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Post time 31-8-2017 12:22 AM
From the mobile phone
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moonbug replied at 30-8-2017 11:49 PM
I takde anak tp i think it depends on the parents.
Ada kwn I yg mmg insist on not feeding her ...
Yes agreed. Walaupon dh 2y above pon its no harm to still control their food intake.
I pnh tgk kt ig tinv berduyun2 org komen psl dia bg her kids minum air manis,masa diorg kecik.
Again it depends on the parents n the upbringing. Hehe |
babynina30 replied at 31-8-2017 12:22 AM
Yes agreed. Walaupon dh 2y above pon its no harm to still control their food intake.
I pnh tgk ...
Exactly. Mmg it's all about upbringing.
Vivy herself doesn't eat vege uols, I doubt that imposing strict food rules on the kids is high on her priorities  |
hidden_fear replied at 22-8-2017 07:05 PM
1st edition around 170 or 190 kalo x salah. Then naik jd 200. Singapore duck jd 250. Now kl merdek ...
First edition rm160 uols....nk mkn naik dan naikk harga... |
nazzse replied at 26-8-2017 07:28 PM
sofina tu kualiti hauk sgt u..I beli sofina2 & 3, pakai 2 3 kali dah koyak kulit, butang tanggal.. ...
I pon dh jual my sofina 2 bijik. Ade yg xdpt jual sbb zip rosak.haihhh.duckscarf bag pon sama. Zip rosak |
Homewrecker replied at 31-8-2017 08:12 AM
I pon dh jual my sofina 2 bijik. Ade yg xdpt jual sbb zip rosak.haihhh.duckscarf bag pon sama. Zip ...
I ada 2 sofina. Dah rosak sbb kucing cakar. Tp i pakai juga kadang2 sbb size dia nice utk jd mommy bag, sumbat segala pampers, baju n susu utk anak i 2 org |
babynina30 replied at 30-8-2017 10:47 PM
Mariam mmg nmpk dh chubby bak kata tinv.
Dulu haluihh sikit
If maryam tu kurang berat, mmg dr akan suggest bg mkn mcm2, including manis. I husnuzon je.... |
Ritu nmpk ade org pkai World Map Duck yg kaler2 tuh. Maaf ckp tp i nmpk tak cntik sbb ape hal nk boh peta dunia kt kepala  |
err tinvy, contouring sooo not on, yet u founded duckcosmetics  |
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andromeda84623 replied at 30-8-2017 11:07 AM
Meh i try tepek sc
menggelupurnya anak itik ni.. kot la kena kari ke kunyit ke, mmg la susah nk bg hilang....
ni air minum je pon |
Duck cosmetics packaging mmg sgt onzz ya..duck group designer should get a raise, Sbb menarik2 design Mereka..but..but..but..since they are opening a shop in pavilion will the price be skyrocket as well..hmm..lau harga standard2 cosmetic Mac, nars bagai, bye2 Lar duck cosmetics.. |
babynina30 replied at 30-8-2017 10:47 PM
Mariam mmg nmpk dh chubby bak kata tinv.
Dulu haluihh sikit
bila dah kat luar mcm gi kenduri or bday parties, mmg susah nak elak. so pejam mata je la..
tp kalau rumah, boleh la strict. iols buat gini smpi 3 yrs old sbb umur gini anak2 iols mmg picky n tak suka mkn..
jd bg je la apa yg nak mkn tp tetap offer nasi n susu dulu baru la bg makanan n minuman lain.
tinvy kan jarang kt rmh so dia bg je la kat maryam apa yg dia nak. |

Author |
Post time 1-9-2017 12:49 PM
From the mobile phone
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mrsjones replied at 1-9-2017 11:31 AM
bila dah kat luar mcm gi kenduri or bday parties, mmg susah nak elak. so pejam mata je la..
tp ...
Yes pg2 smlm tinv suap candy to mariam
 |
nmi replied at 1-9-2017 11:18 AM
Duck cosmetics packaging mmg sgt onzz ya..duck group designer should get a raise, Sbb menarik2 desig ...
If mahal, you je bye bye. Idola tinV berebut juga beli  |
Esok opening..
U all yg kat kl x mencemar duli ke? Packaging cantik..sure mahal..nak baya kotak je dh bape..sure kotak je dh ringgit2..so kena tin V markup habes.. |
babynina30 replied at 1-9-2017 12:49 PM
Yes pg2 smlm tinv suap candy to mariam
hahaaa yes!! i saw that too, dah tinggalkan lama, wajibun la amik hati dgn gula2 |
mel18 replied at 1-9-2017 04:12 PM
Esok opening..
U all yg kat kl x mencemar duli ke? Packaging cantik..sure mahal..nak baya kotak je ...
sapa2 yg mencemar duli esok, boleh la tepek gmbr kat sini..
iols follow from ig story jah  |
mrsjones replied at 31-8-2017 04:20 PM
err tinvy, contouring sooo not on, yet u founded duckcosmetics
contour ke tu? ingatkan blusher terlebih tepek |
mrsjones replied at 1-9-2017 12:20 AM
err tinvy, contouring sooo not on, yet u founded duckcosmetics
not only about her contour. Her eyebrow pun dah mcm apa dah |
Tinvy dulu dgn tinvy sekarang lain, fv makin lama makin kurang kualiti. |
Duckies...leh try..liptik not bad rega..rm70..
Eyeshadow rm135 but still x minat..color biasa2 je..
Packaging memang cntik... |
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