Reply #80 tin's post
Untuk itu RMN perlukan pangkalan hadapan bhanpiran Spratleys untuk check Chinese Navy venturing the areas dlm bentuk pangkalan kapal selam di Sepanggar..China mungkin bercita2 meluaskan pengaruhnya tetapi pada pandangan aku lebih kepada economic and political hegemony and influence rather than military.. |
Balas #80 tin\ catat
nampaknya rmaf kena tambah mrca sampai 6 skdn secepat mungkin, walaupon botak kata kemampuan sekarang masih memadai... |
Hahaha ! Landasan rahsia !
Kalau benda dah beratus meter panjang macam mana nak sembunyi ? Bukan saja UAV, satelit razaksat di angkasa pun boleh nampak dengan jelas.
Originally posted by belacan79 at 13-1-2009 09:53 AM
Tembak satu. Satu lagi leh pakai. Ader yang rahsia. Ader yang intentional. Semuanyer leh repair dalam jangka yang pendek. Itu pun kalo awak tak kena bedil dahulu. Semuanye leh nampak dan boleh diserang dahulu.
Nak bedil dulu macam mana ?
Meriam singapura sentiasa dalam jangkauan meriam Malaysia. Tapi meriam Malaysia pula sentiasa boleh bergerak ke dalam dan ke luar dari jangkauan meriam singapura pada bila-bila masa.
Reply #73 windof's post
I don抰 know how anyone could brand the Su-30MKM a flying coffin and I really don抰 care. Malaysian sukhois are not only superior to Chinese ones in terms of radar but also in terms of avionics.
As for PRC and Malaysian R-77s, I am not aware of any difference between them. |
Originally posted by tempur at 15-1-2009 09:01 AM
CHINA bukan negara penjajah..ingat tu..:victory: tapi kalau ldia awan kita sudah tentu kita kalah teruk kita tapi bukan tak melawan.....
Nak kalah dengan RRC macam mana kalau Malaysia yang kuasai ruang udara? ? |
Reply #84 BotakChinPeng's post
It is heartening to see at least someone has high confidence on our airforce..most of the time we are happy if they are flying and spareparts from Russia are still flowing in on time...the migs have done tremendous service to RMAF in terms of air superiority via the BVR and Helmet mounted side IR cueing capabilities making them a ferocious nasty fighter in knife fights..however the world has moved on..the migs may be retired soon to give way for the su30mkms. Yes the su30mkms are powerful platforms but they are new to RMAF and will takes time to develop tactics around the patform..now we need numbers since we have huge swath of space to cover..a handful of F18Ds, su30mkms and point defence Hawks are inadequate to counter the Chinese airforces. |
Reply #83 BotakChinPeng's post
Hang jangan luper..SAF ada kombinase HIMARS dan Longbow Apaches..they have demonstrated recently their capabilites to take out Astros-like area bombardment ..it's a silent warning to Malaysia that they have a solution to the roving mobile MLRS tactics that ATM may employ to pin down SAF runaways and military installations... |
Pasai apa aku macam ade bau2 dubuk je dalam tred nih .... |
Balas #81 areguard\ catat
yup, you are right.
however, to attain their objectives, their diplomacy and military might need work hand in hand.
Problem lies in PLAN's inability to sustain a prolonged presence in an area. while they have modern warships, they lack the number needed. |
Balas #82 windof\ catat
me agree...
we need more quantity with quality.
only when we have attain both, then we can start thinking of acquiring AEW&C. |
Balas #87 areguard\ catat
to Singapore, our Astros are strategic weapon. to us, their HiMARS are tactical weapon. Apache is just weapon of psychological. |
Reply #83 BotakChinPeng's post
Jalan-jalan raya di Singapura kebanyakan boleh diubah jadikan landansan untuk jet pejuang kiter. Sebab itu aku katakan all this is plan since long long ago pasal kalo tak kena bedil Astross, meriam biasa pun boleh. The point is the abiliti to deploy under whatever situasi for RSAF. There is even a special Kommand for it. Tak leh lah beritahu cam maner they will do it.
Asal tak boleh bedil dulu? Renge roket biasa precision GMRLS sekarang melebihi 85km-90km ke-atas. Itu pun belum beli ATACMs. Roket precison daripada Isreal pun boleh tahan - boleh sampai 200 km. RSAF sendiri menpunyai 150 buah jet pejuang for large patrol dan imediate deployment in emergenci yang maner jet jet pejuang boleh mengunakan precison wepon seperti JDAM(25km), JSOW(100km renge), ST Long-shot(100-120km renge) dan selanjutnyer. Seperti maner dikatakan di pos di-atas, Apache pun ader. All can be see from the air.
Satu lagi, siaper kata peluru tube arty tak leh sampai 80km renge ke-atas? Try buat reserch some isreali wepon online. kalo nasib baik, boleh jumper. Peluru arty Vulcano dari Italy pun kirakan long leged dengan renge 70-100 km ke-atas.
Ruang udara Singapura dikatakan most dense pack with SAM yang boleh konter roket dan misel enemey. Singapura telah memperolehi beratusan luncher misel I-hawk jarak serdahana dan luncher Rapier Jernas jarak dekat.
Tapi ini semua tak penting lagi. Masyarakat Singapura dan Malaysia dah terlalu rapat dan moden nak perang mutlak sama seperti situasi di Europah. We have become to sensibel. Perang mulut ader lah.
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 15-1-2009 01:32 PM ] |
Balas #92 belacan79\ catat
me agree...
we shall never go to war as long as clear head prevails.
both nations have much to lose... |
Reply #92 belacan79's post
So far I think Malaysian political heads are very clear..there is no significant return will be gained from invading your country..most of our exports went out to the global market thru your efficient ports..to invade ur puny country is like shooting our own foot...in addition, we have far more land that we possibly know how to use and manage them..another few hundreds acres of HDB flats are of no use to us.
So tell your undersieged mentality leaders not too worry about a few astros-they are toys for the army to play with..and that that Malaysian leaders are cool-headed people that will resolve issues preferably with the use of C4s..not astros |
Reply #88 tangopapa's post
Aku pun terbau camtu jugak...apa kayta kita jadi promoter match antara BCP dengan Dubuk? |
Reply #95 alphawolf's post
Bagus jugak tu..korang ada jampi atau serapah nak panggil jin Dubuk tu kemari tak?? Boleh kenal2 kan dengan abe BCP |
Reply #95 alphawolf's post
internet pun ada proxy war ka? |
Reply #94 areguard's post
SG main usefulness is strategik location for port and airport and Selat Melaka. That is all.
I dont think Sg leaders is scare of Astross. SAF has always operate and plan with possibiliti of bombardment in mind sejak Sg became independent. Even our Sg homes are made extra strong with bunkers. And the citizen is train how to react di dalam situasi seperti itu and fight back the enemy and win. Apart from Himars, nothing has change. In fact, it gave Sg an opening to buy himars. Sebelum tuh, equipmen seperti itu consider sensitif in region.
And it is not that sg leaders have seige mentaliti. It is just the way of life down here to be ready for anything and strive to be best becuz we got no resource like oil. What we have are peopel and lots of cash.
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 15-1-2009 04:24 PM ] |
Siaper tahu hukum berkhadam dengan jin ? jin islam?
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 15-1-2009 04:28 PM ] |
Oit, how come this page oni toking about an island state near the equator ? I thot the thread title was about China |
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