[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari
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chuols g usha guardian/watsons ujung mggu jar. time rupanya sale diorang kasi kaw2
Hapdate terkini !mcm slh je info meols..amponnn!! 
Edited by BalangMerah at 12-12-2017 07:20 PM
rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 06:35 PM
Hapdate terkini !mcm slh je info meols..amponnn!!
Hehe, xpe la kaka, kt pun speku je.   |
BoongaKertas replied at 12-12-2017 05:29 PM
chuols g usha guardian/watsons ujung mggu jar. time rupanya sale diorang kasi kaw2
Tulah, mmg nak pegi.. hehehe, jum2 serbu |
Siapa2 boleh jawab soalan i ni. Dasha tu gegirl tulen ke jadian ya? I is konpius n curius. |
He he he...#sedeyyy |
rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 07:01 PM
He he he...#sedeyyy
Sedey faz xdtg ke kaka.. ala xpe lah, nmpk faz pun masih bz photoshoot |
Sedey sbb tgk games bodoh terbaru...,boring gak permainan baru tp guna spin lama..goes round n round..smp abam jamil mampos!
Nway ni thread fazzy kan..fazzy gorgeous sgt arini... |
rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 07:02 PM
Gejanz #spesisbaru
Hahaha. Gejanz pun boleh ya kaka. Tapi faz sayang gila kat dasha kan. Suka tengok |
rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 07:09 PM
Nway ni thread fazzy kan..fazzy gorgeous sgt arini...
Ni pun cantikkkkk
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rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 07:08 PM
Sedey sbb tgk games bodoh terbaru...,boring gak permainan baru tp guna spin lama..goes round n rou ...
Heheh, iolss dah paham.. dah edit dah pun  |
BalangMerah replied at 12-12-2017 07:19 PM
Ni pun cantikkkkk
Jar, smua cantik lh klau fazzy..nangis cantik,nganga mulut pun cntik..xde masa fazzy xcntik |
FaFaz replied at 12-12-2017 07:29 PM
Jar, smua cantik lh klau fazzy..nangis cantik,nganga mulut pun cntik..xde masa fazzy xcntik
Heheh, faz ckp ambik mase berjam nak jd lawa.. jd iolss makan tahun la yea nak jd lawa. hahaha |
Edited by kyul at 12-12-2017 08:28 PM
rosannazmia replied at 12-12-2017 04:13 PM
Tkasih dik kyul!kaka minat btl gif2 chuols buat ni..
Welcome.. Tgh free, tu yg rajin buat...
Ni utk @BoongaKertas yg ckp Faz comel td
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