26-7-2012 06:27 AM
aku lihat sekeliling... aku cuba bercerita psl bencana alam... peristiwa dukhan yg pasti..... tapi s ...

adatla...macam yg Andria cakap..tak semua org rasa benda yg kita rasa...pada Dina, tak semua org nak ambik tahu.  Mungkin kurang mengambil tahu maka mereka tidak berminat dan menganggap org macam kita ni pelik dan ekstrem.  Yg penting, bekalkan diri kita sebanyak-banyaknya...Wallahualam....


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Post time 26-7-2012 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Sesunggunya perumpamaan kehidupan duniawi itu adalah seperti air yang Kami turunkan dari langit, lalu tumbuhlah dengan suburnya tanam-tanaman bumi, diantaranya ada yang dimakan manusia dan binatang ternakan.  Hingga apabila bumi itu telah sempurna keindahannya dan memakai pula perhiasannya, dan pemilik-pemiliknya menyangka bahawa mereka pasti menguasainya, tiba-tiba datanglah kepadanya azab Kami di waktu malam atau siang, lalu kami jadikan (tanaman-tanamannya) laksana tanaman-tanaman yang sudah dituai, seakan-akan belum pernah tumbuh kelmarin. Demikianlah Kami menjelaskan tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Kami) kepada orang yang berfikir

surah Yunus ayat 24.


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Post time 27-7-2012 11:11 AM | Show all posts
perembes posted on 26-7-2012 06:24 AM
yang aku pasti........... seakan baru semalam memasuki 1.1.2012... sekarang sudah 26.7.2012......... ...

saudari, rasanya normal kalau kita membicarakan tentang hal2 sebegini dgn kawan2 ataupun mereka yg mempunyai talian persaudaraan dgn kita, kita pasti akan dilabel sebagai pelik , itu normal...

Menyorot kembali zaman2 saya seringkali ketakutan dengan mimpi2 pelik atau apa2 sahaja pembacaan berkenaan alam semesta, saya cuba muhasabah diri, tidak perlu saya terlalu terbawa2 dgn kejadian2 yg telah berlaku atau mungkin bakal berlaku , dekatkanlah diri pada Allah, mohon petunjuk drp Allah, persiapkan amalan2 kita,  insyaallah kita akan rasa lebih tenang ...


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 Author| Post time 27-7-2012 02:33 PM | Show all posts
perembes posted on 26-7-2012 06:27 AM
aku lihat sekeliling... aku cuba bercerita psl bencana alam... peristiwa dukhan yg pasti..... tapi s ...

Rasulullah s.a.w pernah memberitahu kita, yg umat Islam di akhir zaman ialah seperti buih di lautan... orang2 Islam yg mencuba berjalan di atas jalan yg lurus itulah yg akan dianggap gila, pelik dan ganjil... dan akhirnya menjadi terasing, dalam suasana yg amat asing... jika anda tidak memiliki rumah, kereta, wang yg banyak di bank, kerja yg bagus atau sebarang aset berharga, anda dipandang sebelah mata... padahal banyak material yg dibangga-banggakan itu dimiliki dengan jalan riba.. tak cukup agenda kapitalis menipu kita dengan front-door riba, kita ditipu lagi dengan back-door riba... Sedangkan back-door riba itu lebih dahsyat dari front-door riba. Berapa orangkah yg lebih rela menjadi miskin di dunia ini, asalkan tetap berada pada jalan yg lurus, jalan yg diredhaiNYA, dan bukan jalan yg dimurkaiNYA..? Berapa ramai pula yg lebih selesa mengikut arus dan enggan ambil peduli? Berapa ramaikah yg sudah tertutup mata hatinya dari melihat Kebenaran?

Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan, bahawa Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam telah bersabda:

Islam bermula sebagai sesuatu yang dianggap asing dan ganjil. Dan ia akan kembali sebagaimana permulaannya, dianggap asing dan ganjil. Maka, beruntunglah orang-orang yang ganjil...”  [Hadith Muslim no. 145]

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Post time 27-7-2012 04:14 PM | Show all posts
ombak_rindu posted on 26-7-2012 07:55 AM
Ya ALLAH.. semoga ALLAH melindungi kita semua

Amin ,amin....rabba al amin

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Post time 27-7-2012 04:31 PM | Show all posts
andria posted on 21-7-2012 04:09 PM
Ceritera Seorang Dayang

Buah kedondong buah kepayang

sedap kata2 ini

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Post time 27-7-2012 09:27 PM | Show all posts
mmg ada asteroid yang menuju bumi, apophis, in 2036. tak disembunyikan pun. likely will cause 10 million deaths dan dijangka jatuh di amerika selatan.

besides that tak ada asteroid lain yang akan datang. and nibiru is a hoax.

