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Author: hanni_ruzz

[Pelbagai] Jom Karoks, Bicara Muzik dan Luahan Idea (Vol. 4)

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Post time 9-11-2018 01:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 9-11-2018 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ip_lepat replied at 9-11-2018 10:47 AM
susah jgk nak jawap

biasanya dia guna fender reverse neck kuning

dari apa yang saya lihat, badan tu badan fender.fender stratocaster tahun 79 atau mungkin juga tahun 80 (sedikit bersegi bodynya) sebab obvious sangat knobs whammy bar dan tone controls dia.lagi satu output jack dia, kalau gibson rata2 output jack di tepi badan gitar begitu juga dengan ibanez kecuali model seperti talman yang output jacknya terletak di permukaan badan.

tetapi .... yamaha pun ada bikin fake strats, klon daripada fender.yamaha pac16 wujud sekitar pertengahan tahun 90 an.mustahil rosli pakai yamaha 300 ringgit .takkan rosli mohalim nak malukan ritchie blackmore <------ kutu ni pun kaki fender.

pendapat saya je tak taulah betul ke tak.



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Post time 9-11-2018 03:35 PM | Show all posts

Hakikat Cinta

Gemersik suara hati penuh keriangan,
Merenung diri sendiri di penjuru zaman,
Dambaan rindu kekasih tanpa bersempadan,
Walau sedetik waktu bagaikan berpanjangan.

Lautan terbentang luas bagai tiada tepinya,
Burung-burung berterbangan bebas di angkasa,
Indahnya ciptaan Tuhan, tiada tandingan,
Kasih sayang darimu Tuhan, untuk setiap insan.

Cinta yang engkau curahkan seperti air hujan,
Jatuh membasahi diri tidakkan kekeringan,
Tanpa kasih yang abadi tidakkan berkekalan,
Hanya kasihkan Ilahi, jadikan impian.

Cinta pada manusia hanyalah sementara,
Cinta pada dunia kelakkan binasa,
Cinta pada Yang Esa,
Hanya Dia yang kekal selamanya.

Janganlah kau terpedaya dengan cinta dunia,
Kerna ianya bisa membutakan kita,
Wujudnya cinta itu bukan dari kita,
Tetapi datangnya dari Yang Maha Esa..


Hati resah bila tiada kasih sayang antara kita,
Hati tenang dengan kasih sayangMu..
Moga bersemi selalu..

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Post time 9-11-2018 04:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Selena Gomez

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that

Jazz it up, jazz it up
Happy as can be, falling into you, falling into me
How do you do, calling me the queen, baking cream

Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
So yummy

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Jazz it up, jazz it up

Feeling fine and free
Crashing into you, crashing into me, so yummy
It's all I wanna do, come and dance with me, pretty please

Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that

Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that

Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every night's my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that



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Post time 9-11-2018 05:24 PM | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 9-11-2018 02:29 PM
dari apa yang saya lihat, badan tu badan fender.fender stratocaster tahun 79 atau mungkin juga tah ...
dari apa yang saya lihat, badan tu badan fender.fender stratocaster tahun 79 atau mungkin juga tahun 80 (sedikit bersegi bodynya) sebab obvious sangat knobs whammy bar dan tone controls dia.lagi satu output jack dia
mustahil rosli pakai yamaha 300 ringgit

aku rasa... hang betul, fender. dah tahap lejen, tkkn nk guna gitar cap ayam kan... kan? lagipun hujung 70an tahun kegemilangan sweet charity. kompem dia gunakan peluang tu kumpul gitar

biasanya klu dah guna fender, susah nk ubah ke gitar lain. sbb blh rasa gitar tu salah satu anggota badan kita. sapa2 yg ada pengalaman gini tau le apa rasanya

walaumcmanapun... 2010 klu tak silap rosli ada buat gitar utk dijual. harga gitar tu pun blh meluruhkan rambut jgk, blh tahan.

gitar yg sama mcm dalam video tapi kaler dah lain. hantu kak limah klu tak silap

takkan rosli mohalim nak malukan ritchie blackmore
hang tau yea ritchie blackmore... apa pendapat hang Blackmore's Night? ada peminat ke kat sini?



