Awan Pelik Muncul di Uruguay

Satu pemandangan yang pelik bila awan ni muncul di Las Olas Beach in Maldonado, Uruguay. Gambar ini diambil pada 25 Januari 2009. Pelik betul, nampak macam ade bandar terapung je kat atas tu..

A Roll Cloud Over Uruguay
Credit & Copyright: Daniela Mirner Eberl
Explanation: What kind of cloud is this? A roll cloud. These rare long clouds may form near advancing cold fronts. In particular, a downdraft from an advancing storm front can cause moist warm air to rise, cool below its dew point, and so form a cloud. When this happens uniformly along an extended front, a roll cloud may form. Roll clouds may actually have air circulating along the long horizontal axis of the cloud. A roll cloud is not thought to be able to morph into a tornado. Unlike a similar shelf cloud, a roll cloud, a type of Arcus cloud, is completely detached from their parent cumulonimbus cloud. Pictured above, a roll cloud extends far into the distance in 2009 January above Las Olas Beach in Maldonado, Uruguay.

subhanallah .. makin banyak perkara2 pelik berlaku, tuhan nmpknya mengingatkan kita akan kekuasaannya .. |
pernah tgk yang first pic tu... ok lagi...ni tgk yang second pic tu..takut tengoknyer.. |
mcm2 bnde pelik muncul... kuasa Allah.. Subhanallah.. |
Kagum dgn kebesaran Tuhan... |
besarnya kuasa Mu.. |
Subhanaallah... cantiknye... tapi rasa takut... mcm satu petanda... sbb skrg dah byk bencana yg dah berlaku.. |
rasa insaf melihat kebesaran allah |
awan ni cam asap yg bekepul2 2 |
thread pasal ni dah ade... |
subhanallah....sungguh unik ciptaanMu Ya Allah... |
thread pasal ni dah ade...
pawangBuaya Post at 3-3-2010 11:55  yeke...sorry klau da ada |
takutnya bila tengok. nak kiamat dah ke? |
Subhanallah.....akhir zamannnnn..apa2 saja boleh berlaku..beringatlah akan tanda Kiamat |
takutnya bila tengok. nak kiamat dah ke?
mas999 Post at 3-3-2010 12:02 
fenomena alam....
selalu terjadi.. dah ade thread pasal ni citer kenape terjadi..
aku pun tak ingat...
kalau tak silap pasal angin panas bertembung angin sejuk...
macam tu r kot lebih kurang... tak ingat la.. cari r balik thread yang lepas.. tajuk pun lebih kurang je rasenye.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi