[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari
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Sc from vid faz..
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Dasha pun ade feminat hokey.
mohon sesape yg nk dashalicious.. sila angkat jari kelingking.. hehe
noiz_phayz replied at 8-12-2017 11:00 PM
Nah. Ulang sampai lebam
so sweetlh dorg bdua ni.....
owh ye ke...sabar ye bambear...
bambear... dasha kan ade lg.. hehehehe
ninyahnoks replied at 8-12-2017 11:05 PM
Nyah faham sangat perasaan Faz...dapat suami eloks memang selalu geram nak cium dan gomol. Kekadan ...
kan..iols prasan faz mmg mcm grm je dgn fattah tu..asyik nk cium jer..hehhehe
BalangMerah replied at 9-12-2017 12:19 AM
Iolss nak tanye yg cite iran payan tu bile kuar.. kot2 same time AAC2 kat pawagam msia pun besh. B ...
Bukan ke #lazehyebipayan tu utk siaran astro first? Tapi x tau bila keluar. Tak sabar nk tgk watak faz sebagai Nur Zehan Nazleen
pls producer malaysia... iols nk BrontXFazura!!!!
mase telefilem bernard tu.. x de pun scene bersama klu x silap..
harap2 schedule dorang free, cepat2 producer yg BAGUS ye dgnjln cerite yg menarik tawar kt faz n bront.
freakyskinny replied at 9-12-2017 12:35 AM
owh ye ke...sabar ye bambear...
Meols takmo vagina palsu
BalangMerah replied at 9-12-2017 12:19 AM
Iolss nak tanye yg cite iran payan tu bile kuar.. kot2 same time AAC2 kat pawagam msia pun besh. B ...
February nanti Lah zeye Bipayan keluar. Kalau takde pertukaran la.
eely_shana replied at 9-12-2017 12:36 AM
Bukan ke #lazehyebipayan tu utk siaran astro first? Tapi x tau bila keluar. Tak sabar nk tgk watak ...
Yup betui, yg payan tu tuk astro first. Kot la kan time yg same mmg back to back iolss nenguk faz je. Heheh. Yg payan tu watak faz sbg wife yg mcm byk konflik je. Ceh pandai je iolss speku. Hihi
freakyskinny replied at 9-12-2017 12:37 AM
pls producer malaysia... iols nk BrontXFazura!!!!
mase telefilem bernard tu.. x de pun scene bers ...
Iols sokong!!
We want FazuraXbront
Both talented actors kan mesti best giler wey
filem tu akan keluar feb 2018 kt astro first.
then filem tu akan ditayangkan kt Festival Filem Iran pd Jun 2018
freakyskinny replied at 9-12-2017 12:37 AM
pls producer malaysia... iols nk BrontXFazura!!!!
mase telefilem bernard tu.. x de pun scene bers ...
Kalo under ghaz okey x chuolss rase. Hint ni boley kira ke for next projek faz. Hehe
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okay juga.Ghaz pun ade sentuhan moden. iols suke.
walaupun heols leboih dikenali dgn MV... tp polis Evo meletop.
Ghaz pun pernah direct Bront sebelum nie dlm NY cinta bersama LJ.
freakyskinny replied at 8-12-2017 11:58 PM
dekat spotify dh ade lagu the good is back..... BUT iols x de dgr sore faz dlm tu
Exactly, I just paid RM3.90 for the song on iTunes, tapi memang takde suara Faz langsung.
I macam terkilan bukan pasal RM3.90 tu tapi pasal I was so excited to hear Faz’s voice in the song tp takde langsung bunyi suara Faz dlm tu.
Edited by vous_me6 at 9-12-2017 05:07 AM
With luna & BCL
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check in...aura rmntik meresap ke dlm dri mama asyik nk berpgang tgn je dgn shuben auchhh