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Author: dexa


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Post time 9-6-2009 08:08 AM | Show all posts
fun bangat citer nih..
pash tengok ngan member..
member bantai gelak sampai tak ingat pash kat sebelah..

tp mmg fun lah citer nh..
pash bagi 4.3/5 mintang..

Use magic Report


Post time 11-6-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
rasanyer monster vs alien lagih kelaka dari citer nih

Use magic Report

Post time 14-6-2009 11:36 AM | Show all posts
bab binatang dlm tong sampah sesame street x muka x ganaz ada hati nak joint kahmunrah

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Post time 14-6-2009 10:39 PM | Show all posts
suka ngan ben stiller

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Post time 15-6-2009 12:53 PM | Show all posts
lawak gila citer neh..lagi best dari yang first.. tapi tak logik sbb takde gad lain yang pi jengah even bunyik bising sgt2 sati muzium

Use magic Report

Post time 15-6-2009 08:04 PM | Show all posts

lain macam lak aku tengok video ni

saja nak tumpang seronok tengok promo filem ni

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Post time 22-6-2009 12:52 AM | Show all posts
Banyak r goofs tuk film ni:

    * Factual errors: The Smithsonian Institution does maintain storage for items not on display in the museums but they are located throughout the Washington D.C. suburbs, not in sub basements under the museums.

    * Errors in geography: The quick cuts between scenes in the Air and Space museum, the White House, and the Lincoln memorial imply that they adjacent. However the White House is 1 mile away and the Lincoln Memorial is over 1.6 miles away.

    * Continuity: The light on top of the Capitol is first shown as on when Larry and Amelia race to the Air & Space Museum. In later shots it is off. The light is supposed to be only on on the rare occasion when the House or Senate are in session at night.

    * Factual errors: The Archives is not part of the Smithsonian Institution. It is also the U.S. Archives, not the "Federal Archives."

    * Factual errors: The Wright Flyer is seen soaring high in the night sky above D.C., yet the actual flyer was incapable of such aerial feats. The best result achieved by the flyer was a very low-level 'hop' over a distance of just 852 feet.

    * Continuity: When Larry first arrives at the Air & Space Museum he sees the twin seat, twin canopy Air Force jet with both aircrew in the cockpits looking at him. Shortly after the aircraft is shown facing the other direction (no aircrew are in the jet) and one is walking on the ground below the aircraft. Not enough time passed for the aircrew to get out of the plane nor for Larry to change his visual perspective of the jet.

    * Continuity: In the first scene that General Custer (Bill Hader) is announcing his attack plans and asks if there's any questions, he tries to pronounce Sacajawea's name the first time, he is clearly standing on a crate above everyone else. The second time he tries, he is at the same level of everyone else. On his final attempt to pronounce her name, he's back on top of the crate.

    * Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Although George Armstrong Custer is typically portrayed with long hair and referred to as General, he had been reduced to his permanent rank of Captain after the Civil War. He was a Lieutenant Colonel at the time of his death at Little Big Horn - and had also cut his hair short to protect himself against being scalped. However, it's apparent that here he's portrayed in his Civil War "glory days" - he has a major general's shoulder boards and his double-breasted frock coat has the correct number of buttons. Additionally, he has his trademark red scarf and pin he wore on it at the time. Finally, he's portrayed as the 20-something he was 12 years before his death in Montana.

    * Factual errors: During the chaotic scene in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when aircraft are flying around and rockets are preparing to launch, a US Navy aircraft carrier flight deck crew is seen preparing to launch an F-104 Starfighter. The Starfighter was a US Air Force fighter from the 1950s and 1960s, and was incapable of operating from aircraft carriers.

    * Factual errors: There is no lettering on the outside of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum indicating the name of the museum.

    * Plot holes: In the first Night at the Museum film, it was explained that at sunrise, anything that gets left outside the museum after being brought to life turns to dust. In the second film, the statue of Abraham Lincoln sits outside, so technically at sunrise after being brought to life, the statue should turn to dust.

    * Plot holes: In the end of the first movie, Nicky is told to turn the center tile in the tablet to bring everything to life. In this movie, Larry could have just turned the center tile when the fight was going on and he had the tablet in his hands.

    * Continuity: When the Wright Flyer is flying in the National Air and Space Museum, the timing chain is moving. While outside the chain has stopped moving, although the propellers are still turning. There is nothing in the plot to indicate that they ran out of gas.

    * Factual errors: Two of the paintings on the wall in the art gallery - Grant Wood's "American Gothic" and Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks" - are not part of any collection in Washington DC, but are part of the collection and on display at the Art Institute of Chicago.

    * Factual errors: Larry and Amelia Earhart take off in the original 1903 Wright Flyer. The Flyer in the Smithsonian was donated to the Smithsonian by the estate or Orville Wright. The Flyer is also only capable of carrying one person.

