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Author: nixzanna

Koleksi movies/drama Hantu dan Mystery...

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Post time 10-6-2004 03:45 PM | Show all posts
for me, filem2 seram dari indonesia paling menakutkan.. saya ingat lagi dulu2, mak selalu bawak saya pegi tgk wayang padang... skrin besar dipasang tgh2 padang, dan kita dudukla kat padang tuh menonton sampai habis.. selalunya wayang seram indonesialah yang ditayangkan...

antara yg seram ialah cerita Malam Satu Sore... rasanya lakonan suzanna jugak kot.. cerita lain yang saya rasa menyeramkan ialah cerita melayu lama, tajuk dia kalau tak silap Roh Membela.. tak ingat siapa berlakon.. kalau cerita inggeris saya tak berapa suka sgt.. sebab tak real sgt..

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Post time 10-6-2004 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nixzanna at 2004-6-10 11:43 AM:

But i can see both pictures:stp:

ok nevermind then.

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 11-6-2004 06:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by white pearl at 10-6-2004 15:45:
for me, filem2 seram dari indonesia paling menakutkan.. saya ingat lagi dulu2, mak selalu bawak saya pegi tgk wayang padang... skrin besar dipasang tgh2 padang, dan kita dudukla kat padang tuh meno ...

Yeap :setuju: category for malay movies tapi paling best pengabdi setan kalau ko tengok cam real..

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Post time 11-6-2004 09:16 AM | Show all posts
pengabdi setan?? tak penah tgk... lagi citer melayu seram yang best ialah jerangkung.. takut ooo... mayat tu kena langkah dgn kucing hitam.. pastuh bangun balik dan jadik hantu.. seremmmmm...

citer pontianak tu pun seram gak.. tapi tak ingat sgtla jalan cerita dia camner..

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Post time 11-6-2004 09:02 PM | Show all posts
gorg prefer The Ring....

bulan June nin di channel 42 astro ada tribute utk cerita2 seram....
last Saturday 13 Ghost....

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Post time 12-6-2004 01:14 PM | Show all posts
;) Satu masa dulu...banyak citer/filem mat salleh yang mendapat tempat di hati ownag ramai...sejak filem Korean Kuar...Start from Dark Water....Tak silap aku...ermm...terus Demam Filem Korea....The Phone la...Diorang banyak mainkan perasaan penonton..muzik yang baik..Silap-silap leh terkojut pengsan:kant:....Hhehehhe...:bgrin:

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biduanda layang This user has been deleted
Post time 13-6-2004 08:41 PM | Show all posts

ISOLA was based on a novel by Kishi Yuusuke titled, Jusan Ban Me No Persona, which means, 'The Thirteenth Persona.' I wish I knew why ISOLA got the lame English title: 'Multiple Personality Girl.' That sounds like a Madonna song. Why didn't they just keep the title ISOLA? It is of great significance when we see the isolation chamber near the end of the movie. The girl with the multiple personality disorder, Chihiro, was merely a vessel for the story to take place, for Yayoi to exact her revenge.

    Dr Manabe was conducting out-of-body experience experiments with Takano Yayoi using an isolation chamber, and just before the Great Hanshin Earthquake they were successful; Yayoi left her body just before the earthquake hit, but that wing of the building was all but destroyed. Glass and refuse fell into the open isolation chamber killing Yayoi's body; Dr Manabe got trapped, but he escaped and left Yayoi for dead. She didn't have a body to return to and could not rest without revenge.

    She found a home in Chihiro, who had a multiple personality disorder -- twelve separate personalities, to be exact -- and became her thirteenth persona named ISOLA, writing she saw as she got into the isolation chamber for the last time.

[ Last edited by biduanda layang on 13-6-2004 at 08:42 PM ]

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biduanda layang This user has been deleted
Post time 13-6-2004 09:05 PM | Show all posts

揟he dead will devour the living厰

At a secret lab at an abandoned plant in modern-day Japan, the US government have been conducting experiments on how to bring the dead back to life. With the invention of DNX, they have discovered that once this mysterious green goop is injected into a deceased body, the body will live again. As with everyone who tampers with nature, the results of the initial DNX tests are without side effects (of course!)... all except an insatiable hunger for human flesh! <insert maniacal laughter here> This becomes apparent to them when their first experiment; a beautiful (and naked Miwa, in her film debut) corpse attacks a doctor right before opening credits.

Meanwhile, a group of bandits (including our heroine Saki, played inconsistently by Kaori Shimamura, and comic relief Akira, played with gusto by Osamu Ebara) rob a jewelry store in the middle of the day. After a successful robbery (though not quite as successful for Akira, as he ends up being stabbed in the foot by a teller), they contact the person they want to exchange the jewels for money for. They agree to meet at an abandoned plant outside of the city where the cops won't find them... (and I do think you know where this is going... )


[ Last edited by biduanda layang on 13-6-2004 at 09:50 PM ]

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biduanda layang This user has been deleted
Post time 13-6-2004 09:23 PM | Show all posts

Raat is about a family, the Sharma's, that move into a new house in a new neighbourhood and soon they find themselves being besieged by strange, inexplicable happenings

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biduanda layang This user has been deleted
Post time 13-6-2004 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Based on the first novel by Stephen King (The Green Mile, Stand by Me, Cujo). The story is about an young strange girl named Carrie White (Sissy Spacek in a Strong Oscar Nominated Performance) has to deal with her mother (Piper Laurie in a Terrific Oscar Nominated Performance), who believes in the puritan beliefs of God and the Students (Nancy Allen, John Travolta, P.J. Soles and anothers) who ridicule her. Then Carrie discover she has the power of Telekinetic abilties. Carrie used her abilities for revenge at her class mates.
This film is the ulimate revenge tale for anyone who was rejected and ridicule. Directed by Brain De Palma (Blow Out, Dressed to Kill, Rasing Cain) images of the film has dated a bit. Fine screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen (Stephen King`s It). This was a Box Office Hit in Theaters and it`s become a Modern Day Horror Classic for the Genre. Followed by a In-Name Sequel with Amy Irving in a Supporting Role and a T.V. Remake. Grade:A.


[ Last edited by biduanda layang on 13-6-2004 at 10:04 PM ]

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Post time 14-6-2004 02:24 PM | Show all posts

Nyi Blorong .... kisah ratu ular lakonan Suzanna

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Post time 14-6-2004 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Nyai Roro Kidul.... iaitu mengisahkan ratu yg menguasai Laut Selatan di Indonesia

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Post time 14-6-2004 02:34 PM | Show all posts
citer seram english yg aku minat Friday the 13th.... mempunyai banyak chapter dan chapter paling last keluar last year bertajuk Freddy vs Jason iaitu mengisahkan Freddy (Nightmare on Elm Street) berlawan ngan Jason (Friday the 13th).

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-6-2004 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Nixz berapa hari yang lepas balik dari pasar malam ternampak vcd original cerita seram dan mystery melayu.

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 09:47 AM | Show all posts

Hawa (Hindi Movie)

Tabu, Shahbaaz Khan, Grusha Kapoor, Emraan Khan....

Story: 'Hawa' is a horror movie. In this case, the spirit rapes the protagonist repeatedly. Guddu Dhanoa uses sex and violence as the theme for the movie. He's handled the story with such conviction that not once do you feel that the film borders on absurdity. Coming to story, Sanjana (Tabu) is a mother of two children who is running an antique items' shop on a hill station. She is a divorcee and lives all alone on her own with the two kids and her younger brother (Emraan Khan). The other day they happen to go on holiday and there happens some unexpected and strange things begin to occur in this otherwise peaceful surrounding. The first night, she finds the doors and windows of her mansion open, giving an impression that someone has sneaked into her house. The next night, her dog disappears, but the pet resurfaces the next night. However, the pet attacks Sanjana the moment it spots her. The next night shatters Sanjana's life as She is raped. Sanjana is sexually assaulted by 'something' that she can feel, but cannot see! Her childhood friend (Grusha Kapoor) refers her to a psychiatrist (Shahbaaz Khan), who considers Sanjana to be a case of a split personality. Things move from bad to worse when Sanjana is raped in front of her kids one night. On another night, while returning from work, the spirit attacks her again and worse, it even takes away her youngest daughter. The rest of the story traces her efforts to get her daughter back and solve the mystery.

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 09:51 AM | Show all posts

Blok 404 (malay)


Sehari sebelum semester baru bermula, sekumpulan pelajar baru berpindah masuk ke sebuah rumah sewa yang besar, berdekatan dengan kolej mereka. Di sanalah perkenalan antara pelajar bermula. Suasana rumah yang aneh dan ngeri mengeratkan lagi hubungan antara pelajar tersebut.

