Truth.8 posted on 26-3-2013 11:37 PM
Simple, because Bible is source of way of life....
we do not see Christians need wear or need to cover full garment
need observed fasting by seeking moon
They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the new moons. Say, "They are measurements of time for the people and for Hajj."....
Confirmed by astronomy :
The Moon has played a vital role in the formation of our Calendar. The word "month" comes from a root word "moon" or "moonth," the time it takes the Moon to go from New Moon to New Moon.
mashimaru83 posted on 27-3-2013 09:22 PM
There are few problems with your argument.
Other people can say that their book is source of wa ...
There are few problems with your argument.
I do not have any problem with such.
Other people can say that their book is source of way of life. So this cannot be the deciding factor.
do i need to repeat all the times? did not I says that ancient religion like Hindus, Gautam even the OT is old relgion with not suitable to present time? those faith are good but it was meant for during that time. please do not repeat like parrots.
Hindu doesn't practice the islamic teaching that you mentioned, so by your own criteria Hindu should also be acceptable as way of life.
I do not use hindusim because their holy book did not mention such. their books contains moral, food intake, sprituality , no images or idols to worship and etc..
Like I said, their faith is good base on many, meditation, health, spirituality and few other things....
this can be apply but once you apply too many become religion ...some can even be man made..
Another problem with your argument is that you are using the teaching from Al-Quran as part of your deciding factor. Consider an Atheist that come to you and ask you to prove that Bible is the source way of life. You will say, I can't prove it until you bring me the Al-Quran. In other words, if we are using your criteria as the deciding factor, then no one can prove the Bible is the way of life before Al-Quran become into existence!
I do not use Al Quran rather use Bible....The NT in Bible did not ask us to pray several times in a day rather worshipped the Father .....
Thats why u can see why many Bible reading peoples are peceaful and able to mix with others without problem...
Truth.8 posted on 28-3-2013 01:00 PM
thnks for the photos but this not mention in BIble...thats why I said before..humans like to add to add to suit for their own preferences...
You mean sighting the new moon as a means of calculating time is not in your bible? Your bible is not complete then.
If you say veiling or hijab for woman is not th the bible , consider the following
gen24:64-65 '64 Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. She got down from her camel 65 and asked the servant, “Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?” “He is my master,” the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered herself.
1cor11:6 'For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head'.
Truth.8 posted on 28-3-2013 12:59 PM
I do not have any problem with such.
Other people can say that their book is source of way of ...
Sorry if you find me keep repeating the question. The reason I'm asking again is because there are flaws in your answer.
I do not use Al Quran rather use Bible....The NT in Bible did not ask us to pray several times in a day rather worshipped the Father .....
Thats why u can see why many Bible reading peoples are peceaful and able to mix with others without problem...
Your answer is assuming that the Atheist already want to follow the Bible and use the "do not ask the follower to pray several times in a day" as the criteria to reject other books/faiths. My question is why should he follow the Bible in the first place?
mashimaru83 posted on 28-3-2013 07:10 PM
Sorry if you find me keep repeating the question. The reason I'm asking again is because there a ...
Sorry if you find me keep repeating the question. The reason I'm asking again is because there are flaws in your answer.
it sound flaws to you because you failed to read Bible will full understanding. if u sincerly open ur heart and read the Bible, u do not find any flaws ...
Your answer is assuming that the Atheist already want to follow the Bible and use the "do not ask the follower to pray several times in a day" as the criteria to reject other books/faiths. My question is why should he follow the Bible in the first place
Why ? did not I told you, the Bible is guidance for all human teaches moral, dieatery , praying, fasting and etc....
Truth.8 posted on 29-3-2013 01:24 AM
it sound flaws to you because you failed to read Bible will full understanding. if u sincerly open ...
it sound flaws to you because you failed to read Bible will full understanding. if u sincerly open ur heart and read the Bible, u do not find any flaws ...
The flaws are coming from your response. You failed to understand my question properly.
Why ? did not I told you, the Bible is guidance for all human teaches moral, dieatery , praying, fasting and etc....
Again you failed to prove your point in relation to an Atheist example that I gave you. An Atheist will question back saying that Al-Quran is also a guidance for all human kinds, why should I follow the Bible? Then if you answer like below:
I do not use Al Quran rather use Bible....The NT in Bible did not ask us to pray several times in a day rather worshipped the Father .....
Thats why u can see why many Bible reading peoples are peceaful and able to mix with others without problem...
You cannot answer "the NT did not ask us to pray several times in a day rather woshipped the Father", because that will create a flaw in your reasoning. You need to believe the NT words first which is not to pray several times, then reject Al-Quran teaching. That is logical fallacy. Believe in the Bible first, then reject Al-Quran, although the question is why should he believe in the Bible in the first place?
