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Author: trexxxxxi

[SBS] RUNNING MAN [House 5]-Every Sunday 5.20PM [Korean Time]

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Post time 20-3-2015 10:07 AM | Show all posts
MistrezHermanaz replied at 20-3-2015 09:03 AM
oh dlm epi tu deols pair sesame ke..baekk,nnt misz abis epi 1,ni tgh tgk epi 2..ji hyo gel ...

baguslah mis tgk dr awal
nnt bley nampak mcm mn karakter diorg develop
mcm mn diorg n sapa yg naikkan watak LKS tu
pastu Gary n JH...
JH mmg mcm dark sket fesyen die awal2 tu
skg pun ade sket2

diorg x pair time tu
game individu
KJK bet nama JS sbagai pemenang
tp JS bet nama org lain
die kasi org tu menang
pdhal patut bg diri die sdri menang
time tu cer tgk muke n suara KJK tkejut JS buat cmtu kat die

zaman ada penalti tu mmg best
awal2 diorg malu2 lg

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Post time 20-3-2015 12:15 PM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 20-3-2015 10:07 AM
baguslah mis tgk dr awal
nnt bley nampak mcm mn karakter diorg develop
mcm mn diorg n sapa yg na ...

ohhh...rasenye pernah tgk epi tu kt tv2 dulu..yg main yg pulau jeju,cari hint yg disebalik nametag tuh kn..ahahaha...mase tu kjk mmg lurus,js betrayer mcm kwangsoo sekrg..boleh dia x percayakan jk..ingat org tu penipu mcm dia..terkedu kot jk mase tu

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Post time 20-3-2015 12:18 PM | Show all posts
MistrezHermanaz replied at 20-3-2015 12:15 PM
ohhh...rasenye pernah tgk epi tu kt tv2 dulu..yg main yg pulau jeju,cari hint yg disebalik nametag ...

yesss...betul yg tu!
teringat tone suara die
'hyung...its me...'
mcm sebak gituh kena tipu

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Post time 20-3-2015 04:32 PM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 20-3-2015 10:07 AM
baguslah mis tgk dr awal
nnt bley nampak mcm mn karakter diorg develop
mcm mn diorg n sapa yg na ...

sekali-sekala throwback diskas psl epi lama2 best gak... bg me epi bwah 100 mmg byk best2..

game pon simple2 jer tp best sbb interaksi kena cari guest tu pon best gak..sbb diorg pon taktau sape yg datang nanti..surprised gituu..

skrg ni dh tak buat cmtu..siap kuar news lg retis mana yg bakal filming tuk epi akan dtg..huhu..


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Post time 20-3-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
MistrezHermanaz replied at 20-3-2015 09:03 AM
oh dlm epi tu deols pair sesame ke..baekk,nnt misz abis epi 1,ni tgh tgk epi 2..ji hyo gel ...

ada 3 benda viewers rindu psl RM yg lama2 ni..

1)hide and seek bell
3)scene dlm jail..

sape lagi nk tambah..


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Post time 20-3-2015 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by clara_nur at 20-3-2015 05:06 PM

Tiger JK talks about a time he fought with wife Yoon Mi Rae on 'Running Man'

Tiger JK talked about an on-screen tiff he had with his wife Yoon Mi Rae.

On the March 19 broadcast of KBS2's 'Happy Together,' Yoo Jae Suk mentioned a time he was paired with Tiger JK and Yoon Mi Rae as a team on SBS's 'Running Man.' In the 2:45 mark above, Yoo Jae Suk mentions he thought the couple seemed to joke around a lot. To the set's surprise, Tiger JK reveals that the "jokes" were actually serious, as he says, "[Yoon Mi Rae and I] were fighting the whole time."

He explains, "We were having a period of slight ennui (or boredom and dissatisfaction) in our marriage," causing the set to laugh at his blunt honesty. Tiger JK elaborates on the 'Running Man' fight, saying that because he wanted the couple to look cool, he picked out matching black suits for them to wear on a very hot day. He says, "Everything annoyed her. She said, 'Because of you, I'm wearing black clothes and my makeup is melting.' We were fighting but everyone made it out like we were joking."

During the same episode, Tiger JK also revealed, "I am the personification of jealousy. If Yoon Mi Rae even looks at another man, I feel really bad," showing that despite their fights, he still gets possessive over his wifey.


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Post time 20-3-2015 05:42 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 20-3-2015 04:32 PM
sekali-sekala throwback diskas psl epi lama2 best gak... bg me epi bwah 100 mmg byk best2 ...

sbb tu kena tgk dari awal
baru nampak karakter diorg bkembang
mcm mn diorg create watak2 diorg tu

psl guest tu
yg plg xtahan, g tweet kat twitter

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Post time 20-3-2015 05:52 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 20-3-2015 05:03 PM
Tiger JK talks about a time he fought with wife Yoon Mi Rae on 'Running Man'

aku suke episod ni
comel je scene ni

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Post time 20-3-2015 07:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 20-3-2015 12:18 PM
yesss...betul yg tu!
teringat tone suara die
'hyung...its me...'

Last2 guest perempuan tu yg menang kan..hehe..lawak kn..misz paling suka epi yg diorg kene main music ala jae suk nyanyi lagu ohh sanggelide..xtau ejaan mcm mana..jae suk lawak gila time tu..epi 40 ke brp ntah..

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Post time 20-3-2015 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 20-3-2015 05:52 PM
aku suke episod ni
comel je scene ni

Wife tiger jk ni cantik sgt tp x nmpk sgt sbb dressing dia kot..

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Post time 20-3-2015 10:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MistrezHermanaz replied at 20-3-2015 07:52 PM
Wife tiger jk ni cantik sgt tp x nmpk sgt sbb dressing dia kot..

Oh yg tu..episod awal2 gak tu.yg 2PM dtg..kehkehkeh...
Mmg lawak.jugak..
Xpasal2 tnpt.tu pemes pdhal kecik cinonet je
Jauh plak tu

Wife die mmg cantik kan?
Ngan manis gigi die tu
Anak diorg lg besar dr mak ayh die

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Post time 21-3-2015 01:20 AM | Show all posts
iols baru tgk epiosde rm china vs rm korea

sebelum ni rasa tak minat nak ada masa sikit...tu pon skip2 part2 tertentu jer

tak suker rm china.....kasar sangat

mohtip tarik nama jihyo sampai gitew sekali....

lama x nampak gary lawan serius gitu....fadan muke rm cina tu.....gary marah sangat..nampak dari air muka gary tu

first time iols tgk running man langsung takder ketawa


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Post time 22-3-2015 01:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan takat members RM China je yg berlagak..
Pdnim n crew pun sama naik berlagak memperlekeh kan member RM Korea..
Dok kasi statement yg cast RM China lagi popular n terkenal dari cast RM Korea
Dah la meniru..pastu tak sedor diri:

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Post time 22-3-2015 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ari ni tv2 tayang episod ayah Kwangsoo

Kemain lagi Kwangsoo., terus mengadu kat ayah dia..dia kena buli dgn Jkook..JaeSuk pun jadi nasi tambah

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Post time 23-3-2015 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by clara_nur at 23-3-2015 09:33 AM

ni official dr SBS sendiri..
so sapa2 yg ada idea unik tuk RM,bolela send idea korang kt diorg..
untung2 korang punya idea terpilih dan dibawa terbang ke Korea

agaknya PD pon dh kering idea kot..sepatutnya dah lama diorg buat cmni..

fans pon dh lama komplen SBS ni xmau ker amek idea dr fans sbb ada satu tahap tu diorg mmg dah kering idea dan dok mengulang game yg sama jerr..

kt forum ISUBS dulu sebelum kena shut down, byk je idea kreatif dr fans tuk game2 RM ni..


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Post time 23-3-2015 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 22-3-2015 05:37 PM
Ari ni tv2 tayang episod ayah Kwangsoo

Kemain lagi Kwangsoo., terus mengadu kat ayah dia..di ...

akhirnya dapat tgk epi ni...beso gile kilang ayh kwang soo.....seme team member terkezut bila tau yang tu kilang ayh kwang soo....siap ji hyo sepak kepala kwang soo...ingt kwang soo melawak...haha...


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Post time 23-3-2015 01:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keenah replied at 23-3-2015 12:42 PM
akhirnya dapat tgk epi ni...beso gile kilang ayh kwang soo.....seme team member terkezut bila tau  ...

