Love Doc: Q & A Here (Especially for the Ladies)
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Reply #741 polaris_girlz's post
bab2 mandrem ni saya tak tahu la pola. Orang kena mandrem ni susah nak cakap. Kuasa yg di luar batasan manusia. Sometime orang kata jer mandrem, pada hal takde apa2 pun...it's all in the state of mind... |
Originally posted by ifanonline at 20-6-2008 04:55 PM
As a love doc, I notice nowadays, ladies are becoming more lazy in a relationship. Well, this is my opinion. I'm not sure whether this is a bias or a general though but, maybe the ladies must cha ...
aku sgt rajin.. tiap2 ari aku yg ajak dinner.... tp dia tak mo dinner dia sanggup turun lunch dari opis dia datang ke opis aku..
banyak kali aku tanyer.. naper tak mo dinner.. macam2 alasan.. aku sanggup datang ke umah dia lagi pikap.. tp mati matian tak mo..
doc luv.. ko rase camne.. nath2 dia g dinner ngan pompuan lain kot...
tak paham btol laa aku |
Originally posted by ifanonline at 20-6-2008 04:55 PM
As a love doc, I notice nowadays, ladies are becoming more lazy in a relationship. Well, this is my opinion. I'm not sure whether this is a bias or a general though but, maybe the ladies must cha ...
Dah jadi budaya kita dari dulu kot.....hehe. Tapi i setuju dengan u ifan....ladies kena jadi timba skarang ni. Tapi mcm mana nak start? |
Originally posted by True-X at 6-7-2008 05:51 PM
aku sgt rajin.. tiap2 ari aku yg ajak dinner.... tp dia tak mo dinner dia sanggup turun lunch dari opis dia datang ke opis aku..
banyak kali aku tanyer.. naper tak mo dinner.. macam2 alas ...
hehe...relak...maybe dia nak diet kot...ke dia tgh nak berjimat... |
hai ifan....
kalu u masih ingat sebelum ni i pernah tanya u berkaitan dgn my best friend. Ifan u tau tak sekarang keadaan i rasa dah semakin teruk.
i tak tau kenapa...everytime i terjumpa dia seolah-olah dia nak mengelak dari i..but then dia masih boleh hantar email kat i...dia juga
akan bertanya tentang i dgn kawan i..tapi yang i hairan dia tak bercakap pun dgn i...i tak faham apa sebenarnya yg berlaku...i sedih becoz
he is my best friend... |
Reply #743 True-X's post
sometimes, lelaki pun pemalas jugak dlm relationship...dua2 kena rajin skit nak bercinta ni... |
Reply #746 hanidynaz's post
why don't you try and talk to him...after all, he is your best friend... |
i dah try, i dah hantar sms pun tak jawab....so now i let go
i dah tak sanggup lagi...maybe dia da jumpa sahabat yang lebih baik dari i
apa yang boleh i buat sekarang i doakan semoga dia akan sentiasa bahagia
n i sebagai kawan akan selalu mendoakan dia... |
Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Close your eyes and give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Is this burning an eternal flame? |
Contradicting Views and Expectation...
Sometime in a men-women relationship, there a lot of contradicting views and expectation. Men and women are born different, their needs are different. Both sexes needs to understand each other in order not to hurt one another. There is no 'one-sided' relationship. Both parties needs to fulfill their duty in loves so that both parties does not come with a generalize statement saying this or that to their other sex. |
ifanonline This user has been deleted
Memberi dan Menerima, Rajin dalam Perhubungan
Give and take, initiate in your relationship...i could not stress more on this two factors. Relationship is like a rose and a bug, bunga dgn kumbang (sebab tu la pepatah mengatakan bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan seekor...but i don't want to be the kumbang here...hahahhaha)
The summary is, be a pretty rose and a happy bug... |
ifanonline This user has been deleted
Memberi dan Menerima, Rajin dalam Perhubungan
Give and take, initiate in your relationship...i could not stress more on this two factors. Relationship is like a rose and a bug, bunga dgn kumbang (sebab tu la pepatah mengatakan bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan seekor...but i don't want to be the kumbang here...hahahhaha)
The summary is, be a pretty rose and a happy bug... |
Reply #753 ifanonline's post
tolong nasihat saye
saye ada masalah.... tapi..... |
Reply #755 nur_hana's post
Forget someone
mcmana nak lupakan seorang yg sgt kita sygi...
atas sbb2 tertentu kita tak boleh nak bersama..
tapi dia terlalu baik n tak penah buat kita terluka so mcmana nak lupakan dia... |
Memang sangat sukar untuk melupakan seseorang yang kita sangat sayangi. Apetah lagi kalau first love. First of all, try look at it at a positive way. Maybe he is not good for you in one way or the other. Dalam hidup ni, there are guardian angels who is looking out for us. Anggapkan ia sebagai takdir atau there is a blessing in disguise. Selalunya kejadian buruk yg menimpa kita ada pengajaran dan rahmat disebaliknya. It's for us to sit down and think hard. Memang mula2 nya boleh jadi bingung memikirkannya tetapi, it will gradually come to a sense.
p/s: this is for u eliz... |
Gajah Di Depan Mata Tak Nampak, Kuman Di Seberang Laut Nampak Pulak?
Satu tabiat yg sangat2 normal didalam diri manusia, especially among the Malay society. It's like a white sheet, you will only see the stain on the sheet even though the whole sheet is white. Humans are not perfect creatures. Human do make mistake. Some people do not like what they see, hear, taste,etc...because it is against their thinking, believes, feelings,etc...but living in this world we have options, to be good or to be bad. |
Here are four of the worst dating offenses made by single women:
1. Getting lazy about love
Nancy Slotnick, dating coach and author of the book "Turn Your Cablight On -- Get Your Dream Man in 6 Months or Less" claims that you can't expect love to find you these days.
揗any people don't make an effort to date and wonder why they're still single. |
saya, x pernah bercinta. tiba2 skang ni sy dh suka kat seorang gentleman nih. my boss.
dia sgt caring. bukan kat sy sorang ja tp kat semua org terutama perempuan lah.
dan dia juga sgt baik hati, selalu belanja makan, x kisah sgt pasal duit2 ni, sgt pemurah.
masa first time sy ikut dia g outstation, sy dan sorang lagi bdk pompuan jatuh hati kt dia.
tp dia nih lgk amik berat kt kwn sy sbb kwn sy baru putus cinta jdk emosi x stabil skit.
masatu sy ada gak rasa jealous, tp nk wat camna.
pastu sy ikut lg g outstation tp kwn sy x ikut dh.
kat sana sy la pulak kena usik dgn dia. balik kl sy mmg angau abis lah dgn dia.
skang nih, sy dah aim nk mengorat dia. tp camna/
dia nih sgt busy. slalu g outstation. sy dah x leh ikut dah sbb dh ada keja lain.
klau msj call pun tanya pasal keja je.
sy tanya kawan2, semua nasihatan jgn lepaskan lelaki yg baik. berusaha lagik. tp camna....
[ Last edited by thatsourmia at 17-8-2008 11:33 PM ] |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan