Source : http://berita.cari.com.my/news.php?id=15747
•Dunia •Dunia •2011-10-31 08:55 •Click: 14 •Disediakan oleh Berita Harian
Presiden Iran diminta beri keterangan kes menteri ekonomi tipu RM7.8b
TEHRAN: Parlimen Iran akan memanggil Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad untuk disoal siasat berhubung satu skandal ekonomi dan dasar beliau, selepas sekurang-kurangnya 73 anggota menandatangani satu petisyen semalam, sekali gus memberi tamparan hebat kepada kepemimpinan beliau. Ahmadinejad adalah presiden pertama Iran yang pernah dipanggil memberi keterangan di parlimen dan tindakan itu mendedahkan dengan lebih jelas konflik kuasa antara presiden, ahli parlimen dan kumpulan ulama yang berpengaruh. Seramai 73 ahli parlimen menandatangani petisyen untuk menyoal siasat Ahmadinejad, lebih satu perempat daripada 290 anggota seperti yang diperlukan perlembagaan untuk memanggil presiden.
Minggu lalu bila Gaddafi akhirnya jatuh dr 30+ tahun memerintah, ada kawan yg tanya aku - "Satu lagi "ketua" kaum Arab sudah jatuh, siapa seterusnya?"
Dgn selamba dan tanpa berfikir panjang, aku menjawab - "Ahmadnijab." Tak sangka pula Tuhan ada mendengar apa yg aku kata tanpa berfikir itu.
Doa aku setiap hari adalah - Yang Zalim dan Kejam (Adharmic people) mesti jatuh dan yg Adil, Saksama dan bersifat kemanusian (Dharmic people) bangun dan maju ke hadepan. Semoga Tuhan mendengar Doa aku. |
Reply 841# Sephiroth
Poorah! Orang dia sendiri yang jatuhkan Gaddafi. Mau kredit. Very typical. |
Sept. 19, 2011
Long holiday just passed. Still not enough to recharge me. The work have become he ...
Sephiroth Post at 19-9-2011 15:00
u think this forum to discuss ur personal issue is it?
achi , u such lonely person....get friends and discuss shit punya personal issue to them |
Post Last Edit by Sephiroth at 5-12-2011 14:55
Sigh ... When a Lion is away, even dogs will come out and bark.
Usually I don't subscribe to Malay movies, but this one was interesting.
Source : http://www.mygosip.com/2011/10/filem-al-hijab.html
Al-Hijab, cerita seorang pemuda (pelakun) yg cari penyakit. |
Condition of Hindus in Malaysia
It have been a talkative week days for the past several weeks. End of the year period usually hectic period for most companies and my company is no exception. Therefore, we have limited time to sit down and discuss various topics like we did in the past few months. However, the issue of the Conditions of Hindus (and Indians in general) in Malaysia have never been far from our thoughts and lips.
The other day, I was having a discussion with some of my colleagues and one of them said an interesting comment. He started by asking a simple question - "Do you know why Malays (including the Government) could be more concerned about Chinese race than about Indian race?" Most of us answered that we don't know, because we have no idea what he had in mind. Then he answered - "Because Chinese are capable of creating their own "country" in Malaysia than Indians." At first, the statement have very little merits but as we discuss further, I believe he has a point.
Indian race have been marginalized in Malaysia - this is fact. However, the reason for this fact was not the Government itself but due to Indians' own "mistake". Indians in Malaysia have made too much mistake which caused our ability to grow as a strong, individual race without the assistance from other races. Today, Indians in Malaysia have reached a stage where they have knowledge, able to provide manpower, capabilities and experience in handling many tasks in public and private sector BUT they are INCAPABLE of standing on their own without the help from Malays and Chinese who holds the political and economic powers. Indians have gave away too much power to these races to the point that Indians now have to rely on others to survive. In another word, sadly we're no better than Indians in India who have to run to USA (their new Masters) to survive.
The trend of giving away power started since 1970s with Samy Velu. Under his rule, the Government had ensured that limited political powers have been given to the Indians in the Government since they have to deal with the demands of the Chinese politicians at the same time. Chinese politicians are strong in mind and unity, they able to push for more power and able to grab certain Chinese-based areas like Penang and Johor from Malays, forcing the Government to "deal" with them in order to ensure this areas do not fall to the Oppression (like what it did in 2008 Election). Indian race have been spread too far and wide in whole country that they do not have a single place which they could call as a stronghold, except maybe in Klang Valley.
Furthermore, many of the Indians are "social-based" workers, which means they concentrate the educations in obtaining work such as Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers - a trend which did not change (sadly) since 1940s. Many of them believe that with this education, even if the country breaks into a civil war (like it almost did in May 13th, 1969), they could easily move away from Malaysia and settle elsewhere. Which means, Indian mentality is still one which set to run, and not one where they could stand, fight for their rights and establish their own foothold, like what Chinese had been doing. This probably the second reasons why Indian races are being marginalized in Malaysia.
Furthermore, we all know the role Chinese had played since 1900s. It is a "cautious" role where they supported (openly) the Chinese (Communist) Government since 1910 and even had an armed uprising after the Second World War (1945) and lasted till late 1980s. Even so everyone kept quiet about this nowadays, I believe that most of non-Chinese have vivid memories of these facts and have their doubts about the capabilities of Chinese race in Malaysia, especially when comes to the issue of loyalty. Yes, you may call me a rasict but that does not change the fact nor change the thoughts and doubts we have about the Chinese race and where their loyalty lies.
But nowadays, Chinese race in Malaysia have become some what an asset in term of Economic. They allow Malaysian Government to deal with Chinese market in China and that gives the Chinese race another leverage to push for more power from the Government. Some could argue that the same thing could be done with India and Indian race in Malaysia but we all know the condition Indian Economy is now. When compared to with Malaysia, India's Economy is nothing to shout about, and therefore, Indian race in Malaysia have nothing to act as leverage for power.
So, from that point of view, I guess that it is true that Chinese Race in Malaysia are capable of creating their own nation if they choose to. Sadly, the reasons why Indians are being marginased here could be due to their own disability to push more in term of political power and their choice of poor leadership like Samy Velu. |
Article yang harus dibaca oleh semua pihak.
Di tulis oleh Hishamuddin Rais | Yahoo! Malaysia Newsroom – Sun, Dec 11, 2011
Source : http://my.news.yahoo.com/blogs/y ... oral-152505350.html
Apa yang menarik perhatian saya ketika itu ialah bagaimana satu tragedi ini telah memanggil semua anggota masyarakat untuk mengeluarkan pandangan dan pendapat. Para profesor kaji masyrakat, para akedemia, para agamawan, pekerja sosial, politikus, pemimpin masyarakat, ibu dan ayah — semuanya membincangkan tragedi kematian Jimie. Satu kematian anak kecil ini telah membuka mata setiap warga di Britain. Saya ulangi - hanya satu kes kematian - telah membuka mata seluruh negara.
Dari 2000-2006 seramai 580 bayi telah dibuang. Dari awal tahun hingga bulan Ogos ini seramai 73 bayi telah dibuang. Ada yang dijumpai di tepi tong sampah, dalam tong sampah, tertanam dalam belukar dan ada yang ditemui di rumah kosong. Seramai 29 bayi yang dibuang ini telah ditemui hidup manakala 44 orang telah ditemui mati. Ini angka rasmi dari pihak polis sendiri.
Para birokrat agama ini menggunakan api neraka, dosa dan pahala sebagai hujah dalam usaha untuk memadamkan keinginan seksual anak-anak muda. Saya menolak hujah moral sebagini. Hujah moral yang dijaja oleh para birokrat agama telah terbukti tidak membawa apa-apa makna kepada anak-anak muda yang testosterone sedang memuncak.
Saya berani berkata sedemikian kerana dari tahun 2008 — 2010 terdapat 152,000 apa yang dipanggil kelahiran anak di luar nikah. Ini adalah stastik rasmi dari Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.
Penulis ada menanya - Kenapa banyak anak2 baru lahir dr orang Melayu yg ditemui? Bagaimana dgn kaum lain? Penulis juga mengatakan ekonomi sbg satu fakta kenapa ianya berlaku.
Dr segi ekonomi, remaja kini banyak sangat duit. Ibu bapa berkerja utk mendapatkan duit, yg kemudiannya menjadi kerja utk mendapatkan kesenangan hidup. Dan oleh itu, tanggungjawab menjaga remaja ini diberikan kpd "wang ringgit" - asalkan dompet remaja penuh dan mereka tahu buang masa, ianya dianggap mencukupi sbg tanggungjawab ibu bapa.