Anak org ada2 juga la KwangSoo ni..n nampak dia manja ngan ayah dia kan...,waktu KwangSoo mengadu dia dibuli Jkook ..ayah dia siap tambah lgi..2, 3ari lepas pun nko buli anak aku kan...kehkehkeh..sweettt sgt
Jkook dah tersipu2

Pastu wktu KwangSoo masuk dlm bilik budak peminat dia Hye Mi..aku pun sama rasa bulu roma aku naik berdiri
Ni antara episod yg sgt sweet n  touching pada aku..lagi2 bila Hye Mi ckp..macam mana nak buat KwangSoo oppa dia menang..

Last2 Sukjin pulak yg menang..kehkehkeh


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Post time 23-3-2015 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by MistrezHermanaz at 23-3-2015 04:53 PM
Madel replied at 23-3-2015 01:47 PM
Anak org ada2 juga la KwangSoo ni..n nampak dia manja ngan ayah dia kan...,waktu KwangSoo mengadu  ...

misz tgk epi ni online last week..alih2 kuar kt x sangka kan ayah kwang soo hensem tu..hahahaha,comel je mengadu dia kene buli dgn lain pun dan2 menambah,yg paling kelakar bila ayah kwang soo tgk diorg bincang atas sofa tu,dan2 diorg ckp kwang soo la watak utama harini ..subtitle tv2 lucu..x suka btol sukjin menang..kalau kwang soo menang mesti lagi sweet..epi yg sweet,hye mi yg mensweetkan epi RM tu

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Post time 23-3-2015 07:34 PM | Show all posts
MistrezHermanaz replied at 23-3-2015 04:51 PM
misz tgk epi ni online last week..alih2 kuar kt x sangka kan ayah kwang soo hensem tu..hah ...

Tak tau la Kwang Soo ni ikut DNA sapa...sbb ayah dia tak la tinggi melampai mcm dia
agaknya mmg betul la kot, Ksoo ada dna zirafah

gary la paling kesian..selalu mcm gitu..kemenangan tu depan mata dia je tapi selalu terlepas

tapi mmg sweet sgt epi ni..walau KwangSoo tak menang tapi happy ending


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Post time 23-3-2015 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Photo: 懵xi酱 WeiboSource:                                                                                                            
                                        Netizens Angry at “Hurry Up, Brother” Crew Members Over Their Overreacting Comments About “Running Man” Casts               

                                                                                          The team crew member of "Hurry Up, Brother," came under criticism from netizens following their comments about the original Korean casts of "Running Man."Through an interview with Chinese news site Orient Today, a team crew member representing Hurry Up, Brother shared his opinion on the difference between the original Korean and Chinese adaption shows, giving rise to sensitive comments from netizens saying that he might have gone too far with his answers.Hurry Up, Brother recently completed their first filming for the first episode of the show’s second season with Hangeng as one of the guests. In comparison to the first season, there has been a slight change in cast members for the upcoming new season.When asked during the interview if there are plans to broadcast episodes weekly, a similar airing schedule that the Korean show has followed since its premiere five years ago, the Chinese representative expressed, “Of course we would hope for that to happen, but conditions do not allow for that to happen as of yet.” He continued to explain that the popularity of the Korean cast — Yoo Jae Suk, Ji Suk Jin, Gaery, Song Ji Hyo, Kim Jong Kook, Haha, Lee Kwang Soo, Song Joong Ki (2010-11) — at the time of conception, had been suffering from lost of popularity or were not yet at their top-tier positions. “But our seven artists are either top-tier celebrities or those who are at the peak of their careers, so the workload cannot be put in comparison.”However, he acknowledged the production capabilities of the Korean crew and agreed that “there are still many aspects for us that need improvements.”In response to the news article, numerous netizens including supporters of either the Korean or Chinese versions or both, expressed their disapproval of the article.One said, “Do not forget that without the seven members of ‘Running Man,’ without them working hard each week for all the tiring missions, there would not be ‘Hurry Up, Brother."” Another commented, “Then why did you inviteKim Jong Kook? Why did you mimic the Yoo-ames Bond gun theme? And the Monday couple too?Another person added, “The difference between ‘Running Man’ and ‘Hurry Up, Brother’ is that the latter is a group of actors gathering together and using their acting skills to entertain the viewers, but the former is a family that earnestly brings laughter and energy.”


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