Selepas kematian ibu Mat Din, keadaan di kolej dan rumah sewa telah jauh berbeza. Rakan penyewa rumah meninggal seorang demi seorang tanpa pengetahuan. Keadaan menjadi semakin mencurigakan dan tidak dapat dikawal lagi... Tidak dibenarkan berpindah, tidak dibenarkan belajar dan jangan ada cuba bernafas.

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 09:52 AM | Show all posts

Amukan Puaka (Malay)

Amukan Puaka mengisahkan lima orang pelajar Universiti daripada Kuala Lumpur datang ke rumah panjang kaum dayak Selako yang terletak di sebuah perkampungan terpencil iaitu Kampung Pueh, Sematan, Lundu di negeri Sarawak. Semasa membuat kajian adat istiadat kaum itu, mereka terperangkap di dalam rumah panjang lama tanpa penghuni. Mereka dirasuk puaka dan diganggu hantu kubur. Mereka mengalami pelbagai petanda buruk, kejadian seram dan menakutkan sehingga membawa kepada pergaduhan, pembunuhan misteri dan kematian tragis. Apakah kesudahannya bagi lima orang pelajar tersebut yang terpaksa menempuh alam puaka yang tidak pernah mereka temui dalam hidup...

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 09:54 AM | Show all posts

Kelibat (malay)

Kisah dua orang pembikin filem - Selamat dan Indra yang telah ditugaskan untuk membuat sebuah VCD cerita hantu. Oleh kerana mereka tak mahu dituduh menipu orang ramai, mereka ingin membuat cerita yang boleh disahihkan. Setakat ini kesemua cerita yang mereka siasati merupakan penipuan belaka. Sehinggalah mereka didatangi oleh seorang pekerja hotel yang memberitahu kehadiran sebuah kelibat di hotel di mana beliau bekerja. Penyiasatan Selamat dan Indra di hotel itu membongkarkan sesuatu yang menyeramkan...

verdict: oklah nixz dah tonton cerita nih. Boleh diaktakan mystery dan lawak.

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 10:00 AM | Show all posts

My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (chinese)

An eye operation of a rich but stingy widow Sammi (starring Sammi Cheng) makes her left eye seeing something "uncommon," and also brings her troubles for encountering a bothersome ghost (Sean Lau). The two then leap into an intimate relationship after Sammi starting to help other ghosts. However, one day Sammi begs him to do something extraordinary for her...

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 10:15 AM | Show all posts

A Nightmare on Elm Street (english)

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Heather Langenkamp stars as Nancy Thompson, the Innocent Teen that has to battle Freddy Krueger. Because Nancy is the Innocent Teen (there is always one in a Slasher film, it's a Golden Rule or something), she has a boyfriend, but she isn't promiscuous. In fact, her promiscuous friend Tina (Amanda Wyss) is the first one Freddy visits and slaughters.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge

We learn that Nancy, having battled and (supposedly defeated) Freddy, is now confined to a mental institution. (She's never seen in the sequel.) We meet Jesse (Mark Patton), whose family has moved into Nancy's old house. Jesse, we learn, is having violent nightmares about Freddy, who seems to want/need Jesse for something.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors

This time he's targeting a group of troubled teens in a mental hospital. All the teens suffer from terrible nightmares, so much so that they will do anything to avoid sleep. The adults, of course, are of no help whatsoever. Enter Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), now all grown up and a doctor to boot. (Apparently her status as a mental patient ala exposition in the previous sequel was just bad rumors?) Nancy arrives at the hospital and begins to teach the kids how to defend themselves against Freddy.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master

Although Freddy was supposedly "killed off" at the end of "NOES 3", apparently all it takes to resurrect the mass killer is dog urine. Yes, I kid you not. Early on in "NOES 4" a dog name Jason urinates on the grave of Freddy, last seen buried in the car junkyard where his bones were re-located. Now resurrected by miracle of dog urine (in a dream, no less), Freddy returns for revenge. In short order, Kristen, Kincaid, and Joey are dispatched, making room for new Fair Hair Lead Alice (Lisa Wilcox) to step up to the chopping block. (Oooh, first "stab" and now "chopping black". My genius astounds even me.)

You see, before Kristen met her untimely (and rather lame) end, she "transferred" her "dream pulling" powers (I guess you'd call it) to timid Alice. Frumpy and shy, highschooler Alice is prone to daydreaming, especially about hunky jock Dan (Danny Hassel), who is friends with her kung fu obsessed brother Rick (Andras Jones).

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