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2012 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 27-7-2012 09:27 PM
mmg ada asteroid yang menuju bumi, apophis, in 2036. tak disembunyikan pun. likely will cause 10 mil ...

I have to disagree with you. There are many more asteroids likely to hit earth than NASA cares to share. And some asteroids only appeared on NASA's webpage in the last hour. Referring to the post I made regarding this, it is not determined whether the 'thing' is an asteroid or a planet. I have no problem if Nibiru is a hoax, but saying so demands evidence, as much as saying it does exist, requires the same evidence as well. Therefore, to TOTALLY refute the statement, needs ABSOLUTE evidence, in which, you and I both do not have it. Hence, if you say Nibiru is a hoax, Nibiru believers can say the opposite. Not seeing it does not mean it's not there (I'm not saying it IS there, just throwing out the logic). There is a possibility that the 'thing' is somewhere out there in the big galaxy, we just haven't found it yet. Or, maybe it does NOT exist. There are possibilities in both. So until one of them successfully refutes the other, the theory is an open debate.

Dukhan WILL come. So whether it comes via an asteroid, Planet X or Nibiru, is secondary, compared to the fact that it IS coming. Allah knows best.

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Post time 27-7-2012 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by Santeira on 27-7-2012 11:48 PM \n\n
andria posted on 27-7-2012 10:13 PM
I have to disagree with you. There are many more asteroids likely to hit earth than NASA cares to  ...

To prove something that doesn't exist, doesn't exist, I need to bring evidence?

I don't see any planet approaching, the hubble telescope doesn't see any planet approaching, why should there be a need to prove something that doesn't exist, doesn't exist? If Nibiru exists, show where it is.

Ada asteroids yang pass through Earth's air dalam masa yang terdekat, tapi tak ada yang akan hit bumi. Yang dikira oleh astronomers akan jatuh di bumi ialah Apophis, dia lalu di bumi pada 2029, disebabkan trajektorinya berlaga dengan graviti bumi, orbitnya akan menyisih sedikit tetapi kesisihan itu akan menyebabkan ia menghentam bumi pada tahun 2036. Ini disahkan oleh NASA.

And NASA did say Nibiru is a hoax.

Unless you can calculate better than the astronomers. As far as I am concerned, rumors, and gossips, don't count as evidence.


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Post time 28-7-2012 10:30 PM | Show all posts
andria posted on 23-7-2012 03:23 PM
Last edited by andria on 23-7-2012 03:27 PM \n\nTentang Solar Storm/Ribut Solar

so are u prepared?

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Post time 28-7-2012 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 27-7-2012 11:43 PM
Last edited by Santeira on 27-7-2012 11:48 PM \n\n
To prove something that doesn't exist, doesn't  ...

Then we shall see the truth....

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2012 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 27-7-2012 11:43 PM
Last edited by Santeira on 27-7-2012 11:48 PM \n\n
To prove something that doesn't exist, doesn't  ...

1. The question of Nibiru's existence has been debated to death for the last 5 years or so. Your popular questions have been answered as well. Google is your friend. Like I said, I don't defend something that I myself don't know for sure whether it existed or not - I am just throwing out the LOGIC of rational thinking, to you. At this point, both parties are correct (I did not say you were wrong, I only said I disagree wth your deductions). We can ONLY know the truth when NOTHING hits earth.

2. There are many things that we do not see, but we can feel. We can't see the air we breath in, we can't see the wind, we can't see feelings/emotions, we can't see our thinking, we can't even see God - but we KNOW they are there. If we were to follow the statement - 'If we can't see it, it doesn't exist', then by that same argument - The air doesn't exist, the wind doesn't exist, our emotions don't exist, our thinking doesn't exist - and God doesn't exist, simply because we can't see them all.

One of the answers as to why we can't see Nibiru (answers given by those who believe that Nibiru does exist), is because Nibiru is a Red Dwarf/star. And Stars do not reflect light, they are emitters of light. So whether you accept this answer or not, it's your choice.

3. Amongst my previous postings, I have posted some articles from NASA ITSELF (if I'm not mistaken, these articles were published way back in the 80's, long before Nibiru became popular within the masses), admitting that Nibiru DOES EXIST. At that time, if I still remember, they named it The Tenth Planet. They said it DOES EXIST, and that it is on it's way to earth. However, not long after they made that statement, for some vague reasons, they quickly retracted that statement and that article which was also published on their webpage (when the internet was up & running), was taken down and no where to be seen. Luckily some people did save the articles and that is how our generation can read the articles again, uploaded on the internet.

