Love Doc: Q & A Here (Especially for the Ladies)
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Balas #864 bellaluna\ catat
kepastian on the relationship... |
Hi,Cik Ifan, saya nak sket ni...
Biasanya org lelaki yang baik @ sensitif dia akan bg ayat cover ke cthnya :
" saya dah tgk gambar awak,awak ni comel gak ye"( lps tu ketawa )
Maksud tersirat dia sbnrnya " awak ni tak cantik..."
Betul tak ? |
866# rikashi
hello cik rikashi,
mungkin lelaki tu bercakap benar...mungkin dier benar2 maksud kan yg perempuan tu memang cantik...knp anda berfikiran sebaliknya? |
Telling the truth is not always a good thing...
In love or relationship, both men and women hope that both party will tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but in reality, truth does not always bring a positive reaction. Of course, we want our partner to tell the truth, who doesn't? We do not want a lying partner. But can we accept the truth? Can we accept truth without punishing the other person? Maybe we can, maybe we can't. It all boils down to that particular individual.
They say truth hurts, yes...truth hurts a lot! It's easier to lie to make someone happy. |
Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 12-7-2009 20:52
hye vixen,
well, u do have the wife material absolutely, i hope you'll find a great guy someday, but here is the thing, loosen up
the "voicing my opinion out load" attitude...yeah, guys do get ...
ifanonline Post at 17-8-2006 14:41
but then Ifan,
what if they say - be yourself ? do not be pretentious?
hmm? just asking ..actually and i am bit curious |
Post Last Edit by ifanonline at 14-7-2009 18:06
869# mbhcsf
They say 'be yourself' in a relationship. It's true in some point but not in the earlier stage of a relationship. Maybe after a few months of friendship you could be yourself. |
How to know whether the other party is interested...
I think i have mention this rule in my previous posting in this thread. The rule of thumb is that both man and woman will notice the interest level between them escalate during the third date.
That's is why it is important for WOMAN to always handle the third date, and not the first one. The second date is the critical part of the 'getting to know' process. Both man and woman will have a dilemma on who should ask for the date. I strongly recommend that the man still handle the second date after the first one. Woman should always handle the third date. Man will want to go into a serious relationship with a woman after the third date.
So, the third date is critical for a woman if she is really interested in that particular guy. Ladies, do your stuff... |
Post Last Edit by bellaluna at 22-6-2011 10:45
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872# bellaluna
That person does not want to give to much hope on the relationship, both of you will have more room to breath and maybe...just maybe see new prospect, whether for the long run or short run... |
873# ifanonline
wut should i do?....let it flow...wait n c?? |
874# bellaluna
If you are still interested in that person...kawan mcm biasa...tengok reaction, perangai, sikap dier terhadap awak...you can judge a person on how they treat you... |
Nak tny,ak ad la sorng "kwn" ni..kteorng kenal pown thrugh my fren.mula2 kwn ngan dia tuh,ak x byk ckp (dlm phone)..mmg la kalu ngn orng kte x kenal kn..tp,dlm x byk ckp nyer ak tuh (ak rasa cm ak nih membosan kn jer,lam phone cm sunyi jer..cm dia ckp sorng2 ..kdng2 smpai dia kena sebut "hello2"..hhihihi)..dia ttp teruskan usaha dia call ak,4 about 8 month..lama2 ak pown cm rasa rapat ngan dia then rasa selesa ngan dia..dulu apa2 dia la duk bercerita pasal diri dia,skrg ak da berani nak cert pasal diri ak kat dia..tp,x semua ar,ak cm carefull la jgk..personal2 sgt,ak x nah cert ar kat dia..but then,come 2 d question ak nak tny ni..lama2 ngan dia,ak semcm konfius..ak nak tny la,ak ni sape pada dia kalu :
1)slalu mesej ak,tny da mkn ke?hantar mesej2 sweet2 word..pnggil ak bucuk la,sweetheart la,my princess la..haish,tp tu dulu ar..skrng da lama,x de da those things..aik,nape ek??
2)masa 1st kenal tuh,dia pernah nyanyi kn ak lagu ada band-haruskah ak mati..kalu amati betul2 lirik tuh...mmm,ntah la..ad maksud ker?then,ad lg skali dia nyanyikn tuk ak..lagu coco-mengintai langit..konfius nyer ak,ad benda yg dia nak smpai kn ker???tp,takut nak ckp..so guna la medium2 cm gituh ek?
tp,da lama kenal nih...ak ngn dia da x cm dulu sgt la...kalu berckp pown da cm dua2 cm suka main ckp perli2..huhu..x nah mengalah kalu berckp tuh..dua2 keras.tp,still wujud lg hbgn yang x diketahuan ini.tp,pada masa yg sama,leh gelak2 tuk benda yg bodo2..kdng2 kata2 dia wat kte sakit ati.ke ak yg sensitif sgt..sbb kn kalu kte syg kat orng tuh,kte akn jdi senditif kat dia,,,so2 ,ak nih da syg kat dia ker??huhu..tp,dia wat la cm ne pown,ak sakit ati ke atau kecik ati ke ngan dia..still kalu dia dtg,ak still "terima" dia.kadng2,ak rasa wat pe la,ak nak penat2 pikir pasal dia nih.rasa sedih sbb dia,rasa nak nangis sbb dia..
padahal,ak ngn dia kwn jer..ak pernah gak ar provoke dia..satu ari tuh,dia mesej ak (masa nih dia ad program..luar dr u dia).dia ckp,tetiba teringt kat orng tuh..tu yg mesej tuh.ak pown reply ar ckp "ye la,time boring je"..dia ckp,"eh,cm ne taw..x de la awk,nape lam byk2 no,no ni gak yg dimesej nyer,hurm?"..ak reply"mana orng tawu,bukn awk ke yg tawu..sbb apa?"..dia reply "ntah.jwb sndri"..aku sakit ati,mula la ..ak pown blas ar,ak reply "orng x de jwpn.malas nak jwb."..(dah dua2 ego..kepala batu)..he reply back said "ye la..huhu"..ak x jwb pape dah,malas ak dah.
korng x rasa cm dia nih,sedng main teka teki ngan ak ker?? cm main tarik2 tali..apa yg dia nak tah..penat dowh main teka teki ni.
then,esok nyer tetiba ak dpt mms dr kwn ak ..kteorng pnggil kak long (ak kenal dia nih..melalui kwn ak ni la..diorng satu course..x sama uni ngan ak..jauh uni diorng dr uni ak)..gmbar diorng berdua ms program tuh.
then,dia tny dpt x gmbar dr kak long.ak ckp dpt je,nape?.lg skali ..dia slalu wat ak ternty2..dia ckp,x de pape.ak konfius giler...apa yg nak dia smpaikan nih????huhu
aku nih sape korng rasa pada dia??? kwn??? ak rasa kdng2 kteorng cm couple (dia akn bg taw mana dia nak pegi,da bertolak ke bom,da smpai ke blom..dia akn bg taw ak,pdhal ..kdng2 ak x nah tny pown,dia yg suka rela bg taw ak..ad mslh crik ak,boring2 msj ak,call ak..tny ak mkn ape,kdg2 nasihatkn ak..kalu ak terasa ngan gurauan dia,dia akn call ak,cuba pujuk..adik ngan kakak??? (dia muda sthn dr ak)...awek/future awek??? x nah lak dia ckp,dia suka kat ak..dia just slalu ckp..yg dia "terigt kat orng tuh" atau "lama x dengar suara orng tuh" bila ak tny "rindue ker??" then,dia akan balas "erm,x kot" haish..-_-!!! atau sekadr nak test market?? tmpat persingghan?? ilangkn bosan??? atau,nak tunjuk kat kwn..ni wei,ad bdak pompuan nih,syok kat ak..cm tu??
