Originally posted by abm_moktar at 23-4-2008 03:26 PM
err.. Charles De Gaulle airport ni Paris International airport ke? senang ke nak ke Paris dr sini? nak naik ape? sbb abm dtg with kids takut nanti bas susah nak naik. almaklum.. bwk stroller. ...
Charles De Gaulle memang International Airport tapi for low cost Airlines mcm Easy Jet akan landing di terminal 3.Sampai di terminal 3 tu don't worry memang ada bus cuma kalau you bawa baby I advise you ambil taxi which cost you dalam 30Euro to City of Paris.
Kalau u nak naik train,definately I tak advise because you kena jalan from Terminal 3 to Terminal 1 to get the train.Quite far juga dalam 20-25min walking distance between T1 and T3.
Kalau nak naik Easy Jet memang dari Luton Airports only.To Paris for low cost Airlines only Easy Jet.Other Airlines memang tak ada ( correct me if i;m wrong ).
Fasal stroller tu don't worry.I pun selalu travel with my 2kids.Kalau U ambil Easy Jet dia akan suruh u pergi fast lane for parent yg bawa toddler and baby ni.So you tak payah berebut dengan passanger lain.
One more thing only Easy Jet only have one flight to Paris.Time Departure if not mistaken dalam pukul 2.15pm. |
Reply #81 abm_moktar's post
belilah double stroller... |
Nak tambah sikit...
Kalau from CDG Airport to city kalau naik train you kena tukar sampai 2x so definately I'm not advise.Plus you kena naik turun tangga sampai 2-3x so memang tak sesuai dengan bawa anak kecik ni kan. |
abm plan nak spend 2 days kat disneyland.. another 1 day kat paris. or should it be the other way round..? rase mcm tak cukup jer kat paris ni 1 day..
abm plan stay hotel kat disneyland.. or is there any place/hotel sesape bole recommend. abm also dpt tau kat Paris byk Moroccon restaurant.. kat area mane yek? atau ade tak any place where we can get Mouslim food yg ok..? worse case kite mkn McD fillet o fish jek.. ke kat Paris takde McD.
another thing abm plan nak bwk bekal sambal goreng n sardin or rendang.. is there any food restriction nak msk Paris ni? |
Reply #81 abm_moktar's post
Sorry abm,
Lama tak masuk sini so reply your question.
Anyway Sis LVgirl dah reply tu.Dia banyak experience tinggal di Paris and London before. |
Sis LVgirl.. nak tumpang tanye..
macam mana kite nak pegi dari paris ke Versaille castle? naik tren atau bas yg better? saye dipahamkan area castle ni besar.. jadi kena spend 1 whole day kat sane. makan mcm mane yek? ade kedai makan or stalls? sbb abm akan ke paris 3 june, balik 7 june. plan nak visit castle ni.. tapi abm pegi dgn hubby n kids (3 yr old & 11 months old..).
area ni bole bwk stroller ke? tiket beli mcm mane? transport pegi-balik dari paris-Versaille-paris ni ade jual ke? ade jual online ke?
thank you.. |
Reply #87 abm_moktar's post
Memang ada jual online.Hari tu I beli via online saja.From Paris to versaille I nak train.I beli kat station saja.If not mistaken Euro28 for return.Dalam 50minute mcm tu perjalanan dia.Sampai kat station tu you kena jalan dalam 10minute mcm tu ke Versaille ni.
Area castle ni memang besar sangat tapi don't worry kalau you ni tak minat sejarah I rasa dalam 2hours you can cover already whole castle ni.One thing yg tak best nyer you tak boleh bawa masuk stroller masuk dalam castle tu so you kena dukung anak2 you.May be you feel a bit tired plus ramai orang kat dalam tu.
ada kedai makan kat situ tapi ( one and only ).Tak banyak choice.
Kalau rajin you boleh beli food kat outside then pergi makan kat taman kat luar tu.Memang best.Hari tu I tak ada choice so kena makan kat cafe tu memang mahal juga la. |
Reply #88 LVgirl's post
thank you sis LVgirl..
oh, bole naik tren yek..? ape name tren station yg kite stop tu..? Versaille ke?
nak masuk dlm Palace Versaille n Park2x ni kene beli tiket lain ke? children pon kene byr ke..?
pasal makanan tu..abm will beli bwk bekal dr luar. tq .. |
sis LVgirl.. lupe tanye.. ape name tren yg kite kena naik tu? |
hi.. abm nak mintak advise pasal nak jln2x kat paris ni.. below is my planned itenary. ade tak sesape yg sudi advise.. abm naik eurostar.
Tue, 3 June 2008 :
Reply #91 abm_moktar's post
Wah ! really pack nampaknya vacation nih.. sempat ker..
i tak pernah sampai paris, takat kat airport jer.. huhu. tapi dgn tentetif porgram u nih, mau melecet kaki.. sediakan plaster byk2... n bekalan snack utk anak2 tu... |
Reply #89 abm_moktar's post
Yes,kalau naik train you akan stop kat station yg tulis Versaille.
Park tu FOC tapi besar sangat.You duduk kat atas pun dah ok sebab kalau nak turun bawah banyak sangat tangga.Tak sesuai you nak bawa dengan stoller lagi kan.
Ticket just for adult only,kalau toddler and infant FOC juga. |
Reply #91 abm_moktar's post
Kalau you nak cover semua tempat yg you mention kat atas tu I advise you ambil Hip Hop Bus.Dia akan cover semua tempat2 yg you mention above.Tapi you kena baca betul2 sebab bus ni akan divide to 2bus if not mistaken.Bus A akan ikut jalan area lain and Bus B akan ikut another road.Kalau you ambil 1days pass will cost u Euro18.00 tapi kalau u beli 2day pass only cost u Euro26.00.
For kids below 3years is FOC also.
For Versaille memang I beli ticket kat station.Dia jual semua sekali kat situ.
Val de Europe tu kalau you nak skip pun tak pe sebab concept dia slightly mcm Bicester Village kat London tu.Barang pun tak banyak pilihan.Mcm I yg pakai saiz S ni memang susah nak beli jeans etc.Handbag pun I rasa Celine saja yg cantik mcm Givenchy,Dior,Ferragamo semuanya so-so saja.
Anyway Val De Europe station ni before Disneyland Station.So kiranya after you shopping kat Val De Europe ni you just ambil naik train ke sau station saja.Lagi satu from station to Val De Europe ni you turn right dan akan ambil masa 5-8minute jalan kaki untuk sampai.You akan jumpa Shopping Mall first before nak enter Val De Europe ni yer.
Untung you pergi summer time ni,you boleh spend more time kat disneyland.Sure anak2 you akan excited nanti.
Have fun. |
Reply #92 lilo_kill's post
hi lilo..
hahaha.. itu la pasal.. sbb nak gi versaille n Val De Europe, so sume kena padatkan.. tak pon klu tak sempat may be last day kite gi jln2x lagi before naik tren.. |
Reply #96 abm_moktar's post
I tak pasti fasal ticket tu kena pakai 2hari berturut-turut atau you boleh guna for another day.Nanti masa nak beli you tanya dulu.
HQ for Hip Hop bus ni close to Gallery Lafayette and Printemps.
Memang ada tempat untuk simpan stroller so you tak payah risau nak masuk sekali dengan husband you.Bila dah habis round satu castle you can come and collect.
Both place you boleh ambil gambar.No problem....you boleh posing sebanyak mana you nak. |
Reply #96 abm_moktar's post
Sis,since you tinggal kat UK ni dan you pula minat history ni don't forget pergi Leeds Castle kat daerah Kent.
Leeds Castle ni memang cantik and taman2 dia pun lawa dengan bunga2 kalau u pergi time summer mcm ni.You have to spend whole day kat sana.Boleh picnic juga.
Sekali nak masuk 14pound if not mistaken and FOC for kid below 3years. |
Tuan rumah, as nak mencelah sikit , boleh ye
As tengah mencari universiti di UK sebab akan sambung master bulan September ini. So far, kat dalam kepala ialah di Manchester atau Surrey, tapi dengar khabar cost of living di Surrey agak mahal.
Kalau boleh, As nak mintak pendapat kawan-kawan tentang kat area Surrey ni, ok ke tak. As akan pergi berdua ke sana bersama hubby. Tima kasih. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara