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Author: Acong

US/israel hijack MAS MH370 KL - Beijing [8 Mac 2014] ke Diego Garcia

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:18 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 9-3-2014 07:30 PM
Knpa takde mayday call atau sebarang msg alert sent by the pilots?

Dlm pesawat moden skrg ni, al ...

mana ada patah balik
bila sampai flight path name trigori
itu adalah point terakhit yg tower malaysia cover...selepas itu kapal kena melencong sikit ke kanan utk masuk vietnam airspace dan tower vietnam akan takeover control


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Post time 11-3-2014 02:21 PM | Show all posts
idhane posted on 11-3-2014 01:38 PM
ada kemungkinan segala signal dah kene jammed.

yup....mungkin askar china atau US ada conduct latihan n ujian di perairan berhampiran laluan MH370......

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Yustan posted on 11-3-2014 09:56 AM
MAS akan nafikan ketidakbolehan pilotnya apatah lg pilot tu dh bawak flight berpuloh tahun n die tak ...

both pilot personally aku kenal
sebab kalau dtg opis aku mmg kuat berborak

system failure also no no for me
sebab kapal tu baru lepas check kat hangar
dan LAE yg sign report dan beri kebenaran terbang
bukan budak setahun jagung baru dpt lesen LAE
even MAS MAE is well known best maintanence team
even emirates pun anta kapal dia mro kat sini


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Post time 11-3-2014 05:18 PM | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 11-3-2014 02:26 PM
both pilot personally aku kenal
sebab kalau dtg opis aku mmg kuat berborak

Jadi, menurut pandangan kamu ape teori yg kukuh dgn kehilangan pesawat MH370?
Aircraft dlm keadaan baik, dilengkapi dgn peralatan termoden - Merujuk kpd En Norudin dlm TV3 mlm n pg tadi..
Kalaupun terhempas, pasti ade petunjuk walaupun sedikit.


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Post time 11-3-2014 07:43 PM | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 11-3-2014 02:26 PM
both pilot personally aku kenal
sebab kalau dtg opis aku mmg kuat berborak

yap.... Flight 38 juga berkeadaan baik, begitu jugak Flight 447..
apa yg menyebabkan Flight 38 crash?
ice yg terbentuk pada minyak pesawat telah membuatkannya membeku dlm saluran.. yg mengakibatkan system totally collapse!
all of them even the backup one... apakah kebarangkalian kedua2 engine mati dan juga system pesawat down serentak? 1 dlm 100 juta hokay...
and its happend to a new modern technology bird called the Boeing Triple Seven...

begitu jugak dgn Flight 447..
Ice terbentuk pada sensor speed pesawat yg mengakibatkan false reading... Bukan pada 1, tetapi ketiga2 sensor dia termasuk sensor backup sekaligus....
System pesawat totally collapse after that dan pilots tak dpt kenalpasti speed mereka yg mengakibatkan pesawat deadly stalled...

Takde sape yg mempersoalkan kualiti maintenance dari British Airways, Air France, Malaysia Airline, mahupun Ah Seng Airlines Sdn. Bhd sekalipun...........
Catastrophic failure boleh berlaku pd sesiapa pun even kpd Air Force Once yg dinaiki oleh Barak Obama....

Oleh kerana tiada turbulance dan thunderstorm kat area 370 ni hilang, ditambah pula oleh cuaca panas membahang di malaya sekarng ni, maybe kita boleh ambik kira other phenomenon... like microburst or else......


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 09:51 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 11-3-2014 07:43 PM
yap.... Flight 38 juga berkeadaan baik, begitu jugak Flight 447..
apa yg menyebabkan Flight 38 cr ...

flight terbang masuk dlm 'air pocket' yg maha besar?

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 11-3-2014 01:40 PM
sound like catastrophic failure.. (sudden and total computer failure, which recovery is impossible ...

Aku mmg xtau sgt pasal teknikal katebang ni
Cumenye based on komen bang system tu
Maknenye...mh370 ni berkemungkinan crash & tenggelam dlm lautan tanpe kemusnahan major?
Sebab tu kite x jumpe debris apatah lg it?
Dlm mse 10 mins decend tu, distress call mmg x dpt dilakukan lgsg sbab sistem totally out
Ade persamaan pndpt bang system dgn blog mom tu


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 11:06 PM | Show all posts
4.00 pm: Malaysia military track plane to Malacca strait

Air Force chief Rodzali Daud has now confirmed that based on military radar readings from its station in Butterworth, the missing flight MH370 may have turned west after Kota Bahru and flew past the east coast and Kedah.

"The last time the plane was detected was near Pulau Perak, in the Straits of Malacca, at 2.40am," Berita Harian quotes Rodzali as saying.

This contradicts earlier reports that the aircraft had disappeared from radar screens 120 nautical miles off Kota Bharu and over the South China Sea, at 1.30am on 8 March.

The Utusan Malaysia newspaper reported that 20,000 fishermen nationwide have been roped in to help in the search-and-rescue operation.

The newspaper quoted Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob as saying that this would involve 1,788 fishing boats around the waters off Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis, Perak and Penang.

The fishermen were roped in at the request of acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

Read more at: ... _source=ref_article

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Iranians Using Stolen Passports on Malaysia Airlines Flight Had No Known Terror Ties, Officials Say
Both Apparently Sought Only to Migrate to Europe

Updated March 11, 2014 11:01 a.m. ET

Day four and still no sign of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, but investigators identified the men traveling on the two passports earlier determined to have been stolen. The WSJ's Deborah Kan has the latest on the search and investigation.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia—Two passengers who boarded missing Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU 0.00%  flight MH370 with stolen passports are Iranians, one of whom was trying to reunite with his mother in Germany, authorities said on Tuesday.

Malaysia's national police chief, Inspector-General Khalid Abu Bakar, identified one of the passengers as 19-year-old Pouria Nourmohammadi Mehrdad. Inspector-General Khalid said Mr. Mehrdad's mother contacted Malaysian authorities when he failed to arrive on a connecting flight to Frankfurt after the Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared less than an hour after takeoff en route to Beijing.

Interpol Secretary-General Ronald Noble told reporters at the agency's headquarters in Lyon, France, that the second man was also an Iranian, Delavar Seyed Mohammedreza.

Mr. Mehrdad, who was traveling on a passport reported stolen in Thailand last year from 30-year-old Austrian Christian Kozel, didn't appear to be connected with any terrorist groups, Inspector-General Khalid said, adding that he had been in contact with Iranian authorities. "We believe he was trying to migrate to Germany," he said. "His mother was expecting him to arrive. She contacted us here, so that is how we know he is the one."

Interpol suggested that the second man, Mr. Mohammedreza, was also only trying to get to Europe by using a stolen Italian passport. Electronic itineraries viewed by The Wall Street Journal point to Copenhagen as his destination.

Law-enforcement officials' comments shed some light on one of the most perplexing aspects of flight MH370's disappearance: that some passengers had checked in and boarded using stolen documents.

Revelations that at least two passengers had used stolen passports to enter Malaysia and board the aircraft initially stirred speculation about the possibility that terrorists were involved in the flight's disappearance. Malaysian and Interpol officials now are playing down the probability that terrorism was involved, at least in the case of Messrs. Mehrdad and Mohammedreza.

Mr. Noble, though, noted that the fact that two passengers had boarded the flight with stolen travel documents has highlighted the existence of a thriving market for stolen passports, as well as gaping disparities in aviation security across the world. Aviation authorities need to improve their screening of passengers to prevent other, more dangerous people using stolen or counterfeit passports to cross borders, he said.

He pointed to examples such as Samantha Lewthwaite, the so-called Black Widow who was married to one of the suicide bombers who attacked London in 2005 and who is now herself wanted in connection with attacks in Kenya. Mr. Noble also mentioned Milorad Ulemek, who is suspected of ordering the assassination of a Serbian prime minister and who traveled on a passport stolen from the Croatian consulate in Bosnia.

Traveling to the U.S. and Europe using stolen passports is complicated by the widespread use of biometric travel documents and routine scanning of fingerprints and irises. But in Asia, loose inspections at immigration checkpoints and a sophisticated market for stolen or forged passports make it easier to travel under another identity.

Thailand in particular has emerged as a global hub for the illicit trade: Both stolen passports used to board flight MH370 were reported stolen there. Thailand is one of the world's most-visited countries.

Mr. Kozel, the Austrian national, reported his passport stolen on the resort island of Phuket last year. The other passport used to board flight MH370 was stolen from Italian national Luigi Maraldi several months earlier.

Mr. Maraldi, who is currently in Phuket on vacation again, on Sunday told reporters there that his passport went missing when he left it as a security deposit to rent a car while on vacation in Phuket. Rental agencies on the resort island often require customers to leave travel documents to lease cars and motorcycles, despite complaints from European and Australian envoys about the practice.

When Mr. Maraldi returned the vehicle to the rental agency, he said he was surprised when she told him that she had already given it to another man who said he knew Mr. Maraldi.

Thai police on Monday said that an Iranian middleman named Alireza Kolmohammadi helped arrange the purchase of the two Iranian men's tickets from a travel agency in Pattaya, Thailand, last week. The tickets were issued in the names of Messrs. Maraldi and Kozel, and authorities said the impostors didn't use the stolen documents to enter or exit the country.

Instead, they traveled to Malaysia, where they intended to fly to Beijing to make a connecting flight to Amsterdam and on to their final destinations.

U.S. and other officials are attempting to track down Mr. Kolmohammadi, who is also known as Kezam Ali, to see whether he has any ties to terrorist groups or to human smuggling.

An operator of a travel agency in Bangkok's backpacker district, Khao San Road, said there are many ways to obtain stolen passports in Thailand. Sometimes members of criminal syndicates break into cheap hotels and guesthouses to rummage through other rooms while guests are out during the day, said the woman, who wanted to be identified by her first name, Anchalee.

In some instances criminals have stolen passports to order, searching out victims who resemble their clients, security analysts say.

There is a large market for stolen travel documents in the country. Thailand for decades has served as a bolt-hole for criminals and other people hoping to build new lives and identities. Famously, an Indonesian named Riduan Isamuddin, known as Hambali, the prime suspect in the 2002 bombings that killed 202 people in Bali, posed as a businessman and entered the country on a forged Spanish passport. He was arrested in 2003 and is currently at Guantanamo Bay.

"There's no two ways about it: Thailand is just very porous," said Paul Quaglia at Bangkok-based security consultancy PQA Asia.

In recent months, police officials say they have stepped up their efforts to crack down on the use of illicit passports after seeing a surge in Syrian nationals using stolen or tampered-with documents to escape the country's civil war by transiting through Thailand and other countries to enter the European Union.

The problem isn't confined to Thailand. Interpol, the international police coordinating agency, estimates that 1 billion passengers were able to board aircraft last year without having their passports screened against the agency's databases.

Corrections & Amplifications
An earlier version of this article incorrectly rendered the name of Pouria Nourmohammadi Mehrdad and Delavar Seyed Mohammedreza, and misspelled Mr. Mehrdad's surname as Mehdrad. Also, the name of Samantha Lewthwaite was misspelled as Lewthwiate.

Write to James Hookway at [email protected] and Jason Ng at [email protected] and Warangkana Chomchuen at [email protected]


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 11:18 PM | Show all posts
MH370 - what happened
A plausible explanation for why MH370 "disappeared" and why we still can't find it.  
MARCH 10, 2014

My recommendation to the NTSB
I sent this email to Peter Knudson at the NTSB, and he will consider if its worthy of forwarding onto investigators. I would like feedback on the plausibility.

At the end of this email, I’ve listed sensible and low-cost recommendations to best aid recovery efforts.

Has anyone considered if the below FAA Airworthiness Directive could be a clue the MH370 investigation?

A November 2013 FAA Airworthiness Directive for the 777
SUMMARY: We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for
certain The Boeing Company Model 777 airplanes. This proposed AD was
prompted by a report of cracking in the fuselage skin underneath the
satellite communication (SATCOM) antenna adapter. This proposed AD
would require repetitive inspections of the visible fuselage skin and
doubler if installed, for cracking, corrosion, and any indication of
contact of a certain fastener to a bonding jumper, and repair if
necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct cracking and
corrosion in the fuselage skin, which could lead to rapid decompression
and loss of structural integrity of the airplane.
Summary: It’s plausible that a fuselage section near the SATCOM antenna adapter failed, disabling satellite based -  GPS, ACARS, and ADS-B/C - communications, and leading to a slow decompression that left all occupants unconscious. If such decompression left the aircraft intact, then the autopilot would

have flown the planned route or otherwise maintained its heading/altitude until fuel exhaustion.
A slow decompression (e.g. from a golfball-sized hole) would have gradually impaired and confused the pilots before cabin altitude (pressure) warnings sounded.

Chain of events:

Likely fuselage failure near SATCOM antenna adapter, disabling some or all of GPS, ACARS, ADS-B, and ADS-C antennas and systems.

Thus, only primary radars would detect the plane. Primary radar range is usually less than 100nm, and is generally ineffective at high altitudes.

If the decompression was slow enough, it’s possible the pilots did not realize to put on oxygen masks until it was too late. (See Helios 522)
Also explains why another Pilot thirty minutes ahead heard “mumbling” from MH370 pilots.
(VHF comms would be unaffected by SATCOM equipment failure.)

With incapacitated pilots, the 777 would continue to fly on Autopilot - programmed to maintain cruise altitude and follow the programmed route.

Other thoughts:

The plane was equipped with cellular communication hardware, supplied by AeroMobile, to provide GSM services via satellite. However this is an aftermarket product; it’s not connected through SATCOM (as far as I know).

This explains why 19 families signed a statement  alleging they were able to call the MH370 passengers and get their phones to ring, but with no response.

When Malaysian Airlines tried to call the phone numbers a day later, the phones did not ring. By this time, fuel would have been exhausted.

Note:  777 Passenger Oxygen masks do not deploy until cabin altitude reaches 13,500. Passengers were likely already unconscious by then, if it was a slow decompression. No confirmed debris has been found anywhere near the search area, consistent with the plane having flown for hours after it lost radar contact.


This was likely not an “explosive decompression” or “inflight disintegration.” This was likely a slow decompression that gradually deprived all crew/passengers of oxygen, leaving the autopilot to continue along the route autonomously.

The aircraft may be at the floor of the East China Sea, Sea of Japan, or the Pacific Ocean thousands of miles northeast from the current search zone.
I’ve circled a probable search space in Red on this map; it that assumes that MH370’s autopilot continued along the programmed route.


• Investigators should obtain data logs from primary radars throughout mainland China that would have been along the planned route. They may be the best clue as to the trajectory of the aircraft.
• Investigators should obtain all passengers’ cell phone log and location data. The timing of the last successful cellular connection (ring/SMS/data-packet) can predict how long the plane was in the air. iPhone/iOS location (GPS) data may be available from Apple if subpoenaed. Android location data may be available from Google.
• Add a secondary search space to include a 300nm radius around Beijing, focusing on surrounding bodies of water. Using planned routing trajectory, known autopilot logics, fuel quantities, and weather patterns, it may be possible to define a smaller 50nm * 50nm search space. Consider running the above scenario in MH’s 777-200ER full flight simulator.  
• Boeing should provide expertise about the SATCOM antenna schematics and autopilot/navigation logic, so as to help plot this second search space.
8:36PM  |   URL:
(Notes: 20)  


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Post time 11-3-2014 11:27 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 11-3-2014 07:43 PM
yap.... Flight 38 juga berkeadaan baik, begitu jugak Flight 447..
apa yg menyebabkan Flight 38 cr ...

kalau ada micro burst/turbulance lvl 5
sistem pengesanan cuaca kapal
akan bagi warning

paling busuk tower sendiri akan radio cockpit bgtau


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Post time 11-3-2014 11:32 PM | Show all posts
johnlabi posted on 11-3-2014 05:18 PM
Jadi, menurut pandangan kamu ape teori yg kukuh dgn kehilangan pesawat MH370?
Aircraft dlm keadaa ...

tadi borak2 dgn kapten kapal
teori kapal meletup x mungkin
sebab kalau kapal meletup ACARS akan send signal (bunyi beep beep)
pasal semua kapal yg terbang

dan signal tu juga akan dapat di detect oleh kapal laut juga tower
jadi teori kapal meletup tak bole pakai

teori kapal terhempas juga x bole pakai
sebab once terhempas
ELT akan auto trigger by impact

jadi assumption skrg
kapal kena hijack (aku anggap la)
for some reason derang boleh pecah masuk kevlar door cockpit
and pilot x sempat bgtau tower
and hijacker tu plak org yg ariff pasal kapal terbang sebab dia reti nak off transponder juga ACP (audio control panel)


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Post time 11-3-2014 11:35 PM | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 11-3-2014 10:00 PM
Aku mmg xtau sgt pasal teknikal katebang ni
Cumenye based on komen bang system tu
Maknenye...mh3 ...

kapal terbang
body dia amat nipis
terhempas kuat atau tak
once kena air
mmg akan berkecai

mcm kes airbus yg safe landing atas air kat sg hudson tu
kapal dia glide bukan terhempas....


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Post time 12-3-2014 12:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 11-3-2014 11:35 PM
kapal terbang
body dia amat nipis
terhempas kuat atau tak

So pendapat ko, mmg xde can la kebarangkalian kapal tenggelam ke dalam laut dgn kerosakan minima

Kalo hijack, ade 2 keadaan...sama ada terroris berani mati @ hijacker yg nk kan tebusan. Tapi dh 4 hari, takkan hijacker tu tak claim pape lgi

Ko percaya tak ianya ade kaitan paranormal?

Sori bang system, bwak isu paranormal di sini

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2014 01:11 AM | Show all posts
data Flight Radar telah dimanipulasi???


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2014 01:38 AM | Show all posts
Malaysian military now reveals it tracked MH370 to Malacca strait
MARCH 11, 2014

A message board at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport is filled with tribute for passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. Search and rescue operations are in its fourth day but yet to find any clues that point to the current location of the plane. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, March 11, 2014.

In a strange twist, Malaysia's military believes it tracked the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 by radar over the Strait of Malacca, far from where it last made contact with civilian air traffic control over the Gulf of Thailand.

A military source confirmed with Reuters that the Boeing 777-200ER with 239 on board changed course and made it to the other side of the Malay peninsula.

"It changed course after Kota Baru and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Straits," the military official, who has been briefed on investigations, told Reuters.

The Straits of Malacca, one of the world's busiest shipping channels, runs along Malaysia's west coast.

The airline said on Saturday that the flight carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew last had contact off the east coast Malaysian town of Kota Baru.

The Berita Harian newspaper was the first to report this development, quoting the Royal Air Force Malaysia (RMAF) chief General Tan Sri Rodzali Daud as saying they tracked the signal to Pulau Perak on the country's west coast.

"The last time the plane could be traced by an air control tower was near Pulau Perak, which is on the Straits of Malacca at 2.40am.

"After that, the signal from the plane was lost," he said.

Incidentally, Malaysia Airlines first statement on the missing jetliner on Saturday said that air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane at 2.40am but it was later corrected to 1.30am.

It was also reported that a Singaporean air traffic surveillance and control unit also picked up the signal that MH370 "made a turn back before it was reported to have climbed 1,000 metres from its original altitude at 10,000 metres”.

It was widely reported that the plane went missing at around 1.30am while flying above the South China Sea between the Malaysian east coast and the southern coast of Vietnam.

The plane reported went off radar and its last known location was 065515 North (latitude ) and 1033443 East (longitude).

This is also supported with police reports made by some east coast residents, who claimed that they have seen huge lights and a plane flying at some 1,000 metres above sea level off Kota Baru.

However, search and rescue (SAR) authorities have failed to find any sign of the plane in the waters of the South China Sea.

Indications that MH370 might have turned back have since led the SAR operations to be expanded to the Straits of Malacca and the Andaman Sea.

The operations to find the missing plane involve armed forces and authorities from Australia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines and the United States, apart from Malaysia.

The SAR operations are in its fourth day. – March 11, 2014.


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2014 02:10 AM | Show all posts

1) adakah MAS merahsiakan perbualan antara perisik XXX dengan menara kawalan kepada kerajaan, rakyat malaysia dan seluruh dunia? kenapa nak rahsiakan?? adakah takut sebab kawalan keselamatan terlalu longgar? kenapa setelah sejam lebih pesawat hilang dari radar, tapi mereka masih lagi berkomunikasi dengan pesawat?? apa isi perbualan mereka??

2) radar untuk tujuan komersial tidak secanggih seperti untuk tujuan ketenteraan.. maka radar jammer dari pasar gelap sudah memadai untuk "menghilangkan" pesawat dari radar di menar kawalan subang

3) setelah "menghilangkan" pesawat dari radar, pesawat patah balik untuk ke destinasi XXX (destinasi ini saya tidak pasti di mana), pesawat terus berlegar di ruang udara malaysia, iaitu di kawasan banjaran titiwangsa selama sejam lebih sambil masih lagi "berunding" dengan menara kawalan..

4) kenapa pertahanan malaysia tidak dapat kesan pesawat itu ketika berlegar di udara banjaran titiwangsa? kerana di situ pertahanan udara kita paling lemah..

4) rundingan dengan menara kawalan gagal setelah 2 jam lebih.. perisik XXX putuskan hubungan dengan menara kawalan di subang.. perisik XXX terus menerbangkan pesawat ke lokasi XXX

5) saya gunakan istilah "perisik" kerana hijacker ini bukannya pengganas, tapi seorang perisik dari negara XXX (antara kuasa besar dunia).. sebab itulah sehingga sekarang tiada pengakuan dan tuntutan di media massa.. semua rundingan adalah secara tertutup antara pemimpin negara kuasa besar..

6) ketika pesawat bergerak ke lokasi XXX, perisik tiba-tiba menukar laluan, dan pesawat didapati terbang di selat melaka, menuju ke utara (thailand).. ketika ini, radar pertahanan udara malaysia dapat mengesan kehadiran pesawat asing ini (kerana pertahanan udara malaysia di selat melaka adalah lebih baik dari di pantai timur dan banjaran titiwangsa)..

7) tetapi pihak pertahanan masih lagi clueless tentang rampasan ini, kerana pihak menara kawalan TIDAK PERNAH MEMAKLUMKAN KEPADA KERAJAAN DAN KEMENTERIAN PERTAHAAN

8) pesawat terus menuju ke thailand.. thailand dapat tahu dan terus memaklumkan kepada seluruh ketenteraan mereka, termasuk pangkalan udara milik amerika di thailand (lokasi rahsia)

9) ketika pihak thailand cuba menghubungi pesawat MAS tersebut, perisik XXX cuba menipu dengan mengatakan pesawat mereka tersesat..jet amerika cuba intercept dan tembak pesawat, tetapi perisik XXX cuba berunding dengan amerika dn thailand

10) bersambung

11) ketika rundingan di nanning, kerajaan malaysia TIDAK TAHU MENAHU pasal ini.. rundingan hanyalah melalui negara XXX, YYY, ZZZ dan mungkin beberapa negara lain

12) pihak MAS baru maklumkan kepada umum pesawat MH370 hilang setelah benar-benar pesawat itu disahkan tidak mendarat di beijing (jam 7 pagi lebih).. kenapa lambat sangat nak sahkan MAS?? kamu ingat perampas itu main-main ke??

13) ketika ini barulah kerajaan malaysia maklum dan seluruh dunia gempar dengan berita ini.. akibat kurangnya maklumat dari pihak MAS (pesawat tiba-tiba hilang, tak ada sebarang petanda) maka kerajaan mulakan SAR agak lambat..

14) saya tidak pasti sampai bila baru pemimpin negara malaysia dimaklumkan perkara sebenar oleh negara XXX,YYY dan ZZZ.. DS Najib cuma mengikut arahaan dari negara XXX, YYY, dan ZZZ untuk kumpul keluarga mangsa, cari di situ, cari di sini, buat itu buat ini.. tapi rasanya sekarang mereka sudah dimaklumkan..

15)TIADA APA-APA YANG BERLAKU DI LAUT CINA SELATAN.. tiada.. semua penemuan kononnya debris, tompokan minyak, claim dari navy negara XYZ kononnya dah jumpa bangkai dll adalah..... saya tidak pasti dan tidak berani nak buat andaian.. yang pasti negara2 kuasa besar dah hantar armada ketenteraan mereka di kawasan yang kononnya tempat pesawat terhempas

16) malaysia serta negara lain yang "tak tahu apa-apa" meneruskan usaha mencari.. ketenteraan kita BARU PERASAN mereka pernah kesan satu pesawat asing di selat melaka (adakah saya yang ingatkan mereka hahahaha) maka mereka terus membuat pencarian di selat melaka, kerana andaian mereka di situlah kali terakhir malaysia mengesan pesawat itu

17) sambungan (apa rundingan di nanning?)

18) ketika jet amerika hampir memintas pesawat MAS di thailand, perisik XXX berunding dengan negara amerika agar "melepaskan" pesawat itu dan memaklumkan pesawat itu adalah pesawat komersial dan mengandugi 200 lebih penumpang

19) amerika bersetuju, mungkin ada yang pelik mengapa USA boleh bersetuju dengan mudah.. ini kerana perisik itu BUKANNYA PENGGANAS tetapi dari negara XXX.. pihak amerika memaklumkan kejadian ini kepada negara XXX, dan negara XXX mengesahkannya..pada mulanya amerika demand pesawat itu mendarat di thailand, tetapi akhirnya terpaksa akur permintaan perisik XXX untuk mendarat di nanning.. kenapa nanning?? saya belum mahu hurai lebih lanjut..

20) dipendekkan cerita, ketika mendarat di nanning, sepatutnya pendaratan MH370 di nanning dirahsiakan, tetapi terbocor juga oleh beberapa orang pegawai lapangan terbang yang tidak dimaklumkan terlebih dahulu tentang pendaratan cemas ini serta MISI RAHSIA negara XXX.. akhirnya cerita pendaratan pesawat MH370 di nanning berjaya diputarbelitkan sebagai hoax

21) apa isi rundingan?? mengelakkan PERANG DUNIA KETIGA

22) bersambung

23) ketika rundingan, negara XXX mengugut untuk melancarkan perang dunia ketiga seandainya misi mereka ini dibocorkan.. negara YYY, ZZZ dan beberapa negara lain (saya yakin malaysia tidak terlibat dalam rundingan ini) terpaksa bersetuju

24) jadi, apakah sebenarnya tujuan pesawat itu dihijack?? sebenarnya hijack itu hanyalah backup plan dari perisik XXX seandainya identiti dan operasi beliau berjaya dikesan oleh perisik dari negara lain yang turut sama berada di dalam pesawat tersebut.. semalam saya ada dedahkan salah satu nombor passport perisik iaitu YA3189197, nama pemilik passport ini ialah luigi miraldi, tetapi didapati passport ini adalah passport curi (cepat sungguh negara mereka tutup cerita)

25) saya ada terbaca berita dari china, di mana ahli keluarga cuba hubungi telefon bimbit salah seorang penumpang pesawat, dan berjaya, tetapi tidak diangkat atau disahut.. ya, memang la, sebab pihak negara XXX lupa nak off henset mamat tu setelah dirampas..

26) (imaginasi saya sahaja) - pada mulanya, pihak yang berunding berusaha untuk cari jalan untuk tutup cerita rampasan ini untuk kepentingan bersama.. mereka cuba membawa ahli keluarga terdekat penumpang untuk berunding di satu tempat rahsia (kemungkinan di nanning).. antaranya, mungkin penumpang yang terlibat terpaksa dipalsukan kematian mereka, dan pihak yang berunding akan cuba untuk membuat seolah-olah pesawat itu benar-benar telah terhempas, tetapi banyak kali kantoi.. banyak kali mereka terpaksa trik balik statement..

27) insyaAllah, sama-sama kita doakan mereka semua masih hidup

28) sekian karangan malam ini..bersambung

kenapa Nanning?

