netto_ replied at 28-9-2017 10:22 PM
Mcm kes aku tolak cuti thn 10 ari mcm tu la. Tp tetap unpaid jgk la next month.
Tgk polisi company jugak.. Setiap company x sama.. |
Edited by addamnor at 23-2-2018 10:27 PM
ni mesti pergi private sampai tulang fibula pon gigeh dia fix walhal tak perlu pun.. sia sia jah kena pow dengan doctor tu
i would use a longer nail, and my fixation looks better than this.. dah la nail entry quite deep.. lols |
Aah..kira sekali hari cuti |
then hjg tahun ni die nk remove besi tu..ok ke?
tgk rwtn gov lembab smcm jek..saraf pn dh thimpit sbb bengkak
Edited by addamnor at 26-2-2018 11:19 PM
i need to see the latest x ray 1st before drop any comment, is it necessary to remove or just leave those implants.
general rule & common practice :
1)we dont fix fibula bone ( the small bone aside the tibia ) as it doesnt contribute much to weight bearing
2)by fixing the fibula also, the fixation becomes stiffer, not so good too.
for tibia bone to unite, fractured fibula is left unfixed to allow dynamic effect once patient starts to walk - thus accelerates the healing
ask the treating doctor, is it necessary to pose your brother to second anaesthesia and surgery?every single procedure has its own risk
please make sure the benefits outweigh the risk before signing any consent. since you are paying handsome money on them, scrutinize the details until you / your brother are satisfied. i bet the cost of those treatment is beyond 12k.. such a big money right?
government hospitals are unlike the private, the priority of operation is given to those with life threatening condition and at risk of developing the complication if any surgery being delayed rather than the merciy request by the patients. never an issue lambat or cepat as the hospitals cater so many many many patients around the district or neighbouring regions.
conclusion : it is not a sin to fix fibula, it is not a sin to remove the implant, but does your brother need that? you ve got to be clear on that part
i pun xtgk lg latest xray..as claim by other doctor from other hspital, doctor yg serve die memula tu antara 4 org pakar saraf/urat kt mlysia ni then baru proceed fix tulang die tu..klu tgk xray mmg fibula tu cm xyah fix je kan..tp xtau la time operation ape yg doc nampak..since kaki jd S ms kejadian.for me org awam ni, remove besi sbb adik tu muda lg baru nk SPM..huhu..bley tggi lg..itu je la kefahaman ktorg
tulang lelaki berhenti memanjang pada umur 16 thn secara general manakala perempuan pada usia 14 thn. tgk x ray sudah nampak kawasan pemanjangan tulang adik kamu sudah almost completely terkatup ( physis has closed). so bukan isu pemanjangan tulang di sini.
jadi isu duit la ye?hahahaha
mujur insurans bayarkan
syue86 replied at 27-2-2018 02:55 PM
jadi isu duit la ye?hahahaha
mujur insurans bayarkan
Arus lah dek... well u know the business of private hospital, without a true indication pun they can talk like it has become an absolute indication. Thats why kena pandai question jua and ada few opinions from other friends also |
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