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Author: fairy_hobbit

cerita pasal kerja n pengalaman as/with org undang2 [keh keh keh]

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Post time 22-2-2007 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 22-2-2007 01:00 PM

Kawan2 saya ade keja kat sane...firm tuh namenya Mukhtar somethin laa...

bukan la

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Post time 22-2-2007 08:38 PM | Show all posts

ni sambungan dr page sbelah..

skangni korg adelah law grad LLB hons., sape yg nk proceed dgn shariah tu kene la sambung amek degree/diploma on shariah, tp aku lebih emphasize on civil A&S.

requirement sblm law grad qualified to be admitted as an A&S, kene undergo pupillage (chambering) period utk semenanjung 9 months, sabah & s'wak setahun (ni generally under Legal Profession Act)..

certain legal firm required LLB cert sblm diorg amek student tu jd chambering student derang, certain x kesah...maknenyer die tgk last exam slip tu je da cukup...

pupillage adelah suatu period di mana seorang "chambering student" itu akan menjalani latihan under guidance of 1 senior lawyer ( who has 7 and above practising years) yg dipanggil "master" yg slalunya owner/partner firm tu la..

so dlm tempoh 9/12 bulan itu, chambering student td akan di bayar elaun oleh firm dia masuk td...elaun ni bergantung kpd fiirm yg die pilih td, generally ranging from RM500-RM1K..

so, penting sgt ke dlm memilih firm utk pupillage period tu, ke masuk je mane2 firm yg offer, ke pilih yg offer elaun paling tinggi?..tu bergantung kpd student tu sndiri...certain pilih firm yg offer elaun paling tinggi, sbb kene survive 9/12 bulan maaa...ade yg da set nk choose firm yg buat matter yg die minat, cnth criminal ke, corporate ke, conveyancing ke etc...ade yg masuk firm tu sbb ade mmber/senior dlm firm tu etc..

so, sblm nk pilih firm mane yg anda nk join utk pupillage, pergi interview bebrapa firm, tanya bebetul ape yg firm tu buat, tanya master tu buat matter apa, tanya job scope chambering student dlm firm tu, tanya psl elaun/travelling claim, senang citer tanye abes2...sbenanyer pick the rite firm for pupillage ni penting jugak sbb kalu tersalah pilih firm, or dpt master yg x aja ape2, nyesal la korg 9 bulan tu...

katekan anda da pilih 1 firm utk pupillage, nnti adela Form yg korg kene isi dan register kt Court, dan komfem kalu panjang lagi umor org tue tu, anda bakal berjumpe Uncle Murali dekat RKK High Court KL, person in charge utk pupillage/admission as A&S..

so ape korg buat sbenanyer dlm tempoh 9/12 bulan tu?...kebanyakan masanya korg akan kene wat research, or zerox law cases, binding authority, jd despatch or jadi kuli macai master/firm korg tu...dlm tempoh pupillage ni, akan ade 2 ceremony di panggil "short call" dan "long call", di mana short call adelah 1st time anda diperkenalkan sebagai chambering student dlm court, long call plak hari anda diterima masuk sbagai Advocates & Solicitors.

selepas short call, chambering student td dah buleh appear for matter before magistrate & high Court judge/Registrars in adelah saat yg paling dinantikan oleh sumer chambering student..

dlm tempoh pupillage td jugak, chambering student kene amek test yg disediakan oleh Bar Council, kene join compulsory  Legal Aid programme yg disediakan oleh State Bar masing2...mcm Legal Aid proggramme yg disediakan oleh KL bar, antaranye dock brief (mitigate sentence OKT), LAC clinic (blaja utk attend/advice client), visit prison kajang/sg. buloh, shariah legal aid progamme etc...

so, katekan korg berjaye mengharungi tempoh pupillage td, pass sume test, complete sumer programme, abes 9 bulan, korg kene isi Form utk admission as A&S, Court akan fix date utk Long Call korg, so dlm masa tu korg da buleh carik firm utk korg practise kang, or maybe firm tmpt korg chambering tu akan offer utk retain korg...

so, sbb law ni bnyk branches, aku akan citer di episod akan dtg "setahu aku" psl jenis2 lawyer/matters yg diorg conduct, starting earning dan future carrier.. maybe dr situ adik2 yg br nk amek law course/tgh amek law/tgh chambering buleh compare...



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Post time 22-2-2007 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Dilto at 22-2-2007 01:37 PM

bukan la

Dah tu ape?

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2007 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 22-2-2007 08:38 PM

ni sambungan dr page sbelah..

skangni korg adelah law grad LLB hons., sape yg nk proceed dgn shariah tu kene la sambung amek degree/diploma on shariah, tp ...

nice one.. baca ur post makes me feel young...   yg syok tu ko bole mention mr murali.... otai la dia ni.. semua lawyer kenal :tq: :tq:

anyway just to add.. kalau buat chambering under corporate dept,  akan kena buat due diligence exercise yg tak sudah2..  pergi kat company2 yg nak buat corporate exercises, record the documentations (due diligence report ni adalah biasanya required by securities commission prior to approving the corporate exercises)... feel so   bosan gila babs buat due di ni... selain tu buat research la... buat opinion writing... ikut partners gi meeting.. makan besar dgn client...   but ilmu2 ni semua berguna... kalau taknak practice pun, benda2 hal2 corporate exercise ni elok la tau....
aku dulu rotate, corporate kena buat for a few months, litigation pun kena buat gak... n those yg dlm tgh chambering dlm corporate dept, still ada duty untuk pergi court hari2 for simple matters.. but yg best bg aku masa dulu (b4 ada byk responsibilities) was the opportunity untuk fly ke sana sini n tido hotel sana sini for outstation matters (kalau pergi court yg dekat dgn airport la.. kalau tak.. kena la drive ke.. naik bas ker!).. tu yg best.. tp bila dah jadi legal assistant.. baru aku tau.. fly ke sana sini tu akan menyedikitkan lagi masa untuk buat keje2 kat ofis...

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Post time 22-2-2007 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 19-2-2007 01:23 PM

ada... dlm bod ni ada a few yg ada license.... hehehe.. tp aku takder license..   ko buat comp secr tu internal ker or ko from external?  if external sure pressure dgn kerenah client kan... k ...

hai fairy, aku comp sect work internal but liase with external company sect to monitor 14 companies (boss punya) and manage all the BODs lah.

just came back from a meeting, which got one case, called A, appointed as a nominee to B. ko tau kan any nominee mesti ada presign documents for change of directorship later on or (blank transfer - for share), so he was instructed by B(which happen B can't appear his name in the company as a matter of conflict interest but try to conquer the cmpany by using his nominee- A) to stop all cheque payments (coz other directors issue a cheque amounting RM1mil) and did new board resolution to add his name as a signatory to supersede the old signatory. so when we try to sack him from the directorship using the presign document to protect other directors interest, he quickly issue a letter claiming the presign documents was a forgery - NULL and VOID.  and yet he backdated the letter so that the board reso take effect earlier from the date the cheque was signed.

ko pernah alami situasi cam ni? boleh tak si nominee claim that he did not allow (third party) to use the presign documents (board reso) to kick him out from the company? pening jugak aku. satu yang nominee tu bodoh coz he wrote a letter admitting he signed the presign documents (if he admit he sign he must bear the risk lah mana leh nak reverse balik) but claiming someone misuse the presign to sack him out. even he dare to lodge police report if he found out we(comp sectretary) use the presign documents.

[ Last edited by  anggerix at 22-2-2007 11:51 PM ]

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Post time 23-2-2007 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 22-2-2007 10:29 PM

nice one.. baca ur post makes me feel young...   yg syok tu ko bole mention mr murali.... otai la dia ni.. semua lawyer kenal :tq: :tq:

anyway just to add.. kalau buat chambering under ...

Huhuhu..lama betul tak jumpe Mr. Murali tuh...

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Post time 23-2-2007 01:08 PM | Show all posts
setakat ni aku baca kat thread ni, sapa pun tak cerita mengenai experience, legal background, etc seperti yg dikehendaki oleh pembuka thread. Cerita merapu ada la........

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Post time 23-2-2007 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ctnur12 at 23-2-2007 01:08 PM
setakat ni aku baca kat thread ni, sapa pun tak cerita mengenai experience, legal background, etc seperti yg dikehendaki oleh pembuka thread. Cerita merapu ada la........

Cerita merapu nie la pengalaman dik..hehehe aku still junior lagi..kena bagi senior mulakan langkah dulu laa...

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Post time 23-2-2007 01:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #67 ctnur12's post

apa yang merapunyer ct

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #67 ctnur12's post

betul la tu ct, diorang dah bercerita kat atas tu..  btw tajuk ni general kiranya.. tak semestinya pengalaman mcm dlm resume tu, kena list out satu2 scope kerja... pengalaman could be apa peristiwa menarik, sedih, gembira masa bekerja.. kena marah dgn court staff ker,  kena kacau dgn client ker  dan sebagainya..

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #70 fairy_hobbit's post

saying that, of course, sharing your scope of work (but not ur load of work   ) adalah welcomed.. bole jd panduan kpd yg nak pilih line mana nak pergi...  mcm yg pinoe post tu.. adalah very true..

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Post time 23-2-2007 08:22 PM | Show all posts
emm nak mintak advice sket laa...antara jadi law lecturer atau gov. legal officer, which better? aku jpa scholar, ari tue diorang bg choice kat aku samada nak amik skim lect atau keje gov, sbb skrg senior kitorang bagitau jpa scholar dah diwajibkan keje ngan gov...ada sesaper leh bg advice tak?huhu..