29) setelah berjaya merampas pesawat, perisik bertindak untuk menerbangkan pesawat ke lokasi XXX untuk tujuan sabotaj (?)

30) sebelum itu perisik ada membuat tuntutan kepada menara kawalan untuk menyambungkan talian kepada putrajaya, tetapi menara kawalan enggan bekerjasama

31) pesawat menuu ke utara menggunakan laluan selat melaka.. pesawat terpaksa melepasi thailand dari arah timur kerana PERISIK TIDAK MAHU MELALUI KAWASAN GULF OF THAILAND kerana di situ terdapat banyak kapal perang yang canggih, termasuk kapal perang dari malaysia

32) titik laluan pesawat ialah di kawasan sempit di thailand iaitu di phuket, bangkok dan menuju ke nanning (cuba lihat dekat peta, laluan dari phuket, bangkok dan nanning adalah sat garis lurus).. nanning adalah daerah paling hampir untuk pesawat ke negara XXX (ya, negara XXX ialah china).. mereka cuma perlu melepasi ruang udara thailand.. untuk melepasi ruang udara laos dan vietnam tidak menjadi masalah kerana laos dan vietnam adalah sekutu rapat china

33) ketika pesawat mendekati bangkok, radar thailand berjaya mengesan kehadiran pesawat ini.. pada mulanya perisik cuba mengatakan pesawat mereka sesat dan sedang dalam masalah teknikal, tetapi bila keadaan menjadi agak tegang, thailand meminta USA untuk pintas pesawat itu

34) bersambung (apa tujuan perisik dan apa tujuan negara XXX)

siapa perisik

35)perisik XXX (berkemungkinan berjumlah 4 orang dan keatas) adalah dari 2-3 buah negara yang berpakat.. tujuan mereka tidak lain tidak bukan, untuk mengkaji strategi dan lokasi strategik untuk persediaan WW3 (bahagian ASEAN).. kemungkinan besar mereka sedang membawa maklumat sulit bersama merka..

36) kalau ada yang tanya kenapa mereka tidak faks atau emelkan sahaja maklumat itu, kamu silap kerana maklumat yang melalui internet boleh dipintas oleh CIA dan sesiapa sahaja.. mereka harus menghantar maklumat itu by hand..

37) kenapa passport eropah? pada hari pertama kejadian, saya sudah menyuruh sesiapa yang bekerja dengan imigresen untuk semak rekod passport YA3189197, kenapa?? kerana passport milik luigi miraldi ini tidak mempunyai rekod kemasukkan ke malaysia..

38) salah satu passport curi tersebut membeli tiket dari KUALA LUMPUR - BEIJING - ARMSTERDAM - COPENHAGEN dan satu lagi KUALA LUMPUR - BEIJING - ARMSTERDAM - FRANKFURT.. kedua-duanya dibeli melalui travel agent di thailand, dan selang beza nombor siri e-tiket mereka hanyalah selang satu nombor..

39) kenapa mereka memilih untuk melalui route itu?? kerana jika masa transit untuk connecting flight dari BEIJING KE ARMSTERDAM kurang dari 72 jam, maka pre-arranged visa adalah TIDAK DIPERLUKAN.. ini sangat penting kerana selain dari kedutaan china, pre-arranged visa juga memerlukan pengesahan dari kerejaan malaysia bahawa penumpang telah memasuki malaysia secara sah..

40) biasanya pihak imigresen malaysia dan pihak airport akan menyemak visa
penumpang sebelum menaiki pesawat yang hendak ke china.. tetapi oleh kerana tempoh transit tidak sampai 72 jam, maka visa tidak diperlukan.. data passport mungkin boleh dipalsukan, tetapi data pre-arranged visa adalah sangat sukar untuk dipalsukan

41) kenapa perisik XXX nak sangat ke china?? ya, nak bagi maklumat sulit itu by hand kepada kerajaan china.. lepas tu terus honeymoon ke eropah

42)di dalam pesawat juga ada perisik dari negara lain (mereka juga sedang merisik perisik XXX).. dipercayai ada pergelutan sehingga perisik XXX terpaksa merampas pesawat



apa yang berlaku di dalam kapal terbang?

44) kemungkinan besar aktiviti rampasan bermula sejurus selepas isyarat tali pinggang dipadamkan (10-20 minit setelah berlepas).. pada waktu ini, pesawat sudah mula stabil dan krew sedang sibuk menyediakan snek untuk penumpang

45) perisik XXX yang berjumlah 4 orang atau lebih menyedari kehadiran perisik lain di dalam pesawat dan mereka rasa tergugat.. seperti teori saya sebelumnya, perisik XXX pada mulanya tidak merancang untuk hijack pesawat, tetapi untuk menjaga maklumat super penting yang mereka bawa, maka mereka terpaksa guna pelan B..

