Lokasi : Bandar Seri Begawan.
Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien telah mula dibina pada 1hb. Jamadilakhir,1373 Hijrah, bersamaan dengan 4hb. Februari,1954 Masihi. Ianya dibina di atas sebidang tanah seluas 5 ekar berdekatan dengan pinggir Sungai Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan.
Masjid ini telah mula dibuka rasmi oleh Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Maulana Al-Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan Brunei ke-28 pada hari Jumaat 13hb. Rabiulawal,1378 Hijrah, bersamaan dengan 26hb. September,1958 Masihi. Masjid ini boleh menampung jemaah seramai 3,000 orang.
Keterangan : Jadual Waktu Lawatan bagi Pelancong dan orang ramai ke Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien
Sabtu, Ahad, Isnin, Selasa dan Rabu
8.30 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari
Dibenarkan kawasan dalam dan luar bangunan masjid
1.00 petang hingga 3.00 petang
4.30 petang hingga 5.30 petang
Sabtu, Ahad, Isnin, Selasa dan Rabu
5.30 petang hingga 8.00 malam
Dibenarkan kawasan luar masjid sahaja
Dibenarkan kawasan luar masjid sahaja dari jam 9.00 pagi hingga 8.00 malam
4.30 petang hingga 5.30 petang
Dibenarkan kawasan dalam bangunan masjid
Perhatian :
Orang-orang berugama Islam yang beribadat tidak tertakluk kepada jadual waktu lawatan ini.
Pelawat-pelawat yang bukan berugama Islam tidak dibenarkan membuat lawatan sewaktu majlis hari-hari kebesaran Islam, Keugamaan dan Kenegaraan diadakan.
Keterangan : Permohonan mengadakan lawatan secara rasmi ke Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien.
1. Permohonan hendaklah dihadapkan 4 minggu sebelum tarikh lawatan ke Masjid Omar Ali Saiffudien diadakan kepada Pengarah Hal Ehwal Masjid untuk mendapatkan kebenaran.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama Pemohon
(b) Tarikh lawatan
(c) Masa lawatan
(d) Keramaian
(e) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh lawatan.
Keterangan : Permohonan mengadakan Majlis Doa Kesyukuran / Sembahyang Sunat Hajat / Membaca Yaasin.
1. Permohonan hendaklah dihadapkan 4 minggu sebelum diadakan kepada Penguasa Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien untuk mendapatkan kebenaran.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh mengadakan
(c) Masa
(d) Keramaian
(e) Tetamu kehormat (jika ada)
(f) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh majlis diadakan.
Keterangan : Permohonan Penggambaran di dalam Bangunan Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien.
1. Permohonan hendaklah dihadapkan 3 minggu sebelum tarikh penggambaran kepada Pengarah Hal Ehwal Masjid untuk kebenaran.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh penggambaran
(c) Masa
(d) Keramaian
(e) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh penggambaran diadakan. |
Lokasi : Kiulap
Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah merupakan wakaf Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan Brunei ke-29. Jame' ini terletak di Kampong Kiarong, 4km daripada Bandar Seri Begawan. Ianya telah mula dibina pada tahun 1988 di atas tapak tanah seluas 20 ekar.
Jame' ini mula digunakan pada hari Khamis malam Jumaat bersempena Hari Keputeraan Baginda ke-48 tahun iaitu pada 14hb. Julai, 1994, di mana Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia sendiri telah berangkat menunaikan sembahyang fardu Maghrib dan fardu Isyak berjemaah.
Kapasiti Jame' ini melebihi 5,000 orang jemaah. Jame' ini dilengkapi dengan beberapa kemudahan antaranya perpustakaan, blok pentadbiran, dewan persidangan dan sebagainya.
Keterangan : Jadual lawatan biasa ke Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah bagi pelancong dan orang ramai.
8.00 hingga 12.00
2.00 hingga 3.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
8.00 hingga 12.00
2.00 hingga 3.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
8.00 hingga 12.00
2.00 hingga 3.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
4.30 hingga 6.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
8.00 hingga 12.00
2.00 hingga 3.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
8.00 hingga 12.00
2.00 hingga 3.00
8.00 hingga 9.30
Perhatian :
Orang-orang berugama Islam yang beribadat tidak tertakluk kepada jadual waktu lawatan ini.
