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Author: aymiens


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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 01:05 PM | Show all posts
afternoon  sis.....
eisyawanna Post at 25-3-2010 12:23

afternoon..dh makan?

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 01:12 PM | Show all posts
sajer nak share review. Q&A


Hi! lately I have been reading about an herb called pueraria mirifica that is native to thailand. I was so amazed with the wonders of this herb (breast enhancement, anti-aging, clear skin, etc)that I took the liberty to order it from a company in Thailand. I've read a lot about this herb but was wondering if you could give me any advice on the safety of this product.


Safety should always be a concern when taking any supplement.

1. Follow the product's directions to dosage and other protocal.
2. Supplement this product with calcium. Drinking plenty of milk is recommended.
3. Understand that response time varies for each individual.
4. If you are under the age of 20, do not use this product.
5. Do Not use if you have a record of hyperthyroidism or thyroid related disease, ovary and uterus disease.

6. Use the maximum dosage for no longer than six months. Some case studies suggest that you can use a half dosage for maintenance after that.

7. Always discontinue usage if you feel any adverse reaction to Pueraria Mirifica.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 01:13 PM | Show all posts

I am 27 years old and healthy. I don't have any known allergies to any herbs.Your response is telling me to treat pueraria mirifica as any other. Second, can i take fenugreek with pueraria mirifica?


Pueraria mirifica has been used for over 100 years and what studies that have been made have not found any major contraindications other than the ones that I previously mentioned.

Fenugreek seeds contains Biotin, choline, essential oils, folic acid, inosital, iron, lecithin, pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, phosphates, protein, & vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and D.

It acts as a bulk laxative, lubticates, the intestines, and reduces fever. Good for the eyes. Helps asthma and sinus problems by reducing mucus. Good for inflammation and lung disorders.

I see no reason why it would have a negative affect with Pueraria M.
I am curious as to why people select different herbs. What is it about Fenugreek that you want to use it?

Thank you for you kind & generous review.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Pueraria Mirifica [Latin] (Kwao Keur) "The Miracle Herb"  


Supplement Benefits.
Natural Breast Enlargement / Breast Enhancement

Natural Menopause Treatment / Peri Menopause

Firming of Breasts

Stimulates Blood Flow

Improves Complexion, Nourishes the Skin

Reduces Wrinkles

Combats Premature Greying of Hair, Strengthening of Hair

Rejuvenates the Body

Pueraria Mirifica Product Information.
A little known herb Pueraria Mirifica or Kwao Kreu as its called in Thailand has been used by locals as a herbal folk remedy for well over a century and used for good health and longevity due to its rejuvenating qualities. Thankfully this well kept secret has in recent years become better known to the rest of us.

One of Pueraria Mirifica,s most impressive benefits is linked to its ability increase breast size Naturally, not only may the breast size be enhanced but also the firmness and fullness of the breast maybe improved. This is fantastic news for women.

How does Pueraria Mirifica achieve this. It contains Phytoestrogens or (estrogen hormones derived from a plant) the phytoestrogens are made up of isoflavones (including genistein, puerarin, miroestrol.) These substances have very similar properties to the female hormone estrogen.

Miroestrol a unique compound found in Pueraria Mirifica possesses a high potent estrogenic activity which can help stimulate blood flow and circulation plus promote new tissue generation within the breasts, enlarging and firming the breasts naturally.

Taking Pueraria Mirifica as a natural breast enhancer is a great alternative for women instead of resorting to more drastic measures namely cosmetic surgery. With improved breast size or firming of the breasts a women gains more self confidence.

Another Huge benefit of Pueraria Mirifica is for womern in menopause, Pueraria Mirifica doesn't just simply mimic estrogen in the body the way that other therapies do, whether bioidentical or not. Instead, the herb (much like the human byproduct it resembles) acts on estrogen receptors. In more clear terms, it acts as a balancing agent: When levels of estrogen are too high, Pueraria Mirifica will tie up receptors to weaken the hormone's effects-when levels are low, the herb exerts the necessary estrogenic activity without actually increasing the amount of estrogen in your body.