@mashimaru83 asked very good questions. not to mention @sam1528's point shows how Truth.8's Bible is incomplete.
My #38 and #42 awaits Truth.8's response. Seems like Truth.8 misquoted the Bible, changed the meaning of it to suit his needs. Ini, kira sesat ke, macam mana ni?
mashimaru83 posted on 29-3-2013 08:05 AM
The flaws are coming from your response. You failed to understand my question properly.
The flaws are coming from your response. You failed to understand my question properly.
nope..i understand alright...flaws comes when someone do not show interest in studying with open heart
Again you failed to prove your point in relation to an Atheist example that I gave you. An Atheist will question back saying that Al-Quran is also a guidance for all human kinds, why should I follow the Bible? Then if you answer like below:
When atheist comes...i can provide them few books for them to understand....from there, he will differientate between quran and bible...
it not easy task but eventually they will understand...of course guidance and teaching them too ...
You cannot answer "the NT did not ask us to pray several times in a day rather woshipped the Father", because that will create a flaw in your reasoning. You need to believe the NT words first which is not to pray several times, then reject Al-Quran teaching. That is logical fallacy. Believe in the Bible first, then reject Al-Quran, although the question is why should he believe in the Bible in the first place?
The Quran got some confusion...sabbath , food dieatery , facing towards jerusalem , rejecting Jesus as son of GOD , rejecting Jesus crucification and etc...
Truth.8 posted on 29-3-2013 01:52 PM
nope..i understand alright...flaws comes when someone do not show interest in studying with ope ...
The Quran got some confusion...sabbath , food dieatery , facing towards jerusalem , rejecting Jesus as son of GOD , rejecting Jesus crucification and etc...
now you see why i need to reject quran..
What's the confusion? We do not observe Sabbath (no confusion there). We practice strict food dietery (no confusion there, too), we perform our solat facing Mecca and NOT Jerusalem (no confusion there), we 100% REJECTS JESUS CHRIST (also known as ISA Al-MASIH) FOR BEING THE SON OF GOD, WE 100% REJECTS THE CRUCIFICTION OF JESUS CHRIST (no confusion there).
So you can product your confusion, or we can conclude that it's confusing TO YOU becuase YOU CHOSE TO REJECT OUR EXPLANATION.
gunblade712 posted on 29-3-2013 02:51 PM
What's the confusion? We do not observe Sabbath (no confusion there). We practice strict foo ...
What's the confusion? We do not observe Sabbath (no confusion there). We practice strict food dietery (no confusion there, too), we perform our solat facing Mecca and NOT Jerusalem (no confusion there), we 100% REJECTS JESUS CHRIST (also known as ISA Al-MASIH) FOR BEING THE SON OF GOD, WE 100% REJECTS THE CRUCIFICTION OF JESUS CHRIST (no confusion there).
thanks for sharing your confusion...we reject islam...thanks
Truth.8 posted on 29-3-2013 07:04 PM
thanks for sharing your confusion...we reject islam...thanks
sorry, perhaps you have low IQ, that is why you failed to understand a simple concept that I am not confused.
I am very clear on my faith.
You, on the other hand, is one confused person who claimed to be 'not-confused'. But lo and behold, you're even confused about your own Bible! You've misquoted your Bible and then you FLED LIKE A COWARD when A SIMPLE MUSLIM EXPOSED YOUR CONFUSION.
You're an enemy of the bible, coz you've misquoted the Bible AND REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY..
btw, it's up to Truth.8 to reject Islam or not, but the point is that we've presented the prove into his face (virtually) but he ran away, starts a new thread and then question the same thing over and over again.
Biasalah, orang yang takut dan suka menutup kebenaran memang macam ni.
Truth.8 posted on 29-3-2013 01:52 PM
nope..i understand alright...flaws comes when someone do not show interest in studying with ope ...
When atheist comes...i can provide them few books for them to understand....from there, he will differientate between quran and bible...
it not easy task but eventually they will understand...of course guidance and teaching them too ...
The question is not about the person understanding. I'm asking for evident to show that Bible is the way of God. Again you failed to answer my question properly.
The Quran got some confusion...sabbath , food dieatery , facing towards jerusalem , rejecting Jesus as son of GOD , rejecting Jesus crucification and etc...
now you see why i need to reject quran..
I don't know why you like to quote Islamic teaching (which by the way you got some of them wrong). Still, you haven't shown any evident that Bible is the way of God.
mashimaru83 posted on 29-3-2013 08:08 PM
The question is not about the person understanding. I'm asking for evident to show that Bible ...
The question is not about the person understanding. I'm asking for evident to show that Bible is the way of God. Again you failed to answer my question properly.
