moonshine = selling illegal drinks
feeling blue = feeling sad
feel the blues = missing, mooning for somebody
talk until u r blue = try to convince but in vain
in vain = failed |
zip/zippo = nothing, zero,
do you follow = do you understand? do you see how it operates?
plastic = credit cards, bank cards |
va va voom = something really great
nag nag nag = nagging non-stop
paint the town red = going out n having a swell time... |
hip hop slang~
some of it....
DIS - Insult or thwart in a social manner, short for disrespect
DOPE - 1) Narcotics.
2) Great, addictive eg thats dope!
All That- in possession of all good qualities
Bling Bling- Jewelry, derived from the sound it makes
DIG - 1) To understand; "can you dig it?"
2) To like.
Tripping - 1) Literally making a misstep, figuratively doing something wrong.
2) Responding to the effects of narcotics.
3) Freak for any reason. "Don't start tripping, or we'll go toe to toe"
Move On - To mess with
No Diggity - No doubt, no question
for more info http://www.rapdict.org/terms/a :hatdown: |
tq for your info...
good website |
Blood is thicker than water = family can be relied on better then friends.
Cut and run = To depart quickly |
grabbed the bull by the horns = not wasting any more time by doing thing fast
run around in circles = being fooled/manipulated by somebody |
Originally posted by mok_nik at 10-7-2004 11:44 AM:
zip/zippo = nothing, zero,
do you follow = do you understand? do you see how it operates?
plastic = credit cards, bank cards
we hav to add plastic as fake too  |
international slang!
there's more to learn here:hatdown:
slang from all over the world
Air dirty laundry is American slang for to let others know of one's private conflicts or problems
Brackers is British slang for without money, penniless.
Brady is Black American slang for a young, suburban, white, middle-class person
Holler is British slang for to give information to the police.
Holler is British slang for to run.
N'yam is Jamaican slang for eat.
Nanny is Jamaican slang for money.
Nanny is Jamaican slang for a 500 dollar bill
enjoy ur slang :ah: |
just found this....
koyak: From the Malay word to tear. Botched up, broken, failed.
Can be used to describe a foiled or failed plan.
Example: So, how's your girl?
Koyak, man. She fall for some bugger with the new VW. Says our relationship can't really work.
Shiok (pronounced "shi-oak") is a Malay slang word that roughly
means "yummy", "comforting
Malay slang for Caucasian, or simply means as white man |
Originally posted by mok_nik at 20/7/04 10:48 AM:
just found this....
koyak: From the Malay word to tear. Botched up, broken, failed.
Can be used to describe a foiled or failed plan.
Example: So, how's your girl?
Koyak, man. She ...
Malay slang for Caucasian, or simply means as white man
:stp:what is the slang???
eat ur heart out = I will make u envy me.. |
American Slangs
THEY SAID: Beggars can't be choosers
WE SAY: Be thankful for anything you get free
THEY SAID: If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.
WE SAY: Don't just wish for something, go out and get it.
THEY SAID: Pretty is as pretty does.
WE SAY: No matter how pretty (or handsome) you are, if you act ugly people think of you as ugly
THEY SAID: What goes 'round, comes 'round.
WE SAY: If you do something wrong, it'll probably come back to haunt you.
THEY SAID: You are barkin' up the wrong tree!
WE SAY: You aren't looking in the right place.
[ Last edited by kulit on 20-7-2004 at 09:37 PM ] |
more american slangs
Where is the best place to get some grub around here?
I have decided to hang up my teaching job
Recently I don't have it all together
feel mentally all there
The honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation.
Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about.
Recently it seems like everyone is jerking me around
wasting my time and causing me trouble
Shut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich
punch in the mouth (baru aku tahu meaning ni :lol)
Watch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood.
strange people
That is really a lame excuse.
an inadequate
Does that attack plane have any nukes?
nuclear weapons
You need to mellow out and enjoy life.
calm down and relax
My wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.
My office is filled with paper-pushers.
bureaucratic paper pushers (err apa tu bureaucratic? tukang ampu kaa? :stp
continue next day....kick back time (relaxation time :bgrin |
back to the old drawing block/ back to square one = start again from the beginning.... |
My dad was a great lawyer, but I don't want to ride his coattails.
=use his success
Mom told me to go, and Dad told me to stay. I was in a tight spot.
= in a difficult position.
"I was late because I had a flat tire." "Don't give me that old song and dance!"
= typical answer, old routine
Don't try to second guess people. Ask them what you need to know.
= guess what people think or what they will do
I'm tired of being a kept woman. I want to be free of him.
= a woman who is paid to live with a man |
at the back of my hand/ on my fingertips = knew all the facts/knowledge... |
Anchovies on a banana split - that'll make your bum hum!
= excite you, please your senses
Lily and Nadia are on the outs. They had a fight.
=not friendly, not speaking
Johan earns brownie points by offering to help the manager.
=points for doing extra work for the manager
Linda was psyched for the exam. She was ready for the challenge.
= prepared, excited.
I can scrape by if I sell the car.
= have just enough to live. |
feeling blue = feeling sad or missing something/somebody
paint the town red = go out n enjoy oneself |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi