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Author: Syd

All about Zoo Negara (Zoo Serangga kini dibuka!)

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:37 AM | Show all posts
Anaconda joins exhibits at soon-to-open Ulu Bendul python park


The anaconda, the world抯 largest snake, will be the star attraction at the Python Park

being developed at the Ulu Bendul recreation forest.

揥hen completed, the python park will become the first of its kind in Asia,

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:37 AM | Show all posts
babi ada la kat zoo negara...........

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:38 AM | Show all posts
SD Zoo memang saya ingin sangat nak pergi -
insyaallah kalau ada peluang next year ke usa
boleh gi SD juga - nak tengok sangat zoo dia
i think one of the  best in the world -
nak tengok besar mana crocodiles kat SD Zoo ni --
would be interesting --   juga banyak lagi binatang
yang exotic as well ---

thanks for your info --  awesome -

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:38 AM | Show all posts
SD has expands a lot for the past 2 yrs. Last yr mereka buka Monkey Trails (awesome sebab
boleh watch the monkeys from tree top level). 2 months ago mereka buka Forest tales yang
adjunct dengan Monkey Trails. Of course, SD main attraction is the Giant Panda Research
Station. The pandas are so cute! Kalau you nak tengok big crocs, better pi San Diego Wild
Animal Park (also ass. with SD Zoo). Kat SD Wild Animal park, the animals roam freely. You

can take a train that goes round the park to see all the animals. Awesome experience

Pics of panda eating bamboo leaves. Shyy...need to be very quiet

[ Last edited by  Ratu^^Jogging at 18-12-2007 01:39 AM ]

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:40 AM | Show all posts
what a NICE pictures...
thank you sooooo much --
indeed SD Zoo memang getting nicer and nicer
over the years -- and i truly hope can spare a visit
over the next year -  would be a memorable time
saya memang suka zoo especially to see all the exotic
and mysterious and wild animals ----

kalau zoo negara expanding and cleaning up macam SDZ
alangkah bestnya -
besides  kan nak beli panda --- ke dah ada kat zoo --

saya memang suka panda bear ni  cute sangat

*teringat iklan kitkat - whereby the guy was waiting
with his camera to take a video of panda bear at the zoo
and panda didnt appear  but just about he sat down
and having his kitkat - 2 pandas appeared and doing
triple axel ice skating and stuff for a minute
and when he finished his kitkat to find the pandas again...
-- panda went back inside the rock --  funny -

a beautiful animal indeed -

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Post time 18-12-2007 01:49 AM | Show all posts
aiii...x kenal rupe babi dulu2 ke

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Post time 18-12-2007 09:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 syar's post

Tu lah.. meh aku tunjukkan rupa babi kat dia hahahahahahahaha..



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Post time 18-12-2007 09:53 PM | Show all posts

Hi ratu..

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Post time 18-12-2007 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Baru gi national zoo few weeks ago...

yup, memang rimau & singa cam kurus sket...gemuk lagi singa kat zoo taiping.... ok, to be short, aku memang suka wat zoo-hopping (ada ka words ni? )

in short, the zoo is still a nice place to visit, esp. utk warga2 kl, nak merehatkan otak & at the same time, for the kids to learn bout the animals

kebetulan, masa haku gi ari tu, zookeeper tgh bagi makan kat rimau, so, aku tau la, nama depa- fikri, manja...heheh..kiut gak nama depa.
btw, Manja tu, nama utk rimau bintang, puas la brader tu panggil nak kasi makan, dia buat dek ajek....heheh...lawak lak, gaya2 cam awek merajuk la...


zebra takde, wonder why, seko pun takde, walhal, few years back, punya la byk...
babi ada - babi hutan la kut, tak kosa nak tgk dekat2, somewhere kat bear punya exhibit...
penguin tarak...tak sesuai "musim" kut, dunno
chimpanzee pun tarak..walhal dulu punya la byk.