I can ask similar question to you show us a evident that Quran is words of God??? or show proof that muhammad spoke to angle in cave of hira??? how you can you proof that??
Like I said, you not showing any interested in this topic because if you sincerly seeking for truth, surly you would read the Bible from begning and end.....
perhaps you can start reading here :
I don't know why you like to quote Islamic teaching (which by the way you got some of them wrong). Still, you haven't shown any evident that Bible is the way of God.
yes, i quote islam teaching so much different from word of GOD in can compare....
Truth.8 posted on 30-3-2013 10:45 AM
I can ask similar question to you show us a evident that Quran is words of God??? or show proof ...
I can ask similar question to you show us a evident that Quran is words of God??? or show proof that muhammad spoke to angle in cave of hira??? how you can you proof that??
Yes that are valid questions to be asked. I did ask in post #54 for the deciding factor to pick Al-Quran and @gunblade712 had answered it in post #55. He brought the evident from Al-Quran to answer the question. We can move forward from there to answer the rest of your questions. But until so many post, you on the other hand haven't given any proof that Bible is the words of God.
Like I said, you not showing any interested in this topic because if you sincerly seeking for truth, surly you would read the Bible from begning and end.....
perhaps you can start reading here : "Way of Life Bible Lessons"
Why would you ask me to read the Bible or other books if the proof for Bible is the words of God is not there? Again until so many post, you haven't given any proof at all. Please bring the proof forward. I think you are the one who are not interested with this topic?
yes, i quote islam teaching so much different from word of GOD in can compare....
First, many of your quotations are wrong. Secondly please bring evident from the Bible.
mashimaru83 posted on 30-3-2013 12:34 PM
Yes that are valid questions to be asked. I did ask in post #54 for the deciding factor to pick ...
Yes that are valid questions to be asked. I did ask in post #54 for the deciding factor to pick Al-Quran and @gunblade712 had answered it in post #55. He brought the evident from Al-Quran to answer the question. We can move forward from there to answer the rest of your questions. But until so many post, you on the other hand haven't given any proof that Bible is the words of God.
Evidence from the Quran? what evidence? does the author of that book comes from God or man made???gb says arabic word difficult to master. so does hebrew and sanskrit....sanskrit is most difficult to master.
than again, how sure it must be from GOD????
now, to over come this issue, one need not to depend whether the book comes from god or not but history fact and proof. history fact and proof can be found in earth where ancient city of sodom and gomorah, jerico , rea sea and all etc....all this support the evidences accoridng to history as per Bible sayings....hence, the Bible 100% confirmed that it comes from GOD and the teachings also way of life...
Why would you ask me to read the Bible or other books if the proof for Bible is the words of God is not there? Again until so many post, you haven't given any proof at all. Please bring the proof forward. I think you are the one who are not interested with this topic?
if u do not read the Bible it will shaky foundation which know as full of doubt. one example...if a teacher were to teaches history, surly the student will be given history book to research and does the Bible..u need a source to support to have research and study.
First, many of your quotations are wrong. Secondly please bring evident from the Bible.
is wrong to you because u have no guts to take and study the the Bible and quran ...than you know the truth...
if the quran is truth, the Jews will accept muhammad long time ago...
Truth.8 posted on 30-3-2013 02:35 PM
Evidence from the Quran? what evidence? does the author of that book comes from God or man made? ...
Evidence from the Quran? what evidence? does the author of that book comes from God or man made???gb says arabic word difficult to master. so does hebrew and sanskrit....sanskrit is most difficult to master.
than again, how sure it must be from GOD????
He put the Al-Quran verse in the post. I suggest you read it carefully.
than again, how sure it must be from GOD????
now, to over come this issue, one need not to depend whether the book comes from god or not but history fact and proof. history fact and proof can be found in earth where ancient city of sodom and gomorah, jerico , rea sea and all etc....all this support the evidences accoridng to history as per Bible sayings....hence, the Bible 100% confirmed that it comes from GOD and the teachings also way of life...
You came up with this criteria "one need not to depend whether the book comes from god or not but history fact and proof". This is wrong, the criteria must be coming from the God himself through the Book or through the Messenger. Since your criteria is not mentioned by the Book or the Messenger, unfortunately your criteria has to be rejected. Please bring the criteria from the Bible. Show me the verse that contains the criteria.
if u do not read the Bible it will shaky foundation which know as full of doubt. one example...if a teacher were to teaches history, surly the student will be given history book to research and does the Bible..u need a source to support to have research and study.
is wrong to you because u have no guts to take and study the the Bible and quran ...than you know the truth...
Please bring the criteria from the Bible to show that the book is the words of God. Thank you.