tp ballack kate lowe manager terbaik pernah dia bekerjasama berbanding mourinho,klinsman dann bbrp bekas manager kalu pasal keeper kene tanye kopke la..biar dia wat decison, ...
leman kalo bab penalti jer la bleh harap kot..bab tantrums atas padang pon dier menang gaks:mad2:
coach metro nie mmg bagus bg aku, even waktu werld kap pon, byk pakai taktik dier ekceli
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 5-5-2008 03:40 PM
Ottmar Hitzfeld-The General
As Coach
3 Swiss Cup (With FC Aarau in 1985; with Grasshopper Club Z黵ich in 1989 and 1990)2 Swiss Super League (With Grasshopper Cl ...
teringat aku dulu citer2 lama la...bila ferguson nak bersara (tp tak jd)dia rekemen OH...sblm mourinho menang UCL dgn porto,chelsea dok usha OH ni gak..pastu cinta beralih kat morinho..bila team england merudum..OH jugak dpt dia rejek rejek rejek..power tu...
tp ballack kate lowe manager terbaik pernah dia bekerjasama berbanding mourinho,klinsman dann bbrp bekas manager kalu pasal keeper kene tanye kopke la..biar dia wat decison, ...
korang x kagum ke tgk pencapaian kelab ni...jauh giler perjalanan..lebih kuran 17 tahun tu baru leh masuk tgh usha nak join Bundesliga1..skrg top4 kat top3 jek leh join Bundesliga1...
dalam kurungan tu ialah divisyen..diaorg mula amatur ..main "liga kampong"...start 1990 main profesional masuk divisyen 7...pastu masuk divisyen 6..divisyen 5..divisyen 4..divisyen 3..skrg divisyen 2...harap2 leh masuk divisyen 1 (Bundesliga1) pulak tahun ni atau tahun depan...
kira team ni mcm ala-ala Chelsea Chelsea lain,tu org kaya mane ntah terus labor ratus2 juta...ntah bebetul minat bola ke yg mengeluarkan "ongkos" kpd Hoffenheim ni ialah bekas player dia sendiri (Dietmar Hoop,member baik kpd Klinsman..hehe)...lepas dia main bola kejap kat kelab ni,dia wat bisnes pastu jd org kaya kat german...player paling "mahal" pon 3juta pound jek..carlos eduardo drbrazil....
BERLIN (AFP) - Newly-crowned German champions Bayern Munich have pledged to play a friendly against cash-strapped former Bundesliga side Darmstadt 98 in a bid to ward off bankruptcy.
Bayern, crowned German champions on Sunday, will play the friendly at the club's ground in Hesse, central Germany, on Tuesday May 13 to help raise money for the struggling fifth division club.
Fellow Bundesliga side Bayer Leverkusen have also agreed to play a game to help out "The Lillies", who spent two years in the Bundesliga in the late 70s and early 80s before plummeting down the leagues.
"This support and show of solidarity demonstrates that The Lillies have a name in German football," said club president Hans Kessler.