Pelawat-pelawat yang bukan berugama Islam tidak dibenarkan membuat lawatan sewaktu majlis hari-hari kebesaran Islam, Keugamaan dan Kenegaraan diadakan.
Keterangan : Permohonan mengadakan lawatan secara rasmi ke Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah.
1. Menghadapkan permohonan kepada Pegawai Ugama Kanan, Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah untuk mendapatkan kebenaran 4 minggu sebelum mengadakan lawatan.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh lawatan
(c) Masa lawatan
(d) Keramaian
(e) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh lawatan.
Keterangan : Permohonan mengadakan Sembahyang Hajat / Membaca Yaasin bagi Sekolah Menengah / Rendah bagi Menghadapi Peperiksaan.
1. Menghadapkan permohonan kepada Pegawai Ugama Kanan, Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah untuk mendapatkan kebenaran 4 minggu sebelum mengadakan majlis tersebut.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara tersebut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh mengadakan
(c) Masa
(d) Keramaian
(e) Tetamu kehormat (jika ada)
(f) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh majlis diadakan.
Keterangan : Permohonan Penggambaran di Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah.
1. Permohonan penggambaran kawasan luar dan dalam Bangunan Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah
i) Di luar Bangunan (kawasan) Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah :
(a) Menghadapkan permohonan kepada Pegawai Ugama Kanan, Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah untuk mendapatkan kebenaran 3 minggu sebelum pemggambaran diadakan.
ii) Di dalam Bangunan Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah :
(a) Menghadapkan permohonan kepada Pengarah Hal Ehwal Masjid untuk mendapatkan kebenaran 4 minggu sebelum penggambaran diadakan.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh mengadakan
(c) Masa
(d) Keramaian
(e) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh penggambaran diadakan.
Keterangan : Permohonan menggunakan Bilik Persidangan / Bilik Mesyuarat / Dewan Serbaguna Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah.
1. Menghadapkan permohonan kepada Pegawai Ugama Kanan, Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah untuk kebenaran 4 minggu sebelum digunakan.
2. Surat permohonan hendaklah terkandung perkara-perkara berikut :
(a) Nama pemohon
(b) Tarikh menggunakan
(c) Masa
(d) Keramaian
(e)Tetamu kehormat (jika ada)
(f) Orang yang boleh dihubungi (contact person) berserta nombor telefon.
3. Jika ada sebarang perubahan ataupun pembatalan permohonan, hendaklah memaklumkan 3 hari sebelum tarikh menggunakan kemudahan tersebut.
Keterangan : Waktu Perkhidmatan Perpustakaan Ismail bin Omar Abd. Aziz, Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah.
1. Perkhidmatan dibuka pada waktu pejabat.
2. Waktu perkhidmatan adalah seperti berikut :
(a)8.30 pagi hingga 11.45 pagi dan 2.15 petang hingga 4 petang. |
Last weekend hom jenjalan kat kawasan Bandar (BSB)...amik lots of photos under the extreme heat...panas woo...:kant:
penat jenjalan....lapar & dahaga lak hom dibuatnya...so hom singgah kat one of the famous 24hours cafe kat Bandar...DeROY@LLE C@FE.
cafe ni femes ngan Swedish meatballs...since its a 24-hour cafe...ramai tourists yg suka lepak kat sini....tak pong locals pong suka gak...
hom nak cuba meatballs tu tapi...depa kehabisan special sauce tu lak...adoiii...so hom pilih menu baru...lelast order fish & chips jerk...ngan chocolate drink...cafe ni..has a nice ambience...located exactly at the heart of the city...staff pong friendly. :ah:
kalo nak mkn seafood...hom rekomen gi Portview Seafood Restaurant kat Bangunan next to the Bangunan Yayasan..
sambil mkn dpt a very nice view of the famous and World largest stilted watervillage....open fresh air pong ada kat tingkat bawah...kat atas lak yg berhawa dingin...