Dlm kaum lain pun ada masalah sedemikian, aku tidak menafikannya. Dlm kaum India pula, kebanyakan ibu bapa yg berkerja biasanya akan menberikan anak2 mereka di jaga oleh kaum keluarga mereka sendiri. Banyak antara mereka masih hidup secara kelompok - walaupun bukannya serumah tetapi di kawasan yg sama. Aku melihat kaum China pun sama juga, menyebabkan proses menjaga anak di luar rumah menjadi tanggungjawab semua pihak.
Tetapi saya tengok kaum Melayu tidak sedemikian. Kebanyakan orang tua mereka akan diletakan di kampung halaman ataupun di rumah orang tua, kononnya mereka pun perlu dijaga dan ibu bapa yg sepatutnya menjaga anak2 mereka tak mampu menjaga ibu bapa mereka juga. Susah sangat ke kalau mendidik kanak dan remaja utk mencintai datuk dan nenek mereka dan menjaga mereka, sekali gus menberikan mereka sesuatu utk lakukan dlm masa lapang mereka itu. Saya rasa dr buang masa di Cyber Cafe, baik jaga generasi tua sedemikian. Dapat juga pahala.
Saya tak boleh kata saya kenal benar dgn kaum Melayu tetapi saya tengok remaja melayu macam tak takut dgn ibu bapa mereka. Aku sendiri takut dgn ibu bapa aku yg belasah saya kalau saya lambat balik rumah ataupun merayau2 malam2. Ada kawan nak jumpa pun, mesti dibawa ke rumah dan dilayan di rumah. kalau pergi ke rumah kawan, tak boleh malam2 dan harus diberitahu di mana saya pergi dan pukul berapa balik. semuanya ada "rules" dia sendiri tetapi setiap satunya ada kebaikannya. Tetapi saya melihat remaja Melayu terlalu bebas sampai tak takut dgn ibu bapa. Mungkin mereka sudah biasa sangat dgn hidup "bebas" tanpa ibu bapa mereka menanyakan mereka apa2 sampai mereka sedemikian. Oleh itu, ketidakupayaan ibu bapa mengawal anak mereka boleh dikatakan sebagai salah satu punca kenapa mereka menjadi sedemikian. |
Source : http://news.yahoo.com/video/tech ... ecret-27566497.html
50,000 female feotus are aborted every MONTH. Since 1980s, estimated 40 MILLION girls are "MISSING" through sex-selected abortion, neglect or murder.
Dowry is cultural reason and single biggest reason why Indians prefer boys.
While Dowry have been illegal for decades, it is often IGNORED.
Sad fact in India.
I remember the story of Sri Krishna cursing Asthwana with the most hideous and horrible curse in the whole epic of Mahabratha simply because he (Asthwana) choose to attack Abimanyu's unborn child - a capital punishment. And yet, today in India, we find thousands of Asthwanas, using ultrasounds to select and kill female feutus.
India, I curse you for allowing this. IF you (India) are to cease to exist tomorrow from the face of the World, you know WHY. :@ |
Source : http://gma.yahoo.com/fugates-ken ... 7843--abc-news.html
The genetic form of methemoglobinemia is caused by one of several genetic defects, according to Tefferi. The Fugates probably had a deficiency in the enzyme called cytochrome-b5 methemoglobin reductase, which is responsible for recessive congenital methemoglobinemia.
Normally, people have less than about 1 percent of methemoglobin, a type of hemoglobin that is altered by being oxidized so is useless in carrying oxygen in the blood. When those levels rise to greater than 20 percent, heart abnormalities and seizures and even death can occur.
But at levels of between 10 and 20 percent a person can develop blue skin without any other symptoms. Most of blue Fugates never suffered any health effects and lived into their 80s and 90s.
Another mystery solved.
For Ages, many Westerners (and some Indians) kept wondering why Sri Krishna was blue, thinking that there maybe some mistake in His drawing. However, as above mentioned news, blue-skinned people does exist, and they live a pretty normal life up to age 80 or 90 years old. |
March 05, 2012 - I'm happy since yesterday.
After one and half years of planning (and unforeseen financial problems), I have finally brought a PS3.
The system is a lot like X-Box 360 which I used before, so it is easy to learn. Only complain is that the game is damn expensive but I don't mind. I have an original system and I don't mind playing original games as well. |
Congrulation to all SPM students who have obtained good results (especially Hindu students). May you strive better and get better results in life as well. |
May 10, 2012
Recently, I have attended a small talk with parents (especially Indian parents) in a local sitting-in. Nothing official, just a group of people sitting down to talk. I have notice that many of them worried about their children's future.
But I have also noticed that, many Indian parents still clinged to the notion of telling their children to study either medicine, law or engineering fields. I couldn't help but to wonder, why parents don't push their children to go other fields like business? God knows we could need many Indian business enterpeneurs in Malaysia.
It is sad that Indian youngsters - once they graduate and become engineers, lawyers and doctors, could still require to work under others who are businessmen, politicians and regular people. It feels as if parents are more happy that they are doing manual work instead of being their own bosses. When asked why they don't promote their children to become business, the answers they give almost shows that they have no confidence that their children can succeed in field of commerce.
Parents ... Try to promote your children to become good business men and women. IF you continue this trend, in the end, Indian people will become professional manual labor (being doctors, engineers and lawyers - respectable only in name but in reality, have to rely on others for job and income). |
A reminder for those who is asking "Where is God?"
Enjoy. |
Mothers are like the World and Fathers are like God.
When Mothers do something for their children,
the children always know what their mothers have done.
Carry them for nine months, risk their lives to give birth.
Clean up them, feed them, keep them safe and tug them in at night.
That is why the Mothers are like the World - you can always seen what happening.
But Fathers are like God(s).
They carry you unknowingly since you are born.
They carry the heavy responsibility of keeping the family safe, protected and financially kept.
They don't scold you much (and leave that part to the Mother).
They are very strict with you, since they are worried about your future all the time.
Fathers are like God(s) - they work behind the scene and most likely do things for their family unknowingly (just as God(s) does their duties for the World and it's inhabitants from behind the scene as well). Therefore, from me to all the fathers (including God) of the World - Happy Fathers' Day. |
Congrulations to Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Pandelela Rinong Parng for bring home medals from the Olimpics. Frankly speaking, I have never thought the day Malaysian althele could score anything from the Olimpics. I'm glad that I'm wrong and hope to see more Malaysians take these two heroes as role models and bring more medals in future events.
PS : Malaysian government should reward the title of Datin to Pandelela. RM100,000 each is not enough, not for the amount they had accomplished.
Correction : The STAR newspaper are the ones who giving RM100,000 each. Good for them. No use of what the Government is going to give them. Last edited by Sephiroth on 11-8-2012 03:16 PM
Someone once asked me - Is Love worth the time? Shouldn't youngsters have better things to do?
My answer was :
Go and Love someone.
To be successful in Love, you must :
First - Convince the girl you worth her time and effect.
Second - Convince your parents she is the right one.
Third - Convince her parents you are the right one.
Fourth - Fight and find a place in the World where both of you will be happy.
Fifth - Live long enough so when you are old and look back, you will be proud of how you had loved.
Once you had done all these, look back, and see how much obstacles you had passed.
And suddenly, everything in the World will seems to be possible through the same attitude you have shown when you were in love.
So, learn to love, but fight to live - lesson learnt from a successful love affair.
Go and Love someone.
If you fail in Love,
You will feel empty inside.
Nothing will taste good, nothing will seem to be right.
Everything seems to be wrong, and you will be alone.
Your heart will stop beating and hardened like stone.
If you managed to pull yourself out of this hell,
You will notice that nothing in the World - whether good thing or bad things affects you as it did before you love.
You will live life as if without emotions, without expectations and without wants.
And your heart will not beat again - even for another one who loves you.
Lesson to be learn in unsuccessful love affair - Deattachment from the World and everything around you and machinations of the Mind.
So, do not fear to love - because whether you are succesful or failed (in love), there are a lesson to be learned either way. |
great words and postings thanks n please keep them upcoming! |
Happy Deepavalli to all Hindus who celebrate Deepavalli this year.
May this year be our final year we celebrate this wonderful festival under oppressed conditions.
Remember to do your duty in GE13, and bring down the corrupted Government. |
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