Sephiroth posted on 17-9-2014 11:21 AM
Source :
Also, as more and more Malaysians are going there to join terrorist group ISIS, International Community need to think carefully whether or not they should continue have diplomatic contacts with Malaysian Government who does NOTHING to prevent its people from joining terrorists.
mostly malays...feel sorry for them...actually they are nice peoples, sincere and inocent prayer goes to them...may God forgive them as they do not know nothing but brain wash ...
Truth.8 posted on 17-9-2014 11:34 AM
that because i study until form 3 with x gred...
And I have studied till University (Degree program). So go and proof-read your own statement before typing. IF you don't know how, just use MS Words and type. It has auto proof-reading mechanism.
If you cannot even do that, write in Bahasa Malaysia. Not the Pasar type, ya.
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 11:53 PM
kadang2 i rasa benci dgn muslims sebab pandai mereka-reka cerita..seoleh-oleh muslims semua baik d ...
Ikut kaulah apa pandangan kau terhadap muslim, tetapi itulah hakikatnya, aku cakap betul tapi kau kata bohong..
Aku belum bersedia untuk menceritakan apa sebenarnya sedang berlaku dalam dunia yang kacau-bilau sekarang ini...totally kamu tidak faham dan tertipu oleh media barat, bila kamu tidak faham kamu akan tuduh orang islam macam-macam, sebenarnya orang islam tidak bersalah..
Nantilah ada masa aku ceritakan.. buat masa sekarang ni aku nak rehat sambil minum ais kacang.. dan nak tidur..zzzz.., kalau dapat sorang urut belakang aku ni sedap juga..
Truth.8 posted on 17-9-2014 11:59 AM
so what you have degreed ....many rich peoples not degreed holders...
I'm not rich (still not). My father was a lorry driver who studied till Standard 5 and couldn't go any higher in education, so he made sure his children had received good education.
memang pun. hujung waktu nanti kafir yg mcm ko truth akan rasa berat dan takut dgn kami muslim.
tapi kafir yg tunduk dan patuh xkan rasa begitu. kamu hanya ada patung berhala untuk lindung diri sendiri.
berlindung la di sebalik patung gajah mahupun sami berbaring sehingga nyawa kamu masih di kandung badan.
Truth.8 posted on 17-9-2014 09:49 AM
You must understand the fact that from Abaraham , Moses and etc none of them took harsh by bombing rather God intervene to destroy the sinful souls....
as for the Samson, it is only one incident but Christians not doing such act now....only if the land is taken by someone, by all mean it can create blood shed...
LOL , this is evidence that you don't know your bible. Do you know that biblical Moses was a violent biblical prophet? Upon the exodus (from Egypt) the Israelites led by Moses arrived at Canaan and the biblical God commanded them to exterminate the tribes in Canaan so that the Israelites can occupy the land. The map of Canaan (at that time) as follows : deut20:
16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you
The enlarged map of Canaan (at that time)
In other words , the biblical God ordered biblical Moses and the Israelites to commit genocide of the people 'seven nations' or more. This is the exact justification that Israel used to exterminate the Palestinians about 60 years ago.
Violence in Christianity and the bible go hand in hand.
sam1528 posted on 17-9-2014 06:14 PM
LOL , this is evidence that you don't know your bible. Do you know that biblical Moses was a viole ...
Yael Shemesh, Ph.D., is at the Department of Bible
at Bar Ilan University.
Suicide would seem to be a universal phenomenon,
found in all ages and all
societies. A particular society's attitude toward s
uicide, however, depends on
the time and the culture. Many societies have barre
d any display of respect
for suicides; some have even desecrated their corps
Tractate Semahot
(2:1) prescribes various sanctions against suicide
victims and limits mourning
rites for them. So does the
Shulhan Arukh
(Y.D. 345:1). On the other hand,
read more :
zamkumis posted on 17-9-2014 12:27 PM
Ikut kaulah apa pandangan kau terhadap muslim, tetapi itulah hakikatnya, aku cakap betul tapi kau ...
Ikut kaulah apa pandangan kau terhadap muslim, tetapi itulah hakikatnya, aku cakap betul tapi kau kata bohong..
Aku belum bersedia untuk menceritakan apa sebenarnya sedang berlaku dalam dunia yang kacau-bilau sekarang ini...totally kamu tidak faham dan tertipu oleh media barat, bila kamu tidak faham kamu akan tuduh orang islam macam-macam, sebenarnya orang islam tidak bersalah..
Nantilah ada masa aku ceritakan.. buat masa sekarang ni aku nak rehat sambil minum ais kacang.. dan nak tidur..zzzz.., kalau dapat sorang urut belakang aku ni sedap juga..
tuduhan tanpa bukti adalah satu perkara yg tidak baik...ia seperti fitnah...jgn asyik jadi burung kakak tua...dptkan maklumat yg sahih bukan pak turut...
Truth.8 posted on 17-9-2014 09:29 PM
u can sell your stories in chenai india.. " the lorry driver - son degree" blockbuster
Maybe. But then again, there are plenty of people like me and my family. Hard-working people who did honest day's work and blessed with good family and good future. Jangan be jealous, ya.
Truth.8 posted on 17-9-2014 09:29 PM
tuduhan tanpa bukti adalah satu perkara yg tidak baik...ia seperti fitnah...jgn asyik jadi bur ...
Menuduh orang lain tanpa memahami apa yang sedang berlaku juga adalah satu perbuatan yang tidak patut. Kalau tak ada idea yang bagus, tak perlu nak buka topik baru... nanti jadi hambar dan tak ada value.
Sephiroth posted on 18-9-2014 08:23 AM
Maybe. But then again, there are plenty of people like me and my family. Hard-working people who d ...
Maybe. But then again, there are plenty of people like me and my family. Hard-working people who did honest day's work and blessed with good family and good future. Jangan be jealous, ya.
not jealous ....IF i am saying IF I am god, if i see peoples like you, your father and have seen some indians hindus living in state of very poverty...I feel pity but like I said, If I am god, i would not provide them the wealth maybe blessin in terms of health...
why? look your samy velu...come from rubber tapper family...what happend to Indians community?? what happened maika shares??
this what i says...the momenth given blessing on wealth...two little horns started to grow....arrogant, greed , cunning and etc...
the recent wesak day which i visited....i saw her wife....walking alone....after the puja....i sense she not happy ...all the money and wealth...she not happy...why???
u think about whether I need give u and your father lorry driver blessing in terms wealth???
zamkumis posted on 18-9-2014 08:26 AM
Menuduh orang lain tanpa memahami apa yang sedang berlaku juga adalah satu perbuatan yang tidak pa ...
adakah kamu memahami isu ini? tuduhan mengatakan bahawa amerika adalah dalang dlm semua perkara? adakah kamu memahami? kalau kamu memahami , maka tuduhan tidak berasa tidak timbul...kamu hanya jaid Pak turut dari golongan muslims yg taburkan fitnah pada barat tanpa sebarang bukti...
Yael Shemesh, Ph.D., is at the Department of Bible
at Bar Ilan University.
Suicide would seem to be a universal phenomenon,
found in all ages and all
societies. A particular society's attitude toward s
uicide, however, depends on
the time and the culture. Many societies have barre
d any display of respect
for suicides; some have even desecrated their corps
Tractate Semahot
(2:1) prescribes various sanctions against suicide
victims and limits mourning
rites for them. So does the
Shulhan Arukh
(Y.D. 345:1). On the other hand,
read more :
Wooit tamby! Suicide and 'suicide bombing' are 2 very different concepts
sam1528 posted on 18-9-2014 10:44 AM
Wooit tamby! Suicide and 'suicide bombing' are 2 very different concepts
No, they are the same.
Suicide is when a person perform an action - knowing clearly that such action will result in his death. Suicide bombing are actions similar to mentioned with intention of killing others as well as the person who performs it. NO EXCEPTION.
Just cause YOU SAID it is different doesn't mean it is different.
sam1528 posted on 18-9-2014 10:44 AM
Wooit tamby! Suicide and 'suicide bombing' are 2 very different concepts
did samson die for country or faith???
u muslims trying bomb for country and converting the world into islamic...that is pure evil and babaric...
Samson's story is the only one in the Bible in w
hich the overt motive for
suicide is revenge:
'Give me strength just this once, O God, to take re
venge of
the Philistines, if only for one of my two eyes
He had too much pride in himself - believing his hair was the cause of his strength (and not God).
God allowed him to fall prey to Delilah who shaved him clean.
The bad guys come and took hold of him and tied him to two pillars.
They also blinded his eyes just as he was blind by his pride.
They humiliated him and he called out to God to give him strength to avenge himself. Last edited by Sephiroth on 18-9-2014 01:54 PM