yup.. buat masa ni jgn pikir langsugn hal tunang mel tu.. buat tak tau je.. tapi kalau ras ...
mieraedoera Post at 21-8-2010 12:02
dah..family die pun tak tau nak ckp ape..tah la..ade jodoh adela kak..malas nak pk...skang mel nak
pk masa depan mel dulu..jodoh2 ni sume kemudian..heheh
cian tucen sekeluarga...nak2 akak tucen...kira seolah dipergunakan...
apapun..jgn la meng ...
linamys Post at 21-8-2010 11:46
mmg dipergunakan pun....
biasanya dia paling semangat klu pose & nak rata tp taon ni x nmpak semangat dia. sbb duit x de...abis semer. ni nk gaji, x tau la cam ne. hutang dh keliling pinggang. creadit card lg, kereta lg...ari tu siap kata x de baju raye pun x pe sbb x de duit. kucen rasa nk nangis dgr. ni pun rasa sebak. tp kami dh sepakat adik bradik, belikan kain utk baju raya. semer ada bahagiannye sbb kami mmg pakai baju sama setiap thn. biarlah x de duit pun, baju raye ttp ada sekurang2nye sehelai...kesian sgt kt dia. klu dia masih duk ngan jantan tu, entah cam ne ngan pose dia. skrg dia duk kat umah. w/pun agak jauh dr tmpat keje dia, biarlah. mak kata dia sanggup kuarkan duit utk isi minyak kete tu asalkan dia balik umah:cry: sedisnye...
mel nak request lagu lain bole?
nak lagu "I Will Survive" sorryla kat opis xde utube..xle ...
melinda_gordon Post at 21-8-2010 12:10
okeh.... permintaan diterima.. lagu i will survive
"I Will Survive"
At first I was afraid.
I was petrified.
I kept thinking I could never live
Without you by my side.
But then I spent so many nights
Just thinking how you'd done me wrong.
I grew strong.
I learned how to get along.
And so you're back from outer space.
I just walked in to find you here
Without that look upon your face.
I should have changed my kungfu queen lock.
I would have made you leave your key
If I'd have known for just one second
You'd be back to bother me.
Oh now go.
Walk out the door.
Just turn around now.
You're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh not I.
I will survive.
As long as I know how to love
I know I'll be alive.
I've got all my life to live.
I've got all my love to give.
I will survive.
I will survive.
It took all the strength I had
Just not to fall apart.
I'm trying hard to mend
The pieces of my broken heart.
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself.
I used to cry.
But now I hold my head up high.
And you'll see me with somebody new.
I'm not that stupid little person
Still in love with you.
And so you thought you'd just drop by,
And you expect me to be free.
But now I'm saving all my lovin'
For someone who's lovin' me.
Oh now go.
Walk out the door.
Just turn around now.
You're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh not I.
I will survive.
As long as I know how to love
I know I'll be alive.
I've got all my life to live.
I've got all my love to give.
I will survive.
I will survive.