org utan - 2 ekor aje...& sekor tu, jantan kut, tgh merajuk jek...

crocs - as usual..idak le byk mcm masa aku kecik2 dulu, pindah kat zoo buaya melaka kut


snake - not bad, cuma 1 or 2 je yg kosong - or aku yg tak nmpk, maklum la...teknik penyamaran kan...ulor sawa yg beso gabak 2 ekor tu nampaknya dok ada lagi..yukk..geli tul...

hippo - i'm impressed...ada baby lagik...cute giler....ada byk hippo tau..4 kut & seko di asingkan, maybe jantan kut, takut makan baby hippo tu kut..i dunno...

baboon - tarak,,,.dah lama takde ni, masa kecik dulu byk..

poney/donkey - ada..maybe ada poney rdie gak kut

gajah & giraffe - la.. cam dulu gak....

monyet - ok gak, suma kandang occupied, tak cam 4 tahun dulu...

one thing 4 sure..savannah animals memang tak byk cam dulu lagik..walhal, kawasan punya la luas.

yg lelain tu, kucing hutan, puma..(puma pun ada seko  nmpk cam baru lepas beranak)...suma besa jek...

overall rating - ok la for paying rM15.00, anggap cam derma utk those animals la...

kiranya, nak sedapkan ati, aku anggap binatang2 tu dipindahkan kat zoo2 lain di mesia ni la...zoo taiping not bad tau..

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Post time 18-12-2007 11:08 PM | Show all posts
mak ai..panjang la plak...

nanti aku paste gambo..kalo rajin & ingat la..

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RatuJogging This user has been deleted
Post time 18-12-2007 11:49 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-12-2007 03:56 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-12-2007 11:41 PM | Show all posts

Chinese Alligator
Chinese alligators may have been one of the inspirations for the Asian dragon. In Chinese mythology, dragons were closely associated with water: They were the guardians of life-giving rain, but in times of fury were also capable of unleashing punishing floods. Chinese alligators can grow to a length of about 6 feet, and can often be found floating just below the surface of the water, where they stealthily await their prey. The Chinese alligator is one of the most endangered reptiles in the world.


Frilled Dragon
The frilled dragon is a small lizard found in the forest and woodlands of northern Australia. Like its name suggests, an expandable frill surrounds the dragon's head and neck, which it can open like an umbrella when frightened. If this isn't enough to scare off an enemy, the frilled dragon will rear up on its hind legs and run away-- but rather than fleeing with its tail tucked between its legs, the dragon can simply leave it behind to distract a predator.


Bearded Dragon
The bearded dragon is also native to woodlands of Australia. It has numerous spiky appendages protruding from the skin around its head, and can inflate a pouch under its chin to make itself look more menacing. The bearded dragon can change shades of color, from light to dark, to reflect certain emotional states or to help regulate its body temperature. Like the frilled dragon, it can also rear up on its hind legs and run away.


Pythons are among the largest snakes in the world, and the reticulated python of India may have been one of the inspirations behind dragon lore in ancient times. Pythons are constrictor snakes, which means they squeeze to death the birds and small mammals that they feed on. While traveling through India, the Roman naturalist, Pliny, claimed to have seen a dragon so large it could strangle an elephant. Pliny was most likely describing the reticulated python, a snake that can grow to a length of more than 30 feet. In Pliny's tale, the dragon also dies because it is crushed by the defeated elephant.


Flying Dragon
The flying dragon of Southeast Asia are small lizards that can glide between trees using wing-like folds of skin. They can grow up to 7 inches and they eat mainly ants and other small insects. Their wings are supported by five to seven ribs that extend from their bodies, and they can glide for distances of up to 30 feet. The wings are often brightly colored and patterned with stripes and dots, but they can fold their wings and blend into their surroundings when they want to remain inconspicuous.
8-7-2007 07:24 PM dexa

Komodo Dragons

The Komodo dragons of Indonesia are the world's largest living lizards. They can grow to 10 feet long and can run as fast as a dog for short stretches. Komodos hunt live prey and are capable of ambushing creatures much larger than themselves. They have a thickly muscled tail and a strong bite. Even a slight graze can be lethal and cause severe infection because of the septic bacteria that live in their saliva. Komodo dragons would have been a great candidate for the inspiration behind the mythical dragons in Europe -- except that Europeans didn't discover them until 1910.


Megalania Prisca
Although stockier and shorter than the Komodo, megalania prisca was a much larger animal. It grew to lengths of up to 30 feet and weighed nearly 1,000 pounds, making it the largest lizard the world has ever seen. Megalania roamed the Australian wilderness during the last Ice Age, and could ambush creatures twice its size and 10 times its own weight, killing them with its curved serrated teeth and large claws. It is very appropriate then that in Latin, its names means "ancient giant butcher."


Of all the creatures that ever lived, pterosaurs probably most closely resemble the dragons of European legend. Reptilian and featherless, pterosaurs flew on wings of hide that were supported by a single long and boney finger. The smallest pterosaur was the size of a sparrow, while Quetzalcoatlus -- named after the Aztec god -- had a wingspan of more than 40 feet, making it the largest flying creature ever. Quetzalcoatlus is shown here.


Sea Dragon
The sea dragon is a close relative of the sea horse. It can be found on the cool rocky reefs of southern and western Australia. While technically a fish, the sea dragon does not swim so much as sway as it imitates the movement of the seaweed and seagrass among which it makes its home. The sea dragon possesses leaflike fins and appendages that are nearly transparent, and a tube-like mouth that it uses to suction in the larval fishes and small shrimp-like crustaceans that it feeds on.


Surprise Entry: Comets
Dragons were often depicted as winged serpents with long tails, and they were often viewed as harbingers of doom or fortune. The name of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl literally means "feathered serpent." To people living in ancient times, a comet streaking through the skies with an icy tail millions of miles long would have closely resembled such a creature. This image is of comet Hyakutake. If comets were the inspiration for some dragons, it could help explain why dragons are ubiquitous in the myths and legends of so many different cultures in all corners of the world.



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Post time 20-12-2007 01:29 AM | Show all posts
ku bleh kate baru laa gak sebab bulan lime aritu gi...
mak ngai punyer penat laaa...
nak round...
ntah pe yg ku penat tapi gi jalan2 laa dgn bf ku...
dia pon letih...
myb sebab crowded dgn org pon tgh cutii...
so terase sesak sket laa mase nak beli...
ku ingat pakai tiket kertas tu,rupenyer da tak pakai...
jakun laa jap...
dia pakai yg lekat2 macam kat cosmo world times square tuhh...
besh gak berjalan tapi tak sedapnyer sebab ada yg renvate tuh...
tak dapat tgk ular byk2...
mase ku kecik2 dulu, byk ular lorr...
skrg je da tak byk..
aqurium ikan pon dia renovate gak..
rase skrg da ok lorr kott...



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Post time 20-12-2007 01:34 PM | Show all posts
apakah motif gambo ultraman itew????.....

maybe kalo gi zoo kat jopun nun, leh la jumpa ultraman & rasaksa tu kut, heheheh...

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Post time 20-12-2007 01:38 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu, masa kecik2 dulu, akuarium la yg paling best kat zoo negara....sej
ak dah takde akuarium tu, cam tak best plak...

maybe ikan2 tu pindah w/world langkawi lakut, or other places

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Post time 20-12-2007 10:38 PM | Show all posts
klakar la lu
sah2 tulisan org itew yg aku pernah baca kat bod sinun

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Post time 20-12-2007 11:44 PM | Show all posts
thread mimick terbaik aku pernah baca abad ini..

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Post time 21-12-2007 01:31 PM | Show all posts
pesal kena beggar la pulok

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:36 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Ratu^^Jogging at 21-12-2007 08:44 PM ]



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