I don't remember whether I posted the article in Part 1 or in this thread. However I think it's in Part 1. You can check Part 1 if you wish to read that article.

4. Zecharia Sitchin studied the works and manuscripts of the Sumerians, before anybody ever thought to do so. There were symbols and writings, images and whatnot, and one of the images is of a blue winged planet, named the Nibiru. Or also best known as The Destroyer. If I need to choose between Sitchin and NASA, I'd choose Sitchin anytime. NASA has lied in that they claimed Nibiru doesn't exist, whereas in the article they themselves published in the 80's, they said it does exist. Sitchin's reputation was tarnished by certain so-called researchers after he passed away, in order to discredit his findings/his works. Sitchin devoted his life to his work and he even studied ancient languages (that was why he was able to read the Sumerian Tablets in the 1st place). So why do some people try so hard to discredit his findings of Nibiru? I'm sure there are reasons behind it. One that I wouldn't bother to indulge in.

5. As what I mentioned earlier on, it does not matter which comes to hit earth. Be it an asteroid, Planet X, Marduk, The Dwarf Star, Nibiru, The 12th Planet, etc.... I am concerned only of WHAT it brings with it. I am thinking of The Dukhan. I am wondering of how The Dukhan will spread, and what causes it, because there are NO religious or scientific explanation that I can find, as to what causes it, only theories. The Dukhan will bring GREAT MISERY to billions of people worldwide and as a result, billions will die. Perhaps only 1/3 of the world's population will survive. That's why I said in my previous post, something is sure coming towards earth that will cause Dukhan to happen. Why? Because the 'thing' that will hit earth, has an high intensity of body/contents that when it touches the earth's atmosphere, it creates such a 'burning' that creates GREAT SMOKE all over the world. And this is no ordinary smoke. This smoke causes death, it comes out from within our ears and our noses... how can smoke comes out from within our noses and ears? That's a question to ponder on and that shows that this smoke/Dukhan is no ordinary smoke.

6. We have discussed this issue back in Part 1 already. So I don't know why you would want to discuss the same thing again. You have already announced where you stood on this, and I did too. So it's best to leave this issue as it is. You are free to believe what you want to believe, and I am free to believe what I want to believe. I do not wish to turn this thread into a debate thread. Your belief is your prerogative, my belief is mine. And the forumers on this thread are never forced to believe anything I give them. Everyone is free to conduct their on research. I only pave the way for you to choose, whether to walk on it, or not. Like I have always mentioned, there are many roads to Rome...




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 Author| Post time 29-7-2012 02:07 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 28-7-2012 10:30 PM
so are u prepared?

For Solar Storm, there's nothing we can do to prevent it or to prepare. All electrical-based things won't work. Your computer won't work, so no internet. Your mobile phone won't work, so no communication. I would advise people to be with their family within the time-frame it is expected to happen. At least you'll have everyone around, so no worries thinking about what happens to one of your family members. Unless your heart is made of steel or stone and you don't feel much. But yes, nothing we can do about it to prepare, actually. The best choice is to stay away from the cities and to live on highlands with fresh water, a vast land for agriculture and some farming. I'm looking forward to the day I am able to move away from civilization. Insya Allah.


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 Author| Post time 29-7-2012 02:18 PM | Show all posts
magpie5672 posted on 25-7-2012 04:03 PM
Ya Allah sis,

entah kenapa saya memang berasa ini adalah Ramadhan terakhir saya.

Post itu hanya ingin mengingatkan kita secara general, agar kita berusaha sedaya mungkin, untuk cuba berubah menjadi lebih baik dari semalam... apabila kita menganggap ia adalah Ramadhan kita yg terakhir, maka sudah pasti kita akan berusaha bersungguh2 memohon taubat dan keampunan dariNYA... mencari seberapa banyak redha untuk dibawa sebagai bekalan ke akhirat kelak... saya berdoa, semoga kita semua yg benar2 berusaha utk mencari dan mendapatkan redhaNYA, diberikan redhaNYA, berbanding dari meminta pahala... sesungguhnya, bagi mereka yg mengetahui, pasti menyedari, bahawa redhaNYA itu jauh lebih besar dari pahalaNYA...  andaikata terjadi peristiwa di luar jangkaan kita tahun ini, yg memungkinkan banyaknya terjadi kehilangan nyawa, termasuk nyawa kita sendiri, paling tidak, kita sempat bertaubat, dalam waktu yg singkat ini...



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