apa ak patut ak wat..ke ak just buat bodo,ikut je rentak dia.just wait n see or x yah layan laki cm gini atau kwn je la ngan dia,maybe dia sunyi kot,x de pompuan kot nak dijdikn kwn..ak akui kdng2 dia x mesej ngan call kn,ak cm rs sunyi..rindu lak kat dia...then,smpai satu saat kalu dier cedeyh,ak pown sama sayu..ak rasa ak cm da syg kat dia la..tp dia cm ne lak??? |
877# nur_kasih
Hi, persoalannya yg perlu di tanya pada diri sendiri adalah "Adakah aku berminat dgn dier?"...Obviously dier telah memberi signal kpd awak yg dier memang minat kat awak, cuma level of interest dier tu belum dpt di pastikan...bagaimana nak pastikan level tu? Awak bagi hint la dekat dier yg awak suka berkawan dgn dier, suka bersama dier. Saya faham perasaan perempuan ni, mcm2 di spekulasi nya, tapi deep down inside awak pun minat dekat dier jugak.
Tips saya kpd awak, ajak dier kluar mkn dulu...borak2 cam biasa...see how it goes from there... |
Men like blond bombshells (and women want to look like them)
Long before TV—in 15th- and 16th- century Italy, and possibly two millennia ago—women were dying their hair blond. A recent study shows that in Iran, where exposure to Western media and culture is limited, women are actually more concerned with their body image, and want to lose more weight, than their American counterparts. It is difficult to ascribe the preferences and desires of women in 15th-century Italy and 21st-century Iran to socialization by media.
Women's desire to look like Barbie—young with small waist, large breasts, long blond hair, and blue eyes—is a direct, realistic, and sensible response to the desire of men to mate with women who look like her. There is evolutionary logic behind each of these features.
Men prefer young women in part because they tend to be healthier than older women. One accurate indicator of health is physical attractiveness; another is hair. Healthy women have lustrous, shiny hair, whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster. Because hair grows slowly, shoulder-length hair reveals several years of a woman's health status.
Men also have a universal preference for women with a low waist-to-hip ratio. They are healthier and more fertile than other women; they have an easier time conceiving a child and do so at earlier ages because they have larger amounts of essential reproductive hormones. Thus men are unconsciously seeking healthier and more fertile women when they seek women with small waists.
Until very recently, it was a mystery to evolutionary psychology why men prefer women with large breasts, since the size of a woman's breasts has no relationship to her ability to lactate. But Harvard anthropologist Frank Marlowe contends that larger, and hence heavier, breasts sag more conspicuously with age than do smaller breasts. Thus they make it easier for men to judge a woman's age (and her reproductive value) by sight—suggesting why men find women with large breasts more attractive.
Alternatively, men may prefer women with large breasts for the same reason they prefer women with small waists. A new study of Polish women shows that women with large breasts and tight waists have the greatest fecundity, indicated by their levels of two reproductive hormones (estradiol and progesterone).
Blond hair is unique in that it changes dramatically with age. Typically, young girls with light blond hair become women with brown hair. Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women. It is no coincidence that blond hair evolved in Scandinavia and northern Europe, probably as an alternative means for women to advertise their youth, as their bodies were concealed under heavy clothing.
Women with blue eyes should not be any different from those with green or brown eyes. Yet preference for blue eyes seems both universal and undeniable—in males as well as females. One explanation is that the human pupil dilates when an individual is exposed to something that she likes. For instance, the pupils of women and infants (but not men) spontaneously dilate when they see babies. Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction. And the size of the pupil is easiest to determine in blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are considered attractive as potential mates because it is easiest to determine whether they are interested in us or not. |
boleh x kalau nak tanya?? masih terima soalan x?? |
880# buterfly
silakan...soalan masih di terima... |
sori nk tnya...kalo lelaki ckp dia syg kt kita...2 sesaje ker mmg dia mksd kan ek |
882# yoshimitsu
sayang mcm mana tu? |
ntah la ifa...mayb dia just a sweet talker kot
kebanyakan benda yg dia ckp kalo melibatkan perasaan nih...aku ssh nk caya sbb dia x pnh serius
dia nih umo dh 32...agak2 lelaki umo camni mmg suka ker ckp benda2 camtu tanpa ada perasaan
dia pnh ckp...dlm otak dia xpnh ader benda lain selain 2 perkara nih...utang n keje...means dia mmg xnk ader komitmen kan |
884# yoshimitsu
utang dan keje? hahaha...dier tak serius lagi la tu...cuba kawan2 dulu dgn dier... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan