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Author: Greenbottle3

Potter Hater

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 10/8/05 06:19 PM:
ms seribulan....

sorry.... blame it on the haze...yes, the analogy was not from you but from sherinna....but it's wrong all the same ....

Each program covers one writer...peole who do lit studies are very familiar with the names... but it'll also be useful and interesting for people like me whose study is only science based....and gals/guys who never read past grisham....or potter....

some of the writers covered are:-

Garham Greene
Raymond Chandler
Vladimir Nabokov
Primo Levi
James Baldwin
Evelyn Waugh
Raymond Carver
Norman Mailer
Bertolt Becht
Virginia woolf

Yup, I do understand the power of the haze now...200++ reading
we r on for the Darurat...

am sure is lacking in my reading...just now had to stop myself from
buying a Virginia Woolf...coz I'm like you...buying lots of books, yet
to find the free time to read them...

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 10-8-2005 18:19:
and ritchie blackmore , drBaby et al....

i can't believe what i'm reading.... what you guys are actually saying is that it's up to you to be philistine and even proud to be so??

...greenie sayang...ish..macam nak gigit2 aku kat ko nie!....susah sangat ke nak paham apa yang aku post tu tadi???...pi hang baca baik2...bukak mata tu besau2 sikit...dan...yang penting...lapangkan minda dan dada ko skali......alahai...bukannya susah sangat nak paham apa aku tulis...bahasa pon bahasa budak primary jer tu......tu pon ko tak dapat nak memahami maksud tersirat kat post aku tu ek??...ish...ish..ish..:kant:

...greenie ive said before...i do believe that u are an intelligent ive said before also...act like one lah dear...i cant believe what im reading either...gawd...u really do think so low and little of those who do not read books of your genre...forgive me...but as much as i respect your is very difficult for me to visualise that it comes from a person who self-proclaimed that he is cultured and civilised..a person with deep understanding of human nature...really...your opinions on shallower than that coming from a third world citizen with a third world mindset?...makes me wanna cry...grow up sayang...lekas lah besar si manja ku sayang...lekas besar manja ku sayang...:bgrin:

[ Last edited by blackmore on 10-8-2005 at 10:58 PM ]

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 10-8-2005 09:16 PM:

...greenie sayang...ish..macam nak gigit2 aku kat ko nie!....susah sangat ke nak paham apa yang aku post tu tadi???...pi hang baca baik2...bukak mata tu besau2 sikit. ...

blackmore yang diplomat...hehe

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 10/8/05 09:16 PM:

...greenie sayang...ish..macam nak gigit2 aku kat ko nie!....susah sangat ke nak paham apa yang aku post tu tadi???...pi hang baca baik2...bukak mata tu besau2 sikit. ...

:lolmight as well knock ur head against a brick wall:cak:

[ Last edited by seribulan on 10-8-2005 at 09:31 PM ]

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 10-8-2005 21:23:

blackmore yang diplomat...hehe
.......apa2 pon...aku tetap sayang kat dia weii!!:hug::cak::bgrin:

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 10-8-2005 21:29:

:lolmight as well knock ur head against a brick wall:cak:
....eerr...masih ada harapan tak???:bgrin:

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Post time 10-8-2005 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 10/8/05 09:44 PM:
....eerr...masih ada harapan tak???:bgrin:

ff:as clear as the haze at Port Klangoff:

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Post time 10-8-2005 11:36 PM | Show all posts
PNM buat kempen membaca buku pon semput2 nak dpt sambutan. Of course tak le sesemput menyedut udara skarang yg berjerebu nih :lol

nak suh rakyat malaysia baca buku2 ringan pon payah. undi dorang rajin le. inikan pula nak kempen suh baca bacaan berat. Paling berat dorang penah baca..err...kamus tebal kot. or maybe Yellow Pages :lol

so, lepas nie kita semua musti baca itu shakespeare ke? itu yg incik green maksudkan?

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Post time 11-8-2005 10:40 AM | Show all posts
sorry to all if my answer & opinion a bit late in here. I'm too busy with my work.

DrBaby : love ur opinion.