[ Last edited by holmes at 26-11-2006 08:48 AM ] |
kalo nak bajet food...memang bnyk berlambak gak...kat gerai2...paling femes kat gerai mlm Gadong...tak pong kat memane gerai..kat tepi jalan ke...
yg ni gerai kat Jalan Residency...overlooking the Kampung Air...
yg ni lak kat gerai mingguan Bandar tu...
tak pong...leh dptkan the femes NASI KATOK (B$1.00 sebungkus jerk) kat memane gerai...all over Bandar stretching to Jln Tutong even to Jln Muara or Jln Berakas...
Tutong District
Tutong District covers an area of 1166 sq km, making it the third largest of the districts. The Main town isTutong. Less than 30,000 people this district, and this includes various indigenous groups such as the Tutong, Kedayan, Dusun and lban tribes.
Sungai Basong Recreation Park
This park lies just short of Tutong town centre along the Muara-Tutong Highway. It is one of the most popular spots in the district for picnickers. The park includes a mini-lake, platforms, shelter huts and open activity areas.
From the town centre, Sungai Basong Recreation Park is just a 5-minute drive.
Tamu Tutong Kampong Serambagun
This big tamu, or open market, offers a great variety of produce, especially local foods, fruits, vegetables and handicrafts. Most of the vendors of these items are people from the inland forest areas, who come here to sell their produce and also to buy for their own needs. Open every day, the tamu is situated 1 km from the town centre.
Seri Kenangan Beach
Pantai Seri Kenangan - literally the unforgetable beach - is a popular recreation area at Kuala Tutong. Here, the beauty of the beach is enhanced by the narrow spit of land that has the South China Sea on one side and the Tutong River on the other.
Further along the road one passes through Kampong Kuala Tutong, amidst a forest of coconut palms, to reach the old jetty. This was the site of a ferry across the Tutong River before the present bridge was built in 1959. The beach is a 5-minute drive from Tutong town, and a lovely spot for picnics, fishing and swimming.
Tasek Merimbun
Those who enjoy nature will delight in a day-trip to Tasek Merimbun, Brunei's largest lake. The lake naturally forms an unusual S-shape.
There is a small island in the centre, which is accessible by way of a wooden walkway. The island has pavilion facilities made from tree trunks for picnicking, and is a restful and quiet spot. For those interested in botany or birdwatching, there is also a trail through the jungle. Tasek Merimbun is about 1 hr 15 minutes' drive from Bandar Seri Begawan.
How to get to Tutong District?
The best option is to hire a car for the day, because the main sights are quite far apart. Tutong may be approached either on the coastal Muara-Tutong High way, or by following the old Jalan Tutong Road. The latter is more scenic and takes an inland route. |
Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation Complex
Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex near Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is a very chic shopping mall, comprising two twin Malay-style buildings. It is known locally as the YSHHB Complex, or just Yayasan.
An amalgamation of traditional and modern architectural styles, the Yayasan Complex, as it is locally known, is one of the capital's most pupular shopping venues.
Paved with cooling, polished granite around the central fountain, the Yayasan Complex's colonnaded walkway offers picturesque views of the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque to the west and Kampung Ayer to the east.
The shopping complex was opened in July 1996, and features designer-goods boutiques, department store shopping and fine-dining venues.
The Yayasan Complex is a project of His Majesty to generate revenue for a foundation dedicated to the welfare of the Bruneian people.
Bazar mingguan meriahkan Bandar Seri Begawan
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Sabtu, 8 Julai.- Jalan Sultan di ibu negara meriah pada malam minggu berikutan pelancaran Bazar Mingguan yang beroperasi selama 24 jam sekali gus menceriakan suasana Bandar Seri Begawan.
Bazar yang beroperasi dari jam 6.00 petang pada setiap hari sabtu dan berakhir 6.00 petang keesokannya itu di- lancarkan oleh Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Paduka Haji Awang Adanan dengan suasana meriah.
Lebih 80 buah petak jualan yang disediakan oleh pihak Lembaga Bandaran Bandar Seri Begawan penuh diisi kerana mendapat sambutan di luar jangkaan daripada para peniaga.
Selepas majlis pelancaran, Yang Berhormat kemudian meninjau secara lebih dekat ke petak-petak jualan, di samping berbual dan berinteraksi bersama para peniaga.
