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outcast posted on 16-3-2013 06:02 PM 
Jabba the hut dok nk pompuan sexy je jahhh
Suka tgk star trek yg baru..
Chris pine....iolls inga ...
yg chris pine ni penah tak tgk heols berlakon ngan lindsay lohan dlm just my luck? citer rom com yg lawak sbb chris pine ni berlakon jd band manager yg malang...
tak sangka heols la ni berlakon jd kapitan kirk plak...
annehuda posted on 16-3-2013 08:47 PM 
yg chris pine ni penah tak tgk heols berlakon ngan lindsay lohan dlm just my luck? citer rom com y ...
a'ah dia suka berlakon romantic comedy...
just my luck tuh cute sangat citer ... lastest comedy yg berlakon ngan reese weatherspoon..
huhu tp as captain kirk , he done a great job
outcast posted on 16-3-2013 09:36 PM 
a'ah dia suka berlakon romantic comedy...
just my luck tuh cute sangat citer ... lastest comedy ...
yg citer spy wars tu ke? oklah.. skali ngan tom hardy kan?
hironakamura76 posted on 16-3-2013 10:12 PM 
Tolong vote award ni ..oversea tapi..vote citer Star Trek ni dalam Must See Movie 2013 .
http://ww ...
dah vote.. walaupun tak penah dgr anugerah hape ni? 
annehuda posted on 16-3-2013 08:47 PM 
yg chris pine ni penah tak tgk heols berlakon ngan lindsay lohan dlm just my luck? citer rom com y ...
x tgk pun citer tuh .. rasa so-so je
just my luck tuh sweet
x sabar2 nk tgk starwars nih
hironakamura76 posted on 16-3-2013 10:58 PM 
iols rasa ni award MTV UK..hehehe .ampun kalau silap...sajer jer suruh..nak meriahkan...
Aba ...
tp iols merasakan abam ben bakal kalah di tgn one direction tu.... mane leh lawan ngan fangirls one direction yg berjuta-juta lemon tu 
hironakamura76 posted on 18-3-2013 11:20 AM 
khen? cian Abam Ben
takperlah ..tak nak lah abam Ben glamor sangat nanti hidup dia takde ...
chhaaayyy.. iye2 mati.. masa sherlock duk berckp ngan molly kt lab tu iols dah terasa sherlock nk merancang sesuatu jah.. cuma cam tak tersangka kan watak moriarty tu cepat sgt mampuihnye... habeh sape nk jadi enemy sherlock peh ni?
tp iols cam speku la.. kalau baca buku die.. si moriarity ni ade assistant nama sebastian moran.. mungkinkah moriaty tu sbnrye sebastian moran? jeng jengjeng
rasanyer dlm interview abam Ben baru baru ni kata memang Moriarity dah mati ..dan sebastian moran akan jadi salah sorang villain baru sherlock ..
rasanyer moran ni akan jadi next enemy. |
tapi creator Sherlock - Mark Gatiss cakap lain.. 
Following the death of Moriarty, Sherlock fans hoping for appearances from more classic Holmes villains, such as Colonel Sebastian Moran or Charles Augustus Milverton, may be disappointed, according to co-creator Mark Gatiss.
After putting Sherlock Holmes’s biggest adversary at the centre of series two, Gatiss is now keen to create new villains rather than pit the detective against more of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s creations.
“Doyle got it right first time, he invented the supervillain,” said Gatiss, speaking to Radio Times at our annual Covers Party in London last night. “All great heroes have their Moriarty and after that you have to be very clever about trying to come up with someone who’s the equivalent otherwise they just look like a watered down version, so it’s about telling different kinds of stories.” |
hironakamura76 posted on 18-3-2013 12:09 PM 
tapi creator Sherlock - Mark Gatiss cakap lain..
villain baru la plak... sapekah agaknye? tp kalau bleh biarlah seyummy abam sherlock
iols speku yg jatuh dr bgnan tu ekceli moriaty.. bukan abam sherlock pun...si molly yg tukang kaver.. molly tu setia nau ngan sherlock walaupun dh brape kali kene rejeckt kan?

rambut baru abang ben... buruksss!!!  |
annehuda posted on 18-3-2013 11:52 AM 
iols tak setuju kalau abam sherlock ngan kaka irene adler yg keje die errr... tak sesuai sebut kt ...
hahaha...iols tak tahu pulak dia virgin..
iols tak tgk season 2 sebab belum dapat cari lagi kat KL/PJ.
baca spoiler sahaja..
maybe sebab "married" to his work..jadi kurang masa bersosial..hehehe
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