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 09:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 chipmunk's post

govt legal officer maksudnya apa? attached under AG's ker?
n do u like lecturing? kalau mcm i, mmg tak pilih lecturing coz that's so not me! mmg takder bakat ngajar org. nanti aku jerit2 plak.. garang la tu konon

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Post time 24-2-2007 12:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #72 chipmunk's post

Elok you masuk AG ajer kalau optionnya cuma dua tuh ajer...kawan saya ramai gak masuk AG..semua orang respek woo...polis semua cuak dengan diorang..

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Post time 24-2-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts
emm tak pasti attach ngan AG atau x, tp mgkn p serve kat mana2 ministry kot, senior aku extend hons bgtau dier dah dpanggil keje sbb scholar JPA tapi sbb extend kene lapor diri bln 6 nie...emm lect ok gak, tapi kan aku mcm takut tak larat jer nak wat LLM, ngajar leh gler kuaser ngan student sket

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Post time 24-2-2007 02:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 philipinoe2's post

info bagus wat assgmt ethics pn hendon nie

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 Author| Post time 24-2-2007 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anggerix at 22-2-2007 11:37 PM

hai fairy, aku comp sect work internal but liase with external company sect to monitor 14 companies (boss punya) and manage all the BODs lah.

just came back from a meeting, which got one ...

wohooo...i've never came accross same situation. luckily so far from my experience the directors n shareholders semua takder problem when it comes to resignation n transfer of shares pakai undated n pre-signed letters/forms ni... touchwood coz it can be real nasty mcm ur case.

ur concern is more on resignation rather than transfer of shares kan.. i'm not sure wat will happen if bawa pergi court but i've came accross 2 case laws yg kata pre-signed resignation letter ni can amount to duress n invalid (despite this being the usual practice in any organisation) because the pre-signed letter buatkan directors to tak free in making decision.  not sure whthr case tu dah ada case lain yg override ke tak. as for forgery, ala... dia sendiri yg sign n dated it, mcmana nak cakap forgery plak kan....  
in any case selain resignation letter tu kalau dah ada some kind of other agreements to show what the nominee director can or cant do, it will be safer. biasanya yg i buat, i lump kan responsibility of nominee director + nominee shareholder in the same set of agreements/docs = deed of trust, pledge of shares agreement, POA to vote, POA to sell shares, indemnity agreemnt n a bunch of other documents which lay out what the are the directors/shareholders powers n responsibilities, duties, what he can n cant do..
i hope i wont come accross difficult directors or shareholders mcm tu.. padahal dia nominee jer..

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Post time 24-2-2007 06:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #77 fairy_hobbit's post

yer fairy,

same with u, this is my first time dealing with such cases. i would say we would win this case, as such the nasty nominee admitted in his letter which partly says ".... in the presigned documents which i signed when i was appointed as a director". as advised by the lawyer, proven he signed the documents by all means he could not claimed that he's not responsible for it.

initially the company business runs smoothly, no problem at all and as it was agreed for the transfer of shares, every assignments and using all those nominees as 'gentlemen agreement" because all the BOD know each other very well therefore agreed to run business without signing any deeds, shareholder's agreement or etc. itu la masalahnya bila ada yang ambik kesempatan.

as of now, we already used the presigned to resign his directorship and use the presign also to appoint new directors which hold 2/3 of the shares and by monday morning board meeting wil be held to change the cheque signing procedures and other agenda that we think fit to adopt.

hope everything will be ok by then.

[ Last edited by  anggerix at 24-2-2007 07:05 PM ]



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Post time 25-2-2007 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Pengalaman buat Enforcement of Judgment!

Aku kat sini nak kongsi pengalaman buat EOJ nie. Dulu skali aku kena buat Writ of Seizure and Sale...yang follow aku mase tuh 2 orang bailif yang dilantik oleh court...besar2 gak la badan diorang nie..

Court yang nak kena appear court kat Sarawak..aku pun tak tau camner leh tercampak jauh sgt sampai kat Sarawak tuh. Last2 jumpe la defendan. Skali rupanya Defendan tuh cuma drebar ajer..aku bajet director sebuah syarikat. Mengikut citer drebar tuh beberapa minggu lepas bos die suh die sign satu document...kesiannya drebar nie buta huruf dan demi taat pada bos die sign aje la dokumen tuh tanpa pikir ape-ape..Bos die nie Cina tau.

Skali rupenya dokumen tuh pasal exchange of directorship. Secara simplenya die la skrg yang bertanggungjawab. Pastu drebar tuh dengan sehelai sepinggang kena escort dengan dua org Bailif tuh ke KLIA utk dibawa appear kat Sarawak.

Korang rase camner eh? Adil ke kalau camni ek?



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Post time 26-2-2007 05:32 PM | Show all posts
huhu kene sound ngan rajes sbb present tak ok, dah lah english bad sumer kene komen bler wat present civil trial

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