Originally posted by IceMallet at 22-8-2007 09:37 AM
If SG got big oil company, I dun think that that company will think twice about doing business with Sudan..its just so happens that SG is not getting any business deals with Sudan
if? if? is that all you can say? msia is doing blood for oil money now, not singapore. black muslims are beingf raped and slaughtered by arab muslims now! |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #81 Debmey's post
And u still jealous... |
azzuri This user has been deleted
So why u so condemn petronas for doing business with sudan, wheres the sudan people does'nt opposed any petronas involvement in sudan? What yr proof blood for oil. so u build yr cannon for what? World peace? Stupid fool.. |
Reply #82 mat_toro's post
Dia jealous pasal takde negro homo kat sana! |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #83 Debmey's post
Jealous and in denial... muahahahahahaha.... |
Reply #85 jazim's post
ai mod..mod pun ikut perangai aku huhuhu...
si dubuk ni bising kunun yer Petronas dok finance kerajaan Sudan..bila US mintak kita sediakan dalam 2000 peacekeepers, kita pun in principle setuju, mula la dubuk carik idea lain (atau pakai idea basi) utk hentam kita lagi..but we all know why the West is so interested in Darfur..OIL laaaa..masa Rwanda dan Sierra Leone ada 'genocide', the West and the Western-country wannabe (singapoh laaa) dok senyap jer.. |
Originally posted by azzuri at 22-8-2007 11:28 AM
So why u so condemn petronas for doing business with sudan, wheres the sudan people does'nt opposed any petronas involvement in sudan? What yr proof blood for oil. so u build yr cannon for what? ...
because the oil money thru that project supports a regime that does rape and ethnic cleansing of black muslims thats why. |
Reply #88 Debmey's post
Apehal mamat dubuk ni tetiba concerned pasal black muslims?..Bila muslims kat Siam dan palestine kena bunuh, diam ajer..tak ke dia tau yg duit yg singapoh dok salur ke yahudi masa beli senjata digunakan untuk ethnic cleansing org2 arab palestine, regardless muslims or christians |
Reply #89 IceMallet's post
He got a hard-on for blacks...that's why.... |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #88 Debmey's post
hahahahaha... you expect us to believe you care?? |
Agak2 si dubuk ni "kap lam ya nga" ke atau "cha ya nun alip"? Saja nak tahu..heh heh |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #92 areguard's post
tak kisah laa... kalau melayu pun tapi bangang tetap bangang gakkk... |
Originally posted by mat_toro at 22-8-2007 03:00 PM
hahahahaha... you expect us to believe you care??
i sure know you don't care as long as its muslims doing the killing. |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #94 Debmey's post
Never claimed nothing... but you?? muahahahahahahahaha...!!! |
i don't see you complain when talibans, saddam, al qaeda, palestinians and sudan target civilians. Can your religious bigotry be less clear? |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #96 Debmey's post
we complain also you cant see maa... you blinded by racial hatred maaa...
plus u dont understand malay maaa... |
yes, i don't see you complaining, i see you people supporting hezbollah under teh pretext of peacekeeping. Shame on you. |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #98 Debmey's post
Ha! Ha! Seen the list of nations joining the Lebanese Peacekeeping force? |
yep, they are helping terrorists, no doubt about it, all of them. Thats why you won't see Singapore joining such an operation cos its meaningless and undermines Lebanon. |
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