Greenie : you might call me potter freak or what ever you want. I was one of those who started to que up really2 early in the morning. As for me the book is no longer for 8 yrs old children. The story line grew with Harry Potter's age. Now the story is about 16 years old boy. When I read it, most of the story related to me, an orphan...where most family members (not my sibling) kept telling what to do and what not. It's like you're reading part of your live in the book (of course minus the magical part). Only who been there can understand how it feel to be Harry. I think you are one of those people who :
- still have parents
- with one or two maids that you can order around
- managed to study or go vacation abroud
- the last place you don't want to be caught is somewhere around Petaling Street, Kotaraya or Central Market.
- you read books about management & business.
- you wont read any book about teenager, children, fantasy & si-fi because it's to lousy for you own taste unless it will make you famous on the news
- I don't think you're married yet. If you do, you don't have any children yet.

Hmm you know the terms about Muggle...I u really don't read Harry Potter? I don't think so. If you don't read I might never know the terms. :kerek:

I love classic stories such as Jane Eyre, Little Woman, Anne of Green Gable. I read books from other author such as Amy Tan & Nicholas Spark. I start to read Harry Potter when I borrow my niece book just to make sure the book is really suitable for them. For me to know them is to know what kind of music they listen to or what kind of book they read.

If the price too high for you own liking, I suggest you buy any of those book in rent-a-book shop or 2nd hand shop. I guess you used to an auditor where you wrote down every cent u've spent.

I'm not rich nor poor but the books is my luxury item that I love. I don't care if the book turing yellow because I know I've read it every page more than once and treasure the story by heart.

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Post time 11-8-2005 12:20 PM | Show all posts
setelah saya baca balik sumer kenyataan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh greenbottle, ini adalah rumusan saya :

1. greenbottle menganggap sesapa yang baca potter adalah childish, bodoh,  terperangkap dengan strategi pemasaran buku ini. org org lain yang baca doraemon atau komik atau buku2 for light reading pun adalah dalam kategori sama.

2. sesapa yang baca buku selain dari genre yang dia baca adalah bodoh, kebudak budakan, tidak tahu menilai buku yang baik, sastera yang baik, art yang baik

3. apabila tak baca buku2 yang dia baca, kita sume takkan jadi org @ manusia yang berguna

4. semua org WAJIB bersetuju dengan kenyataan kenyataan dia dan mengikut genre bacaan dia..tidak boleh tidak. kene jugak. kerana dia bukan seorang yang boleh berkompromi dengan kehendak, keinginan dan pandangan org lain.

5. apabila org lain menyuarakan pendapat mereka, pada dia mereka berbangga dengan kebodohan mereka.. (heelllooo...siapa anda utk melabel bahawa saya bodoh...sesungguhnya anda yang bodoh sombong) dengan kata lain, dia berpandapat dia adalah seorang yang sangat pandai...dan sangat bijak...tapi sayang....attitude tak seiring....

6. dia adalah seorang pendokong chauvinism...sbb perempuan bila suarakan pandangan dia mula  anggap tough la, whats wrong with a girl yang opiniated? apakah hanya lelaki yang boleh ada pandangan sendiri?

[ Last edited by drBaBy on 11-8-2005 at 12:27 PM ]

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Post time 11-8-2005 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 2005-8-10 12:48 PM:

statement yang sempoi ni buat saya gelak terguling guling

Saya harap anda tidak berguling dari atas bukit, kerana ia boleh membawa padah! Ingatlah keluarga tersayang di rumah!

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Post time 11-8-2005 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 2005-8-10 06:19 PM:
...saranan anda kpd ms Lana suruh baca yang lebih berat seperti HAI...mangga! it!!!...i'm sure people with fine sense of humor like you do not read childish books like potter.

Iya, saya tidak membaca Heri Poter kerna tiada visual-visual posing maut di tepi kolam renang. Nothing, and I mean nothing, improves a book more than scantily clad chix(es) near (or in, goddammit) swimming pools.

i can't believe what i'm reading.... what you guys are actually saying is that it's up to you to be philistine and even proud to be so??

Damn right ah say! Harrrrk ptuiiii.

i mean how can we attract err....better  readers to come to this forum

By putting pictures of scantily clad chix(es)!

it's no credit to anybody to go loony over books like harry potter...with people proud of reading trash, junks, airport pulp fictions as though these are REAL reading..

You mean they're really pretend-reading?

By the way....if you ever watch ASTRO channel 14 (TVIQ) they have one good program on books.... Great writers of the 20th Century...aired around midnight...

Great writers. Diari Akademi fantasi (ulangan). Great writers. Diari Akademi Fantasia (ulangan.

What do YOU think?


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Post time 11-8-2005 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 2005-8-10 08:13 PM:
childish? apa apa je la labi...

Joe? Dia dah disingkirkan. Tapi disingkirkan dengan bermaruah.

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Post time 11-8-2005 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 2005-8-10 09:16 PM: is very difficult for me to visualise that it comes from a person who self-proclaimed that he is cultured and civilised..a person with deep understanding of human nature...

Cuba visualize dia dengan bikini two-piece. Tentu lebih mudah.

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2005 01:30 PM | Show all posts ritchie blackmore...

aku jantan lah... and 200% don't sexually harass me......

but being hetero doesn't stop me reading GOOD gay books though... currently I'm reading "The Line of Beauty" by Alan Hollinghurst..2005 Booker prize winner...if within the first 50 pages there was already white buggering black behind a smelly compost's gonna be a strange read...but don't misunderstand me...the book is not all about buggery...(if you'll pardon my language ladies)...but a good representation of wild me me me lifestile of Tatcherism era in 1980s Britain...much like we're experiencing here in Malaysia now...materialsim in full gear...(except in malaysia generally minus the culture, art and err brain...)

and  drBaby....

amboi mak... macam gajah turun minyak...
yang sdri sampai melencong jauh hingga  sastera melayu Quran Hadis...jatidiri ...Islam dsb nya tu...apa gerangan tuan hamba jauh sangat belayar ni??

kalau awak boleh lencong so can i....for your info... i have nothing against sastera fact to me sastera melayu are comparable to great works of western classics...

BUT what I AM against is the PRESENT malay literary output... dah lama tak baca penulisan melayu moden...sebab saya tak mau buang masa...they are rubbish...

I'm always on the look out to collect buku2 sastera melayu lama, termasuk cerita2 "penglipur lara"...

speaking about collecting, I have a mini library..two room full and a bedroom too...(may be around 2000 books.. 99.9% english and still collecting)  on art, Islam, other religions, Biography, travel, wildlife (animals and trees I mean) , fiction etc. Hermoine-twin.....listen...BUT NO books on self help, self improvements , business and managements ..and that sort of dry stuff...I DETEST THIS KIND OF BOOKS...Currently in my library I have ONLY the following Malay /or malay related books..

Syair Siti Zubaidah Perang Chinaerkspektif sejarah
Syair syair Melayu Riau
Hikayat Ahmad Muhammad
Akayet Dowa Mano (Manuskrip  Melayu Champa )
Akayet Inra Patra (Manuskrip  Melayu Champa )
Hikayat Malim deman
Hikayat Raja Muda
Sejarah Melayu
Hikayat Hang Tuah

and don't talk to me about Islam!!...I have hundreds of books on Islam... (all in english ) translations of great works by al arabi, al Ghazali, philosophical writings of Iranian Ali Shariati, books by Maududi, Maryam Jameelah, Syed Qutb,etc, etc...translations of mishkatul masabih, full translations on sahih bukhari...Muslim... Translation of the qur'an by Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pikthall, ...I'm IN LOVE with Islam...and with people with islamic idealism...i've been to mecca (twice) and even to BaitulMuqaddis to visit Masjidil aqsa and al quds...i'm more muslim than least in my head if not in practise...

and dear dear me!! defending stupidity and rubbish like mangga!!! this stupid magazine and the like  ought to be BANNED...because they can only harm the making them stupid...but I won't reccommend banning anything though..because I'm a proponent of FULL freedom of expression...

...good god..these potter makes me crazy!!...
by all means go and read anything you want, but my point is... you should IMPROVE...don't be proud of your STUPIDITY...

do i sound self centered? egotist?... big headed? be it! I just want malaysians to be better readers... that's my crusade... and to reiterate... don't fall for cheap hype and going bonkers over silly things...

and kembar hermoine...

