ARSENAL FC... nk lawan Villareal plak 7th April... Champions League QF
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ko baca tansfer rumours kan..
aku tertarik ngan isu homegrown ngan 6+5 ni..
kalau ikut diorang, asnel memang takder masalah kan.. |
Reply #807 katana83's post
weh..nih relevan taun ni jer..
kena ader lineup 6+5 plak.. |
vela pun leh kira sebagi homegrown player gak kn??? |

bayor ni kena asah sikt .. biar tajam |
Reply #810 katana83's post
yep..diorang berada kat englang lebih dari 5 taun..dah bley apply kerakyatan dah..
tapi jangan main utk enlang dah ler..
tapi diorang bleh berapa kerakyatan?
cthnyer nasri algeria/french kan? |
Reply #811 katana83's post
mesti opis ramai pompuan ni..opis aper iteeww??? |
Reply #812 katana83's post
vela maybe tak sebab baru taun ni dia dtg sini.. |
Originally posted by atai at 7-3-2009 12:43 
yep..diorang berada kat englang lebih dari 5 taun..dah bley apply kerakyatan dah..
tapi jangan main utk enlang dah ler..
tapi diorang bleh berapa kerakyatan?
cthnyer nasri algeria/fre ...
dia ikut ape rule negara yg di apply tu
klu mesia mmg x dpt lah 2 Citizenship .. negara kita x bagi
Citizenship status, under social contract theory, carries with it both rights and responsibilities. "Active citizenship" is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. In this vein, schools in some countries provide citizenship education.
nk lebih detail klik sini http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen |
Originally posted by atai at 7-3-2009 12:46 
vela maybe tak sebab baru taun ni dia dtg sini..
but arsenal have signed him a long time ago kn???  |
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