    * Factual errors: The Einsteins explain that the answer to the riddle is "pi", "exactly 3.141592654". Pi is an irrational number and has no exact expansion in any number of digits - the combination would literally go on forever. Furthermore it doesn't have any particular link to the pyramids.

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Napol閛n Bonaparte is heard to have a Gallic accent. It is known that he never had one to speak of, always speaking French (a second language of his) with a Corsican accent, which sounds closer to an Italian accent.

    * Continuity: When Larry is getting into his car after filming the infomercial for Daley's Devices, his assistant opens up the driver's door and Larry gets in. In the next shot, when the car is pulling up to the Museum of Natural History, Larry gets out of the passenger side door, making a comment to the "driver."

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Custer is portrayed with a southern (perhaps Virginian) accent, but was born in Ohio and raised in Michigan, and was an officer of the Union army.

    * Revealing mistakes: When the giant octopus jumps into the reflecting pond in front of the Lincoln Memorial, it shows him jumping into a pool deep enough that he has to float up a bit to have most of his body above the surface. In actuality, the pool is only 30 inches deep at the very center of the pool.

    * Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Auguste Rodin's sculpture "The Thinker" is shown to be part of the Smithsonian collection. Although the original is housed in Mus閑 Rodin in Paris, France, the National Gallery of Art (upon which the movie's "Washington Art Museum" is based) does posses one of the many duplicates.

    * Factual errors: Even though all the people may turn real, none of the rockets or airplanes would have fuel in them and would not be able to run.

    * Continuity: When the Wright brothers see Amelia Earhart fly off they say "she is good" as though they don't know who she is. Seconds later when she lands they know her name.

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Amelia Earhart describes the flying babies as "Cupids" when they are in fact "Putti".

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): In a scene with the monkeys, Ben Stiller's character mentions that the Able and Dexter are proud Capuchins when in fact, Able is a Rhesus monkey. (However, Larry is not a monkey expert.)

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Hank Azaria does Lincoln with a deep, almost accent-less voice. Lincoln came from Kentucky, and every known recollection of Lincoln's voice is that it was high-pitched, almost shrill.

    * Continuity: Larry Daley passes General Custer as he's walking through the archives. When Larry comes upon the crate, the 'frozen' Egyptians are outside of the crate with their spears. Larry looks inside and the camera shows General Custer already in the crate. Once everybody comes to life General Custer comes out of nowhere to rescue Daley riding a motorcycle with a side car.

    * Revealing mistakes: When Jedediah is in the hourglass, the surface of the sand is flat. Naturally, sand falls in a cone shape.

    * Factual errors: Custer introduces himself as "General Custer of the 7th U.S. Cavalry." He was a brevet major general only during the Civil War and, at that time, was in command of the 3rd Cavalry Division. After the war, when he commanded the 7th U.S. Cavalry, he was a lieutenant colonel.

Use magic Report

Post time 22-6-2009 12:06 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok dah semalam...
bagi 2.5 / 5.0 aje...agak boring jugak ler coz expect filem ni better than the first one..
Night At Museum 1 lagi best lah...

Use magic Report


Post time 27-6-2009 05:17 PM | Show all posts
aku nk carik dvd je..
bla my friend ckp cite pertama lg best,cm malas je nk tgk
kwn aku ckp tak sesedap cite pertama

Use magic Report

Post time 27-6-2009 05:18 PM | Show all posts
tak suker amy adams lam citer nihhannoying:kant:

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Post time 28-6-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts
dalam rotf pun ada babak kat muzium smithsonian

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Post time 28-6-2009 05:36 PM | Show all posts
yg no 1 lg best

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Post time 28-6-2009 05:58 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 29-6-2009 09:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by baduglyu at 29-6-2009 21:07

90# choolakaw

contrariwise, i thought amy adams save the movie. if shes not written in the script to be paired with ben stiller, might have been more boring. but my fav character is Kamunrah played by Han Azaria. lawak betul.

Use magic Report

Post time 1-7-2009 08:11 PM | Show all posts
bes ke erk..dh donlod tp xtgk lg..tgh cari subs..huhuhu

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Post time 2-7-2009 12:11 AM | Show all posts
hingatkan gempak sangat firaun tuh punya askarhanjing sangat:kant:

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Post time 2-7-2009 10:58 AM | Show all posts
x kesempatan tgk pon..

ingat beli dvd je laa

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Post time 2-7-2009 10:40 PM | Show all posts
xbes macam yang first??kuciwa la..kawan aku citer bes...

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Post time 6-7-2009 08:36 AM | Show all posts
tak sebagus no 1.. boring aje.. kalau ada kawan yg dah beli disc cetak rompak.. pinjam aje

Use magic Report

Post time 9-7-2009 12:19 AM | Show all posts
aku tggu je si dark vader tu keluarkan lightsaber, sekali takde la pulak.. aiseh

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