46) para perisik XXX ada membawa alatan untuk merampas kapal terbang kerana ini adalah persediaan biasa bagi mereka untuk menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan.. segala peralatan seperti radar jammer, mereka masukkan di dalam ruangan kargo dan berkemungkinan berbentuk seperti power bank atau sebuah laptop bagi mengaburi mata pegawai imigresen

47) sebelum bertindak, perisik XXX mengaktifkan alat penghalang komunikasi ke luar pesawat terlebih dahulu.. ini untuk menghalang juruterang dari memaklumkan kejadian rampasan di dalam pesawat kepada menara kawalan..


48) ketika rampasan, pilot menjadi panik dan cuba menghubungi menara kawalan, tetapi gagal.. pilot mencuba pelbagai cara termasuk menggunakan gelombang lain.. kemungkinan besar ada pesawat berdekatan ada menerima signal mereka, tetapi tidak jelas

49) perisik XXX berjaya memasuki kokpit setelah didesak atau diugut oleh perisik XXX.. salah seorang perisik XXX berjaya mengambil alih stering, dan mengaktifkan kembali sistem komunikasi, lalu berhubung dengan menara kawalan

50) seperti yang teori saya sebelumnya, perisik XXX meminta untuk disambungkan ke putrajaya, tetapi menara kawalan enggan.. perisik mengaktifkan radar jammer sebagai petunjuk kepada menara kawalan yang mereka boleh buat apa saja kepada pesawat..

51) menara kawalan masih lagi tidak mahu bekerjasama.. tujuan perisik XXX ingin berhubung dengan putrajaya adalah ingin meminta putrajaya menutup kejadian yang berlaku dalam pesawat (mungkin perisik dari negara lain sudah tercedera atau terbunuh)


52) rundingan semakin buntu, perisik membuat ugutan terakhir iaitu ingin ke lokasi XXX (lokasi sensitif negara) seandainya menara kawalan masih enggan bekerjasama..

53) akhirnya perisik membatalkan hasrat untuk ke lokasi XXX.. ini kerana sememangnya perisik XXX tiada niat hendak menyerang lokasi XXX, tetapi cuma untuk mengugut.. diingatkan sekali lagi, perisik XXX bukannya pengganas, mereka cuma perisik upahan dan bekerja untuk duit.. mereka tidak bersedia untuk mati demi sesebuah negara..

54) perisik menuju ke utara melalui selat melaka

55) bersambung


kenapa malaysia?

56) malaysia adalah lokasi strategik untuk melakukan intipan terutamanya sekitar kawasan laut china selatan menghala ke kepulauan spratly..

57) ini kerana negara yang bersekutu dengan China seperti Russia, Iran, Vietnam, Cuba dll cuma untuk mencari kawasan strategik seandainya perang dunia ketiga bermula kelak

58) dipercayai, China sangat berminat dengan kepulauan spratly sahaja.. maka seandainya WW3 tercetus, kawasan yang akan berlaku peperangan hanyalah di gugusan pulau itu dan melibatkan ketenteraan laut sahaja.. china tidak berminat untuk menyerang tanah besar lain seperti malaysia, singapura, filipina dan lain-lain..


59) di eropah, sekutu china, iaitu russia sudah mula menempatkan askar mereka di ukraine.. kenapa ukraine?? ini kerana ukraine adalah pintu masuk paling strategik dari negara Eropah lain jika nak ke Russia dan Asia melalui jalan darat (syria dan iraq sudah dikuasai awal-awal oleh Amerika.. Amerika sudah mulakan military placement mereka dari dulu lagi)

60) selain ukraine, negara lain adalah terlalu berbukit dan bergunung-ganang (belarus dan lithuania) dan terpaksa melalui selat (negara scandinivia).. rusia terpaksa mencetuskan huru-hara di Crimea kerana di sana sokongan rakyatnya terhadap rusia adalah kuat (selain dapat menguasai jalan laut melalui Black Sea)

61) di sebelah Timur Tengah (iran), africa (nigeria) dan amerika (cuba) - tiada khayalan setakat ini

62)bersambung (apa isi rundingan di Nanning)

Sumber: ... cam-cerita-ada.html Last edited by Acong on 12-3-2014 02:46 AM


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2014 03:09 AM | Show all posts
fotoshop failed????


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Post time 12-3-2014 10:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Acong posted on 11-3-2014 11:18 PM
MH370 - what happened
A plausible explanation for why MH370 "disappeared" and why we still can't fi ...

Aku suka terima teori "slow decompression" nie..


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Post time 12-3-2014 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Acong posted on 12-3-2014 02:10 AM

1) adakah MAS merahsiakan perbualan antara perisik XXX dengan menara kawal ...

khayalan + fantasi + politaiks ni pulak mmg sgt bullshit..
kucing aku yg sama2 baca pun turut muntah..

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