{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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And.. the Sisters Club tetap ada kat AME.  |
cheesepastry replied at 8-4-2018 09:35 PM
Kuasa macit2 bawang...FN pn bole kalahkan hana delisha. Ni mmg penangan TC ka?
Nape i rasa dia byk beli undi pkai sms..kihkih..dia kan geng arif jiwa cucu tok ti..heran arif jiwa tu bkn ramai fans pun |
I rasa paling meluat tgk FN menang award. Dah menang susah sgt ke nak naik tangga? Smpi nk kene org tolong. Lain kali kalau dah kene nominated, pakai lah yg senang buat naik turun tangga. Yg i kesian masa tya naik pentas ngan arif jiwa tu. Asal laki si tya tak naik skali. Leh tolong tya. Heartbeat i cepat masa tgk tya naik tangga tu.. patut ada yg tolong dia, bkn si perasan diva tu. |

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Post time 9-4-2018 07:32 AM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by harumanis at 9-4-2018 08:34 AM
Siakapjantan replied at 9-4-2018 01:47 AM
Nape i rasa dia byk beli undi pkai sms..kihkih..dia kan geng arif jiwa cucu tok ti..heran arif jiw ...
Welkam siakapjantan....kaka pun tak rasa FN ramai fans... |
Siakapjantan replied at 9-4-2018 01:47 AM
Nape i rasa dia byk beli undi pkai sms..kihkih..dia kan geng arif jiwa cucu tok ti..heran arif jiw ...
U nvr noe kn? Duit bnyk anything pun boleh... |
Pasal ZA tak menang pelakon filem meletop, izit because dia ada 2 percalonan? Jd yg vote mcm splited to 2.. hopefully he will only get 1 nomination for an award next time. Ape2 pun dia tetap the best lah pasal "selamat" kn hajah dari tersungkur tercium lantai. |
Asal lah hensem nyer mamat ni... |
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Lofa yg nk "terjatuh", ZA yg blushing malu.. |
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Post time 9-4-2018 08:26 AM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 9-4-2018 07:44 AM
Asal lah hensem nyer mamat ni...
Socks pun matching dgn tie...altho he's colour blind..... |

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Post time 9-4-2018 08:46 AM
From the mobile phone
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He definitely stole the limelight last night....
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harumanis replied at 9-4-2018 08:26 AM
Socks pun matching dgn tie...altho he's colour blind.....
He's used to it. Sama mcm dia dah biasa drive walau colour blind. Hopefully his kids nanti tkde yg colour blind. |
harumanis replied at 9-4-2018 08:46 AM
He definitely stole the limelight last night....
Cute pulak muka dia smlm. Make up do wonders, concealed his tired looks. Tgk AME pun pasal ZA jer... |
Nana_Man replied at 9-4-2018 07:31 AM
I rasa paling meluat tgk FN menang award. Dah menang susah sgt ke nak naik tangga? Smpi nk kene org ...
Nak ckp the same thing spjg jln mulut bebel2..tya ok je dokong arifjiwa.Now we know why zul put a distance from fawaa.Zul malu2 je although he looks out of place with the crowd.Zul mcm sesuai bigger awards his look n style mcm kat hollywood.N zul ni celebrities guys adore him ..masa zul on stage terlopong zizan kan.Masa interview pun zizan n hanif like really respect zul.It shows zul well liked by the others tak kerek gitu.Cuma few comments kat gossips kutuk zul perasan sado hensem..well he cant help it with the good looks posture n the way he carries himself. |
Exactly...i pn dah lama terpk...msa nak undi tu...sure splitlah...satu suka j rev satu suka tombiruo. kesian dia. kalau FFM award tu sesuailah nak ada 2 sbb juri yg pilih.

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Post time 9-4-2018 09:51 AM
From the mobile phone
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brums08 replied at 9-4-2018 09:21 AM
Nak ckp the same thing spjg jln mulut bebel2..tya ok je dokong arifjiwa.Now we know why zul put a ...
Tak suka tak suka tak suka FN.....
ZA mmg classy, gentleman and all that a man should be....haihhhh...kaka jatuh cinta yg ke sejuta kali..... |
brums08 replied at 9-4-2018 09:21 AM
Nak ckp the same thing spjg jln mulut bebel2..tya ok je dokong arifjiwa.Now we know why zul put a ...
Dah org tu sado hensem, ape yg nk diperasankn? Haha..
And remember zul nk woman yg independent?? Nk naik tangga pun nk org tolong.. hw to win his heart?? Aiyooo.... masa menang pun over. Mcm lah bagus sgt.. |
harumanis replied at 9-4-2018 09:51 AM
Tak suka tak suka tak suka FN.....
ZA mmg classy, gentleman and all that a man should be....hai ...
Do u realise, kiter2 yg active kat this thread tak suke FN?? |
cheesepastry replied at 9-4-2018 09:50 AM
Exactly...i pn dah lama terpk...msa nak undi tu...sure splitlah...satu suka j rev satu suka tombir ...
Actually, ada "advice" yg suruh vote ZA under Tombiruo. tu sbb if u olls ada perasan i pernah hint to vote him for Tombiruo.
His votes memang bnyk i rasa. Kalau tak, tak kn for top 5, he still make it for both movies kan? Well, just not his luck and rezeki. |
harumanis replied at 9-4-2018 09:51 AM
Tak suka tak suka tak suka FN.....
ZA mmg classy, gentleman and all that a man should be....hai ...
Hajah kasut tongkol pun bole naik except pegangkan skirt je..iols ni mmg siang malam high heels ok dgn long dress n such.Fawa takut licin jatuh kot ..lagi la malu.kak.zz ok je kan |
Although he didnt win anything last nite award really felt zuls presence.I kat rumah menunggu his appearance n when zuls is out dgn senyum2 malu rasa nak menjerit tapi hubby sebelah.Hubby pun sambil main his games tapi jeling2 juga. |
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