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Post time 9-11-2018 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 9-11-2018 09:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KILL_NANCY at 10-11-2018 02:17 AM
ip_lepat replied at 9-11-2018 05:24 PM
aku rasa... hang betul, fender. dah tahap lejen, tkkn nk guna gitar cap ayam kan... kan? lagip ...

kalau kita amati betul2 ritchie blackmore ni punya bau sangat kuat melekat pada rosli mohalim .

dulu ada satu majalah muzik tempatan kalau lepat pernah baca rhythm of the third world, ada satu isu tentang rosli mohalim, dia mengaku muzik dan gaya yang dibawanya (sweet charity) berakar umbikan deep purple jadi tidak hairanlah fender menjadi pilihan beliau sehinggakan pernah digelar deep purple singapura satu ketika dahulu.

hang tau yea ritchie blackmore... apa pendapat hang Blackmore's Night? ada peminat ke kat sini?

band ni band 90 an/95, blackmore's night dilihat ketika itu tidak ubah seperti 'train wreck'.dan jangan lupa juga bahawasanya kudrat richie blackmore digunakan oleh ronnie james dio untuk band mereka, rainbow, pada masa yang sama diserap dalam band 'kecil' iaitu deep purple.secara peribadi saya suka blackmore's night, dengan costumes the bees knees mereka memang sangat wow.mereka agak fleksibel dan sedikit renfair pada saya.BAND LAKI BINI.

lepat satu ketika dulu, saya memang gila kumpul majalah rolling stones dan kerrang dan majalah2 ni sangat susah nak jumpa dan setahu saya, ia hanya boleh didapati di kinokuniya sahaja (jika salah betulkan saya).seingat saya rolling stones, cover yang diperbuat daripada polimer wangi gila babeng berharga 8.75 dollar incl. GST ketika itu.
kerrang pula sedikit murah dalam 3 euro macam tu tetapi kulitnya tidak wangi seperti rolling stones.

masa study dulu, member2 saya tanya, mana saya dapat cool stuff macam ni, diorang tau pasal ni sebab didedahkan di dalam internet dan tempat diorang memang susah nak dapat.saya pun bagitahulah lubuknya.on weekend diorang naik ktm, turun di pudu pergi ke kotaraya terus ke klcc. ada yang betul2 beli majalah tu, ada yang beli majalah playboy dan penthouse .



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Post time 9-11-2018 09:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
terima kasih @seribulan tukar tajuk thread.

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Post time 9-11-2018 10:29 PM | Show all posts
lagu nih psl cinta tp berlatarbelakangkan teori big crunch/universe expansion... saintis percaya alam semesta kita nih sedang berkembang hingga satu tika nanti ia takkan mampu expand, lantas mengecut dan semua benda akan reverse

Franz Ferdinand "The Universe Expanded"

I’ll give you each love letter back
We’ll laugh before every joke is told
We’ll pose after every photograph
Has been removed from the negative

[indistinct muttering]

With every smile we lose a line
Watch the stars fall back into the sky
Cork the wine
Unbake a cake
Take the dog back to the RSPCA

But I don’t mind losing you this time

I’ll meet you coming backwards
I’ll meet you coming back
When the universe has expanded
Time will contract
You’ll come back
I’ll meet you coming backwards
Next time

We make-up start an argument
Tears crawl back into your…
I turn from a friend
Of your friend
Forget your name forevermore

But I don’t mind losing you this time

I’ll meet you coming backwards…
Yes I’ll meet you coming back
But we move forwards
Into emptiness
Into the void
Into the universe

We’ll part as happy strangers
From a long friendship
That grew from
Such a love



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Post time 9-11-2018 11:52 PM | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 9-11-2018 09:57 PM
kalau kita amati betul2 ritchie blackmore ni punya bau sangat kuat melekat pada rosli mohalim .
dulu ada satu majalah muzik tempatan kalau lepat pernah baca rhythm of the third world, ada satu isu tentang rosli mohalim, dia mengaku muzik dan gaya yang dibawanya (sweet charity) berakar umbikan deep purple jadi tidak hairanlah fender menjadi pilihan beliau sehinggakan pernah digelar deep purple singapura satu ketika dahulu.
yg tu tk penah baca. cuma yg penah baca sblm ni rosli penah guna gibson tapi sbb blackmore ni, dia tukor ke fender. tkde bukti sahih pasal tu sbb bkn dari mulut dia, cuma dari peminat sweet charity. aura blackmore, d.purple mmg kuat, perhatikan riff rosli

band ni band 70 an, blackmore's night dilihat ketika itu tidak ubah seperti 'train wreck'.dan jangan lupa juga bahawasanya kudrat richie blackmore digunakan oleh ronnie james dio untuk band mereka, rainbow, pada masa yang sama diserap dalam band 'kecil' iaitu deep purple.secara peribadi saya suka blackmore's night, dengan costumes the bees knees mereka memang sangat wow.mereka agak fleksibel dan sedikit renfair pada saya.BAND LAKI BINI.
caya le beb... hang pun minat jgk. aku tau pasal band ni agak lewat, tu pun secara kebetulan terdownload album diaorg. blackmore mmg lari dari identiti asal dia bila dgn BNight. dia punya solo... perghhhh pecah kepala

lepat satu ketika dulu, saya memang gila kumpul majalah the rolling stones dan kerrang dan majalah2 ni sangat susah nak jumpa dan setahu saya, ia hanya ........
bab ni paling menarik
camne hang blh tau majalah tu? camne hang blh tau komponen gitar dgn tepat? sapa hang disebalik id ni? hang ella ke? ruhil? ke shima? hai shima, apa habor?

dulu, jaman aku dulu, kerrang tk berapa susah sgt nk dapat bandingkan R.Stone. mgkin sbb rega tk mahal mcm R.Stone. masa sekolah dulu, ada mmber sekampung yg rajin beli, bawak ke sekolah. wpun rega tk berapa mahal, tapi faham2 je le ramai yg bkn org senang termasuk aku... tk mampu beli. setakat pinjam utk baca

kira dapat pegang kerrang, baca kat kantin, ada plk key ikat kat pergelangan tangan... mmg kira level setaraf artis dah. kembang idung kesana sini. tkde menda pun, cuma perasan je lebih. disbbkan kerrang ni jgk le, aku penah dihalau dari makmal kimia, kena denda duduk di kaki lima luor bilik cikgu displin sepanjang masa rehat, yg biliknya cuma sebelah kantin. sadis betoi dendanya. aku pun dah lupa majalah tu cuma teringat balik sbb hang sebut

melalut plk. cita muzik sikit je



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Post time 9-11-2018 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Spider - Crying In The Rain

I remember how you bloom
Crazy love lifted my gloom
Now my life just like an empty room
Silent as the moon

I keep started at the night
Figuring what's wrong what's right
And if I have you by my side
Then I'll be alright  

A few more drops of sand
And after this last devil's bend
No more strength left to stand
To take the pain

I'm no fool to be crying in the rain
Crying in the rain
I'm no fool to be playing to your game
Playing to your game

Hope you'll try to understand
I'm no shadow of you're man
Just your hired hand
When you're caught in the jam
Bleeding this old soul again and again

Please no more promises
Can't fool me with your tears
Nothing left for me to feel
Sweet roses


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Post time 9-11-2018 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Rusty Blade - Kehilangan

Sayup-sayup pagi sepi
Sayup-sayup bayu meniup
Menyusuk ke sanubariku
Terserlah bayangan susilamu
Bermain-main dimataku
Rasa terharu semakin rindu

