Wireless - wireless TAK pelik Page 14 post 326
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RaniA_7 This user has been deleted
I believe I need to dl software dlm category ni kan :Wireless Network Discovery, Mapping and Traffic Analysis - the "classical" wardriving tools for discovering wireless LANs, positioning them on the map, sniffing, logging and analyzing packets in the air....
byk betul software dlm tu. mana satu nk pilih :jeling: |
fyruz_2006 This user has been deleted
Kat hostel aku ade wireless. tap nak connect kena guna pasword. so mcm mane ekk??? boleh guna software nie ke??? atau pun ade cr2 laen??? gtau ah...
nak register mahal...
hehehe |
Reply #34 fyruz_2006's post
apakata ko try dulu :cak: |
Reply #29 RaniA_7's post
hehehe..takder softawre pun..explore
kat My Network Place ajer....... |
Reply #28 aqil's post
aku dah tanya dah kat sedondon..
cara dia hack email org, dia suruh aku
intai org tue masa dia key in password........kalau nampak, nampaklah..
kalau tak nampak, tobat lahum lah......... |
ya betul abu.....................:pmuka: |
Originally posted by sedondon at 9-10-2006 12:16 PM
ya betul abu.....................:pmuka:
tapi jgn luper kalau ada cara yg lebih best
royat kat aku eh, don........
lol |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
kalau yang email streamyx tu lagi senang... teka jer... kot2x lepas
TMnet123... |
kepada yang gunakan free email service such as hotmail, etc. kalau you all access your email account via a browser, make sure lepas logoff tu, you close the browser (especially kalau gunakan public computer, macam kat cyber cafe, ofis, etc.). why? sebab dia orang punye security system masih tak robust (email provider). the next person who uses the computer can easily read the last email you read, and possibly get your email login id and password.
[ Last edited by oobi at 17-10-2006 12:33 PM ] |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
to all of you guys, why not try built very cheap parabolic reflector antenna kat sini:
u print out those label..then amiik aluminium foiled lekat pakai glue, it's kinda cool and it does boost the wireless signal.. |
tempat2 yg ada free wireless connection..
actually td aku tanya the same thing kat board lain.. tp aku rasa here should be the correct platform to ask this..
korang tau tak katne leh dpt free connection.. cam starbuck tu aku tau la mmg ada.. mana lg ye.. lagi2 kat kl ni.. |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
umah depan flat saya nie ada unsecured wi-fi... siap boleh tgk apa dia share lagi..
dulu last time i dekat penang, hospital yang ayah saya pegi buat jantung nyer itu, ada wireless from TMnet..
hermm, dalam USM pun ada..siap diaorang buat parabolic reflector pakai kuali hala pegi..
area minden heights gelugor, ada near 4-5 unsecured wi-fi...
jelutong penang, area kawasan perumahan udabina tu pun ada.. unsecured, those pakai cable modem.. myconnect kot kalau tak silap laa...
KFC midlands park, pulau tikus tu pun ada...
kat langkawi nie tak de sgt..kat area jeti jer ada satu..tu pun secured wi-fi
or kalau kat KL, around lowyat,KLCC, hehe!, banyaks!
hermm, kalau paid wireless access look here:
http://www.tm.net.my/tmnet2006/c ... ices/hotspotnew.cfm
[ Last edited by Minah_Flunxy at 13-10-2006 12:14 PM ] |
any shopping complexes yg ada?? |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Nash^Roy at 13-10-2006 12:12 PM
any shopping complexes yg ada??
u duduk kat ner nie? |
kat kl.. so mana2 shopping complex kat kl ke.. kat mana2.. le |
Wei yg mane satu nak donlod??
Ade banyak nihhh
1.Wireless Network Discovery, Mapping and Traffic Analysis - the "classical" wardriving tools for discovering wireless LANs, positioning them on the map, sniffing, logging and analyzing packets in the air.
2.Client evaluation tools - utilities to check security state of wireless clients.
3.RF signal strength monitoring - utilities for monitoring the signal strengh of the WLAN you are associated to.
4. Wireless-specific encryption cracking - tools for gaining access to protected wireless networks. At the moment include WEP crackers, WEP-encrypted traffic injectors and practical implementations of attacks against certain 802.1x types.
5.Wireless custom frame generation - these allow layer two attacks on wireless LANs including a variety of man-in-the-middle attacks and unstoppable denial of service.
6.Miscellaneous - difficult-to-categorise software that comes handy in wireless penetration testing.
Pastu dlm kategori tu ..software mane yg betol2 boleh dipercaya?????
Aku dah sonok2 nak test nih.....kat campus aku ade yg secured tapi kuat signal...kalo ade software yg boleh ambush network ni cun ler...pastu kat area rumah aku ade jugak signal tapi secured jugak...hampeh...
Bagitau laa sinih....kongsi kongsi maaaaa hehehehehe |
KLIA ade free wifi hehehehehe..... |
ada software utk detect/locate hotspot ni. cuma taktau secure atau unsecure aje.
boleh cari di download.com. pastu, install la netstumbler sebagai persediaan... :pmuka: |
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