Tt mungkin tak minat sambung belajar budang akademik. Mungkin bole join kursus pendek, 3 bulan or 5 bulan kat kolej komuniti or mara. Kalo mara, ada dapat elaun RM 500,kalo tak salah. Bole ka join, kenal2 kawan baru sambil2 ilang bosan.
Kolej komuniti pon ada kursus2 time weekend. Boleh tengok kat dia punya website..... Harga affordable... |
Seronok lak baca respon komen2 dlm ni. Ms iols umur 26 iols buat ape eh? Enjoying my life i guess. I was 26 like 18 tahun dulu. Tinggal di bdr kecik.
Tt ni deep sgt. Ni yg sepupu uols jd escort tu kan?
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Post time 8-4-2018 09:34 PM
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chazey replied at 8-4-2018 08:20 PM
Jom tukar tempat. Ko jadi akak, akak jadi ko. Barulah ko merasa real depression gimana.
C ...
Betul tu akak im too young for this.
Kalau bole tukar tempat pon I ok je kan. Boleh jugak rasa how to be in your shoes and how to to be in my shoes kan.
Tp yg I canang sini is not everything lah. Kalau I canang what happened in my life since I 4 y/o - 26 y/o kena cop bernasib sial pulak ada yg suruh mandi bunga la buang bala pulak kan
Apa2 pun let’s not talk about that. Sebab benda tu irl pon I takde merempen kat org. It’s too sensitive even Just to think about it. Let’s keep it deep buried dlm hati je. Sebab tu kena cop “your problem is not even a problem”
Tp somehow your replies mmg buat me feel better pon. It’s like a wake up call. Ada lg org lg less fortunate betul tu.
Cuma when this time bila I rasa down, semangat hilang. I try to relate with other people. That’s all tp betul whatever u said tu kena count blessings regardless of what happen cuma sometimes, ada time yg macam our mind blocked with negativity, kesan from too much things happened.
Apa yg u cakap tu I sendiri pun selalu ckp kat diri I |
Edited by capiloton at 8-4-2018 09:45 PM
actually past relationship ni antara sebab buat i jadi depression.
bila single, i rasa life i lagi peaceful.
kekadang ada rasa empty, but rasa peaceful tu lagi berharga.
lagipun i susah nak tolerate drama, nagging, manipulation dan mental/verbal abuse.
ada relationship, tapi gaduh & drama hari2 pun tak guna.
nanti lama2 i boleh jadi sakit jiwa. hehe.
kisah keanu reeves selalu jadi inspiration i.
'You need to be happy to live, I don't.'
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 09:12 PM
Since skrg I duk rumah mmg I tgh nak improve bab ni.
Moga hidup u lebih gmbira dn bmkna lpas ni |
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Post time 8-4-2018 09:58 PM
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capiloton replied at 8-4-2018 08:10 PM
TT punya kisah lebih kurang sama dengan aku.
lost motivation and lost direction.
sampai aku rasa d ...
Sapa cakap parents ok je.
Mak I la cop I org takde wawasan tu.
I rasa I tau why I jd camnie. too many things kena deal with dr dulu.
Tp malas nak kutip satu2 and make it as the reasons. So I just relate dgn recent incidents yg happened to my life.
That’s why end result nya bila I jd camni.
Demotivated. Lost. Zero feeling. Tak tahu apa nak capai nak buat dlm hidup.
People makes me sick.
Sampai tahap nak pegi iv utk keje pon I naik fedap nak reply soalan2 iv.
I dapat satu job yg kena deal dengan org lg. I rejected the offer. Why? Sebab I rasa I fedup nak go thru all the things.
Ikut hati I, I nak keje yg tak melibatkan org, org tak kenal I. I dapat task/tugasan, I settlekan I submit. Done.
Tp nasib selalu x menyebelahi diriku
Bila nak jogging ke apa, I sengaja pilih time and hari org kurg. Weekend mmg tak la I nak pegi jogging di celah2 manusia.
I keluar pon mmg utk memenuhi basic necessities in life skrg ni. Lagi2 tak keje ni.
Makin I nak avoid everyone.
Raya, family gathering ke apa.
Paling I malas. Kan best kalau boleh avoid.
Tp at the same time, I know this is no good for me.
Tp entah lah.
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Post time 8-4-2018 10:01 PM
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noraidil_06 replied at 8-4-2018 08:32 PM
Seronok lak baca respon komen2 dlm ni. Ms iols umur 26 iols buat ape eh? Enjoying my life i guess. I ...
Deep pula kaka cop I.
Bestnya u kak 26 and enjoying life, I nak sgt mcm tu. Cuma skrg tak reti.
I kena learn how to start fresh
Haha ya la tu cousin I jd escort tu
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Post time 8-4-2018 10:03 PM
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puccafan replied at 8-4-2018 08:22 PM
Tt mungkin tak minat sambung belajar budang akademik. Mungkin bole join kursus pendek, 3 bulan or 5 ...
Betul gak tu kan.
I try la join any kursus pendek.
Betul bidang academic is too risky utk I commit skrg ni dgn mental state yg tak berapa normal takleh pikir panjang. Silap2 I pikir nak join, serabut sikit cabut lari
Thank you for all the good suggestions! Very helping indeed |
capiloton replied at 8-4-2018 09:41 PM
actually past relationship ni antara sebab buat i jadi depression.
bila single, i rasa life i lag ...
Susah juga nak memahami sesama individu .....sebab jalan dan matlamat masing2 tak sama. ..rasa kekosongan jiwa. ..diri...hati disebabkan oleh kita kehilangan sesuatu yang kita nak. ..tapi tak dapat lagi. ..dan kekosongan tu berbeza sebabnya. ...
Macam capi kata rasa tenang. ...tapi kekosongan tu tetap wujud I rasa. ..macam tu juga bagi sis TT. ....kekosongan yang sebenar2nya kita sendiri tahu apa benda yang kita tiada dan nak dalam hidup. ...cuma jadi berserabut bila bercampur banyak dengan perkara2 lain ....tapi tetap ada satu perkara utama yang belum tercapai. ...
Kecuali hidup macam . sami Buddha yang tinggalkan duniawi hidup sendiri single jauh dari kehidupan dunia (ni contoh)...dulu I ada opismate yang hidup 90% di opis. ..tidur pun di opis. ..perempuan cina. ...memang gila kerja. ...belum kawin tapi akhirnya dia ambil keputusan jadi sami di Taiwan tinggalkan family di Malaysia tinggalkan kerja. ...dia kata dah bosan menghadap duniawi. ..hehe. ..dah 9 tahun berlalu rasanya dia jadi sami. ..hi hi
Abaikan jika penjelasan I merepek. ..hehe. .. |
Edited by mbhcsf at 8-4-2018 10:09 PM
how are things with you today?
may I know - how ae you on food and sleep? any iterrupted sleeps?
or have you been tearful/weepy lately? if yes...how often ...
then ...how is your focus , susah ke nak focus?
depression may cause that but have you had this kind of thing before in the past?
depression is far too common. so it is good that you are aware on your bodily and mental health functions.
ade ke bebenda lain like events yg mana yg sedih ke berlaku kat you for the last three months macam kematian org yg terdekat / tersayang or accident ke?
u are burnt out ? tak larat ke letih ke?
have you been well in yourself ke semalam ni - sebab you pun active ye pegi gym etc...
and how is your lifestyle been thus far
well - hobby lain macam drawing ke? yg more to self expression ade ke? if ade nice jugak
or pick up new hobby yg chill relaxing photography ke
or ...majlis ilmu bukan untuk jumpa org hi hi there and what ot but ...just the best place untuk u mohon doa agar you kembali ceria balik?
or duk dalam masjid sensorang - i think masjid putra by the lake is liovely or masjid wilayah .....kinda nice...just lepk je one day and bawa lah buku ke or quran ...
y best advice to u is back to Allah - having said this i am not judging you ye but just pick up a telekung solat wuduk selepas ambik wuduk and just read
kalau nak nangis nangis... and doa...
it is okay ...
cari Allah balik...slowly and steadily...
lagi satu...just pi la buat volunetter job ...i dunno bersihkan rumahgelandangan ke...or tolong anak yatim , do something beneficial to others...
u gembirakan orang then banyak reward...
well...or cari majlsi ilmu i think lebih nice, berlungguk public lectres in many places...
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Post time 8-4-2018 10:11 PM
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Aku baru baca dua tiga point kau pon dah rasa kau tgh on depression skang dek.pls seek prof help...jgn buang masa..jumpa doctor or kaunsellor. |
dear , if you get too weepy and experiencing loads of interrupted sleeps, the i would suggest -pi kat any university hospital yg ada clinical psychologist then seek help ye, it is okay, depression is common, if everything else failed.
okay - talk to someone about it is good too...ade kekawan or parents?
then reach them , be with them ...u dont hav eto talk or actively ineracting but in your situation it is good to just be or have someone reliable and supportive.
U ni ada existensial crisis lah ni. Since u dont have any goals currently, so u rasa lost and demotivated. Pegi laa motivational courses, it may help you discover things about urself.
Hope u feel better soon |
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 08:19 PM
Maybe I should g jumpa doctor.
Ex bf I rasa I xde problem. I dah moved on. Dia yg ada problem dg ...
Cuba la u mana tau membantu. Actually it’s a phase u rasa numb ni. Sbb u tgh hadapi problem tu. Once it’s over u’ll feel better. Kalau u biar lama2 and layan perasaan lama2 mmg sedih je all the time. I dulu sampai rasa i dont get it how people can feel happy? Because i cant. I dont know how to be happy. Rasa camtu. |
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 08:46 PM
I keje almost 2 tahun dgn ex company.
Bulan 10 last year quit.
To me, u don't seem like u are depress. Traumatized a bit, yes. Get out of your bubble & start counting your blessings. Learn to make peace with yourself & your past. Until then, ko berjalan la ceruk mana dalam dunia ni hatta jumpa la laki sebaik mana pun kalau dalaman ko pun masih tak reti nak terima keadaan seadanya, semuanya tak bermakna.
I was in your shoes exactly a year ago cuma bezanya takde la aku sampai bukak thread . Malas citer sini nak PM aku tak reti lak pakai fon ni hihihI. Kalau sudi meh PM kita kawan2 alam maya. Ko tak payah nak try hard nak fake pun
noraidil_06 replied at 8-4-2018 08:00 PM
Kaka skip terus.chuols x de hutang ke noks.indahnye hidup, blh x kerja.
betul alangkah bestnya ada orang tanggung sy
teringin juga nk hidup makan tido ditanggung dapnyabangun pagi duk saje saje tapi malangnya xdapek, anaks berderet, hutang bertambun |
Edited by noraidil_06 at 8-4-2018 10:26 PM
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 09:34 PM
Betul tu akak im too young for this.
Kalau bole tukar tempat pon I ok je kan. Boleh jugak rasa ...
Uols mandi bunga best tau.kutip jelah bunga apa2.tp plg best bunga mawar.sbb wangi |
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 10:03 PM
Betul gak tu kan.
I try la join any kursus pendek.
Kaka rajin gak gi kelas kolej komuniti.tp lately asyik dpt kelas mee kuning la.buat kek la.koser tau. I is mls masak |
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 08:10 PM
Ye ke kaka
Tp I dah tak kisah lgsung pasal dia.
macam dah moveon betul2 kan |
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