Kulit Kering Sampai Tak Boleh Buka Mulut!-Lagi Pengguna Tampil Hentam Serum Syaf
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MeghanK replied at 3-2-2018 01:34 PM
dia ikut kulit la uols..macam orang kata cetaphil tu bagus..i tak boleh pakai, naik bijik2 and kul ...
True that, I pakai cetaphil okay.
Tapi once my brother pakai, zappo terus makin kering kulit dia. Ala- ala menggelupas. |
knnk replied at 10-2-2018 05:50 PM
True that, I pakai cetaphil okay.
Tapi once my brother pakai, zappo terus makin kering kulit dia. ...
tu la, tengok orang duk share cetaphil bagus, rekomended by doctors lagi..tapi bila i try, habis kulit lagi teruk..nasib baik beli trial pack yang kecik tu je..nak buang pon tak rasa sayang  |
hahahaha btul gk tu..
dulu2 ai pnh gk pakai skII, berbotol2 pakai tp xcantik2 pun..
sedar diri yg mmg diri ni xcntik, terus ai tukar pakai gold water bio-essence..
jimat bganda2 duit ai, effect pd kulit ai pun lebih kurg je...
I pernah tanya something like this pada skii punya assistant. And then dia jawab kena pakai bertahun2 baru nampak kesan .
Choi laaa. Tak kuasa i nak spend beribu2 bertahun2 baru nak nampak kesan . Kesannya, I carik saja dupes. Settle..
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i baru try that Missha. x penah guna SKii so cant compare.
in terms of dia punye serum yg Night repair, better lagi ANR even they kata Missha is ANR punye dupe. ini my experience la
I read that too . Missha serum isn't as good as EL.
I ve used both Missha and SKII miracle water tho. Didn't see much difference with SKII, so I didn't bother paying so much money for it anymore. Kandungan lebih kurang sama je..Yang penting , consistent. I know someone yg pakai SKII , tapi tak double cleanse, malas pakai toner, and tak pakai sunblock . Hermmm, maybe dia ingat bayar2 mahal boleh make up for kemalasan kot. Mehh..
dah lah bkn murah pun skII tu..xmampu la ai..
Missha ni ok x?? review byk yg ckp Missha punye lagi ok dr Secret Key..tp ai xpnh try lg..
ai skrg try Cosryx snail mucin & bha blackhead tu je..
milia tu bintik2 yg slalu naik kt muka tu ke?? ai pnh buang dekat Herbaline..RM50 utk beberapa biji..tapi kalu bijik2 tu besar, RM50 tu maybe cover 2,3 bijik je.. xsakit pun, pedih sikit je sbb dia guna jarum utk extract kuar...
sorry TT sbb off-topic
di zaman gst ni better find cheaper options. i buat 10 steps korean, x pakai sk11 . but my skin looks good n im happy hehee
so i x rasa leceh nak buat 10 steps. utk yg malas lantak kome lerr...
Thanks for the info . I ade a few milia, probably caused by the Missha essence coz i read somehwere that milias are encouraged by yeat-based skincare products. Tapi i suka pakai Missha sebab it provides good hydration. I ve been using it for 2 years, my skin has been stable, and orang teka umur 8 tahun lagi muda. Heheheeh, so no reason to not use it since its quite affordable.
betul tuuuu.. kalau nak cantik takleh ler malas. Muka kan benda pertama org tgk bila jumpa. And also , apa yg kita buat masa muda( or tak buat) , akan nampak kesan bila tua. Bagus tul u buat 10 steps...
dah banyak kali pesan, beli la produk yang dijual di pharmacy. walaupon mungkin x sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit, at least kita tahu pembuatannya dikawal dari segi kebersihan.ada quality control gitu. I pakai Naruko + Nutox + Olay. Alhamdulillah, elok. Xsampai Rm50 pon sebulan.
Lagi satu boleh guna lemon/tomato bila rasa kulit kusam. letak kat peti sejuk, potong pastu gosok la kat mana yang patut |
Pakai serum hasilnya jadi seram |
eyelineronfleek replied at 5-2-2018 04:05 AM
Good Virtues and Co ni i ragu2 skit la product dia. I pernah beli their toner mist sebab tertarik ...
Same goes to me..i pernah try toner dia, rasa pedih & tak lama lepas tu breakout. Kulit i plak jenis sensitive dgn fragrance, mmg teruk la. Stop terus pakai.
Shampoo pun sama, habis naik acne kt kepala i, tukar shampoo lain takda mcm tu.. |
esteryen replied at 2-2-2018 07:30 PM
Bukan all products yg ada kat watson tu baik.
Cth terbaik this produk!
Ada je org sensitive dn organic thingy |
nazzse replied at 1-3-2018 03:47 PM
Same goes to me..i pernah try toner dia, rasa pedih & tak lama lepas tu breakout. Kulit i plak jen ...
Aku plak pkai good virtue syampoo trus dah x gugur rambut..sblm ni mcm2 syampoo pkai hsil stil sama je...klau aku tau dr dlu aku bli je good vtue ni...scrub dia pon best... |
eyelineronfleek replied at 5-2-2018 12:05 PM
Good Virtues and Co ni i ragu2 skit la product dia. I pernah beli their toner mist sebab tertarik ...
Hi...i guna la jgk produk ni esp syampoo..best sgt rmbut pon dah xgugur...scrub gn mndian dia best,makeup remover dia pon ok... |
kulit kering tu pasal dehydration..dah bercleanser berscrub pas tu pakai pulak exfoliator berasid mmg la kering kak oi. skincare ni ilmu. bukan sihir boleh muka jadi cantik sekelip mata.
n please la produk2 bukan keluaran professionals. minah buat produk ni saper? amik kimia ke tak spm dulu?
hari tu kan.. ada orang share sal this product .. melaquin.. sapa pernah dgr.. untuk exfoliate jeragat .. ada 4% hysdroquinon.. tapi kena under advice by phar,macist.... takle guna more than 6 month.. pakai malam.. besok pagi kena pakai uv protection.. tingin nak pakai .. ada cam milia dan jeragat.. kat tapi mata ni... |
adoii...dik..apesal ko percaya produk timbang kilo..kan dah mendapat...
aku dulu pakai safi rania gold bertahun2..alhamdulillah..muka mmg bersih..lepastu gatai2 la nak pakai nutox.. aku paling suke moisturizer dia...tapi malangnya..muka aku xsesuai ngn nutox..aku patah balik ke safi rania.. now..aku dah stop pakai safi rania..aku tukar ke Mary kay..alhamdulillah..aku suke sangat MK..mmg best... |
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