Do STOP falling over stupid hype... if you want to wake up  early in the's better to the masjid i suppose...not for potter or even tai chi...

what you guess about me are mostly wrong, some are right...

i do read children, fantasy books, science fictions and that sort of things...but i don't go potty over them...I read Tolkien LOTR (Twice!) and that's way way back before silly malaysians go bonkers over the movie...and as i mentioned earlier alice in wonderland is  one of my all time favorite any catergory...

and yes i travel quite a bit...(sambil kerja guna duit kompeni la...)...tahun ni saja saya dah pergi tempat2 berikut.... Oxford, london, moscow, beijing, manila, bangkok, Vietnam -(ho chi minh, hanoi, danang, hoi an) ..21 august ni ke yangon...etc...  

and yes..i do care about how much i pay for books... potter definitely does NOT justify me parting with almost's absolutely're not only been fooled and fallen into silly hype but have to part with such unreasonable amount of money...and you know what...i did buy 2 volumes of potter last year..can't remember which ones...and gave them to some children... got em for RM5 each at some junk sale...padan muka potter...

one last point to drBaby...

i don't look down on people... in fact one of my better friends is a man who did not even go to high school... a one time small time drug peddler....

but yes...i do feel that by and large malaysians...especially us melayu are phillistines... bird brained... not because they are not clever genetically...but because they choose to be stupid....

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Post time 11-8-2005 02:29 PM | Show all posts
dear me dear me... it's such a hot topic yer topic potter hater ni

as for me, tak kisahlah ada orang tu nak suka baca HP ke... fanatik about HP or just don't like the book.. never mind.. it's your choice.. takkan nak bising bising pulak biar semua org tahu you don't like this or you don't like that.

Malaysians mmg kurang membaca, sadly.. but here in this forum, is like a haven for most bookworms, since we can discuss about books & literatures etc. It's good to find a place where you can voice your opinion on books.

And as for me, I am not a fanatic of HP anymore.. but I still read the books. To be a good reader, you will have to read all sorts of books, be it you label the book as trash or etc.. Even magazines like Mastika pun kira trash jugak kan? But I think sometimes, we have to stop ourselves for a moment and think,

banyak mana hutang buku saya?
adakah saya sudah cukup membaca?
adakah apa yang saya baca sudah merangkumi banyak aspek?

And I believe the answers will be no, I need to read some more. So just don't disgrace yourself saying you don't want to read this or that.. maybe we have to expand our book reading type so we can comment more on books and share about the book..

As for me, I still read the same genre, but sometimes, I tend to try something new along the way.

Just my 2 cents opinion..
Janganlah gaduh gaduh, it's your own opinion if you lie or dislike your book.. but don't potray it menacingly sampai org lain mula menghentam :ah:

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Post time 11-8-2005 04:37 PM | Show all posts
incik hijau,
cuba le baca buku2 karya Faisal Tehrani.....tulisannya mungkin sesuai dengan taste you yang teramat tinggi tu....

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Post time 11-8-2005 05:12 PM | Show all posts
u have great collections of books on islam eh...yet i dont see any signs or symptoms that u are practising...leave alone practising, menghayati pun tak penilaian melalui cara anda menulis...?(di dunia luar mungkin anda seorang yang warak..wallahua'lam)....means all the money goes for nothing. so sad so sad...

but yeah, u are more muslims than most.
u are more intelligent than most.
u are more than everyone can be..
so what more can i say.

i just hope one day u will realize that u are arrogant.
downright u are.

[ Last edited by drBaBy on 11-8-2005 at 05:19 PM ]

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Post time 11-8-2005 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 11-8-2005 04:37 PM:
incik hijau,
cuba le baca buku2 karya Faisal Tehrani.....tulisannya mungkin sesuai dengan taste you yang teramat tinggi tu....

sherrina...i feel faisal tehrani is a good writer.
tulisannya kadang2 mungkin agak tajam dan sinis....tapi dia mmg seorang penulis muda yang revolutionary for me...

bagaimanapun, saya akui baru berkesempatan baca satu novel penuh dia.
1511 ....watak tun enyah mulya tu benar benar berkesan kepada saya. sampai saya terasa macam watak tu betul betul wujud...;)

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Post time 11-8-2005 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Hmmmmmm..... hot. Fuhhhhhhhhhhh.

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