An addtional benefit of Pueraria Mirifica is its ability to reverse the effects of ageing. Pueraria Mirifica,s ability to modulate a persons hormones in fact balancing them out, meaning the signs of aging connected to the body's many estrogen receptors are either stopped or reversed hence its other alias "the Fountain of Youth" which is great news in combating wrinkles, greying hair and baldness.

Other benefits
(that have been claimed by herbalists and researchers)

Boosting memory
Improving vision (and cataract problems)
Helping against osteoporosis (supports healthy bones)

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Post time 25-3-2010 01:58 PM | Show all posts
salam yaya....

lama tak jenguk kat sini.....hehheeh

dini pun nak bgtau yang berdenyut2 kat PD ni dah semakin kerap dan boleh dikatakan sepanjang masa la jugak..

semalam dini dok la belek2 PD ni...nak buat QC la konon...nak tgk ada perkembangan ke tidak.....rasanya....berbunga2 hati ni sebab dini memang perasan yg PD ni mcm nak penuh la sikit.....kiranya mcm org tiup belon...mula2 mcm kempis.....tapi lepas tu dah semakin nak kencang dgn penuh....

kiranya PD dini ni rasanya dah mula nak montok la kut......sebab dah terperasan mcm tak lembik mcm kain buruk ....selepet jer....

teruja betul la...x sabar nak tunggu menuju puncak lak.....agaknya pil thanya tu bertindak bagi montok dulu ..supaya x kendur...pastu baru nak membesar bagai ke yaya....

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 02:39 PM | Show all posts
salam yaya....

lama tak jenguk kat sini.....hehheeh

dini pun nak bgtau yang berdenyut2 kat PD ni dah semakin kerap dan boleh dikatakan sepanjang masa la jugak..

semalam dini dok la belek2 PD  ...
dinihari Post at 25-3-2010 13:58

tak boleh nak ckp..
sebab result bergantung pada individu

ade yang besar dulu..tak montok2
ade yg montok dulu..lambat besar..mcm diniharilah nih..
ade yg naik muntot dulu...
ade yang berubah kat kulit dulu..cerah sekata

senang ckp..result bergantng pada hormon level seseorang

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Post time 25-3-2010 03:28 PM | Show all posts
tak boleh nak ckp..
sebab result bergantung pada individu

ade yang besar dulu..tak montok2
ade yg montok dulu..lambat besar..mcm diniharilah nih..
ade yg naik muntot dulu...
ade yang beruba ...
aymiens Post at 25-3-2010 14:39

oic mcm tu ke yaya..

mcm dini ni muntot tu dah power dah..x perlu lagi nak besarkan....hehehe
kalau mcm case kalau montok dulu......lambat la besar ekk....

dini x kisah la..apa apa dulu..janji...mesti mencapai cita cita menuju puncak.....
at least..badan dini dah leh terima pil thanya nie.....and dah ada reaction....

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 03:34 PM | Show all posts
erm ok lah tuh
yaya baru terima order untuk botol kedua dr forumer yang awal2 dulu...
dia kata dia nak continue ngan tanyaporn ni sebab sgt puas hati dgn resultnyer
breast dia makin firm dan kulit makin cerah

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Post time 25-3-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
925# dinihari gy ambik dulu dari dinihari tp blom nmpk perubahan lg..denyut2 tu mmg ada la......

