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Author: hijau88

[SBS] The Penthouse S1, 2, 3: War In Life - Lee Ji Ah, Kim So Yeon, Eugene. [3]

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Post time 29-8-2021 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 29-8-2021 10:53 AM
Awal2 aku follow Jiah followers bru 60k++.
Skrg hampir 2M. Not bad jgk utk pelakon2 senior, sez ...

Before Penha era, even lower chuols followernya. Seingat iols, pernah dulu jelajah IG Jiah masa zaman not even 10K kut.. Masa tu iols baru lepas tengok My Ajusshi. Tapi belom menarik hati iols meminati Jiah. Dasar khen bila org tu dah popular baru sibuk nak follow hahahah

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 01:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 01:02 PM
Kan. Patutlah turun ke Seol Ah  Cuma nama husband nya saja yang tak pernah disebut khen sepanjan ...

Agaknya mmg tak bernama watak tu. Bw watak 1st asben Soo ryeon jek.


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Post time 29-8-2021 01:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 29-8-2021 11:01 AM
X sbr nak tgk logan kat ep 13. Mcm kat pic d ig dia tu. Time dia ke cheong ah. Herlokkkk sgt bakal ...

Ada angin sepoi sepoi bahasa dari twidderland famous fan acc lah handle, katanya macam ada ura ura bunga2 mula berputik tapi tak tau lah khen. Dibaca boleh, mengharapn jangan

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 01:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 29-8-2021 01:17 PM
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 01:05 PM
Spekuan iols:
Entah2 bukan Suryeon yang shot kepala Dante. Kut2 ada orang lain from behind ka  bu ...

Aku nak cpt2 masa berlalu. Tak sbr nak tgk epi 13 dah.

Soo ryeon pun serba salah nak tembak or tak.
Tp tu la klu tak tembak kang meletup pula.
Dah ditembak pun, fake jdt tetap kuat nak tekan remote tu.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 01:10 PM
Before Penha era, even lower chuols followernya. Seingat iols, pernah dulu jelajah IG Jiah masa za ...

Awal2 tgk penthouse aku x follow lgi. Skodeng2 jek. Tp hari2 lak tu.
Lama2 aku follow jgk.

Ok la tu. Ko dah kenal awal. Aku baru je kenal.
Cerita athena tu aku tau jgk tp tak perasan lak dia ada kat situ.


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 01:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 01:13 PM
Ada angin sepoi sepoi bahasa dari twidderland famous fan acc lah handle, katanya macam ada ura ura ...

Aku tak rasa la. Hahahhahaha.
Mcm kwn2 je tu.

Psssst. Gmbr studio LogRyeon ada dah kena upload. Yayyyyyy. Hati aku lak berbunga bunga tgk.

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Post time 29-8-2021 03:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 29-8-2021 01:23 PM
Aku tak rasa la. Hahahhahaha.
Mcm kwn2 je tu.

Lawa lawa shot diorang. Look real hahaha good job. All out  dekat nak habis ni ingat lagi couple ni jah takda official photoshoot mcm JDT/CSJ and others. Gigih fans edit cantum sendiri.

Official photographer dah padam dah gamba ni. Maybe untuk essbeeess kut

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 03:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 29-8-2021 03:39 PM
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 03:07 PM
Lawa lawa shot diorang. Look real hahaha good job. All out  dekat nak habis ni  ingat lagi coupl ...

Serius nmpk real kan.
Finally ada gmbr studio LogRyeon yg paling dinantikan.

Nasib baik ramai fans dah reposted. Thanks jgk la kat ig tu sbb post byk2 pics LogRyeon. Puas hati aku.
Wpun tetibe lak delete abis. Ntah napa.

Kan gmbr2 tu dah ada kat ep 12.
Leh dah kot reveal semua gmbr.
Helok je photoshoot karakter lain masi ada kat ig tu.

Ada je essssss beeeeee essssss ni klu bab LogRyeon. Mcm nak tak nak bgi still cut.

Gmbr2 photoshoot tu laaaaagi byk drpd still cut LogRyeon dlm penthouse.

Terubat jgk hati aku sket. Hihik.


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Post time 29-8-2021 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 29-8-2021 03:35 PM
Serius nmpk real kan.
Finally ada gmbr studio LogRyeon yg paling dinantikan. { ...

Logryeon ada commercial value kut entah2 sebelum studio tu release gambar2 tu, essbeeess dah siap plan nak buat photocard, photobook.. Untuk dijual. Pastinya laku keras khen. Takkan free punya  

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 04:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 04:23 PM
Logryeon ada commercial value kut  entah2 sebelum studio tu release gambar2 tu, essbeeess dah si ...

Ke ada niat nak masukkn pics tu kat photobook yg dorg tgh open order tu? Hehehe.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 04:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 04:23 PM
Logryeon ada commercial value kut  entah2 sebelum studio tu release gambar2 tu, essbeeess dah si ...

Wey. Aku ada tbaca teori mengarut kat ig psl pencahayaan time scene Soo ryeon VS fake dantae. Ko ada baca tak?

Aku tgk ada je scene lain yg mana situasinya biasa2 je pun guna teknik pencahayaan mcm tu.

Adoi. Pengarah mesti la nak ada teknik pencahayaan yg cantik n sesuai ngan situasi. Tp takde la bermaksud lebih2 mcm apa yg dorg dok mengarut tu.

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Post time 29-8-2021 06:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 29-8-2021 04:55 PM
Wey. Aku ada tbaca teori mengarut kat ig psl pencahayaan time scene Soo ryeon VS fake dantae. Ko a ...

Tak baca lagi teori tu chuol. Hari ni iols layan Twitter and IG party gambar Logryeon jah hahaha.  Dari team haters Logan Lee ka? Mesti diorang kata pengcahayaan tu simbolik love till Jannah Suryeon Joo Dante?


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 06:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 29-8-2021 06:55 PM
Lucavendetta replied at 29-8-2021 06:29 PM
Tak baca lagi teori tu chuol. Hari ni iols layan Twitter and IG party gambar Logryeon jah hahaha ...

Nope. Psl evil angel uols.
Yg pasti teori mengarut tu mmg dr haterzzzzzzz. Shipper sebelah. Kalu dorg je buat teori mesti la nak jgk sipi2 selitkan psl umjiah sbnrnya tu. Mcm org taktau.
Done blocked jgk.

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Post time 29-8-2021 07:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols mmg bz semalam sampai petang ni..baru cadang nak tengok penthouse dah rekod..tengok2 previous episode,...lemoh rase nak nunggu lagiiiii haiihh macam2 la ONE hd ni..translator x submit subs lagi ke

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Logan n baerona dah abis shooting penthouse 3. Rasanya semua dah abis shoot la tu.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanna88 replied at 29-8-2021 07:00 PM
Iols mmg bz semalam sampai petang ni..baru cadang nak tengok penthouse dah rekod..tengok2 previous e ...

Jap lgi uols. 1 jam 15 minit.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Patut ada 1 lgi. Soo ryeon n 1st asben dia.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 07:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
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4 Most Shocking Ending Scenes From “The Penthouse 3”

SBS’s “The Penthouse 3” is keeping viewers on the edges of their seats with suspenseful ending scenes!

With only two episodes left in the third season of the drama, there were plenty of shocking moments featured at the end of each episode. Here are three ending scenes that proved to be the most thrilling to viewers.

1. Shim Soo Ryun and Logan Lee’s reunion
In episode 8, the reunion between Shim Soo Ryun (Lee Ji Ah) and Logan Lee (Park Eun Suk) was a cause for celebration among viewers while also signaling a counterattack against Cheon Seo Jin (Kim So Yeon) and Joo Dan Tae (Uhm Ki Joon). While Cheon Seo Jin and Logan Lee backed Shim Soo Ryun into a corner and into danger, Logan Lee made an exhilarating appearance as he walked on his own two feet, looking perfectly healthy. His appearance foreshadowed the arrival of justice for the villains, with viewers excited to see him by Shim Soo Ryun’s side once again.

2. Cheon Seo Jin’s reset
After Cheon Seo Jin made Joo Dan Tae into the real culprit of Oh Yoon Hee’s (Eugene‘s) murder case, episode 10 ended with her drinking wine that her daughter Ha Eun Byul (Choi Ye Bin) had spiked with a memory-erasing drug.

Having insisted on getting ready for the party herself, Ha Eun Byul had sent her mother to her room before taking out the memory-erasing drugs, determined to erase all of her mother’s bad memories. Although the drug can cause early-onset dementia, Ha Eun Byul mixed large amounts into her mother’s wine. Right before taking a drink, Cheon Seo Jin declared, “Today is the happiest day in your mother’s life.” As the episode ended, she took a sip with a touched smile, a stark contrast to the impending tragedy.

3. Cheon Seo Jin vs. Ha Yoon Chul
In episode 11, Cheon Seo Jin fell into despair due to her dismissal from her position as Chung Ah Group’s chairwoman as well as the appearance of dementia symptoms caused by the memory-erasing drugs. Mistaking Bae Ro Na (Kim Hyun Soo) for her own daughter and dragging her away, she had a scuffle with Ha Yoon Chul (Yoon Jong Hoon) which resulted in her falling over the banister and towards the floor below.

Ha Yoon Chul was left on the ground with a head injury while Cheon Seo Jin desperately clung with one hand to the chandelier. However, the episode came to a nail-biting end as Cheon Seo Jin fell to the ground with the chandelier on top on her.

4. The collapse of Hera Palace
Episode 12 revealed the most shocking ending of all. Disguised as a janitor, Joo Dan Tae snuck into Hera Palace and planted bombs in the building. While Shim Soo Ryun and Logan Lee’s engagement ceremony was taking place, Joo Dan Tae threatened that he would blow up the entire Hera Palace if Shim Soo Ryun didn’t come to him immediately. Left with no choice, she headed over to Joo Dan Tae while Logan Lee, Kang Ma Ri (Shin Eun Kyung), and the Hera Palace kids evacuated the other residents.

Coming face to face with Joo Dan Tae, Shim Soo Ryun shot him with a gun on each shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground. It seemed like Joo Dan Tae had died, until he suddenly opened his eyes and stabbed Shim Soo Ryun on the leg with a sharp sculpture. From there ensued a tussle for the remote control for the bomb, which ultimately ended up back in Joo Dan Tae’s hands. Shim Soo Ryun shot Joo Dan Tae in the head, causing him to fall below the penthouse and onto the fountain to meet a violent end. But as he fell, he pressed the button on the remote to activate the bombs at Hera Palace. The bombs went off, and Hera Palace collapsed while being engulfed by smoke.

“The Penthouse 3” airs every Friday at 10 p.m. KST.


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Post time 29-8-2021 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Seo Jin pura2 gila jugak rasenya tu.. ntah2 aritu dia nak culik Rona kot...dia dgr je loan shark tu nak jdkan anak dia tukang byr hutang terus dia gigit telinga org tu..licik betul seo jin ni..

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2021 08:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kat ujung ep 12, dak2 hera bsama sama lak.
Agaknya baerona dah maafkan seok kyung. So, bleh jdi ep 13 ada scene flashback bagai.

Mesti ada jgk flashback scene Soo ryeon Logan buat perancgn utk perangkap fake jdt tu.

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