Bunga-bunga mewangi
Daun-daun menghijau
Menghiasi ruang dukaku
Sekejamnya nasib menimpamu
Kepergianmu dulu dariku
Kebahagiaan tak mungkin berganti
Tak mungkin berganti

Kepastian musnah
Kesetiaan hiba
Kesunyian jelma
Hilang manik bermesra

Walau kehilangan
Tempat berkasih
Kutelan pahit jua
Semoga Tuhan



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Post time 10-11-2018 12:08 AM | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 9-11-2018 09:57 PM
kalau kita amati betul2 ritchie blackmore ni punya bau sangat kuat melekat pada rosli mohalim .

secara jujurnya... aku tak pandai beno pasal muzik ni. tau sikit2 je sbb hobi aku dload mp3
secara kebetulan je terbaca pasal muzik

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Post time 10-11-2018 02:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ip_lepat replied at 10-11-2018 12:08 AM
secara jujurnya... aku tak pandai beno pasal muzik ni. tau sikit2 je sbb hobi aku dload mp3
sec ...

sorry lepat, saya edit yang atas sebab ada kesilapan sedikit.bukan band 70 an tetapi 90 an.terpusing tarikh dengan deep purple.

saya bukan sesiapa pun lepat, saya cuma follow music industry je.yang tu pun saya tembak2 je.

kalau kena2, kenalah.kalau tak, nasiblah.

mana saya tahu saya share.kalau tak saya bertanya.saya rasa lepat lagi banyak knowledge dari saya.

pasal rottw tu memang benar daripada mulut rosli sendiri, saya ada isu tu dulu tapi mak saya dah buat unggun api.

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Post time 10-11-2018 02:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Metallica - The Call of Ktulu

Lyrics = N/A

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Post time 10-11-2018 02:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KILL_NANCY at 11-11-2018 12:08 PM

Map of the Problematique


Fear, and panic in the air
I want to be free
From desolation and despair
And I feel like everything I saw
Is being swept away
When I refuse to let you go
I can't get it right
Get it right
Since I met you
Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over
Life will flash before my eyes
So scattered almost
I want to touch the other side
And no one thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see
That when we bleed we bleed the same
I can't get it right
Get it right
Since I met you
Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over
Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over



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Post time 10-11-2018 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dulu punya suka lagu ni..sampai buat ringtone kat hp..

Suka part Namamu Merah, bagai Lang Merah..



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Post time 10-11-2018 02:18 PM | Show all posts

Sejiwa - Spring

Pada irama ku berpesan
Lagu ini ditujukan
Padanya yang Tersayang

Kasihku kau pernah dipersia
Lalu kubawa cintaku
Sebagai penawarnya
Biar lukamu masih terasa

Sesaat engkau tidak ku temu
Bulan seakan pilu
Tiada dapat beradu

Begitu jika engkau membisu
Badai jauh dilautan
Tiada ketepian
Sebegitu cintaku padamu

Usahlah cinta dibawa bersama
Ditenggelami mentari di timur
Gelap gelita tiada bercahaya
Ku tiada berdaya

Inginku selalu di sampingmu
Tiap waktu siang melambai malam
Bagaikan senja denyutan cinta kita
Penyambung hadirnya

( ulang 1 )

Akan ku bina istana bahagia
Menjadi lambang kasih berpanjangan
Hentikan airmata pedih kenangan
Yang mencakar perasaan
Mekarlah bunga cinta
Seharum wangi kemboja
Mekarlah bunga cinta
Di taman kita sejiwa

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Post time 10-11-2018 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me

[Verse 1]
Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

[Verse 2]
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooh, (Any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very fright'ning me
(Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro magnifico
I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
(Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go
(Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go
(Let me go) Will not let you go
(Let me go) Will not let you go
(Let me go) Ah
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Oh mamma mia, mamma mia) Mamma mia, let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me!

[Verse 4]
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby!
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here!
[Guitar Solo]

Nothing really matters, anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me
Any way the wind blows



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Post time 10-11-2018 02:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 10-11-2018 02:18 PM

Saya pun suka lagu ni..

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