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 03:39 PM | Show all posts
925# dinihari gy ambik dulu dari dinihari tp blom nmpk perubahan lg..denyut2 tu mmg ada la......
220796 Post at 25-3-2010 15:38

sabar yer ayu..
usaha tangga kejayaan

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:01 PM | Show all posts
930# aymiens


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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Lambat gak result kat Ayu ek...
pening gak memikirkan keadaan...

lupa nak share...
instead of Vit E, pengambilan Kalsium dan susu jugak membantu

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts
salam smuaa..

baru dpt jenguk thread ni.. nk share skit, pada pendapat akk lobata ni, mmg khas ler utk meng upkan apa yg down, menegengkan apa yg kendur.. mmg mcm2 produk yg berasaskan Lobata ni atau Pueraria Mirifica ni.. tapi yg penting, kena tahu grednya la.. mcm yg adik ni share kat sini, msti gred A ni. akk tk dapek laa nk baca smua ye. but utk mreka yg nk menegegkan apa2 yg kendur, upkan yg down, montokkan mana yg lisut, mmg bagus try produk berasaskan Lobata ni, but make sure qualitynya ye.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
lobata?  mirifica?
rasenyer tak sama..

tapi thanks sbb berkongsi idea

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 04:19 PM | Show all posts
What is Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)?

Kudzu (pueraria) has been traditionally used in China to treat alcoholism, diabetes, gastroenteritis, and deafness. There are several species of pueraria throughout the world including Pueraria lobata and Pueraria Flos .

Side Effects
Hypothermia, rash, weight loss.

Reactions / Interactions
Alcohol, antiarrhythmics, anticoagulants/anti-platelet agents, benzodiazepines, bisphosphonates, cholesterol-lowering medications, diabetes medications, drugs metabolized by the liver, drugs used for high blood pressure, hormones, mecamylamine, methotrexate, neurologic agents, thyroid medications, vascular relaxant drugs, herbs and supplements with similar effects.

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:27 PM | Show all posts
What is Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)?

Kudzu (pueraria) has been traditionally used in China to treat alcoholism, diabetes, gastroenteritis, and deafness. There are several species of pueraria throughout ...
aymiens Post at 25-3-2010 16:19

ish3x.. tak sama ke dik? akk ni, hidup2 ingat Puerica Mirifa tu = Lobata.. maak aii!! sbb kan, kebanyakan produk di pasaran ker, dlm pasaran ke, slalu buh Pueriria Mirifica atau Lobata.. aduuh!! tertipuk akuk!! betul ye dik tk sama? slmkan, akk baruu je g tgk2 produk yg kuar kt tv tu, dia kira mcm tonik, kat luar kotak dia tulis Pueriria Mirifica atau Lobata.. haa! iyee..

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:30 PM | Show all posts
ish3x.. tak sama ke dik? akk ni, hidup2 ingat Puerica Mirifa tu = Lobata.. maak aii!! sbb kan, kebanyakan produk di pasaran ker, dlm pasaran ke, slalu buh Pueriria Mirifica atau Lobata.. aduuh!! t ...
sheila Post at 25-3-2010 16:27

kalau salah, minta maap dik, adakah mata ku yg bulau atau telah difailkan dlm kepala ni, benda ni adalah benda yg sama?? akukah yg salah atau info dorang yg salah (bukan adik) yg duk bagi info kat kita laah. hu3

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 04:31 PM | Show all posts
kalau ikutkan tak sama,....tapi kat sini dorang refer the Mirifica as Lobata..
tapi apa2 pun..kedua2 ialah produk berasaskan herba/tumbuhan dan sgt bagus untuk kesihatan tubuh dalam wanita.

kalau search, tumbuhan mirifica ngan lobata ni pun tak sama bentuknyer...

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Chop3x!! akk yg salah, produk kt tv tu tulis pueriria mirifica & lobata... jdik selama ini, akk hidup2 ingat Puieriria Mirifica adalah LOBATA dlm bahasa lain la kiranya.. aduuh!! salah rupanya.. nasib baik adik bagi info pada akk.. hu3  mirifica dan lobata adalah 2 benda yg berbeza cuma nama kt dpn yg sama..TQVM dik..

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Post time 25-3-2010 04:36 PM | Show all posts
932# aymiens

sy mmg mnm dgn susu full cream or susu anlene......

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