Antara barangan yang boleh diperolehi dengan harga yang menarik di gerai tersebut termasuklah pelbagai jenis makanan, pakaian, permainan dan sebagainya.
Matlamat bazar antara lain adalah untuk menghidupkan kembali suasana kemeriahan ibu negara dengan menarik lebih ramai pengunjung.
Majlis pelancaran turut dimeriahkan dengan persembahan kumpulan muzik dari Jabatan Penjara.
Petikan dari akhbar PELITA BRUNEI
setting up the tents for the bazar...
comments on Brunei....
The best time to travel to Brunei is during the festive time, such as the Sultan's birthday. There is a one month long celebration for that. Will have to check www.bruneitourism.com for activities. Yes, Brunei is safe for female traveller. There is a few budget accommodation here, such as KH Soon Services & Resthouse ([email protected]), Jubilee Hotel ([email protected]) and Capital hotel. Some of the major attraction in Brunei (and free) are the Jame Asr Mosque (built afew years ago to commemorate the 25th anniversary of HM's reign), Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque (built in 1968, one of the most impressive mosque in Southeast Asia), water village (houses on stilt. Recommend you to take the boat ride to go around. Rate negotiable but should not cost more than B$20 for a roundtrip), Royal Regalia (a good historical background of the royal tradition), the Brunei Museum and The Malay Technology Museum. All these are accessible by bus, which cost something like B$1 per ride. The fee-paying that maybe worth to go is the Proboscis monkey tour (about 3 hour) and Ulu Temburong National Park (one day trip). I think the Ulu Temburong cost around B$150 per person. For a real local experience, do try to savour some of the food at Gadong market foodstall (only available from 6 pm onwards and food cost as cheap as B$1 per pack). There is also a weekend bazaar in Bandar starting from Sat 6 pm to Sunday evening. ~ Idih, lone traveller wesbite
have just returned from a four day solo visit to Brunei (in July 2006), during which I spent several hours walking around Bandar Seri Begawan alone by day and by night. I am not female, but I can assure you that, from a crime and personal safety point of view, this is probably one of the safest places on the planet. (A consequence, I suspect, of a generally wealthy population, an authoritarian state, and the fairly strict application of Shariah law to the country's Muslim residents.) As long as you don't say anything critical of the Sultan, I would imagine that you would be a lot safer than you are in Leicestershire or most other places in the UK, Europe or North America.
According to statistics and anecdotal evidence, this country is virtually crime free. A small indication of this was the fact that, during my stay, the local newspaper gave fairly prominent coverage to the arrest of two people who had been caught stealing cell phones. There are not too many places where this would make news.
Tours are available, but they are quite expensive. If you don't want to take tours, I would recommend that you stay in the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan rather than on the outskirts of town, since taxis are expensive.
I suggest a visit to the Royal Regalia Museum, which is a lot more interesting than its name suggests. Although not intended as such, it is a monument to the excesses of Brunei's sultan. (Indeed, much of the country is a monument to the excesses of the Sultan and his family.) Also take a walk around the Omar Saifuddien Mosque, and be sure to walk around the back as well as the front. There you will see a part of the water village that isn't visible from the river, a scene that makes it clear that not everyone in this country is wealthy. A relatively cheap way of seeing the sights from the river is by taking a water taxi. You would need to take a regular taxi to the Brunei Museum, and it isn't worth it (unless you want to see a dated exhibit on the oil industry sponsored by Shell, or an exhibit of the Sultan's Islamic Art)
Another recommendation: Take an early morning walk to the open air market, opposite the Brunei Hotel. This is a primarily a food market, and you will see spices, fish (live, dead, and dried), fruit, and vegetables for sale. You won't find anything tourist oriented here, or in most other parts of the country, since tourists are still a relative rarity here. But the market is interesting to see, and great to photograph. ~ DNR, lone travel website
hom hanya sempat amik gambar 3 hotel yg terletak betul2 di kawasan Bandar Seri Begawan.
Hotel Sheraton Utama - lokasi behadapan dengan Bangunan Alat2 Kebesaran DiRaja
Hotel Brunei - lokasi Jalan Pemancha, berhadapan dengan Tamu Kianggeh
Hotel Terrace - lokasi berdekatan dengan Hotel Sheraton Utama |
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