want2bhappy posted on 16-8-2012 03:43 PM
i like emma watson yg berambut hitam.. tapi apsal muka dia cam budak2 tapi badan dah cam org dewasa. ...
maybe sebab
1> make up
2> jenis baju...yg die pakai..
3> gaya photography tu..
kan bile ade photoshoot tu..director kata buat camni camtu..
so die kena ikut la...eheheh..rasanye mcm tu..la...
tapi..yg lebih tepat..mungkin bak kata Em.."i'm not a girl, but not yet a woman"...
yea la die baru 22...kan..mcm Kiki..nnt manja nak buat story "Em VS Kiki"...
..........to be continued...eheheh
hi u allz..
manja ade special clip utk u allz...mmg close up sgt...
ni masa premiere Harry P Deathly Hallows x silap..tp Alex xde pun...
waah....crazy la all the fanz..menjerit...enjoy u allz...
luff em...shes so pretty......give me an E give me an M....EMMMM!!!......weeee....
one thing i notice manja.....EM akan layan reporter sungguh2 w/pon dlm masa singkat, she is soooo humble...she will try to give the very best answer to every questions....pay full attention to everyone who talks to her.....she will make you feel that you are important to her....keep it up EM
Here’s a photo that Emma Watson just recently tweeted of herself looking pretty damn sexy, especially when you pay attention to her new… tattoos!? Holy cats, will you get a load of that? Freaking hot! And that especially goes for the tattoo located on her pelvic region. Naughty, naughty! I don’t know if it’s because I’m used to seeing Emma looking like the proper girl next door, but seeing her inked just makes her look that much more shwingtastic if you ask me. And before you guys start going nuts… yeah, I get it that the tats are definitely fake and for a movie, but a guy can still dream can’t he? Enjoy!
...kluar kereta jek...dh papa sibuk2 ambik gambar...klik3...
...pastu....kena pose jap...lagi ramai org ambik gambar....klik100....
..sejuk ni pakai kot...rupe2nye...Letterman kat New York..patut la..
"OMG!..R u the girl from Harry Potter??"...ehehehe....ehehehe..... Last edited by manjalara_01 on 21-8-2012 05:05 PM
im_cyclist posted on 21-8-2012 05:33 PM
makin lame i tgk die ni,
mkin be+ cntk...
cntiklah..kiut miut.
hi u.....
kenyang dh makan ketupat??..eheheh
ha ah..u tu la..tantek...tomei...brainy..witty...chatty....die org kata...
tp mmg btul...manja tgk klip letterman tu mmg sronok..manja pun tergelak skali..
u tgk yg 2010....mmg kelakar...em cakap slang american...
im_cyclist posted on 21-8-2012 11:14 PM
hi yang..
kenyg mkn pizza. alhmdulilah..
makan pizza??..sedapnye..lame dh x makan..
ha ah...kena la pandai2..jawab kan..??
die pun x tau letterman nak show gambar camgituw...aaiiish...
tp so far u..i belum pernah dengar lagi die mencarut..
die nak cakap cond*m tu pun bisik2 jek..
yg kisah plaster... rubber tu..
kalau die american...xde nak cover2 daa..
pastu bile letterman pulak yg tuuutt...
Em pulak cam buat muke..segan sambil gelak2..
u i ade more pics..lawa sgt...Em...dlm pic ni...
bleh buat iklan shampoo la...
..Christopher Kane ni Brit designer..hahha...baru jek tau td..
sgt sopan die ni kan...
aiyark...mlm ni i x blh tdo mengenangkan betape cntiknye emma ni
dgn english accent nye.
i tgh tgk vdeo press con deat hallow pt. 2.
ade press dr s'pore tnye, beza kiss antara daniel,rupert n tom felton.
emma dgn tom ade affair ke dulu?